For anyone looking for tickets, the Taylor Swift Resell Group on Facebook is requiring all sales be face value, and be done through PayPal Goods and Services which reduces scammers.
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i’m absolutely in awe like, i think this short film really makes it hit home just how YOUNG she was. in the beginning i felt so uncomfortable at the age gap between dylan and sadie but like.. that’s the POINT? she really was that young when they dated. in the original all too well, she makes it sound like a mutual break up, but the scenes where dylan was straight up gaslighting sadie show that she never stood a chance. or when he refused to acknowledge her in front of his friends. and u can clearly see how young and innocent and vulnerable she was. 
it adds even more depth to an already amazing song. fuck jake gyllenhaal, i hate that dude <3
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Is anyone else concerned about Blondie’s food going bad because she leaves her refrigerator door open to dance in the light? Just me? Okay.
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I just think it’s nice that Taylor swift went from “you never called it what it was” to “call it what you want”
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A friend of mine with a passion for folklore and small presses recently introduced me to Inhabit Media, and I’m so glad to have had a chance to peruse these books. 
Inhabit Media is an Inuit-owned publishing company based in Iqaluit, Nunavut (i.e. very very very North). They are dedicated to preserving and promoting the stories, knowledge, culture, and language of the Inuit and of Northern Canada, and they publish a range of books for children and adults that include contemporary and historical fiction, folklore and legends retold and beautifully illustrated, and non-fiction on history, science, and arctic life. 
If you enjoy folklore, oral history, wintertime storytelling, or really superbly creepy mermaids, definitely check them out. 
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HOW TO DONATE TO BLM WHEN YOU HAVE NO MONEY! a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. turn off your adblocker and do not skip ads. between each time watch 3-5 other videos (mix it up) before restarting. this will ensure you aren’t marked as spam by youtube. don’t mute the video itself. and let. it. play.
donations will be dispersed among the following organizations:
1. brooklyn bail fund
2. minnesota freedom fund
3. atlanta action network
4. black visions collective
5. george floyd’s family gofundme
6. blacklivesmatter.com
7. reclaim the bloc
8. aclu
9. the bail project inc
10. chicago bond
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ways to support the blm movement
this google doc includes a list of petitions to sign, resources to help educate yourself and others, organizations to donate to, and contacts of law officials to get in touch with to express your support for the george floyd and black lives matter movements. this includes ways to help even if you don’t live in america. please read it and support the movement. 
use your voice. use every platform you have, no matter how big or how small. nothing will change if you just sit there and watch. if you think you’re the exception, you’re not. remaining indifferent will only support the oppressor. do something.
write to your legal representatives. express your support for legislation that would bring justice to the unarmed civilians who’ve been murdered by law enforcement officers. demand for justice. 
call 612-324-4499 ㅡ this is a hotline that will coach you on how to get connected with the people who can arrest the officers that murdered george floyd. 
create serious conversation. stop demeaning people who disagree with your philosophies on how to overcome. it is useless and no better than the practices of the oppressor to silence. we need to listen to each other with respect and really consider how we can combine our perspectives to create practical change. 
please feel free to add any links or resources or information that you think will be helpful and also reblog to spread awareness. the systems we are fighting against were literally created to oppress marginalized communities and therefore will not go down without a fight. we need to collectively stand up and do something about it. 
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I saw this tiktok on twitter and I just had to 😂
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That’s Louis Rossman, a repair technician and YouTuber, who went viral recently for railing against Apple. Apple purposely charges a lot for repairs and you either have to pay up or buy a new device. That’s because Apple withholds necessary tools and information from outside repair shops. And to think, we were just so close to change.
Follow @the-future-now
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Sex Education (Season 2, Episode 4)
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so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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another thing abt percy jackson that is so funny is when he gets to new rome & he’s like “wait there are ADULT demigods here?? who are alive???? and living????” cuz camp halfblood is just like Imma Be Real With You Chief: You WILL Die Before 25
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