infp-entp-irl-blog 6 years
I am quite disappointed in myself, for I have just now realized how much I have been idealizing the idea I have of you without taking in consideration that who you truly are may not be what I expect you to be and that is, in my opinion, an insult both on yourself and on my ability to judge people. So I have made it my goal to take a step back, clear my mind of all expectations and simply wait for you to show me who you are, so that when the moment comes I will not be disappointed nor taken aback by what I鈥檒l see, but, at worst, indifferent to you or, at best, mildly amused and quite fascinated.
- 06.09.2018 , 00:36
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infp-entp-irl-blog 6 years
infp: btw my phone is at 10%, if i disappear im not dead
entp: that seems to apply often
infp: (i mean you never know but prolly)
entp: keep me guessing
infp: dont hope too much
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infp-entp-irl-blog 6 years
*after telling entp about opening this blog*
entp: what have you gathered so far in our convos?
infp: oh nothing
infp: i'm taking care of the aestethics first
entp: stahp it
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