inslowverse · 7 years
Your sadness is tired. Have you learnt to estimate the swallow and swallow, I wonder
i. upon touching the oak-head my father said to me, “woman // a woman!” & i shuddered to know i had changed in his eyes. my feathers drooped in the thick oil of his proclamation
a vision echoed black glaucous, indigo, & black again: i swayed & he did not stretch out his hand.
ii. on the seventh day i was prepared for swirling waters too gleeful, too vicious for night. they settled gelatinously in the divots of my plucked, weeping skin & i felt i was beautiful
at last
iii. keep // your hand // from my throat. // who does not crave the voyeur?
iv. i departed with raw body & limbs aloft, breasts raised, my flightless shadow cried out, “satisfy me // i am torn!” & god opened his ear to her
v. my deep plumage was sewn onto a satin slip reserved for her to flaunt & she preened in front of flat eyes which pacified, somehow her desire to be seen
vi. such is the functionality of man the thrush by which sight is fulfilled;
vii. that god might, on occasion, rest his tired eyes.
conception scene | fig. 3, form ii.
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inslowverse · 7 years
I overcame myself, the sufferer; I carried my own ashes to the mountains; I invented a brighter flame for myself.
Friedrich Nietzsche (via noorshirazie)
Be extravagant with the love you give yourself. You are the only one who will. 
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inslowverse · 7 years
Decide that you want it more Than you are afraid of it.
Unknown (via purplebuddhaproject)
“You create the biology of courage.  You create resilience.”
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inslowverse · 7 years
Ecstasy. From the Greek ekstasis. Meaning not what you think. Meaning not euphoria or sexual climax or even happiness. Meaning literally: a state of displacement, of being driven out of one’s senses.
Jeffrey Eugenides (via thequotejournals)
To have a distended vision that grows an orchard in the crack between concrete walls lit by a firefly, singular, blink and disappear into shapes, to how the bats hang from the fruit trees wings, black pregnant night, a window opens headlights flooding your skin a distance to eyes and world, to you and physical form like opaque silk seeping into your brain you say, this is the edge, this, you say, is a displacement of intimate knowledge
From the Greek ekstasis or Into Another Dimension - Tammanna Aurora | InSlowVerse
#60 Poetry I Found Lost In A Photograph
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inslowverse · 7 years
Viewfinder, Seascape - This is how you will feel on a Rooftop if you have never been kissed. 
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inslowverse · 7 years
Your heart drives you out of yourself, your heart pursues you, and you are almost frantic, and you cannot get back inside yourself again.
Rainer Maria Rilke, tr. by John Linton, from a journal enrty featured in “The Journal of my Other Self,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
Narrate your life back to yourself. Notice yourself in a coherent whole.
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inslowverse · 7 years
To say what it was and to forgive. It was as though he had tunnelled into another life without telling anyone, including himself. The gold in him unhardened as sun on the water. Infinite grace. Infinite possibility.
Jeanette Winterson, from “Gut Symmetries,” published c. 1998 (via violentwavesofemotion)
Take more than what is yours. That will teach you more of what you need to know.
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inslowverse · 7 years
I know what I want is impossible. If I can make my language flat enough, exact enough, if I can rinse each sentence clean enough, like washing a stone over and over again in river water, if I can find the right perch or crevice from which to record everything, if I can give myself enough white space, maybe I could do it. I could tell you this story while walking out of this story. I could—it all could—just disappear.
Maggie Nelson, The Red Parts (via fragmentarie)
Talking, feeling, falling into a void without a song.
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inslowverse · 7 years
Hindi, like Gaelic, is a colonised space. It is a language complete in itself, with its own history, literature, poetry and tradition. But more than sixty-five years after Indian independence, it has been surrounded and absorbed by English, so among the Indian middle classes it is no longer a prestige language. It is the vernacular, the language one speaks at home; one does not use it to write to the tax office, nor take one’s degree. So if it doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect – if it doesn’t matter if a noun is masculine or feminine; if a verb falls to be transitive in the past perfect; if you just use the English word, because who can remember the Hindi for mathematics or apartment or transubstantiation – then for all I wage my small battle, we’re losing the war. To speak our language perfectly – to choose to do so, despite decades of colonial influence – is another political act.
“A’ghailleann”, Iona Sharma. (via a-witches-brew)
For how do we understand ourselves if we are bound by a merging of languages and are rendered incomplete in both verses?
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inslowverse · 7 years
Electric love, dear, the kind that punishes fingertips for being immersed in skin, for withdrawing.
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inslowverse · 7 years
I only dream of your ankles brushed by dark violets, of honeybees above you murmuring into a crown. Antique queen, the night dreams on: here are the pears I have washed for you, here the heavy-winged doves, asleep by the hyacinths. Here I am, having bathed carefully in the syllables of your name, in the air and the sea of them, the sharp scent of their sea foam. What is the matter with me?
excerpt from Hail, by Mary Szybist (via silverysylph)
To dwell in figurine shops, to structure
out of fragrance upon skin. Kisses. Heavy to swallow, wasted sleep in between bodies, here, wrecked by visions, gathering in mental vacuum, touch people disappearing, vaulted over a wall, curved behind a tree, 
people disappearing in steady movement, expanding out of shape, love finishing, pushing away from itself. 
Memorise distantly  - Tammanna Aurora | InSlowVerse
#59 Poetry I Found Lost In A Photograph
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inslowverse · 7 years
Girl, aging girl, is haunted by own nothingness & devours views from windows (stories, movies, overheard talk & sights in the street, pictures in newspapers, etc.) with continuous feeling she is ‘just about’, miraculously, to come into her own – her own life.
Sylvia Plath, from The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath (via oiseauperdu)
Take the time out to re-arrange bookshelves in your bedroom before you leave home.
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inslowverse · 7 years
Repetition of thought; incomplete.
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inslowverse · 7 years
Grow the peace you do not find inside yourself in gardens, bury the calcium for your bones into the root of the lemon tree, in this way borrow strength from single stem roses, thorns cut into your fingers, petals placed on skin, find similarities in softness, the run of water on your body, travelled to grass, a space between blades to breathe, to resist, to climb up walls, and barks of other trees, crush honeysuckle into your palm and the night air will perfume around you both, like a cocoon from the darkness imagine that birds at rest have found a home here, and in these higher branches walls pale, they stretch agonisingly and disappear in the distance. 
Soothe, nature and other thoughts - Tammanna Aurora | InSlowVerse
#58 Poetry I Found Lost In A Photograph
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inslowverse · 7 years
Choose to close in on yourself
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inslowverse · 7 years
Finding methods that calm my surface tension.
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stain it down onto something 
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inslowverse · 7 years
There are parts of you that want the sadness. Find them out. Ask them why.
Yrsa Daley-Ward (via wordsnquotes)
Dig Deep. Write till 2 am.
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