Just a normal cargo run
Chapter 1 - Next -> Masterlist Ao3
Summary: The 141. A mercenary group, gets another job given to them by Kate. Just some spice. Why is there then someone sleeping in their cargo-bay?
Warnings: Bit suggestive in the beginning, but that's about it!
A/n: If anyone is interested, I can start a taglist. Hopefully, this is going to be a longer fanfic than Heart of Home. However, it won't be as consistent, as I only have a few chapters ready. :)
Letting out a deep sigh, Price opened his eyes, a warmth seeping into his body from in front of him. Feeling around, his hands glided softly over something. Looking down he let a smile form on his face, a peaceful, sleeping Johnny staring right back at him.
He let his hand glide up, cupping the sleeping mans face softly. Leaning down, he placed a kiss to the top of his head. One that made his eyes flutter open, a smile settling on his own lips.
The little moment they had together were interrupted as the door to the room slid open a figure leaning against the frame.
“Time to get up you two sleepyheads.” Kyle chuckled, turning on the lights in the room. Johnny scowled at him, protesting lightly as he got up to chase the man. It was a daily routine.
Simon would be the one to get up first, usually awake most of the time the others sleep, to keep tabs on everything happening in ship. Only times he truly joined them was in hyperspace.
Kyle would wake next, make breakfast for all of them, and then wake the last two, who always slept in.
Price chuckled rising from the bed, watching as Johnny and Kyle disappeared out the door and down the hallway. He gathered some clothes for Johnny, as the man had run out in only the underwear he had been sleeping in.
In the main area, which also held the tiny kitchen, Price found the two men rolling around on the ground, a wide smile on each of their faces. They only stopped when Simon entered the room, pulling Johnny away from Kyle by the nape of his neck.
“Behave, both of you.” He was only wearing a few armour pieces, his helmet carefully placed on the dining table. He barely ever wore it if it was only them around, completely comfortable with them.
“Whatever ya say, Si.” Johnny snickered, taking the clothes Price handed to him, putting them on right where he stood. Even putting on a little show for the other men in the room.
He always wanted attention from them.
Price sat down at the table, a plate of food already sat up. There was one for all of them. He thanked Kyle as the man sat down beside him, placing a kiss to his temple.
This was perfect.
His dinner was interrupted by a beeping. It came from the middle of the table, the communications array they had installed being the cause. Only one person called that specific array, so they answered without hesitation.
“Hello Kate. It’s good to see you again.” A holo appeared in front of them, said woman staring at Price, as always. “Feelings’ mutual, John.” It wasn’t often the woman used his first name, even if they were friends.
Price pushed his food aside, giving Kate his full attention. “I have a job for you. Just a normal cargo run.” Everyone fell at attention. They knew what that sentence really meant. Spice. More specifically, spice that needed to be protected. They were mercenaries, not smugglers.
And Kate knew this.
“It’ll have to be picked up from Batuu, and brought to Nar Haaska. You will be compensated well, of course.” She gave no further instructions, knowing the men didn’t need them. Giving a curt goodbye, the holo disappeared.
Kyle got up from his seat, giving Simon’s helmet a quick peck as he pushed past the man. He had put it one before the holo had been answered. Kyle then headed for the cockpit. None of them were good at flying, but he was the best between them, able to navigate pretty alright.
Price had considered hiring a pilot, but ultimately decided against it when they all got together, Simon now feeling comfortable enough to take his helmet off around them. He couldn’t take that away from the man. Take away his safe space.
“Well then, seems like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” Johnny spoke, getting up from his own spot after finishing his own breakfast. “Indeed.” Simon replied, straight to the point as he followed Johnny to the kitchen, placing his plate down as well.
Price decided to leave them to their own devices, leaving his plate with them as he headed for the cockpit as well.
Kyle was preparing the ship, taking off from the small spaceport they were parked in. Port Haven had been quite kind to the mercenaries, despite being a shadow port. They had already packed everything in the cargo hold they needed from the planet, so leaving it wasn’t difficult.
Entering hyperspace went smoothly as well, leaving them all with time to kill, as the journey to Batuu was a long one, at least a standard rotations worth.
“Must be some expensive spice.” Kyle leaned back in the pilot’s seat, one that the man had practically claimed as his own out of the six seats in the cockpit.
Their ship wasn’t small by any means. It was a proper cargo ship, that could still maneuver well, if given to the right pilot.
“Considering it’s going into Hutt space, I wouldn’t believe anything less.” Price shifted a bit, folding his arms over his chest. “Think anyone will try to steal it?” “They wouldn’t dare.”
The 141. A small mercenary group. That’s what they were. And they were good at it. The Mandalorian they had on board, Simon, would make most people think twice before even approach them. Granted, that didn’t mean everyone, their frequent run ins with a certain Shadow Syndicate giving it away.
Kyle let out a quiet huff of amusement, enjoying seeing the Captain being so confident. It was endearing in a way. “Well, since we have a lot of time to kill…” Kyle got up form the pilot’s seat, plopping himself down in Price’s lap. “We still need to prepare.” Price retorted, though Kyle, as always, took it as a challenge.
“We still have time.” He pulled the older man into a kiss, keeping his hands on his shoulders. Price let out a rugged chuckle, another sign that he really should stop smoking. Kyle let his hands drift down, fiddling with the hem of Price’s shirt.
“I guess we do.”
Lush, green trees swayed in the stale wind. Dry, hot air surrounded the 141 as they exited their ship, the planets three suns beating down upon them. Johnny sneered at the suns, not the biggest fan of them, and how much they were beating down on him. Having grown up in the lower parts of Coruscant, made him unconformable with most heated suns.
“Alright, you two stay right here while we get the cargo.” Simon was the one to instruct the two, pausing right at the bottom of the ship’s ramp. His voice crackled, the modulator changing it slightly. Granted, his voice was always monotone when they were on the ship. Johnny didn’t understand how the man wasn’t sweating to death under all those layers of armour.
“‘Course Si.” Johnny nodded, jumping the last few steps of the ramp, landing with a heavy thud.
This left Johnny and Kyle to just wait for them to get back. They moved a bit away from the ship and into some shade. Kyle kept his back to the ship, but Johnny made sure to keep an eye on the ramp. They didn’t need any stragglers at the moment.
Batuu was nice and quiet, only some chatter passing them by in the spaceport, people going to and from. Johnny noted some yelling he could hear further away, but it was far enough away to were he didn’t pay it much attention.
Johnny threw a glare at Kyle as he chuckled beside him, laughing a bit at his misery. Kyle looked like he was in his element, the heat not even bothering him one bit. A given, considering he had been born and raised on Arvala-7.
He fished out a canteen from his bag, handing it to Johnny. “Don’t drink all of it.” He just rolled his eyes, taking a few sips from the canteen, letting the water inside cool him down. Once finished, he gave it back, letting Kyle take a sip as well.
That man could live on scraps of water without much problem.
Johnny let out an exasperated sigh, scrunching together his eyebrows. His mind felt muddled all of a sudden, like he hadn’t gotten enough sleep, or was waking up from a dream. He felt like he had cotton in his ears, no words registering in his head. The figures in the background became blurry-
Just as sudden as the fogginess had arrived, it disappeared. He shook his head, clearing the last of the fog. “You good, love?” Kyle’s eyebrows were knitted together in concern, a hand resting on Johnny’s shoulder. He hadn’t even noticed Kyle had placed it there.
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m good.” He leaned into Kyle’s hand as it drifted up to his cheek. “You seemed out it for a second there. You sure you’re okay?” Kyle, for all his cheekiness, truly did care for all of his lovers, essentially being their main medic alongside Simon.
Granted, they all knew how to take care of themselves.
“I’m okay, surprisingly. Whatever it was, it’s gone now.” He reassured Kyle, placing his own hand over his. Their little moment were interrupted as a man came up to them, heaving for breath, like he had been running for a while.
“So sorry to bother, but you wouldn’t happen to have seen someone run through here?” His words were laboured, as he tried to speak through the heaving. “I’m sorry, there hasn’t been anyone other than us around this ship.” Kyle answered. He just wanted the man gone, though he was also telling the truth.
The man cursed, and left without another word. “Huh, weird.” Johnny commented. Their attentions were once again dragged away, Price’s yell making them look over to the two of their lovers. They were both pushing some carts, most definitely holding the spice.
“Give a hand?”
Getting everything onboard and sorted was easy enough, all four men strong enough to carry the heavy spice chests with ease. Johnny wiped the sweat from his eyebrow, letting his body cool once more thanks to the cooling temperature inside the ship.
He narrowed his eyebrows a little as he heard a clutter, something falling to the ground. He went to pick it up, looking around as to where it could have come from. It didn’t seem that important, so he just put it down on a crate. He wasn’t a mechanic, and the ship always lost a few parts, keeping it close to where he found it was the better idea so Simon could take a look at it later.
“Off to Nar Haaska?” Johnny questioned as he joined the others inside the cockpit, all of them having filed in there for takeoff. “Yup!” Kyle spoke with enthusiasm, taking off. He couldn’t wait to get back into hyperspace, the place where he got the most time with his lovers.
It was only when he saw the magnificent colours of hyperspace that he got up. It barely took a moment for them all to scatter, Simon going to his room for some alone time, Price going to the kitchen to make them all some lunch, while Johnny stuck to Kyle.
They talked as they walked through the narrow hallways of the ship, not having a particular destination in mind. Kyle stopped just short of the door that led to the cargo hold. “Hm? Why’re we here? We’ve already secured everything.”
Kyle couldn’t put down an answer, not sure why he felt so compelled to go here. Like something was gently guiding him by the small of his back. He felt his heart slow down, drowsiness compelling him for a second. He felt like he could sleep for next few years.
His blinking slowed, eyelids feeling heavy. “Kyle… Kyle!” Johnny shook his shoulder, snapping him out of his foggy mind. “Ye good? Ye need a nap or something?” Kyle narrowed his eyes, staring daggers into the door. Johnny worried for him.
“No.” He moved into the cargo hold, gaze scanning over the many crates they had. So many weapons and rations as they spent weeks, if not months in space. “Kyle.” Johnny hurried after him, grabbing his hand. “Something’s wrong.”
This brought Johnny on edge. He knew that Kyle’s gut instincts were more right than not. “Know what it is?” Kyle just shook his head, moving further into the cargo hold, one hand on his blaster.
“Someone is here.” It was all that Kyle could give Johnny. He let his gut feeling guide him, over to one of the corners. A gentle sigh could faintly be heard behind a crate, the source soon revealed to the two men.
A person was sleeping in their cargo hold. They were wearing a cloak, the hood down showing them both their peaceful sleeping face. Their eyes blinked open, their hand rubbing away the sleep that had gathered in the corners.
Neither of them had made any noise, yet the person snapped their head up towards the two men, almost like they knew they were there. Their eyes wide and afraid. Neither men went to move, though their hands were still on their blasters, just in case.
They all just stared at each other, waiting for the other party to make the first move. The stowaway grumbled a bit, slowly raising their hands in surrender. They scrunched their face, an almost apologetic look on their face.
“Sorry for stowing away?”
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✧ SAGAU Masterlist ✧
sagau /sa-gaow/ noun meaning Self-Aware Genshin Alternate Universe, a genre of Genshin Impact fanfics set in an alternate universe where the characters of the game are either aware or partly aware of their universe being a game. In this alternate universe, the vision users or “acolytes” perceive the reader/player as their god and “creator.” The genre is closely related to the Genshin Cult!AU where the vision users of genshin greatly worship the reader/creator to the level of obsession.
✧ Descended God Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
✧ To Take For Granted
Part 2
✧ The Fourth Betrayal
Part 2
✧ Isekai’d Reader Ideas
✧ Unawakened Creator Reader Angst
✧ Genshin Cult!AU but reader really doesn’t wanna be creator
✧ Plot Armor Creator
✧ Unserious Creator
✧ SAGAU Religion
✧ Secret Creator Reader
- Main Story
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3
- Drabbles
✧ Short Secret Creator Drabble
✧ Yandere!Wanderer x Secret!Creator!Reader
Part 2
✧ Debauched Creator
─── ・ 。゚✧: *.☽ .* : ✧.───
<Request Rules>
Note: I may not be able to get to every request and updates to ongoing writings may be slow.
Will Write:
- Yandere
- Angst
Will not write:
- Incest
- Underaged Characters
About Me
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After moving to Gotham and having to deal with a stressful job, Danny has started taking walks around the city as a way to destress.
Since he knows that he could get mugged, he just becomes intangible and invisible while listening to some loud music on his phone.
Unfortunately for him, his control on his Invisibility keeps slipping when he gets lost in his music, and the people of Gotham keep seeing a semi-translucent ghost man walking around at night aimlessly.
Some thugs think it’s just a meta with invisibility and try to mug him, but pass right through and he disappears completely. This convinces them that he is a ghost, since having both invisibility, and intangibility would be too big a coincidence. Not to mention he never reacts to them whatsoever.
The Bat’s get word that a Ghost has been stalking the streets of Gotham, and he looks scarily like Bruce Wayne from the little they have been able to see from him. Now Batman thinks his dad may have come back as a ghost.
Danny is oblivious to all of this. He just likes his nightly strolls.
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The pencils breaking into smaller pencils
And why they treating word pencil like a slur. Reblog to scare ai losers away 🤭
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@blue-mosaic-tiles , @simp4lucius , @a-b-riddle *Chomp*
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ⓘ You can Bite your Friends.
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I finally figured out how layers work :D
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I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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“BAM! You’ve been hacked by Donatello!”
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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This seems fun lol
1. I was in the "mean girls" clique in my school from 3rd to 10th standard
2. I had a pet dog named optimus prime
3. I got an army of stuffed animals 😁
@blue-mosaic-tiles , @simp4lucius
Two Truths and a Lie!
Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!
and 🤔 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I’m real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I’m pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog
Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD
1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~
2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.
3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.
Tagging, but no pressure ~ @thebattlehamster @miss-bibbles @jegulus-trash @clifford-thebigreddog
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The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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would you like to be added to my taglist 🧍
Yes please :D
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the notes are broken 😂
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