List of “102 different types of kisses”
Kisses in the rain
Those kisses that leave them craving for more
Character A laughing against Character B’s lips when they pull away before they go in for anotherkiss
Those kisses that leave them out of breath, mind reeling endlessly
Tearful kisses
Rough kisses
Soft kisses
Soft kisses turning rough
Rough kisses mellowing out into a softer kiss
Kisses that make them melt
Kisses of reassurance
Forehead kisses
Cheek kisses
Kisses on the crown of the head
Feather-light kisses on their knuckles
Kisses on the back of their hand
Thigh kisses
Neck kisses
Kisses all over the face
Sudden kisses
First kisses
Kisses that leave them all hot and bothered
Goodbye kisses
Good morning kisses
Hello kisses
Lazy kisses
Kisses that indicate they want to do more than just kissing
Kisses littered all over the body
Kisses of appreciation
Kissing just for the hell of it
Kisses that shouldn’t mean anything (but end up meaning more than they’d care to admit)
Shoulder kisses
Tip of the nose kisses 
Kisses on the eyelids 
Kisses of apology
Kisses after a love confession
Kisses that shut them the hell up
Character A pressing Character B against the wall and kissing them senseless
Collarbone kisses
Chaste kisses 
Kisses done in secret
Character B kissing Character A while Character B is dying in their arms
Kissing away tears
Kisses that they can never get enough of
Almost kisses 
Kisses that are interrupted by an unsuspecting party walking in
Smiling/laughing into the kiss
Kisses that make them wonder
Pecks on the lips
Kisses that mean nothing
Kisses that mean the world
Kisses that have their knees buckling under them
Hesitant kisses 
Corner of the mouth kisses
Kisses that involve a lot of touching as well
Long kisses
Awkward kisses
Accidental kisses
Character A staring at Character B’s lips before leaning in to claim them
Character A staring at Character B’s lips after they kiss them senseless. “Your lips are so red,” they whisper, eyes flickering up to meet theirs, a lustful glint in them
Slow kisses, like they’ve got all the time in the world
Kisses for the sake of practice
Unexpected kisses
Unexpected kisses that get all hot and heavy 
Kisses that cross the line they’ve both been dancing on for the longest of time
Character A kissing Character B while they’re fucking to keep the noises they’re both making at bay
Angry kisses
Character A kissing the Character B and then pulling away because Character B’s too shocked to respond, but then Character B’s pulling them back in and kissing them hard
Soft murmurs between kisses
Kisses that have them moaning against each other’s lips
Kisses that make their cheeks flushed
Kisses they can’t stop thinking about
Kisses that have them falling in love
Kisses that mean everything to one party and nothing to the other party
Playful kisses
Kisses all over the face
Intentional kisses
Innocent kisses
Kisses that have them both pulling away and bursting into giggles
Kisses to calm the other down
Desperate kisses
Firm kisses
Kisses to confirm whether they like them or not
Drunken kisses
Kisses that are done for the sake of a show
Curious kisses
Kisses where they both have no idea what they’re doing
Kisses which involve too much tongue
Kisses which have Character A pressed flushed against Character B 
Sloppy kisses that have them both pulling away and giggling 
Accidentally bumping noses when kissing and laughing about it
Kisses used in place of a verbal love confession 
Blowing a kiss from afar 
A “how about we ruin this friendship?” kiss
Knocking glasses askew when kissing
Eager kisses 
Soft continuous pecks on the lips that have the other party giggling softly between each one
Kisses trailing from the neck to their navel, then Character A looking up at Character B and saying, “Are you sure want this?” The eager nod Character B give them is enough of a sign
Kisses that burn; hands in their hair, on their waist, their hips, their neck, their shoulders, their arms, under their shirt because they need to feel every inch of them under their palms 
Hateful kisses; all teeth, bruising, hair tugging, being pinned against the wall, low groans, heavy breathing, knees separating thighs — but both of them need more. Even better if the kisses are shared between former lovers turned enemies
Suggestive kisses
The soft “Can I kiss you?” and the “Yes. Yes, you fucking can” before they meet in the middle
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i just kinda like them
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“knock yourself out” as a response of confirmation is crazy. oh you want my permission to do something?? sure why not. eat shit and die about it for all i care.
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and I wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser who only wanted you to see her Taylor Swift, The Tortured Poets Department (2024)
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TAYLOR SWIFT Cornelia Street | You're Losing Me | loml
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i've been held hostage
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Chapter 1
Scott scrambled through the door of him and Wallace’s little house, soaking wet from the rain. He dropped his wet coat on the carpet floor, and kicked off his rain boots. He could practically hear Wallace groaning about it from the kitchen.
“C’mon, guy, we talked about this.” Wallace sighed as he picked up Scott’s deserted belongings and hung up his raincoat.
“Can’t you just do your gay dance and all the water will go away?” Scott limply flicked a strand of his curly damp hair out of his face. “I’m soaked.”
“No. It only works for homosexuals, not morons.” Wallace stuffed the boots into a drawer. “You just have to use a towel like all the rest of the straight people in the world.”
“I don’t wanna.” Scott whined as he flopped down onto the bed, then sat up, realizing what he’d done. “Whoops. Sorry.”
“Why’re you in such a bitchy mood?” Wallace asked, looking Scott up and down like he was scanning him for injuries.
“Ramona has to fight my five evil exes, and she told me she wouldn’t fight anyone until after she’d had her morning tea.” Scott explained, adding in an even more annoyed tone, “Which is unfair because I don’t even know who the fifth evil exe is.”
Wallace froze, and thought for a moment, “Well, are we counting Lisa?”
“Yeah, I guess. But we didn’t even date.” Scott ran his hand through his hair.
“You broke her heart. Maybe that’s how we count the evil exes.”
“But that still leaves a fifth exe! God, I should’ve paid more attention in kindergarten…” Scott groaned.
“I’m going to make breakfast.” Wallace announced, ending the conversation and heading over to the kitchen.
Scott knew the definition of that word. Breakfast: noun. A meal that is eaten after Wallace kicks out his hook-up and Scott has brushed his teeth. Consists of bacon, eggs, and cheese. On occasion, yogurt. Never with fruit, though, Wallace and Scott could never afford such fancy foods.
Scott finally got his lazy ass off the couch and stumbled to the shower, earning a well-deserved and monotone “woo-hoo” from Wallace.
Stepping behind the curtain of the shower, he almost fell asleep under the rhythmic pulse of water. It was only when he felt something brush against his stomach that he realized something. Something very embarrassing. Something that shouldn’t be there. He felt the blood rush up to his cheeks. Well, it’s only natural. It happens to guys all the time. Even though it did, Scott felt ashamed…the empty weight of the container…
He was out of shampoo.
“WALLACE! WE’RE OUT OF SHAMPOO!” Scott called urgently, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
“What am I supposed to do about that?” Wallace replied, not seeming to care as much as Scott did about the topic.
“Just use my shampoo.”
“YOU BUY YOUR SHAMPOO AT WALMART.” Scott practically growled like an alpha male in a Wattpad fanfiction.
“You buy yours at Walmart too, Scott. In fact, I buy both of ours from Walmart at the same time because you don’t help me get the groceries.” Wallace said, and Scott scoffed at his response. He did help sometimes. Just not most of the time.
He heard Wallace stop cutting up whatever the hell he was cutting up and the front door slam.
Scott doesn’t say anything for a moment and sits down in the tub, wallowing in his sadness. He hears the main door creak again and Wallace knocks on the bathroom door.
“Can I come in?” He asked, sounding less irritated than usual.
“I’m naked.” Scott said wearily.
“Oh, sweet.” Wallace responded exasperatedly. Scott made a disapproving sound and Wallace sighed. “I bought you shampoo.”
“REALLY!?” Scott almost slipped as he dashed to the bathroom door, swinging it open. Wallace stood behind it, slightly flabbergasted and very much flustered. Scott fell silent. Wallace’s black hair was now sticky wet and stuck to the sides of his light skin, which was now flushed a dull pink. He was still wearing his gray raincoat, atop of his blue sweater (Wallace dressed like a stereotypical sophisticated white twink), which clung to his clothes. It slightly confused Scott that Wallace was so embarrassed. He’d seen naked men all the time. Heck, he’d probably seen a naked man (or men) this morning. Why was this so awkward? Why was Scott so awkward?
“Uhhh, thanks!” Scott swiped the shampoo bottle out of Wallace’s hand and quickly slammed the door shut. Scott laid his back against it, his heart racing in his chest and pounding in his ears. He heard another stifled sigh from the other side of the door and footsteps that seemed to disappear to the kitchen.
Well, that was weird.
“Probably because I haven’t washed my hair.” Scott said to himself, stepping back into the shower, and almost slipping once more. The warm water had been used up while he was wallowing in despair and while he was awkwardly chatting with his roommate.
(Someone help me I have no idea how to set up the part ones and twos and threes I feel like a millennial 😭)
Hi! I’ve been writing a fanfiction called SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE CONSEQUENCES TO HIS ACTIONS (not all caps it just looks cool like that) on AO3 (as kingofheadaches) and Wattpad (as raredforever) and I’ve decided to start posting on Tumblr as well. It’s a reverse AU where Ramona has to fight all of Scott’s exes, with a few twists. I hope you like it!!
“Ramona,” Scott said quietly, laying with his back against the soft mattress owned by his formerly mentioned and current lover. “I know we were having sex a moment ago, but you need to know something.”
“We weren’t having sex.” Ramona’s voice is muffled by a pillow as she jerked and turned to face her dumbass boyfriend.
“We weren’t?” Scott raised his eyebrow, then furrowed them, as he tried to determine what they had been doing for the previous ten minutes.
Scott and Ramona had been dating for about ten weeks now, and Scott had not gotten to second base yet. Wallace had told him he probably already had, because, Ramona being Ramona, she probably was a legend at sex. But Wallace was gay, so what would he even know about boobs?
Scott turned to Ramona, still in deep thought, “But we were kissing and junk.”
“I’m starting to believe you’re a virgin.” Ramona stated, adjusting her tank top strap.
“Well, the jokes on you, because I don't even know what that means.” Scott said much more smugly than anyone who’d ever admitted to having the IQ of a 12-year-old boy who rarely went outside had.
“Jesus, Scott.”
“Just Scott is fine.” Scott took pride in his vast vocabulary of comebacks, though (Your mom, your mother, I’m rubber you're glue, your father, a few legendary burns that he has to reserve for confidential reasons).
Ramona rolled her eyes, then realized why they were talking about this in the first place, “Weren’t you going to tell me something?”
Scott rolled back onto his back, sighing, “Oh, it’s nothing, just my five evil exes.”
“Shit, do I need to fight them or something?” Ramona asked, sitting up a bit.
Scott shrugged, “You could. I mean, you definitely could because you’re like super powerful and it’d be pretty hot so maybe consider it.”
“Scott. What did I say about being sexist?”
Scott thought for a moment. What was sexism again? He would think it was a good thing, since it involved sex and an attractive person was saying it, but Ramona seemed pretty unsexy about the whole ordeal.
“…It’s bad?”
Ramona rolled over and obstructed his view of her. “I’m going to bed.”
“Aren’t you going to fight my evil exes?” Scott asked, like a child reminding his parents to bring him to the candy store.
“In the morning.”
“But that’s like in six hours.”
“Goodnight, Scott.” Ramona mumbled into her pillow, already falling asleep.
Scott grumbled something about never getting to see anyone fight and how in the morning he’d have to go over to Wallace’s and his house and he wouldn’t get to see anyone fighting but Wallace and his homosexuality as he watched Lucas Lee adaptions of every action movie than included guns, motorcycles, and a hot brunette co-star.
Hope you enjoyed!
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If two categories tie for some reason, I will make him Multi-class.
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are ramonas exes going to play a part in your story?
i love how you write scott and ramona BTW
Hi! Thank you for the compliment, and yes, there’ll be cameos throughout it and Todd will play a significant role in it, but it’ll take a few chapters before we really get into it ❤️
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just killing time w the doppelgangers
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Hi! I’ve been writing a fanfiction called SCOTT PILGRIM VS THE CONSEQUENCES TO HIS ACTIONS (not all caps it just looks cool like that) on AO3 (as kingofheadaches) and Wattpad (as raredforever) and I’ve decided to start posting on Tumblr as well. It’s a reverse AU where Ramona has to fight all of Scott’s exes, with a few twists. I hope you like it!!
“Ramona,” Scott said quietly, laying with his back against the soft mattress owned by his formerly mentioned and current lover. “I know we were having sex a moment ago, but you need to know something.”
“We weren’t having sex.” Ramona’s voice is muffled by a pillow as she jerked and turned to face her dumbass boyfriend.
“We weren’t?” Scott raised his eyebrow, then furrowed them, as he tried to determine what they had been doing for the previous ten minutes.
Scott and Ramona had been dating for about ten weeks now, and Scott had not gotten to second base yet. Wallace had told him he probably already had, because, Ramona being Ramona, she probably was a legend at sex. But Wallace was gay, so what would he even know about boobs?
Scott turned to Ramona, still in deep thought, “But we were kissing and junk.”
“I’m starting to believe you’re a virgin.” Ramona stated, adjusting her tank top strap.
“Well, the jokes on you, because I don't even know what that means.” Scott said much more smugly than anyone who’d ever admitted to having the IQ of a 12-year-old boy who rarely went outside had.
“Jesus, Scott.”
“Just Scott is fine.” Scott took pride in his vast vocabulary of comebacks, though (Your mom, your mother, I’m rubber you're glue, your father, a few legendary burns that he has to reserve for confidential reasons).
Ramona rolled her eyes, then realized why they were talking about this in the first place, “Weren’t you going to tell me something?”
Scott rolled back onto his back, sighing, “Oh, it’s nothing, just my five evil exes.”
“Shit, do I need to fight them or something?” Ramona asked, sitting up a bit.
Scott shrugged, “You could. I mean, you definitely could because you’re like super powerful and it’d be pretty hot so maybe consider it.”
“Scott. What did I say about being sexist?”
Scott thought for a moment. What was sexism again? He would think it was a good thing, since it involved sex and an attractive person was saying it, but Ramona seemed pretty unsexy about the whole ordeal.
“…It’s bad?”
Ramona rolled over and obstructed his view of her. “I’m going to bed.”
“Aren’t you going to fight my evil exes?” Scott asked, like a child reminding his parents to bring him to the candy store.
“In the morning.”
“But that’s like in six hours.”
“Goodnight, Scott.” Ramona mumbled into her pillow, already falling asleep.
Scott grumbled something about never getting to see anyone fight and how in the morning he’d have to go over to Wallace’s and his house and he wouldn’t get to see anyone fighting but Wallace and his homosexuality as he watched Lucas Lee adaptions of every action movie than included guns, motorcycles, and a hot brunette co-star.
Hope you enjoyed!
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+ your favourite bonus guest
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Lokii + tumblr [18/?]
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[There's a package addressed to you.]
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POCKY GAME valentines cotag art <3
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