itsinthemovies · 9 years
[pm] Very much for real, miss. I’m Raymond of the Georgia Walshes, and I’m excellent at what I do. It would be my pleasure to unite you with someone you love for the price of two cereal boxes.
Tumblr media
[pm] Okay you’re sounding more fake, but if it’s 
For one cent less than two cereal boxes, but I guess I can’t be too picky, right? ... I’ll do it. I... well, how does this work? Where do I meet you, what do you need from me?
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
That’s great! Can I ask why?
I just love movie theaters-- well, I love movies. Always have, and, well... I dunno, I love being in the theater. I just think it’s so cool.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
Because I can’t stand it but I’m forced to spend time there.
Oh. Um... Cockroaches?
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
That wasn't- I'm not- but-
[pm] I want to talk to my parents and my brother.... Just one? ... I want my brother... I want to see all my brothers. Listen, are you for real? Because I'll do it.
You’re telling me your going to charge someone less than $11.86 to talk to the dead?
I’m saying I’ll consider making an exception for you. It’ll be eleven dollars and eighty five cents for the reunion of you and a ghost of your choice. Just the one, of course.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
You're telling me your going to charge someone less than $11.86 to talk to the dead?
That wasn’t what I wanted I was asking if you scam people out of money— I mean my parents and Jake but— wait— I agree. A small amount, hm? Small to which party— you, or the client? Just wondering.
Small, in the eyes of god. So small you couldn’t even buy two boxes of Cap’n Crunch breakfast cereal with it.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
coverthekeyholes said: Oh, you’re looking for a job at the Nordica? What kind of job? :)
Oh! Any job really! Snack stand , ticket seller, usher— I just really want to work there.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
That wasn't what I wanted I was asking if you scam people out of money— I mean my parents and Jake but— wait— I agree. A small amount, hm? Small to which party— you, or the client? Just wondering.
itsinthemovies replied to your post “If you present a groupon to me after services rendered, I will charge…”
Some peoples priorities aren’t where they should be…. But, uh, how much to you generally charge anyway? Are you like the Long Island lady? Do you rip people off because that’s what it sounds like Also talking to dead people probably-
Putting money over grief’s simply a crime, so if you want my services, they are yours. Assuredly, I charge a nominal amount just to stay solvent.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
What are your goals for the upcoming year?
Get a job at the Nordica Theater I’ve handed in about 5 applications over the last 7 months and to get my drivers license finally. 
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
Bela Lugosi’s Dead || Clive & Dani
Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, Wolfman, Bride of Frankenstei... It was a movie lovers dream. Especially after the bullshit that had happened over the last few weeks… Classics night at Nordica Theater was absolutely welcomed—even if the horror movies were, perhaps, in bad taste considering the situation. The theater wasn’t nearly as packed as it usually was, though there were quite a number of people. Robin had told her to try to get a friend to go with her (she would have gone with her, but she had an awful stomach for horror movies, even classic ones), but Dani thought she’d let Tod spend time with his family and she wasn’t sure if Andris or Lainie shared her passion for movies.
Also, she wasn’t sure if inviting Andris and Lainie would be weird. After all, Dani was pretty sure there were rules about killing a Ghoul with a guy and inviting him to a movie, and she really only talked to Lainie online when something weird was happening again… Which was always. Did that count as ‘hey friend! Come see a movie with me!’ type of friend status? Or was that too awkward and weird. It was times like this, sitting in the back of the theater with her box of candy, that she wished her brothers were here.
They, although they were absolute sports maniacs, did love a good horror movie. Then she wouldn’t even be alone in the theater. But that was okay, right? Still she found herself on the edge of her seat, carefully scanning the theater. As of late, the theater seemed like it had this bad luck charm around it—werewolves coming through the screens, visions of spiders dancing through people’s heads… Although that was Nora’s fault.
Nora! Dani jumped with a start, and cast an apologetic glance towards a couple that had startled because she had startled. She should of asked Nora to the movie! She was friends with her, right? She seemed chill enough to go with her to a movie, especially something like that. Yes, next time Tod wasn’t available- or she was too shy to ask- she’d ask Nora. That sounded like it’d be fun, and maybe she could finally see some of her paintings and stuff that Tod had mentioned to her some weeks ago.
…. She really needed to develop a better social life.
Maybe she’d show up to one of the parties kids threw over the weekend once school started up again.
…. Or, maybe not.
As she watched the trivia flash through the screen, she sighed. If the screen asked her who wrote the book Dracula one more time, before flashing Bram Stoker in glitter letters across the screen, she was gonna absolutely, positively, die. This wasn’t Twilight. Dracula did not glitter, nor was he paid more to take off his shirt every two seconds--- maybe that would have gotten more people in the seats….. Probably not. She just really wanted the movie to start. Dracula would be first, and vampires were cool.
Fake vampires were cool.
Real vampires that she assumed existed because werewolves and maras and ghouls (oh my!) existed were not cool. Probably.
Finally, the opening of the movie started to play as the lights began to dim. She could spend the next few hours getting lost in the movies. Nothing would go wrong, she didn’t even sense anything was off! So, if that was the case, what could possibly go wrong?
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
Well the knife in the one outside my house kind of makes it look like Yeah, I wasn't really planning on moving them. I heard some freaky stuff happens when you touch 'em.
Do you know anything though?
What about the skeletons? I’m staying safe, don’t worry.
Please leave them be if that is possible. There is not telling where they came them or what caused them to be in their current condition, so it is safest to leave them alone.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
[pm] Okay, maybe it wasn’t an illusion. Still, we can work something out, I hope. People I know, good people, are looking into this whole thing as we speak. As long as we keep a low profile and don’t let all the Lovecraft monsters get to us things are gonna be alright. Sort of.
Actually Bambi is the one deer I am a little afraid of. I mean, that cartoon is brutal. Yes, yes, I’ve seen Bambi, let the mocking begin. And you know what? I might have even cried, feel free to laugh at me forever. Then again I firmly believe if you do not cry during that movie you probably don’t have a soul.
Alright, slow down and pull over. You know what you’re doing if something attacks you? Dude. Monsters. Like, scary teeth, scary scales, scary everything. The kind of stuff we should leave to the professionals. Wait a second… You didn’t act too surprised when you learned about Nora’s powers, you even believed me when I said I had powers and you say you can fi Uhm… Unless you are a professional, in which case dude, you should have told me, like, way sooner because that way we could have skipped the whole Supernatural 101 talk about salt circles and crosses.
[pm] Who’s working on it? What people? Not htat I’m trying to question your friends or anything, I’m really just curious. Because if I see another skeleton in a bonnet I think I’m to throw up. 
Dude. I still cry whenever I think about the damn volcanoes from Inside Out. Bambi was like a non stop cry fest. Don’t worry, I promise I have a soul. 
Oh no. Um. Well. Kind of  know what I’m doing. Like-- uh... I’m no professional. I’m, er, well. You told me yours-- Um, well, okay. So I’m technically called a hunter, but I only just found out a few months ago-- there’s some super strength and um speed involved... Not Like the flash, but like really fast and you know. But I’m still learning, so I actually did not know about the crosses. I know a bit more about werewolves from google but Google told me Andris was a little green goblin with rainbow blood who knows what is right or wrong rather than vampires. Like how werewolves are weak to silver. 
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
Um, I haven't actually gotten near one. I ran for it to be completely honest and locked myself in my house. So they could be like giant hairy puppies with 8 legs. Probably not though.
The giant ones roaming near the edge of the woods. Think the second Harry Potter movie.
That… sucks. Like a lot. Are they aggressive assuming you’ve gotten near one?
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
The giant ones roaming near the edge of the woods. Think the second Harry Potter movie.
itsinthemovies replied to your post:General overview of creatures around so far: Blood…
Don’t forget the spiders
…What spiders?
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
[pm] It's getting a little hard to look on the bright side right now, dude! I don't think it was an illusion, I really don't but— no, no Harry Potter movies right now. It'll just upset things farther.
Agreed. Bambi will forever be Bambi.
I almost— I almost crashed into it. Crushed it. I'm not going to touch the knife, no. It's lodged into.... It's.... You don't want to know. It's horrible, so so horrible, Tod. Robin has some kitchen knives, and I have silver. You don't have to worry, I... Um... I kind of know what I'm doing if something attacks us. We don't plan on leaving our house though- it's just so creepy... What if we're dead?
[pm] Like movie-Harry Potter sized from Chamber is Secrets! Which still isn’t good! Man, and they aren’t even wizard illusions from Nora. It’s awful! ….. I dunno, I haven’t seen any deer lately, but I sure hope they aren’t all mucked up as well. 
I… Yeah. That’s the bright side, I guess. It’s scary— there’s one someone on my walkway in a bonnet and there’s a knife— never mind. But I’m sure as hell glad we aren’t them.
[pm] Bright. Sides. For all we know they might be illusions. Wicked good illusions from some other powerful magic user. Or… Something. Also do we really want to talk about the freaking Harry Potter movies now? Don’t we have enough pain to deal with already?
Do not even joke about mucked up deers. I’ve seen some dark crap, but that is crossing a line I’m not ready to cross.
Alright, uhm… Deep breaths and keep calm and don’t touch the skeleton. Not sure why, but that’s a bad idea according to the Ashkent Exorcists and you can trust them 100%. But maybe take the knife? Oh, man, I never thought I’d say this IRL. I mean, playing with weapons is bad, all sorts of bad. But, uhm, there are things everywhere and having a weapon handy is probably better than not having a weapon? That’s how it works in movies. And D&D. Oh, oh, but do not touch the knife if it’s, like, lodged in the skeleton.
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
[pm] You can’t? That’s weird. I haven’t tried.
Are you safe?
[pm] I tried messaging Andris and it didn’t go through and I tried calling the state police and my social worker and I just...Something is so wrong.
Yeah, I guess. We’re locked up in the house. 
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
[pm] Like movie-Harry Potter sized from Chamber is Secrets! Which still isn't good! Man, and they aren't even wizard illusions from Nora. It's awful! ..... I dunno, I haven't seen any deer lately, but I sure hope they aren't all mucked up as well. <p>I... Yeah. That's the bright side, I guess. It's scary— there's <strike>one</strike> someone on my walkway in a bonnet and there's a knife— never mind. But I'm sure as hell glad we aren't them. Yet.
itsinthemovies replied to your post “[pm] Tod? Tod! You and your family for out right? Please god let this…”
[pm] THANKGOD. You okay?? You’re stuck here too? Okay well… Yeah, Silent Hill plus extra bonnets. There’s more than enough to go around. I have some silver candle sticks on hand and we have a cross for vampires but did you SEE the giant spiders?
[pm] Giant spiders. Craptastic. Define ‘giant’. Like, Godzilla-sized or just, I dunno, deer-sized? Not that a deer-sized spider would be much better, but you know… Deers are supposed to make anything more adorable and innocent, right?
I’m as okay as I can be. Trying to focus on the bright sides. Like being alive, or the fact that at least I’m wearing jeans and t-shirts and not… That. 
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itsinthemovies · 9 years
Do you ever get jealous of the great hair slayers have?
Slayers hair? What's a ska— OH. Like Vampire. Wait- um, does that mean the anon knows I'm a— nah, couldn't be.
Buffy always did have nice hair. But I think mine is pretty swell too, thank you.
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