jaykore · 3 years
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jaykore · 3 years
The origins of my headcanons about Arkham!Jason’s injuries
So, one of my commenters asked if I could provide some specific instances or examples from the games to show where I get my headcanons of Jason’s long-term injuries from. Since I finally have a few hours to spare, I’ll gladly do it. This is gonna be a long post, so more below the “Keep reading” line. Also:
TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains detailed discussions and occasional pictures/video of character injuries and torture. Read at your own discretion.
Keep reading
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jaykore · 3 years
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A phone call
its been sitting in my clip studio paint for 84 yrs </3
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jaykore · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Batman (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Jason Todd Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne Summary: 
Dick’s first house is haunted, Jason doesn’t believe in ghosts, Tim is a pizza delivery boy they won’t let leave, and Damian has unfinished business.
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jaykore · 3 years
Ooh, are you doing fic recs? What are your favourite jaytim fics that you think deserve more attention (aka ones that aren't popular but should be)
Confession that I don't read very much jaytim anymore unless there's an event going on Dx So none of these are newer fics but here are some from my bookmarks that I love:
fish out of water-heybabybird (T)
Tim Drake. I am the captain of this ship," the man wheezed. It’s hard to believe what Drake is saying with the way he’s struggled to stand on his feet. His knuckles were even turning white from how hard he’s gripping the edge of the table to keep his balance. Drake continued,“You are not a prisoner. You are a guest.”“Not by choice,” Jason eyed the pointy object aimed at his throat. In other words he felt more threatened than welcomed.
Done in the Dark-always_a_birthday_girl (M)
Struggling after the loss of his father, Tim Drake tries to keep his head down and live a normal life--at least until he sees the body drop from the roof of his high school.
lil' red riding hood-WannabeMarySue (M)
Every evening, something howled in the night, and every evening that something stood closer and closer to the circle of pale light that spilled off the back porch. Huge and black and, Tim discovered on the third night, with a shock of white fur running ragged between its glowing blue eyes.
(This fic hasn't been updated in awhile but the current chapters are AMAZING)
self pity won't save you-remnantof (E)
Tim/Jason rooftop sex. An AU offshoot of Red Robin, wherein part of Tim's downward spiral includes rough/violent sex on a rooftop. Established sexual relationship, develops further throughout the story.
(Definitely read the tags and it's in second POV but it is one of the first jaytim fics I read and it has those delicious fwb to oh no there's feelings in the sequel.)
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jaykore · 3 years
the endless
 - a jaytim old guard au (the longer version but still kinda short sry)
Rating: T
WC: 2500-ish
His hope that Bruce would find him lasted until around the time he’d counted a thousand deaths in that box. After that, he’d lost hope and count and had nothing but darkness and time.
And time.
And time.
He’s on the verge of another death when he begins to hear noises for the first time in a long time. He dies and has time to die again before the lid to the coffin is wrenched open and hovering over it, panting and smiling down at him, is the most beautiful man Jason has ever seen.
“I found him,” he says into what Jason assumes is a very thin cell phone. “Bruce, I found him.”
read more on ao3!
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jaykore · 3 years
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Urban Legends #6 (Marcus To)
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jaykore · 3 years
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Teen Titans (2011) #16
I feel like we don't talk about this panel enough. For one thing, the visual composition is really cool: Tim and Jason's bodies lie in rotational symmetry under the skewed grid of shadowed lines. Then you have the red diagonals of Tim's cape shooting out across the floor.
Additionally, there's the tension of the two of them being extremely vulnerable and incredibly close. They're lying face to face, millimetres apart, unable to move, unable to speak. They're still in masks and full body armor, but the two of them look so defenseless.
Finally, I need to shout out Tim's Big Detective Brain™️. He's coming out of a drug haze, no idea where he is, can't even open his eyes, but he's still able to deduce who's lying in front of him. He knows Jason by the sound of his breathing. He knows him by his scent.
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jaykore · 3 years
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I mean…. that’s true.
So is the reverse? You know, the one that actually applies to Jason and Tim?
That you’re not magically siblings in any meaningful way when you’ve literally met once - when one you beat the shit out of the other - and you’re both in your late teens?
It’s not as though Jason just… moved out lol. 
And like, try reminding one of these people that post-Flashpoint no one is officially adopted by Bruce, that DC has repeatedly stated that Damian is Bruce’s only son, that they went back to calling Dick and Jason Bruce’s wards, and they just… ignore you and keep insisting they’re all “canonically” legally adopted like words don’t have meanings and just pull out of a bunch of panels of DICK, specifically, calling them his brothers like there’s only one way people call each other ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ and it’s ALWAYS the literal way. 
The hoops you have to jump through to maintain this idea of Batfamily as literal family and shove them into nuclear family dynamics (as opposed to the found family that the Bats really are) is worthy of Haley’s Circus. The mental gymnastics make the Flying Grayson’s look like amateur’s. 
AND even IF Jason and Tim were brothers - even if they were related by blood - they’re not real. The implication here that people who ship fictional incest not only want to fuck their siblings but would actually do it is disgusting. I’m absolutely baffled that people can think this way. 
I honestly don’t ever remember making these kind of assumptions as a teenager.
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jaykore · 3 years
Did you take down your Patreon? 🥺
I did 🥺 I'm sorry!
For now. For the foreseeable future. This year has taken a toll on me and a close family member is dealing with some stuff so all my time is going to my people right now. It didn't feel right to leave it up and having to apologize month to month for the lack of content was awful.
Maybe in the future when I'm feeling like I am back in a creative mood and can actually dedicate some time. -fingers crossed-
Thank you to everyone for understanding 💕💕💕
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jaykore · 3 years
This is so beautiful I have died and gone to heaven please look at these soft bois omg Jason's faaaaace gets me every time. This is the face of love. Everything about this is 👌🏻 😤
Thank you so much @wasterella my love! And thank you to @faevorite-main-blog for the amazing piece.
I'm just gonna... stare at this now. Don't mind me!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @jaykore @tanekore from the AMAZING @isthatbloodonhisshirt ❤️❤️ THIS BEAN LOVES YOU SO MUCH MY DUDE. ❤️❤️ *yeets Blood’s present at you * I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS AND HAVE THE BESTEST OF ALL BIRTHDAYS. You are the COOLEST cat around!
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jaykore · 3 years
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I am finally allowed to post my pieces for the @jaytheredbird​ zine! We were given a little free rein, so I wanted to explore an alternate reality where Jason may have stayed with Ra’s following his death/resurrection. Hope you like Part 2!
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jaykore · 3 years
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I am finally allowed to post my pieces for the @jaytheredbird zine! We were given a little free rein, so I wanted to explore an alternate reality where Jason may have stayed with Ra’s following his death/resurrection. Hope you like Part 1!
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jaykore · 3 years
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they’re not wearing masks because i didn’t feel like it and that’s it
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jaykore · 3 years
JayTim Fic Masterlist
(Last Updated: February 7, 2021)
Works in Progress
Secret Witness (34k, ao3) CSI except with ghosts.
A Hope Like You (15k, ao3) A/b/o with single dad Jason and identity porn.
Silver and shadow and vision of things not seen (8k, ao3) WW2 and post-WW2 urban fantasy noir.
In the Shadows of Gotham (1k, ao3 I tumblr) Buzzfeed Unsolved AU.
Revenant (1k, ao3 I tumblr) Sad ghost headcanon.
Turn yourself toward home (4k, ao3) Retired pirate seeks retired navy officer.
The space between us (8k, ao3) Mr. & Mrs. Smith in space.
Hold me (like you held on to life) (6k, ao3) Vampire sex to spite the parents.
If I know you (4k, ao3) Annoyed witch cares for sleeping prince.
Lifelong learning (5k, ao3) College, but it’s not an AU.
safe with me (14k, ao3) Figuring out intimacy, with a dash of d/s.
Ornamental (2k, ao3) Christmas party butt plug fun.
Far away (1k, ao3 I tumblr) + So close (1k, ao3 I tumblr) Tim’s in space and then he’s not.
Like no other pain (2k, ao3) Soulmates, but Tim makes it angsty.
If I had a type (then baby it would be you) (1k, ao3 I tumblr) One-night stand with surprise bondmark.  
The Sacredness of Tears (13k, ao3) Tim gets the ability to travel through time, but somehow that’s not the main story.
The Reluctant Brides (13k, ao3) Genderbent regency. Bonus Tumblr Drabble One and Two
Adamare (9k, ao3 I tumblr: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Harry Potter AU.
What demons they carry (5k, ao3 I tumblr: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) Outsider POV of demon!Tim.
Shelter (19k, ao3) Royalty arranged marriage.
glaukopis, promachos, atrytone (4k, ao3 I tumblr:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) A god and his reincarnated lover.
Not the hurricane (2k, ao3 I tumblr) Soft handjobs.
Night falling softly and without mercy (4k, ao3 I tumblr) When you want to marry your bodyguard but are pretty sure he means to kill you.
Reasons to be jealous (4k, ao3 I tumblr) Unfounded jealousy crack. Side DickDami.
Just a fool for you (6k, ao3 I tumblr) The Regency Daemon Thing. (Part two of ‘foolish, perhabs’)
A fool’s game (1k, ao3 I tumblr) Outsider POV of The Regency Daemon Thing. (Part one of ‘foolish, perhabs’)
A fool to believe (2k, ao3 I tumblr) Epistolary companion to The Regency Daemon Thing. (Part three of ‘foolish, perhabs’)
Blood will tell (9k, ao3) October Daye AU.
So easy to begin (4k, ao3) Dealin’ with fear toxin and trauma, a/b/o-style.
Somebody ring the alarm (2k, ao3) Strangers flirting while undercover.
To love and to honour (6k, ao3) Five anniversaries and a wedding.
A question of trust (3k, ao3) Jason hides an injury.
The Wedding Job (3k, ao3) Leverage-style heist.
One day the slipper fits (2k, ao3) The perils of not-dating.
Tumblr Ficlets
I’m also gradually posting these to ao3.
Everyone wants the Costco cookies
Tim starts talking to an alien 
A first kiss in the moonlight
The frog and the stablehand
College Rivals and Soulmates + Part Two
A regency fic in which the marriage arranges itself
Tim is sick at the office
Two actresses at a premiere, holding hands + Prequel: Two actresses pining
Lending an ear (also with RoyDick) + Bruce and Olli get involved
Soulmarks and lies
“You don’t wanna get involved with me”
Touch-starved Talon Tim
Omega/omega forbidden love
2 a.m. at the flower shop
A visit from the future
I thought fairies are bigger
Are you crying? (Break-up)
Sleepless night better spent in other ways
Too many rumors
Leaving + Following
Tough city, full of tough guys
Terrible at breaking up
Carrying your photograph
Bruce finds out
Distraction at breakfast
Trying to figure you out
Jason wearing glasses
‘Can’t let you go’ kiss + the next morning
Tea with Alfred
A first date
An old married couple, temporarily far apart
“Most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”
Post-apocalypse decisions (“It’s always been you”)
Awkward flirting
A soulmark that says “Please don’t leave me”
Stop pulling heroic shit without me
Married for the aliens
Unexpected cuddles
Cuddles on a rainy day
Cyborg AU
Hades and Persephone AU
Regency misunderstandings
Accents and ‘fighting’
Surprise Baby Acquisition
“It’s you I love, not her.”
Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt
Helping brush their hair after a shower
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“Who hurt you?” (Jason edition)
“Is this okay?”
“Who hurt you?” (Tim edition)
Strangers at a gala
A black ribbon (Vampire AU)
De-aged cuddles
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jaykore · 3 years
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“Be my robin.”
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jaykore · 3 years
I just joined the dc fandom and I love your art! I'm not following very many people so do you have any recommendations?
Hi, and welcome to the fandom! :D
personally I mostly follow artists, all of them insanely talented, but out of the top of my head:
@s-mscott @bulletsxlattes @acidulication  @knacknics @symeona @lilalou-draws @13th-wheel @tammysart @hains-mae @cherrymiko-art @bitterleafs @jaykore @inkydandy @hzor15 @abisalli @spaceboykenny @crimson--lux @whipbogard (<-- his description says it’s an 18+ only blog, so please be careful if you’re underage) @leendraws @kirameku @asebury @joequinones @jjmk-jjmk @kurawastaken @cryptocism @02png @pentapoda @flaffizz @alextoddart @toixx @avataraandy @apleye
(sorry for undoubtedly forgetting about a million of them T^T)
But I’m sure you’ll find your happiness amongst these :)
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