incorrectimfquotes · 1 year
Hi there! My name is Saadiya! I am a graduate student at USC and I am conducting a focus group about women ages 20-30 and their opinions on action film franchises including Mission Impossible, Indiana Jones, Dune, and Fast and Furious. I was wondering if you’d be willing to share this with your followers. I am attaching a short survey that I would really appreciate if your followers could fill out. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-gNLONPg5-wejtdTSK3Nd8DbgdEQ5Jk-JtTOOOd04PZvzVA/viewform?usp=sharing
hi!! i've filled it out and i hope others will too :)
-- mod remy
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incorrectimfquotes · 3 years
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I’m not sorry @vegetarianvampireduck
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incorrectimfquotes · 4 years
Ethan *off camera*: Smack cam! Ilsa*pulls out a knife from nowhere*: Bitch I hope tf you do, you’ll be a dead son on bitch I tell you that.
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incorrectimfquotes · 4 years
Lane: Are you ready to fuckin die?!?! Ilsa: I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me!
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incorrectimfquotes · 4 years
tbh...Ethan Hunt is lowkey a himbo.
tbh.... highkey.
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
will: if our plan goes poorly, where should we meet up?
ethan: the afterlife, i suspect.
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Who in the IMF is dummy thicc?
i mean--
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there’s a reason they devoted a whole sequence to this man’s ass and thighs
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and had all those shots of his back
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Dum Spiro Spero
Title: Dum Spiro Spero
Characters: Ilsa Faust, Ethan Hunt, Benji Dunn, William Brandt, Luther Stickell
Pairings/Relationships: Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt, Mentions of Nyah and Julia
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings (if any): None, except one minor bad word
Word Count: 4567
Summary: One stupid statement might cause Ethan to lose the one thing he is quickly realizing that he cannot live without. A man not used to baring his emotions, can he find the words to stop her from walking away from him?
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20524799
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Pillow Fort
Title: Pillow Fort
Characters: Ilsa Faust, Ethan Hunt
Pairings/Relationships: Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt
Genre: Romance, angst, hurt/comfort
Warnings (if any): none
Word Count: 6940
Summary: Two agents in Eastern Europe know how to have fun between missions. (sticky-sweet story about love, duty and spies)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20412595
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
we die happy, or not at all.
Title: we die happy, or not at all. Characters: Ethan Hunt, Benji Dunn, Ilsa Faust, Jane Carter, Will Brandt Pairings/Relationships: Will Brandt/Jane Carter/Benji Dunn/Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt Genre: Drama Warnings (if any): Referenced Non-Con, Graphic Violence, Torture, some Medical Gore Word Count: 16,328 Summary: The team, together and apart, after Kashmir. After a whistleblower goes missing in the depths of Russia, the team is sent to find him. Faced with ice-cold winds, emotion and injury, feelings happen, and they all care about each other a little too much. AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20475944
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
You and Me and Somehow
Title: You and Me and Somehow
Characters: Ilsa Faust, Ethan Hunt, Benji Dunn, Luther Stickell, William Brandt, Orginal Characters
Pairings/Relationships: Ilsa Faust/Ethan Hunt
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Warnings (if any): None
Word Count: 5609
Summary: Ethan is meeting up with family when a familiar face once again saves him from an uncomfortable situation. Fluff ensues.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20475317
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
“That’s your opinion, but can you give me an objective reason why the slaughter of innocents is wrong?”
-August Walker, probably
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Ahhh! That is awesome! I see now that I’m too late to participate, but I hope you guys do another in the future
We hope to make it a yearly thing! Look out for it next year! :D We’d love to have you be a part of it :D 
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Hi!! May I ask what the “Big Bang” is? I just noticed the collection you made on Ao3 and am very interested! :)
hi! it’s the first ever mission impossible big bang, we’re finally posting! :D head on over and check them out, and also the official big bang tumblr!
credit for this brilliant idea goes to mod sanj, who’s an absolute powerhouse when it comes to this stuff. and don’t forget to leave kudos and comments for the wonderful, hardworking and talented writers who’ve participated!
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Ethan: It’s a subtle game, Benji. What you just saw was the first step in our overall strategy.
Benji: Well, what do we do now?
Ethan: We wait.
Benji: For what? For them to make a mistake?
Ethan: No. For me to think of the next step.
[source: Hogan’s Heroes]
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
Announcement Post *IMP*
As you all know, this challenge was delayed slightly owing to the fact that your mods have been caught up with work and real life issues. However, we’ve managed to find a balance. We apologize for the wait. 
1st May // Announcement & Sign Ups Open
1st August  // Sign Ups Close
15th August // Writers Check In and Rough Draft Submission (you must have completed 50% of your fic at this point) 
1st September // Posting Begins
1. We have, unfortunately, had no artist sign ups. Hence this challenge is being converted to a writing challenge. We apologize for the change, however, this decision has not been taken lightly. Mod Remy and I have discussed at length about this decision and we apologize to any that may have been looking forward to artworks accompanying their fics. 
However, it’s still a wonderful challenge and we thank all the writers that signed up and we are so excited to see the amazing writing and story telling that comes out of this event! 
Sign ups are still open until August 1st for writers and betas! Follow the sign up link on this post to sign up! Go, go, go! 
2. During check-in, an email will be sent to participants with an attached form to fill out regarding your progress with your fic. An announcement post will be made on check-in day to remind everyone of the same. We do ask for a rough draft of your fic that is at least 50% complete with the remaining fic outlined just so we know where everyone stands. More details will be provided as we get closer to the check-in. 
3. Check-in day (August 15th) is also the last day you are allowed to drop out without consequences. Failure to inform/check-in and not being in touch with mods when requested may result in being blacklisted from participating in future events. 
4. Posting dates will be assigned after check-in. More details will follow regarding the same. 
We sincerely thank you all for your patience with us. We are so excited to see the enthusiasm. To make it easier to communicate and also have forum where everyone can exchange ideas and help one another out, or just enjoy the fandom, a discord has been set up! Follow this link and join the discord: https://discord.gg/QMb6xed
The Rules and Schedule have been updated on the blog as well as we’ve had a change in format. Please do refer to it if there is still any confusion. 
Any further questions or concerns regarding the Big Bang are welcome. Our ask box is always open! You may even contact us on our personal blogs @spnxbookworm or @chestercbennington or even access the Big Bang channel on the discord server to reach out to us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
–mod sanj 
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incorrectimfquotes · 5 years
two more weeks! spread the word and sign up if you haven’t already!
Sign ups have been extended.
Mod Remy and I have decided to extend sign ups by another two weeks. The updated schedule will be up shortly.
Please head on over to our sign up post here and co sider signing up if you haven’t already!
And we sincerely request you to spread the word! The more people the merrier!
–mod sanj
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