inecede · 5 years
first things first,
i doubt i’m the only person who noticed the interaction between steve and bucky at the end of endgame. bucky knew that steve wasn’t coming back, he said he was going to miss him and he even smiled a little bit when steve didn’t show up when he was supposed to. it was a sweet moment between the two of them that i seriously cherish.
HOWEVER... while i wasn’t mad at how they wrapped up steve’s story line, i don’t think i’m going to adhere to it. i never really expected steve to have a happily ever after. yes, he loves peggy. yes, he wishes that he could have lived a life where he could grow old with her. and perhaps when he was putting away the infinity stones, he considered it multiple times but i don’t see him giving that power away. the avengers are his family. despite their win, they’re still grieving, too. steve lost two of the most important people in his life in order to defeat thanos. similarly, he gained back all of the people he lost in the first place. and they can’t expect peace to be permanent. 
now, i still think he would give up the shield to sam after some time or maybe even right away, i haven’t thought about it too much. but i always liked the idea of steve passing on the title of captain america to sam. and if steve rogers is ever needed in battle, he’ll be there. probably with mjolnir in hand because i’m pretty sure he took it with him when he put back the stones but don’t quote me on that. either way, i don’t think he’s done fighting. while i’ll probably do some threads that follow canon, a majority of them are going to be based on what i’ve said here. 
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inecede · 5 years
look I know this is sappy and cheesy but u know when a character loses control of their power or they’re possessed or w/e and their s/o shouts their name running towards them and then they stop their rampage and let their s/o hug them,, like that’s good shit
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inecede · 5 years
hello im currently ignoring a final exam to post this. i’m trying to clean things up around here (slowly but surely) but anyway. if anyone wants to write or plot, like this or message me and i can get something started for us :-)
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inecede · 5 years
oh my god i did it
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inecede · 5 years
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Steve & Natasha ﹂personal favorite comic panels / covers
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inecede · 5 years
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This, this right here, this is fucked up
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inecede · 5 years
Get up.
You’re not dead yet
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inecede · 5 years
slides on in. hello
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inecede · 5 years
[ Spine Kisses, though. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ Especially those lingering, open-mouthed kisses pressed at the very base, and send the deepest shudders of the utmost pleasure rolling lazily all the way up; lovingly caressing every nerve ending and vertebrae in a manner that leaves one absolutely helpless to do anything but moan their appreciation, l o u d l y. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ ]
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inecede · 5 years
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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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inecede · 5 years
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You will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.
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inecede · 5 years
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This is going to work, Steve.
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inecede · 6 years
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inecede · 6 years
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) dir. Joe and Anthony Russo
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inecede · 6 years
I hate it when people ask “do you trust me” like …don’t call me out like that ……..the answer is no
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inecede · 6 years
hello everyone just coming on to tell u c.hris p.ratt waved at me
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inecede · 6 years
          “ steve , ” is repeated back as if the man before him was the only steve that had ever graced this planet earth though it was dripping with sarcasm .  squinting , upper lip shifts forward a smidgen to portray deep thought .  he was going to figure it out before steve got the chance to saw who he was actually —- he’d feel like an absolute fool if that were not the case .  peaches relaxes his shoulders at the affirmation that no he wasn’t going to have to fight steve with the giant biceps .  he’s a bit weak at the moment , quite lacking in nutrients all across the board with lack of sleep being a strong shareholder too .  the man was a mess , what could he say ?  suddenly steve sounds playful and catches peaches off guard for a half of a second that fails to show on his face .  “ seal the deal , eh ?   interesting way to confirm you aren’t gonna bash my brains in . ”  but wrecking my guts could happen !  the thought immediately has him clapping a hand over his mouth , less-than-half embarrassed he would even think such a thing but moreso embarrassed that his immediate thought went to bottoming .  christ .  he needed a drink and some sleep for real .  “ don’t — ah , don’t be sorry .  coffee is good — no , great , actually .  i haven’t slept in like three days and don’t plan to ! ”  hands clap together at his chest before fingers lace , index fingers remaining together to point absentmindedly in another direction .  “ that-a-way has killer eclairs ,  if you’re into those sort of things . ”
a smile spreads slowly from one corner of his mouth to the other, partially born out of pure amusement. “ and you are? “ he wonders if he should put the idea in the blond’s head before speaking out anyway: “ or are you going to make me work for a name? “ how ironic it was for steve to fall into an easy bout of teasing alongside a man he hardly knew when his friends barely saw such a carefree sight of him. if tony could see him now, he may have a few choice words for the captain. the courage that he often shows when he is leading his team has made it’s surprise appearance though it dwindles slightly in anticipation of an answer. steve figures the worst that could happen is they go their separate ways         though he finds himself not wanting to take that particular path. he presumes, maybe wrongly, that they could both use some company. “ any other day and perhaps i’d consider it but lucky for you, i have quite the hankering for a latte. it’s become more urgent than fighting. “ his head tilts, smile widening at the quirkiness the other was showcasing ( and completely and predictably oblivious to whatever thoughts were swirling through his head ). “ i can’t persuade you to get decaf then, huh? “ steve casts a glance over his shoulder in the direction that he points, nodding in silent confirmation before starting towards the cafe. though he pauses for the briefest of moments, gesturing to be followed. “ somehow i feel like people don’t meet like this anymore. “
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