imongmamabitch · 9 months
Late Night Calls
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notes... WE'RE SO BACK!
contains... fluff, cove holden, male reader
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You had tossed and turned in your bed for the past few hours. Sleep was becoming more and more out of your grasp with every passing minute. You tossed to your side again and shut your eyes, hoping that sleep would finally take you this time… It didn’t.
You sigh as you open your eyes. What were you supposed to do now?
Lying in complete silence for a few minutes, you’ve settled on calling your boyfriend. You aimlessly reached around for your phone on your bedside table. Smiling as you feel it finally. Taking it from the bedside table, you turn it on. Squinting at the sudden light, you waited for a minute for your eyes to adjust before going to your contacts and pressing on your boyfriend’s number.
It rings for a bit before you hear Cove’s groggy voice, “...Hello?”
You smile, biting back a chuckle, “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No.” was his answer before he yawned, “I was awake the whole time… What’s up?”
You shifted to your side, “Couldn’t sleep, wanted to talk to you.”
You could hear Cove chuckle on the other side, “Aw, does my boyfriend miss me?”
“Your boyfriend always misses you when you’re apart.”
“I miss him too.”
“Cove…” You spoke again, making him hum in response, “Can I come over?” There was a stretch of silence before he spoke up again, “Sure.”
You sat up in bed, kicking off the covers, “Alright, I’ll be there in 10! Love you!” Before the man could even reply to your unexpected confession, you’d already hung up. Putting your phone in your pocket, you opened your window and made your journey to Cove’s house on the other side of the street.
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imongmamabitch · 1 year
Mornings (Artem Wing x Male Reader)
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notes... part two of the diluc fic should be soon, sorry!
contains... male reader, mornings with artem wing, cooking breakfast
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Waking up to Artem’s sleepy face in the morning is something you love to see. The sun was shining through the curtains, making him glow like he was a drop of sun himself. Which to you, he was. You move a stray lock of hair away from his face and smile. ‘He looks so peaceful.’ you thought to yourself, admiring your beloved partner.
Dark spots under his eyes indicate the late nights he’d been working. You wished he would stop overworking himself so much. While you were deep in thought, you didn’t notice that Artem had already woken up. “Good morning.” He said in a groggy voice, burying himself into your neck. “Good morning to you too.” you greet back, “How did you sleep?”
“Well.” he responded, burying himself further into your neck. “I was thinking I would make breakfast today.” you tell him as you were  playing with his hair, “It’s the least I could do for you.” He smiles against your neck, “A breakfast made by my boyfriend sounds great.”
“You have to let your boyfriend go for him to make you breakfast though.” you smiled cheekily, attempting to pull away from your boyfriend. He just groaned and pulled you back to him, “Noooo.” You laugh, “Darling, I can’t make you breakfast from here.” He pulls you closer, “Five more minutes.”
It took you an hour to be free from him to cook breakfast.
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imongmamabitch · 1 year
A Knight and a King
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...notes: i'm backkkkk, there will be a part 2 :D
...contains: Diluc Ragnvindr x gn!reader, royal au, angst, mentions of blood and violence
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“I forbid you.”
You looked up and  spoke with a stern voice, “With all due respect my king, you cannot do that.” Diluc looks down at you with stern eyes, “I can, I am king, you will follow my orders.” You sigh and bow your head again, “My king, we are under siege, there is no time for this.” Diluc sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “Rise.”
You do as you are ordered and look at your king, his face is no longer stern and is now sullen, “Please, you know why I’m doing this.”
“I know.” you said solemnly, “But we both know where our duties lie. I have to go.” You both could hear the screaming and destruction of the kingdom from where you stood, there was no time for this argument but you can’t directly disobey your ruler. “I am not a Kingsguard so I cannot stay. I must fight with my brethren out there, it’s where I belong.” You say, trying to convince him to let you go even though you would still be going nevertheless what he says.
“I can’t let you die.” you heard him whisper. You didn’t know what to say or do. This was inevitable, you were going to die serving him, it’s just how it is. It’s your duty to give your life and entire being to him. He is the one that mustn't die. He’s far too important, while you were just one in a sea of the same knights. Offering their life to their ruler, having to die for their ruler.
“I can’t let you die either.” You didn’t know when you both moved but all of a sudden, you were both close to each other, merely a hair’s breadth apart. You could feel the sadness flowing out of him.
“It’s my honor to die for you, Your Majesty.” you whisper before pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaving the throne room.
You couldn’t look back, you just know that there was heartbreak painted on his face, as you feel yours when you finally left his line of sight. Diluc felt the tears prick his eyes, and let them flow freely. He was alone, he could cry and wallow in his sorrow as he helplessly watched his beloved walk towards danger.
He may be king but there’s nothing he could do to change your ever stubborn mind.
He loved you for that but right now, he wished you weren’t.
Diluc sobbed and wailed, clinging onto the hope that you would live and come back to him, alive and well. Hope is what kept him going as the enemies continued to surge his kingdom. All he could do was sit and wait. Wait for the agonistic screams to end. For the blood to finally run freely through the soil.
Would he even have a kingdom to rule by the end of this siege?
No, he must be optimistic, his soldiers, his knights are the best the Archons ever had to offer. He knows they’re all strong willed and capable, especially you. He had seen your strength and strategic prowess first hand. He knew what you were capable of, what you’re capable of doing. He won’t ever doubt your skills but were they enough to defeat an army of thousands?
Highly doubtful.
He was pulled back into reality when a knock reverberated from his room’s door. “Come in.” he said and Elzer, his butler, entered, “Your Majesty, there’s news of the siege.” This made Diluc stand up in anticipation, “And?”
Elzer looked hesitant to deliver the news but pushed on, “[name] has been mortally wounded.” 
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imongmamabitch · 1 year
for the new twitter users interacting with content:
remember, you're on tumblr. do as the tumblrians do
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imongmamabitch · 1 year
A Kid? (Kazuki Kurusu x gn!reader)
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...notes: I have watched buddy daddies and I love kazukii, also its 12 am so if it doesn't make sense, that's why.
...contains: fluff, a hint of angst, brief mention of cheating, brief allusion to cheating (tho it never happens)
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"WHERE IS HE?!" you thought to yourself as you kept waiting for your boyfriend to call you and tell you how their mission went. It's been over 2 hours since he last texted you, the text said that everything would go smoothly and that he would come over after.
Their missions always ended fast because of how well thought out their plans were, so you don't know what's keeping Kazuki right now. You huffed and set your phone on your night stand, you'll just have to deal with it and give Kazuki his gift in the morning.
Morning came and you checked your phone first thing, still no messages. You sighed and made up your mind to just go visit Rei's place since he'd be most likely there.
You take your keys and gift and walk over to Rei's place, since his flat was just a floor below you. When you get there, you knock on the door and wait for an answer. A minute passed and nobody answered, so you knocked again. Still no response.
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, is Kazuki still asleep? Normally he'd be up by now making breakfast. You knocked yet again, "Kazuki? Are you there?" At that, the door finally opened, revealing a very annoyed Rei.
"Rei! Is Kazuki home?" you asked, fiddling with the ribbon you tied Kazuki's gift with. "He's here." Rei grumbled and opened the door wide for you to go inside. Thanking him, you quickly walk to the living room, setting the gift down on the coffee table. When you turned around you saw Kazuki holding a child.
You froze.
What the hell?
Kazuki looked at you confused at first before he finally realized what  you were looking at. "It- it's not what you think! Let me explain!" He waved his arm around nervously and put the child down, "Her name's Miri and we're trying to find a way to get her home."
"How did she get here?" you asked, there was no reason for you not to believe Kazuki. You trusted him with your life so you trust him enough not to have cheated on you during your relationship. He's always been a gentleman, telling you beforehand if a mission requires seduction so you wouldn't have to worry.
"I took the train!" Miri said with glee, like she was proud of herself and she most likely was. Kazuki sighs, "The things we know are that she lives far away and her mother's a singer." You think for a second, trying to remember any celebrity singer that had a child like Miri and you draw a blank.
"That doesn't really give much info." you said, "But you're going to find a way to get that information aren't you?" Kazuki scratches his head, "That's what we're doing next, we were just about to leave actually."
"Me and Rei."
You crossed your arms, "You were just about to leave this child alone, in this apartment, unsupervised?" you could see Kazuki visibly start to sweat, "Rei wasn't going to stay with her so…" If looks could kill, the glare you'd sent his way would've had him dead by now.
"I'll look after her for you." you finally said after several minutes of tense silence. Kazuki sighed in relief, relieved to not be under your intense gaze any longer. He turns on the TV to a children's channel and kissed you on the cheek, "We'll be right back. Miri, be good, okay?"
Miri didn't bother to answer, eyes glued to the screen as she danced with the animated vegetables. You smile and gently push your boyfriend, "She'll be fine, dear, now go."
With that, Kazuki's off with Rei in tow, leaving you with a child, who doesn't seem to be losing energy anytime soon.
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imongmamabitch · 1 year
You Call Him By His Full Name (Langa ver.)
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... notes: hi, pls reblog this for the love of god. first time writing for langa so he might be ooc.
... contains : teasing langa (reader doing it), minor angst if you squint, fluff over all, langa being cute, gn!reader
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“Langa Hasegawa.”
He froze, Langa didn’t know what to do, what- did he do something wrong? He tried to remember everything he did that day, did he piss you off? Did he forget something? What was it?!
He was panicking at this point, scared of what you might do if he did forget something or even worse… be sad if he did do something to upset you. He takes a deep breath, he remembers his mother’s words.  “Just be honest about how you feel.” She’d said with a smile. So after the deep breath, he steeled himself to face you, hands still shaking.
When he turned to face you, there was no anger on your face nor sadness, just… amusement?
“W-what?” he stuttered out, were you not mad, sad or upset about something he’d done? What’s going on?
“What’s wrong?” you said with a smile, “Did something happen?” He blinked once, then twice, “You’re- you’re not mad?” Your eyebrows furrow a little, “Why would I be mad? Did you do something?”
He waved his hands around, “No! Not at all, I just thought…”
“Thought what?” you prompted him to continue.
“I just… I thought you were mad at me because you called me by my full name. Did I do something wrong?” he asked, twiddling with his fingers nervously. You sigh and motion for him to come cuddle close, “You didn’t do anything wrong honey, I was just trying out something.”
“Trying what?”
“Calling you by your full name and seeing how you would react.”
He huffs and buries his face into the crook of your neck, “Well I don’t like it, go back to calling me other things.” You chuckle and pull him close, “Alright, my skrunkly little meow meow.” You hear him groan and you try to stifle a laugh. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“But it’s cute.”
“It’s not, call me something else.”
“Alright, alright, sweetheart, I’m done teasing.”
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
In the rain (Steve Harrington x male reader)
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...notes : so uh, i totally lied about going to post regularly. (no i didn't, i just got busy with school)
...contains : angst, an ABBA reference, male!reader, unrequited love, being in the rain, tw for some words that are in caps, no use of (y/n)
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You’ve always been in love with Steve, even though you knew it was never meant to be. He liked girls, he’s always liked girls and you… well, you were a guy. Not exactly what Steve’s into, and you’ve accepted that, truly you have but there are times where you think that maybe, just maybe, you had a chance. Maybe you could be with Steve.
Hope is a dangerous thing, everyone knows that.
But you couldn’t help yourself. The longing stares, the lingering touches, the looks… it had to amount to something right? Then again it could be all in your head. You were torn, your head was telling you there was no way he could reciprocate your feelings. Your heart told you otherwise. This internal struggle became louder and louder every minute you spent with Steve.
You were starting to be more withdrawn around him, more quiet. You were detaching yourself from him, how could you not? It hurt to see him go on thousands of dates with other girls, girls you wished could have been you. You went from hanging out with Steve every free time you’ve had to scarcely seeing him at all.
Only seeing each other when the group is hanging out. Steve was not stupid, he could see something’s wrong with you. So when Dustin decided to invite you to help them decode the Russian he’d intercepted, Steve waited for the right moment to confront you about the distance you’ve made between you two.
And that’s how you were in this predicament, in the rain. Robin and Dustin had gone ahead of you, leaving you alone with Steve. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked, stopping you with a hand on your wrist. You swear he’d hear your heartbeat pounding if it weren’t for the pouring rain. “Yeah- yeah, why do you ask?” you kept your eyes away from him, knowing that if you looked at him, you won’t be able to stop yourself.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“No I haven’t, like I said I got busy.”
He wasn’t buying it, “I know you’re not busy, I saw you with Nancy yesterday. You were with the kids 3 days before that and you were with Robin a week ago!” Shit. You haven’t been careful. You should have realized that Hawkins wasn’t a big town. Why didn’t you remember that? It totally slipped your mind.
You stayed silent so Steve continued, “Did I do something? If I did please, just tell me.” You still haven’t said a word, so he sighs and lets go of your wrist. He says your name, his eyes sad, “What did I do?” You shake your head, “You did nothing wrong. I- It’s-” God, why did he have to be so beautiful, even in this rain.
You made the mistake of looking into his eyes, you shouldn’t have done that. Why did you do that? Didn’t ABBA say don’t look into his angel eyes?? You idiot?!
You couldn’t help yourself, you had lost all control. Before you both knew it, your lips were on his. A minute passed, you realized what you’ve done. Pulling away, your back faced him. You were embarrassed. Regret rushing through your veins.
Why did you do that?
WHY did you do that?
“Shit.” you cursed under your breath, your heart pounding for a different reason entirely now. “I’m sorry.” Your words are loud enough for him to hear before you ran.
You didn’t look back, you just ran. You ran and ran and ran, until you were sure you were far away from Steve.
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
Here For You (Steve Harrington x reader)
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...notes : i am back, and i'll try to post regularly!
...contains : hurt/comfort, gn!reader
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Steve has been on edge lately since the recent events of Vecna and Hawkins getting destroyed.
You worried for him, you wanted him to tell you what was bothering him but you decided not to push it. You didn’t know when was the right time to even bring it up. His anxiety and overall jitteriness was not sitting right with you.
“Darling.” you called out, putting a hand on his knee which wouldn’t stop bouncing up and down, “Hey, what’s wrong?” You figured there was no time like the present to ask. You couldn’t let it go on for longer, you couldn’t bear it. “Hm?” he looked at you, bringing him back to where you two were, on the couch of his usually empty home. “It’s nothing.” he says, turning to face the TV, pretending to be interested in an advert about blenders. You knew it wasn’t nothing. After all you’ve all been through, what’s running in his head wasn’t nothing.
“Steve,” you say in a more stern tone, “what’s going on that pretty head of yours, sweetheart?”
He leans on your shoulder and sighs, “I- I was just thinking you know.” You hummed in response, urging him to continue. A few beats of silence and him beginning to trace shapes onto your arm later, he starts again, “I just…couldn’t help but think I could have done better. If I did some things differently, we would have had a better outcome.” This made you frown, you hated it when Steve thought like this.
“Honey,” you start, “ none of us would have known this would happen. Even if we did, I doubt anything would change. Vecna was two steps ahead of us. All we can do now is accept the past and think about the future.” You ran your hands through Steve’s hair, nails gently scraping his scalp, hoping it would relax him even just a little. It worked like you’d hoped, his tense shoulders started to relax.
“I guess.” he mumbles, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You pulled him close, and let him stay there.
“I love you, Steve.”
“I love you too.”
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
if steve had a filipino (or asian, it still works) s/o he’d never feel alone
because for filipinos (and ig asians in general), hospitality is everything
steve would be over at his s/o’s house to study and as soon as he knocks on the door, he’s greeted by his s/o’s grandma or mother and they go, “oh you must be steve! i’ve heard so much about you! come in, come in!” and they have steve settle on the couch and wait for them to prepare snacks and drinks.
his s/o comes downstairs to see who was at the door and is greet with the sight of steve getting along with their maternal figure. steve sees his s/o and smiles at them, greeting them, “i know i came here to study with you but can i finish the cookies first?”
and from that day on, his s/o invites steve more often because they know how lonely he gets in his house because his parents aren’t around.
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
I think all content creators can relate to this.
In my opinion, I don’t think followers really understand how much your requests/likes/reblogs/etc. and random asks mean to me. It’s just so refreshing and nice to know that people enjoy what I’m doing and support me.
People that go the extra mile and send an ask or message letting me know they liked my stuff honestly makes my day. I love reading tags and stuff…it’s honestly so cute….
And people who ask about how I’m doing or send me random questions or cute asks….I just want you guys to know it honestly makes my day. I just love all the interaction and such. It makes running a blog so much more enjoyable.
And Fanart/Fanwork? Honestly that’s one of the greatest things to receive. To everyone that draws or writes, please don’t feel too insecure to send it end! No one is going to criticize you over quality. It’s so sweet that you even thought about making something…I will always appreciate it no matter what, and I’m sure all other content creators feel the same.
So, in conclusion, don’t be afraid to talk to your favorite blogs and show them some love, guys! We always appreciate it! ☺️
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
What would you do if I disappeared? (Sova x reader)
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... notes : reblog this you mothafacks, gonna be writing short stuff for a while. @helpforihavefallen
... contains : angst, gn!reader
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The question left your mouth as soon as it came to your head.
Sova was stunned by your inquiry, then a blanket of silence befell onto you both. What would he do if you disappeared? He thought to himself. For a while white noise and birds chirping was all that was heard. “I’ll find you with everything I have.” He finally answers, “I would be extremely worried, extremely. I won’t stop until I find you.”
“May I ask what the question was for?” he asks, holding your hand.
“Don’t worry.” you smiled at him, cupping his cheek, “It’s just a dumb question that came to mind. It’s nothing. I’m not going anywhere.”
Oh how wrong you were. Merely a few weeks later, you had vanished. Nobody knew where you went. The only trace of you was a set of footprints that led to the beach of the island. True to Sova’s words, he spared no time to find you. He will not stop until you’re home safe and sound.
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
There's that smile (Sova x reader)
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... notes : reblog this you mothafacks, also this is very short because i have writer's block. @helpforihavefallen
... contains : fluff, sova being adorable, gn!reader
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You don’t know why but Sova’s in a bit of a mood.
He’s been very grumpy and hasn’t smiled in days and as his lover you can’t have that. After a mission, you sit down next to him on the commons couch. “Darlingggg.” you say to him as you lean on his shoulder, “Why are you so grumpy? Hm?”
His frown still stays on his pretty face.
You frown and start poking his cheek, “Come on, I won’t stop until you smile.” He still frowns. You huff and poke his cheek repeatedly, “Come on, where’s that smile?” After a few minutes, Sova playfully rolls his eyes and gives you a genuine smile. You smile as well, “There’s that handsome smile.”
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
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this includes fanart, fanfiction, gif sets, web weaves, edits, etc.
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
Baking for Baba (Twilight aka Loid Forger x reader)
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... notes : i'm back bitches, i'm alive and not dead. sorry for not posting for a month. short drabble. @mx-kamisato here bitch.
... contains : fluff, anya being cute, gn!reader
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“I’m ho-” you didn’t manage to finish your sentence since the moment you look into the kitchen, you see your husband and child covered in flour. “What’s all this?” you interrogated the two. “Anya wanted to make cookies when Baba gets home.” says the little girl with slight hesitancy. You look at the now hectic kitchen and see that in one clean spot were a plate of chocolate chip cookies.
“Anya wanted to surprise you.” says Loid, who was scratching the back of his head. You kneel down to your daughter’s height and smile, “Thank you for the cookies Anya. Let’s clean up now, shall we?” She nods happily and begins to clean the flour covered counter with a rag.
You chuckle and take a rag to help them clean the kitchen.
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© do not repost, translate, heavily reference any of my works please
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
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1) NSFW is prohibited, suggestive is allowed.
2) Please be specific when requesting,
ie: can i please request sova with a short reader
3) I can and am allowed to choose not to do your request.
4) all works will be gender neutral unless specified otherwise
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Fandoms I write for:
Stranger Things
Genshin Impact
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
please reblog my fics, it doesn't show up for other people if you just like it
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