imjustabeanie · 24 hours
Thanks for the match! And yes the French and Arabic words are correct ^^
trade matchup with @imjustabeanie !!
ty for the exchange, hope its good!!! <3
i match you up with...
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Rook hunt
ok, so you've stolen this huntsman's heart and the product cannot be recovered. he's a rather observant man, he's totally smitten by that charisma of yours!! he literally appreciates everything about you, ofc including your style of clothing!! très bien! whenever you're being flirty, he'll act MoRe flirty it's almost a contest at this point. he'll always motivate you to not procrastinate. bro won't leave you alone. he is at his happiest when he recieves any of your gifts and he dearly cherishes all of them!!! oh trickster, how can one ever repay this kindness of yours?! he gifts you alot too!! he knows your tastes way too well, and he chooses his gifts percisely, as it's supposed to be validating one's love for other, as you say! he'll buy you fantasy and mystery books, art supplies, for example! and definetly there will be bouquets of roses. SHOOTING DATES. in this he's your man. his lastname is literally hunt. he loves your baking!!! he'll praise you every single time he gets to taste it. he will offer to help you in preparing it too!
your cursing is pretty much music to his ears- he never minds you being moody sometimes, he knows perfectly how to deal with it! he'll be very patient. in fact he approaches you a lot lol. just don't ask how he knows where and when you will be anywhere- he'll definetly pester you with the poems he writes specifially for you! any insecureness of yours, he'll gladly reassure you about them! btw he'll praise you until you just give up. he's very supportive of your dream! l'astronaute! he learns arabic endearments to call you by. don't be surprised if he suddenly drops a "habibti" (حبيبتي) or "qalbi" (قلبي)
he may be a bit.. out of ordinary, but he dearly and truly loves you!
other matches: Jade leech, Jamil viper!
i hope the french words are correct-
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imjustabeanie · 24 hours
Thanks for the match!
Heyo, struggled a bit with this one, but I hope it's still okay 🥲
I match @imjustabeanie with...
Jamil!! 🐍
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He planned for months to ask you out. For goodness sake it was obvious he liked you. Even Kalim could tell, and he's oblivous.
The confession was either rather fancy and well-planned, or he just gave up and blurted it out out of nowhere.
He's not really all fluffy as a lover, but he's a kind one. He gives space when you need it, support to. He'd be pretty understanding.
Very willing to shit-talk people with you, just saying.
He can return your advice with his own words of wisdom. He is pretty intelligent after all. You'll learn plenty throughout your time with him, and I'm sure he will too.
His gifts will mostly consist of food. But, only if you like that of course. He's the type of guy to save for ages, maybe months, to get you the perfect gift. He'll tailor it specifically to your tastes, and you'll probably figure out it's coming when he suddenly starts asking a bunch of questions about your likes and dislikes.
Pretty nice dude if you ignore the obsession with power he had for a little while there. But honestly, who doesn't want a little world domination?
He does not have any issues with straight up shutting people down. Not just for the sake of it, mind you, I just mean he knows what he's okay with and will be honest about it.
A fellow competitive soul, this guy is never gonna back down from a challenge! He'll keep up with you in debates.
Go watch his basketball games. He'll try much harder to get your attention. Bit of a show off.
He'll have simple conversations, meaningful ones, whatever you feel like at the time.
If you tease him, you better be ready to get teased back cause he is not standing down.
If you start hyping up a bad idea, 50% chance he'll get exasperated and plead with you to not, 50% chance he's up for some fun.
He heavily admires your 'cliche villain' fashion taste. You could do each other's makeup <3 (If you wear makeup)
Other options: Vil and Jade.
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imjustabeanie · 24 hours
I'm definitely paying attention to him when I start playing after finals
[ matchmaking... ]
@imjustabeanie : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Wyll Ravengard
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-> While Wyll vehemently wants to protect the good and the innocent, he has also done things that most would frown upon. Namely, making a literal deal with a devil for power. Granted, one could argue that he was cornered into it… But he firmly states that he has never once regretted it, despite what it all means for him. His partner would need to understand these things about him and not condemn or mock him for what he did - they would need to be someone who understands that morals are important, but not always black-and-white. And really, the thing that’s important to him in a partner is that they won’t harm the innocent, that they’re willing to stand up to injustice if needed. And though you note that morals aren’t your strong suit, you’ve still identified that your intentions are largely good, and that you have the backbone to call people out if need be.
-> He loves exchanging book recommendations with you. Much of his youth was spent studying the blade, but it was still important for him to be well-read on top of that. However, Wyll hasn’t been able to focus too terribly much on reading since his pact with Mizora and getting banished from his home in Baldur’s Gate. Most of his time since then has been spent on protecting the Sword Coast, traveling, and doing Mizora’s bidding. He still likes to read, he just doesn’t get around to doing much, only occasionally picking up a book here and there when he’s staying a few days in a village and able to relax. So when he finds himself in your company and he sees you with a book in your hands quite often, he likes to hear about what you’re reading and if you think it’s any good. In terms of genre, Wyll isn’t picky - so your selections of mystery and horror are well received by him, and he’ll let you know of any books he knows of that might suit your tastes.
-> Generally, Wyll thinks ambition is a good thing, something that gives someone purpose. Of course, there are prime examples just within your little band of traveling companions how too much ambition could lead to significant consequences (namely Gale, potentially Astarion)… But he’d still prefer to be with someone who has some sort of goal in mind, some sort of direction. It’s a clear indication that there’s something that matters to you, that you’re willing to put a plan into action to achieve whatever goal you set for yourself. As long as your ambitions aren’t nefarious or detrimental to yourself and others, he’ll be your biggest supporter. Even if your goals are a little selfish! Once he comes to care about someone, he wants to see them safe and happy and healthy. And when it comes to his partner, he’s very firm on doing things as a team, so you can count on him to have your back.
-> He sometimes winces when your honesty is a little too sharp, too hurtful. True as your words are, they can still cut and inflict pain. And yet, at the same time, he very much prefers you being upfront and honest with people (and him, too, of course!) rather than lying and hiding things. And really, Wyll sometimes phrases things a little too bluntly himself, especially when he isn’t particularly fond of someone (such as Astarion), so he really can’t talk. A little tact could go a long way, sure, and sometimes a little white lie could be seen as justifiable… But ultimately, Wyll values the truth as much as you do, and this will become the core of your bond together. Someone with heavy trust issues such as yourself will need time to build that trust with someone - and Wyll is happy to provide that honest, genuine connection for you.
-> He can be a good balance to the part of you that gets carried away with anger, spite, and revenge. Wyll knows that he can’t ultimately control your behavior or force you to make certain decisions (and he would never want to make decisions for you, he knows it’s not his place), but he hopes he can perhaps dissuade you from actions that might come back and bite you in the ass. The good thing is, a tendency towards anger and spite isn’t a complete deal-breaker for him. Wyll understands the need to lash out when situations or people are frustrating - for him, he gets especially angry towards those who go out of their way to harm others. It’s for a just cause, arguably, but even he can admit that sometimes anger isn’t the most helpful response. But he’s not necessarily one for revenge, and does value “taking the high road” so to say. If your pettiness and desire for revenge often land you in unfavorable situations, he does hope that you can learn to reign this in over time.
-> In a similar vein, Wyll handles your moodiness surprisingly well. He tends to have a fairly good handle on his emotions for the most part, not highly volatile or emotionally reactive, so he’s not likely to be put off or lash out at you if you accidentally lash out at him. He does make it a point to try and accept and understand the flaws of those close to him, too, so he tries to give you a bit of grace. When you need time to yourself, just give him a heads up - he definitely understands needing space to process things and not hurt or drag others down with you. He’ll check in on you after a while, though he tries not to be too intrusive. When it comes to your grouchiness and difficulty waking up in the morning, Wyll can’t help but chuckle. He is very gentle when trying to rouse you from your sleep, though, knowing that it’s not exactly fun hitting the road early with a long day of traveling and battles ahead.
-> Wyll definitely gets a bit flustered by your casual, playful flirting. At least… once he actually realizes that you’re flirting with him, that is. At one point he admits to Gale that he wouldn’t know flirting even if someone “whacked him alongside the head with it” so he’s self-aware enough to know that he can be a bit dense when it comes to stuff like that. He really just thinks you’re being friendly for quite a while - which is perhaps a good thing, considering that you don’t often mean for your flirting to be taken romantically. But once he realizes that he has some sort of feelings for you, and once he realizes that your words are flirtatious and not usually the type of banter friends would share… His cheeks feel like they’re burning up, and he’s stammering as he tries to decide how to respond. This does settle a bit once you two are together, though you are still able to fluster him on occasion. He’s more likely to get a cheeky grin, quick to respond back with a flirtation of his own.
-> Wyll has good taste in gifts, and also values quality time with his partner. In other words, he would be quite compatible with you in terms of love languages. When it comes to giving his loved ones gifts, his taste sometimes leans on the expensive side, given the fact that he grew up as the son of a duke. Though not overly materialistic, he does enjoy spoiling his partner with nice things when he’s able. And yet, Wyll is very down-to-earth and quite sentimental, so he places a lot of value on handmade gifts, too. Regardless, he loves the idea of providing for his partner and spoiling them, and he’s happy to receive gifts knowing that you were thinking of him. As for time - time is precious in his eyes. There’s so much going on in the world, so many things one could be doing… So it’s very important for him to be able to dedicate time just for his partner, and vice versa.
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imjustabeanie · 24 hours
I have to corrupt my BFF into playing twst so I can ask why Jade, Trey and rook come out the most to me. I ain't that shady I swear (I think)
It's still a very fun match!
[ matchmaking... ]
@imjustabeanie : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Jade Leech
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-> Jade is absolutely not daunted by your brutal honesty, often finding it amusing instead. He is much more about subtlety himself - not the type to lie, per se, but he does leave things rather vague, simply letting people make their own assumptions (whether good or bad). He doesn’t see anything wrong with someone naturally being more straightforward, though. Many people are afraid to truly speak their minds in social situations, preferring general politeness and not wanting to hurt feelings, so he finds types like you to be so refreshing and funny. Initially, when the two of you don’t know each other very well, he really likes seeing how you react to him. A lot of students are wary of him, if not flat out terrified, so a lot of them stutter and stammer through excuses or beating around the bush. Jade doesn’t get too fussed about it, but when you come around and say what’s really on your mind towards him, he can’t help but laugh. On the plus side, he does make an effort to be more upfront with you in return, out of appreciation.
-> He is not someone who you’d really be able to rile up. Ever calm with an easy smile, Jade simply doesn’t crack in the face of pressure, mocking, or insults. He doesn’t even seem bothered by them. And depending on the type of person, his cool-headedness and pleasant smile will just rile up the one trying to goad him. Jade doesn’t exactly come across as the competitive type to most, but he actually finds competition and challenges quite enjoyable and interesting. He’s perceptive enough to pick up on the fact that you’re the competitive type, even though you try to hide it. He’ll casually challenge you to something, making it seem like a low-stakes fun pastime, only to not go easy on you whatsoever. He always acts like he has the upper hand and just grins at whatever taunting or teasing you throw his way - and he loves taunting you back, his words intentionally timed for the maximum irritation. It’s like a form of flirting, for him.
-> Jade loves your curiosity and the fact that you indulge in it freely and often. He is of the mindset that knowledge is a very powerful, useful tool, which seems to be in line with the way you view knowledge and learning. (He just has more nefarious uses for his knowledge, especially when it comes to other people that either he or the Mostro Lounge could make use of…) All that aside, your preferred area of interest leans a bit more towards space, but if you ever want to dig deeper into the sea, he’s happy to share some of his own insights with you considering the fact that he literally grew up in the Coral Sea. Any questions you might have, especially ones concerning the logistics of being an ocean dweller, he’ll answer to the best of his ability - and his answers tend to be quite thorough, wanting to sate your ever-present curiosity.
-> On a similar note, he’s a great conversation partner when it comes to debates or philosophical topics. Jade is never one to shame you for morbid curiosity or dubious ideas, and he’s happy to explore those topics with you. There’s a lot going on inside that head of his, hidden behind that smiling poker face. He’s smart and skilled, and won’t shy away from talking about difficult topics. These are really good opportunities for you to learn a bit more about him! You’re able to figure out what his stances are on certain topics (he’s pretty morally gray and self-interested… but also doesn’t mock ideas that keep the greater good in mind, either), as well as how he thinks and processes information. He’s good at playing devil’s advocate, so you’re able to really pick apart different ideas and concepts, trying to see things from as many different perspectives as possible.
-> Jade finds a kindred spirit in you, in the way that you encourage “bad ideas” and chaos. He hates “organized harmony” - finding such peace dull and boring. A core part of him wants life to be as entertaining and fun as possible, though his definition of entertaining is a bit loose and self-centered. He really likes planting poor choices in people’s heads and waiting for the inevitable chaos and fallout. He won’t participate in any reckless ideas himself (he’s just a touch too pragmatic for that), but he can usually convince someone else to do it. And knowing that you’re also the type to hype up your friends when it comes to their stupid, dangerous ideas? Well, that’s even better! He now has a partner in crime, the two of you watching from the sidelines as some poor fool you’ve encouraged goes and risks their pride and/or safety. You two are a pair of menaces in your friends’ eyes.
-> Moody? No problem! Jade is used to Floyd, so he doesn’t take it personally. If there’s something going on that’s troubling you specifically, he’s happy to suggest or even enact solutions on your behalf - just let him know if that’s something you’re interested in, because he won’t step in without you saying so. Otherwise, he’ll leave you be, figuring that you know how to manage your own emotions. That being said, he does like to leave a little gift for you on days that you’re really struggling. It’s often just one of your favorite snacks, but there are a few times he’ll leave you a nice bracelet or set of earrings. Nothing too crazy expensive or lavish! It tends to be either sea or spaced themed (a nod to your interests, but the sea themed jewelry he gets you are often from the Coral Sea. He hopes you consider them thoughtful, comforting gifts, and he really likes when he sees you wearing them!).
-> Baking becomes a hobby that the both of you indulge in. Besides the fact that Jade is overly competent in practically everything, he has a special fondness for cooking and baking. Even when he’s stuck working in the Mostro Lounge kitchen on a daily basis, he likes the freedom of cooking something that suits his own tastes… or experimenting with weird recipes. He likes going all-out on baking dates with you, and you each take turns picking the recipe. When you two first start baking together, he picks recipes that are more on the tame side, but then they progressively get more eccentric and unique. Other times he might just half-follow a recipe and then just start experimenting with the last half of it. At least you seem to be the type that’s willing to mess around and see if it’s something tasty or edible! All in all, he ends up truly enjoying the domesticity of spending this time with you, even though he’s not typically the type to fall too deeply into comforting, relaxed routines.
-> You two make a rather enigmatic couple. Both to outsiders, and to each other. It takes you a long time to open up, and you refuse to share your trauma or troubles even to those close to you. Jade likes to keep his cards close to his chest, never fully letting his guard down and being vulnerable. It may feel like a weird dynamic sometimes due to this perceived distance, but at the same time it can be rather comfortable. You both understand each other’s reluctance to bare your inner world and emotions, so there isn’t a strong pressure from either of you to do so. You can each take things at your own pace without feeling guilty. Sometimes the relationship may feel a bit stagnant because of this, since there’s this hesitance with emotional intimacy… but that makes those moments where one of you decides to take a step forward all the sweeter.
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imjustabeanie · 24 hours
I was so surprised with Toji to be honest lmao. And I also noticed that a lot of asks I receive have a lot of similar traits then there's mine. I legit thought I had a problem.
Thanks a lot for the match!
[ matchmaking... ]
@imjustabeanie : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Fushiguro Toji
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-> Toji is someone who can deal with someone that’s rough around the edges. It doesn’t matter to him if you tend to come off as cold or sarcastic, because he’s not all that warm and fuzzy, either. Most people are just in the way, in his eyes (and when he’s at the point in his life where he’s abandoned his children, he could honestly care less about making friends or getting a partner). The first few interactions you two have are potentially a bit dicey - you’ll give back attitude if you get it, but you’re generally polite to most. Toji… well, it simply depends on how he’s feeling. He’s not necessarily polite, but he’s not super rude and aggressive to people he’s just passing by. He can be a bit gruff and condescending, so your guys’ interactions depend on how you perceive and respond to his behavior. Still, there’s a certain charm about him that you’re quick to notice, and vice versa.
-> He either doesn’t react to your flirting, or flirts right back. Just depends on his mood. He’s not really the type to get all flustered or fall for someone just because of some casual flirting, and he has the feeling that you’re just doing it to be playful. He does think it’s amusing, though, seeing this side of you when you seemed so guarded and cold before. Toji can totally dish it right back, though, almost sweetly complimenting you with a smirk on his face - and at some point this probably forces you to seriously consider your feelings towards him. Even when you often don’t recognize your feelings right away, or you bottle them up and ignore them, it’s hard not to at least do a bit of introspection sooner or later when you’re confronted with someone who banters and flirts back with you.
-> The fact that you’re not overly clingy or jealous is a big plus in Toji’s eyes. He would really hate the type of partner that breathes down his neck and tries to control what he does in his free time, or the type of partner that is so insecure and jealous that they start making assumptions and refuse to trust him. Toji is simply the type of person who needs his own space sometimes, and he refuses to be stifled by a suffocating partner. And it’s not like he won’t spend time with you - he can be quite affectionate in a very relaxed, casual way, he just needs to actually let you in. He isn’t one for those grand, sickly sweet shows of affection. But he pulls you in close and holds you tightly when you go in for a hug, or slings one of his legs over yours when the two of you are cuddled up on the couch or in bed together.
-> He has no hesitation calling you out when you’re being moody to the point that it’s unreasonable. Will this likely flare your temper up even further and cause more issues right at that moment? Probably. But he claims that it’s not his fault that you chose to bottle up your emotions and that you decided to lash out at him for no reason. (However, if you lash out at him because of something stupid or irritating that he did? Yeah, that’s fair - he won’t try to argue with you. He does definitely try to push your buttons sometimes and he knows he has to deal with the consequences.) That said, regardless if he considers your moodiness and ire is reasonable or not, he does leave you alone when you decide to isolate yourself to cool off. He doesn’t take it personally or get all whiny about it. He knows you’ll talk to him again when you’re up to it.
-> Aside from that, he finds your temper quite amusing. When it isn’t directed at him, that is. Toji just really likes how feisty you can get with people who are irritating or inconveniencing you. If he ever happens to see you get really competitive and mean with someone, trying to get your opponent to lose their temper, it just cracks him up. He’s very much the “sitting on the sidelines munching popcorn” type of guy when that whole mess happens. You have a backbone and you’re clearly willing and able to stand up for yourself when needed. And honestly, he could care less if you have some sort of grudge against someone, plotting revenge… Just know that you may very well spark his own ire if you decide to get petty with him on a regular basis.
-> Toji thinks it’s quite contradictory, the way that you refuse to harm an innocent person but also struggle with really defining your own morals. He’s not one to fuss over morals much himself - he’s willing to do some shitty things just for the money, completing dirty work when he’s willing to put in the time and the effort. On top of that, someone else’s morals really aren’t his problem. He questions you about it sometimes, bringing up hypothetical scenarios, wanting to see where you draw the line. But it’s purely out of curiosity for him, because he wants to see how your mind works. Besides, if you were a complete goody-two-shoes, you probably wouldn’t have bothered interacting with him in the first place. Whatever morals you hold won’t affect his own; and if you have a problem with his morals, then it’s up to you to either turn a blind eye to his beliefs and actions or simply leave.
-> Toji quite enjoys sparring with you and it becomes a fun pastime for both of you. He’s insanely skilled and strong, though, and most people aren’t on his level - so he does “go easy” on you (fortunately or unfortunately, however you wish to take that), but he certainly doesn’t make it easy for you, either. And why would he make it easy on you? It wouldn’t be fun for either you or him, and when it comes to sparring a boring match is just awful. Toji loves seeing that competitive fire in your eyes, enjoys taunting you just as much as you taunt him. The majority of your sparring matches do end with him besting you, but occasionally he’ll let you win, wanting to see that spark of pride and victory in your eyes… Even though you might end up pouting or scowling as you realize that he just let you win. If he gives you any compliments on your technique, though, they are genuine. And you do make him work up a sweat sometimes! He has to be on his toes around you.
-> He doesn’t participate much in your other hobbies with you. He’s a man with limited interests, knowing very well what he likes and what he doesn’t care for. But your hobbies are your own, and he does think it’s nice that you’re able to keep yourself busy and occupied regardless if you’re alone or around him. Toji will admit, though, that he quite likes the quiet afternoons and evenings when you’re busy reading a book or sketching. These times are relaxing, and he’s able to just kick his feet up and spend a bit of time in your presence without you two feeling the need to do something together in that moment. He’ll often have the TV going, volume a few notches lower than usual. Occasionally he’ll have a book himself. On another note, he does like when you decide to bake. He’s not a huge sweets person, but you make some tasty treats and he’s happy to indulge.
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imjustabeanie · 1 day
Appearance matchup for @twilightpentagram
Your MHA match is Shinso! Runner up Jiro
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Your HSR match is Acheron!
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Your ToT match is Marius!
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Your Genshin match is Wriothesley!
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imjustabeanie · 1 day
Hello, I hope you're having a good day! I'd like to humbly request a genshin match-up!
Gender Preference: Overall gender doesn't ultimately matter to me but I may have a male lean in preference?
MBTI | Enneagram: INTP-T or INFP-T | 6w5 or 5w6
Personality: I am the sort of person who struggles with social cues naturally, like i cannot tell whether we're friends or acquaintances unless told directly (this has surprised a handful of people), but once past that I can attach pretty fast and I am for the most part very loyal. Also as bad as I may be with social cues, I am also strangely observant and can make connections out of subtle things and read a person like a book, it's an ability expressed as both admirable and scary. I am admittedly not the best socially as I can be so awkward at first introduction it can at times give off the wrong impression either due to quiet aversion/isolating myself or overt friendliness if need be or i sound way too formal when it's not necessary. When I DO warm up to someone, I am found to be witty, parental, opinionated, and when I know the person understands who I am and I know they can take and give back the energy - I partake in light-hearted "bullying"/teasing so long as it's known it's with no malice. Also I may be flirty with them, whether intentionally or unintentionally, I am apparently very good at this, though I only do this with who I'm close to and it is preferred we are on the same page of whether comments are genuine or for the sake of humor, though normally I don't emgage in flirtatious banter unless it is initiated by someone else. From there I can come up with apparently very smooth yet outta pocket comments, normally just out of impulse. That aside, I can sometimes be a bit strict and a little controlling when in regards to safety unless there doesn't seem to be a danger of which I will step up and try to make casual lightness of the situation if it eases my friends' nerves. I'm very attentive to my friends' needs to which I can become quite paternal, such as making sure my friends are fed and at times impulsively being touchy in a form of straighting out say their clothes or hair if it seems like its in their eyes, though only if they seem comfortable with touch, I do my best not to cross boundaries as I'd hate to make someone uncomfortable. I also almost always keep fidget toys on me and I have a habit of say for example making sure people are okay and when it comes to my sister i often take her hand to ground her and talk her through things because I know it relaxes her to know she's not alone and supported. I also will put my own anxiety aside if it means I need to step up for my friends and sister, but I have my limits of course and may need support as well.
• clouds, light, rain
• listening to music
• cooking for others ( though there comes a point where I may be burnt out if done too frequently or it's just a bad day for me of course, i'll still probably do it though )
• writing/creating stories and characters with others
• analyzing cinematography, literature, etc.
• sharing mutual interests/energy with others
• successfully helping others
• being able to predict/piece together plots from subtle cues (it's probably pattern recognition and my habit to overthink when it comes to the little things)
• bad textures• feeling pressured/put on the spot
• empty promises (like at least some honesty/explanation would be appreciated, otherwise don't promise anything, just perhaps try to do better in the future i guess?)
• uncertainty (been working on not being so uptight about this, but it does make me anxious, i like to have an idea of what's going on)
• lack of communication
• feeling unheard
• disrespect towards me or others• alcohol & smoke
My Take on Love Languages: Predominantly I would say my love language is Quality Time, of course I am an introvert so I have my limits but with the right person it means a lot to just have quality time where we are both invested and can bond over shared interests. I can appreciate some words of affirmation from someone, I also can give back in the form of support and the occasional bout of confessional love and appreciation for another person, though I can't always do this on a whim. Physical touch is nice, but only with select people, however once established I can be rather drawn to some sort of physical contact with the other person. Acts of service is okay, but not entirely necessary, though I am willing to do stuff for other people. Gifts is probably where I am most awkward. I am attentive to other people's interests but I don't really thrive in the area of gift giving unless it is a heartfelt written note of appreciation and love. As for recieving gifts, i don't tend to ask much from others and can be awkward in reception most times unintentionally, but I am rather sentimental, so I will likely keep just about anything gifted to me.
Ideal Partner: preferably, i would like for my partner to have some patience with me; i can be indecisive, i struggle with social cues as previously mentioned, and I'm slow to comfortably expressing affection towards others and trusting other people. I also have Anxiety and Auditory Processing Disorder, so I don't always catch/process exactly what someone says so I may require patience for me to get what they said and respond or I may need what's said to be repeated, and I can be quite forgetful, though not due to lack of care of course. With all of this in mind, some understanding I'd be very grateful for and if my partner struggles with any of these things, I'd have patience and understanding for them as well. I would also like to know my partner is dependable as I've had my fair share of being treated with unreliability which has lead to a fair amount of disappointment, unfortunately my sense of loyalty tends to give people plenty of chances without much improvement shown on their behalf. I've worked on setting personal boundaries rather than letting myself be used or walked over as much.
With that said, i believe that is all. I apologize for the rambling. Thank you for your time and consideration and have a lovely day!
Hello! I apologize but only written trades are open! If you don't want to do a written trade you can take a normal appearance matchup ^^
0 notes
imjustabeanie · 1 day
Hii !
Would you be interested in doing a matchup exchange? 🙂‍↕️💕 cuz I’d luv to ✨
Yes of course! Sorry I answered only now I had health issues the past days so I was resting 😭😅
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imjustabeanie · 1 day
Matchup for @spongeofaces
Your twst match is...Trey!
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I would’ve ironically chosen Jamil but in the end, Trey would be more likely to try and break your shy shell as well as appreciate your childish character.
At first, Trey was your project partner. That’s honestly why he made sure to be patient with you till your shyness went away gradually. But then he slowly started to fall for you. The fun moments you two had together, how he felt like he could let loose around you. While you two are responsible and mature, it’s important to express that childish/mischievous side and have fun. He fell fast and hard but he’s very patient. He first tested the grounds and then planned how he’d ask you out. As much as he didn’t want to choose a cliché date it was during Valentine. Cater decided to play matchmaker and he ended up confessing cuz everyone is his dorm made it painfully obvious. Don’t worry he’ll definitely surprise you if he proposes to you (he won’t, he’s a romantic cliché that’s trying to avoid being cliché).
Trey is a very attentive boyfriend. While gifts aren’t his forte, he likes baking for and with you. You’re his taste tester. He always helps you out on social situations and doesn’t mind your mood swings. Everyone has bad days! He doesn’t force you to open up or anything, everything is done at your pace. But Trey also values communication a lot, he’d rather you tell him you want to be left alone or anything than leave him guessing. He doesn’t mind guiding you because as I said, he handled riddle for crying out loud. Trey adapts to you but would also love if you do the sale with him. It’d make him feel appreciated. At first, he’d be rather surprised at physical affection. He’d politely ask you to please slow down but then he’d get used to it and even initiate it. He loves holding hands and hugging you after a long day. He doesn’t mind being your stress ball so just squeeze em lol. Your energetic outburst match his sudden mischievous behavior at times. People know you two are either gonna help out other or go and cause your own occasional chaos.
Trey is the type of boyfriend to make post it’s and put them in places he knows you’ll find them and remind you of possible things. Or just says he loves you. He doesn’t show his love in big gestures, instead it’s in the details.
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imjustabeanie · 1 day
Matchup for @rinthelordofbean
Your twst match is...Kalim!
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Your match is…Kalim! Deuce was also very close but I think you and Kalim would have such a cute and wholesome relationship. Plus you’d bother Jamil together lol.
You two became friends super-fast. Your personalities match a lot. You don’t have any bad intentions and just experience life at the fullest. Yes you two are rather naïve and don’t worry about much things but it ironically makes people happier….But I’d think that Kalim is a tidy bit more responsible. He’s aware of the dangers surrounding him. To him, you’re first and foremost his best friend. The one who can match his energy. It is after most of NRC started comparing the two of you to a couple that he considered you in a romantic life. Once he did, he went headfirst to confessing. He organized a feast, which seems to be his speciality lol. But that was to introduce you as his lover. His proposal was more intimate, he took you to a ride with the magic carpet and asked you out under the stars. It was very romantic and he laid his true feelings raw for you. Jamil doesn’t know if it’s a good or bad thing for his schedule tbh.
Kalim is the definition of a gold retriever boyfriend. His love language is all over the place. He absolutely spoils you but to him it’s not really a love language, he does give gifts to a lot of people but yours are definitely more thoughtful and expensive so I hope you won’t get too overwhelmed with that. He also stops using your name in favor of a plethora of pet names, if you ask what he loves about you he will talk for hours. He’s just that good at appreciating people and seeing them in a positive light. Kalim also will confide everything to you. You’re his lover, the closest person to his heart, of course you have to know all about him. Honesty is a very important thing to him considering how many people tried to take advantage (or succeeded) of him. Jamil did make you go through tests to see if you’re not like that (you passed quickly and with flying colors for some reasons..). Kalim will lay down all his troubles and would love for you to do the same, he encourages you even. This happens after or during dinner (he likes when you two feed each other. It gives him wedding vibes). He likes laying his head on your lap and just talking/joking with you till sleeps take over. He also sends memes and shitposts at random hours….
As you can see, Kamil is a very romantic boyfriend. He sees la vie en rose so your story is very similar to a fairytale. He always makes sure that your favorite foods are stocked and dreams of experiencing everything with you (like traveling the world together etc..). He does get worried when you’re easily hurt so he always clings to you lol. Just like you, he does things last minutes but it’s because he gets distracted. Jamil will definitely be here to remedy to that….he fears for his stress level once you two get married. Despite his character, Kalim definitely tries to become a strong man so you know you can depend on him and not always expect Jamil to help out.
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imjustabeanie · 8 days
Thanks for the exchange!
appearance matchup exchange for @imjustabeanie!!★
for genshin i ship you with..
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bro hes just like.hes so hot. he just is.
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imjustabeanie · 8 days
Appearance matchup for @bloodymiso
Your genshin match is....Thoma! The very very close runner up is Diluc
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imjustabeanie · 8 days
Wow thanks a lot for the matches! I trully wasn't expecting some of them but they're very pleasant! And adding some context is so nice!
Tell your sister that she ironically picked my first main in genshin for the runner up lol. I even have alhaitham weapon but now I am a ginger main
Appearance Match-Up For @imjustabeanie
Read appearance match-up guidelines here and send in your request!
For your Obey Me appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Mammon! :D
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I think Mammon would adore your style, you two have similar fashion sense so he loves coordinating outfits with you and posting them on his Devilgram stories to show off how great y’all look together <3
For your Demon Slayer appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
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Tomioka Giyuu! :D
He’d love your hair :> He loves how curly and voluminous it is, when he’s feeling overwhelmed sometimes he likes to just come up and hug you from behind as he nuzzles into your hair and just rests his head there
For your JJK appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Satoru Gojo! :D
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I think he’d find your eyes really pretty <3 He loves bragging about his bright blue eyes lol but I feel like he’d be really attracted to darker eyes in a partner, plus he thinks your lashes are really pretty too :]
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Special thanks to my sister for helping me out with these last two since I know very little about these games lol :> Also since I didn't know the characters I didn't wanna include compliments they'd give and risk making them OOC or anything so instead I gave you a runner-up for both of these! I hope that's okay and that you still enjoy them :>
For your Genshin Impact appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Wriothesely! :)
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And your runner up was... Alhaitham! :)
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For your Honkai Star Rail appearance match-up, I’d match you with…
Blade! :)
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And your runner up was... Dan Heng/Imbibitor Lunae! :)
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imjustabeanie · 9 days
Hiyaa! If it's still open, I'd like to request an appearance matchup! For JJBA [Part 2], TWST, and Genshin. I'm sorry for maxing out the limit- ;; Preferably male matchups by the way!
Thank you sm! 💙
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Appearance matchup!
Yes of course! Nah don't worry you didn't reach the limit lol. Anyways here are your matches
Your JJBA match is...Kars!
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Your Genshin match is...Neuvillette!
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Your Twst match is...Jade! your runner up is Sebek.
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Hope you like it!
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imjustabeanie · 9 days
jaahwu thanks a lot for the compliment! I also found your writing to be very lovely ^^
Hi! Here's the updated sheet, sorry for the inconvenience! Again, thanks for doing this with me, and I hope you have a good one <3
Personality: I'm a Scorpio, INFJ-T, and in general I'd say I align with those assignments. I'm extremely introverted to the point of being asocial. I spend most of my time by myself, and if I could I'd do everything on my own, since I'm stubbornly independent. Despite this, I'm not unfriendly, I just have a really hard time connecting with others due to my social anxiety. I really appreciate people who go out of their way to connect with me, and I make friends with people quickly when I get the chance. Once I get comfy I become very blunt and humorous. I tend to say and do as I please, though never to the detriment of someone else, as I tend to put other's needs above my own. I'll talk for hours about my interests and passions, and I'm always up for a challenge. I also have a very strong moral compass, and I refuse to compromise on it. I try to be kind above all else, especially to those who seem to be in a rough place, as I haven’t always been treated kindly, and I want others to feel loved. I’m known for giving great advice and being a good shoulder to cry on, but I don’t let others take advantage of that. Overall I'm determined, creative, and compassionate, but also stubborn, judgmental, and fearful. 
Likes: I love horror media and anything deemed unsettling, since things that make me uncomfortable fascinate me. I love animals (especially tarantulas and spiders) and nature, and I spend a lot of time drawing and painting the world around me. I enjoy composing, playing, and listening to music, especially instrumentals, rock, and soundtracks. I also play video games, especially RPGs and FPS games. I’m a boxer and archer, and while I don’t like athletics and sports that much, climbing, running, and adventuring outside is always fun for me. 
Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, especially when they’re not aware of how they’re inconveniencing others. I also dislike those who are arrogant and cruel, and I have a particular distaste for seafood and being touched.Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, especially when they’re not aware of how they’re inconveniencing others. I also dislike those who are arrogant and cruel, and I have a particular distaste for seafood and being touched.
What I look for in a partner: Someone who is kind and understanding of my flaws, and especially someone with a good sense of humor. I feel like I don’t truly connect with people until we laugh about something together. I value honesty and communication as well, so someone who isn’t willing or can’t be open and vulnerable with me is a no go. As pessimistic as I am, I also believe in doing good and making other people’s days a little bit brighter if possible, so I couldn’t be around a cynic or someone intentionally cruel. 
Fun Fact: I like to read medical textbooks, and I find visiting cadaver labs and watching medical procedures thrilling. 
I am very sorry for being MIA. I was in a bad place the last weeks...Enjoy and sorry again
Your twst match is....Lillia!
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Now I hesitated between a lot between Lillia and Kalim. If it wasn’t for Kalim (sometimes) complete disregard of other feelings just like what happened with Jamil I would’ve chosen him. Good thing you gave your dislikes.
In general, it’s very easy to befriend Lillia. He makes it very easy even if you’re an introvert. I would personally go for the usual duo at a project together route because it’s often the easiest way to befriend an introvert for someone like Lillia. When he met you, he recognized your social anxiety and did his best to make you at easy without overwhelming you. He started by asking about your hobbies and at first he was having a monologue until you started to chime in. You gave him a stick and he fully took it. Lillia is a gamer and probably likes horror media himself. The day you two had a very exciting conversation about video games he was so proud of himself he offered to bake you something (silver saved you. Go thank silver). Due to how popular he is, he understands that you’d rather text sometimes. You two converse a lot via texts. He sends you some dark media horror you don’t know where he got it from and you two talk about it. He asks about your day and often makes it a point to invite you when he can, even if he knows you’ll decline often. He genuinely finds you agreeable to be around and wants to befriend you. The time you came to the pop music practice he was very excited. He saw that the others also got excited. Lillia took Cater and Kalim aside to ask them to keep it down this time, he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable. They surprisingly managed to respect that. Lillia encouraged you to play some music and that’s how he discovered your talent. He really wants you to join the club now lol. He doesn’t mind how blunt you are and actually appreciates your humor. He knows you’re grateful that he stuck around to get to know you and Lillia knows that too. That’s why he treasures the relationship. He actually fell in love midway but really hesitated on asking you out. He knows his time is short and it might ruin the whole friendship. Surprisingly, it was an intervention from Malleus, Sebek and Silver that gave him the courage to test the water. He started hanging out with you more and even some light flirting. Once he felt you reciprocated, Lillia invited you to the sky and asked you out. Now that’s romance at its finest.
Okay the introduction was rather long but I needed to give context lol.
Lillia is a very chill and easy going boyfriend. He’s mischievous and likes to tease you. He also loves going on new exciting adventures. It’s good that he calmed down now because he’s the type to decide on a whim to travel to the other side of the planet overnight. With you, he mostly takes you to see some breathtaking views. Especially if you visit him in his home country, he’ll take you to every exciting place he knows and will start a scrapbook. His goal is to explore as many places as possible with you. Lillia knows you’re the type to put others needs before your own but he’ll make sure you don’t do that with him. He’ll encourages you to put yourself first and if you don’t know how to refuse someone he’ll gladly do it instead of you. He’s literally ready to fight for you lmao.
Lillia loves how kind and caring you are and how you’re often the therapist to others. But unfortunately, therapists don’t have therapists. That’s why he wants you to rely on him. He knows it’s a process that takes time but he’s willing to wait for you to open up because just like you, he knows how to comfort and give good advices. Lillia always takes care of you and your needs, he’ll always treats you like a queen. His favorite thing is to lay on your laps and talk with you. You could speak for hours and he’d still be totally engaged or looking at you with love in his eyes. Lillia loves complimenting you. His love language is definitely words and acts of service. All his knowledge is yours and he’ll defend you to the very end.
Since you two play video games, it’s sure you’ll reference to each other in your bio lmao. Perhaps you’d even do matching pictures. If you ever accepted to cosplay he’ll gladly do it. Lillia also loves playing music for you. Just like you, he’d write about you and would play it proudly. Everyone knows you two are together but all the lovey dovey stuff is kept private as per your request.
Lillia is an understanding lover who’d help you get over your flaws. He’d encourage you to get over your fears and always has your backs. He’s also into the same interests as yours that others would find weird. He loves pets, and probably owned a tarantula sometimes in his life. He also understands your morbid curiosity (I have the same lmao) as it’s something everyone has in them. He could even supplement you with fun facts from experience… Overall, you and Lillia are a very fun couple. He respects your boundaries and understands you without you talking. This makes for a very fruitful relationship that only deat
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imjustabeanie · 9 days
Welcome! I'm happy you liked it 😁
Appearance matchup for @stup1dwriter
Your genshin match is...Childe!
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Your Hsr matchup is...Yukong! Your runner up is Sampo
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You didn't specify the gender so I went by what I saw best 😅
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imjustabeanie · 9 days
Anyone wants to do a matchup exchange for genshin? I have 3 people supposed to write me one but it's been months and they didn't post their part...
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