izaknewton1234 · 10 days
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izaknewton1234 · 11 days
Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was you father's...
hi ok fuck google ai but i am sobbinggbdkfhd
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[ID in ALT text]
Kaeden Larte AND her home planet Raada's names being spelled wrong... Nyx Okami's name spelled wrong..... LUKE SKYWALKER?? im losing my mind
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izaknewton1234 · 17 days
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That's a weird dog mate
*yelling coming from the living room.*
Leo: Percy! Come here Percy! See what I mean!
Percy: No, I don’t see what you mean!
Annabeth: *stopping in the doorway where Piper and Nico are leaning against the doorframe eating popcorn. * What’s going on?
Piper: They’re fighting over whose name would make a better dogs name.
Annabeth: They’re what?
Percy: Leo is a much better name for a dog!
Leo: Sit, Percy.
Percy: I’m right.
Leo: Percy, drop it!
Percy: I’m going to hit you.
Leo: Staaaay! Percy, stay! See it’s a great name for a dog.
Percy: *chucking something across the room at Leo*
Nico: *from the doorway* Fetch Leo! Fetch!
Percy: Ah ha!
Nico: Percy’s right. Leo does work better.
Percy: Boom! Nico has spoken.
Leo: What about Nico for a dogs name.
Nico: No.
Percy: Nico’s a cat’s name.
Annabeth: Cat.
Piper: So a cat.
Nico: Suck it Valdez.
Frank: *entering the room* What’s going on?
Leo: What about Frank!
Frank: What?
Everyone: Come here, Frank! Good boy, Frank. Who’s a good dog! Good job, Frank.
Frank: I’m scared.
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izaknewton1234 · 17 days
sherlock holmes deduces you are trans before you've figured it out yourself and refers to you with those pronouns and then when you look confused is like "ah...had you not arrived at that conclusion yet?" and wafts away in his dressing gown to smoke seventeen pipes, leaving you in a gender crisis
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izaknewton1234 · 2 months
So like is Spock quoting Egypt? History channel was onto something here...
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izaknewton1234 · 4 months
My favorite is when cool flashed out side character hooks up with the MC and looses all character and becomes a plank. Like great job you served your purpose, now you are a house wife, let's focus on the real story!
if your personal least fave isn’t on here reblog and tell me what it is!! but also reblog anyways because it’s nice :]
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izaknewton1234 · 8 months
In the beginning of Fiona and Cake, Finn takes Simon on a blind adventure. Simon sees it as absolutely pointless, but Finn believes it will help Simon the same way hall of egress helped Finn. The whole show parallels the hall of egress episode. Both Finn and Simon are stuck repeating the same cycle "blindly" untill something were "different".
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In the second episode Finn comes off incredibly silly, but he gave Simon a piece of sound advice
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izaknewton1234 · 9 months
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"Just move forwards, Simon! Well, maybe I don't want to move forwards!"
Okay, so it’s pretty damn obvious that Simon’s whole rant here is not just about the physical act of moving forwards through the Time Room. Like, I don’t need to explain what ‘moving forwards’ means in this case, right? But… the thing I’ve been thinking of is that the metaphor here might actually extend more than just this one line.
Because, yeah, Simon does need to move forwards. Metaphorically because embracing change and accepting you can’t actually go back to some idealized past where things were Better is the only way he can actually be happier. And literally because there is an Angry Beetle Cop out to murder his head off for the crime of being chosen by God as a sapient hard-drive. 
But moving on is hard, and you know why?
Because it is hard to move forwards in this silly little mumu.  
And again, this is both metaphorical and literal. Simon is fully aware that he should move forwards with his life, but this robe is yet another painful reminder of the trauma he’s trying to move on from. Yet another example of people treating him like he’s Ice King. Yet another symbol that him being Simon again is seen as some sort of a mistake.
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And also, it’s just obviously physically, literally uncomfortable for him to move in this thing.
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Simon was forced into a fit designed for a Wizard who could Fly. He’s constantly lifting it up and being so careful about his steps as to not stumble on it, and also trying so hard to not flash his genitalia to God and God’s two OCs that he shoved in his brain. Not to mention he’s running around the Time Room barefoot. And, like, at least when Ice King wore this he still had underpants.
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But the thing is.... like, okay, the thing about the Shorts Scene is that it is kinda unfair Fionna got her outfit upgraded into a more comfortable variant while Simon still has to wear the Trauma Robes. But the important thing to remember is that Fionna got those lovely shorts because she explicitly complained about the skirt.
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You can say that Simon’s problems should’ve been Obvious and maybe that’s true… but it’s still notable that unlike Fionna, who immediately complained when she started to find her outfit kinda uncomfortable - Simon lets out one sarcastic grumble when he first gets the robe and then just keeps his mouth shut and quietly wallows in his misery until he reached his breaking point. 
That seems notable especially with what we see of Simon in “Simon Petrikov” and how hard it is for him to be honest with his loved ones about his problems. 
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I’ve seen some people express some anger at the way Finn and Marceline acted towards Simon during that episode. Saying they didn’t care about Simon enough. But Simon was deliberately hiding his struggles from them - and especially from Marcy. You know, he opened up to Finn and Finn was honestly doing what he thought was best. The problem being that Finn is pretty-messed-up himself and not good at therapy.
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And Simon decided the best solution was just to drop the whole thing and pretend that Finn’s adventure did help as a way to end that nightmare without directly confronting him about Actually Making Things Worse. As far as Finn is concerned, Simon was doing badly and is now doing well. And as far as Marcy is concerned Simon is doing just fine! And this situation is not likely to change unless Simon actually speaks up!
Of course, this is easier said than done. I mean, like I said, he was TRYING to open up to Finn and from his perspective, got punished for even trying out for help.
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And with the mumu, the situation is a even more complicated. Yes, Simon didn’t speak up when he had the chance to say ‘hey, actually it’s also pretty hard to run around barefoot in a robe! I would like some Pants please!” But also… where Finn and Marceline have both expressed nothing but genuine concern for Simon and take his issues very seriously in their own way - Prismo, Fionna and Cake have all been kinda callous about Simon’s situation and his mental well-being so far. 
So maybe it wasn’t totally unreasonable for Simon to assume that any attempt to assert what would make it easier for him to actually move forwards will fail. Or at least would be far too emotionally grueling to actually be worth it. I'm not saying that's for-sure what would've happened. I mean those three aren't just jerks for the sake of being jerks - it's just that Prismo is kinda occupied with his own grief-induced-depression-spiral and Fionna and Cake don't really get Simon yet. And we're surely going to get to a point in this narrative where these two genuinely care about him too sooner or later. But I can see in that moment why he would think that.
And so he keeps wallowing in the misery and resentment as it gets increasingly harder and harder to keep going forwards. Until he breaks and decide that maybe, what he actually wants is to just stop.  
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izaknewton1234 · 9 months
Distant lands disappointed me.
I was hoping to see Finn grappling with his own mortality after loosing jake, but it turned out it was about how he died an old miserable man who didn't change since he was 20.
He woke up in the afterlife found Jake and rushed to erase both of them from existence and start a new adventure.
No regrets, noone he left behind just adventurin' till he dropped dead, realizing he was never truly happy after his best friend died. Now we have a show with enough emotional intelligence to deal with Finn's abusing of escapism, but the fate of our hero is already sealed.
Adventure Time was all about escapism, going to a fantasy world where nothing made sense, and now Fionna and Cake is grappling with the consequences of escapism and its limits.
Finn uses constant adventuring and life-threatening escapades to avoid confronting his grief about losing his friend, Simon attempts to use magic to bring back the one he lost rather than confront his grief, Fionna wishes she could go to a more magical world rather than the dreary one she lives in now...
Heck, even Prismo (an all-powerful being outside of space and time) escapes from the duties of his job to watch Adventure Time.
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izaknewton1234 · 10 months
I’m really enamored with the dynamic of two characters who work perfectly in tandem, like pacific rim drift compatible level, but they don’t like each other. It’s not even as strong an emotion as hate it’s just a very neutral-negative dislike, but they still act in perfect concert and their individual abilities are fully complementary
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izaknewton1234 · 10 months
#how did I even...
# singularity
🫸what if i held my posts like this🫷
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