i-me-j · 6 years
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i-me-j · 6 years
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✨Note to self✨
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i-me-j · 6 years
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i-me-j · 6 years
“Well, I’d call it your sexual awakening.”
In that case I don’t even know what I have been doing for the past 13-14 years since I hit puberty..
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i-me-j · 6 years
Fuck yes!!!
It’s addicting!!
Girls like hearing men moan during sex
Girls LIKE hearing men moan during sex
GIRLS LIKE hearing men moan during sex
GIRLS LIKE hearing MEN MOAN during SEX
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i-me-j · 6 years
Educate yourself, People!!!
“I prefer a “baby i’m busy rn but I’ll call you later ” rather than 8 hours with no text back and a sorry ass excuse.”
— @thesexualquotes (via thesexualquotes)
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i-me-j · 6 years
I NEED DRARRY IN MY LIFE, I’m having a severe case of drarry-absence 💔
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i-me-j · 7 years
I want to meet them too..
I saw Drarry at the Airport.
The other day I was flying out to visit my family, and when I was in line to board the plane I noticed this couple standing behind me bickering. One of them whispered, “do you think they would let us on early for priority boarding if we tell them we’re gay? Because I’m super gay for you.” And the other guy was trying to shush him as if he was afraid they’d be outed or something, which is funny because when I turned around to glance at them they were holding hands. Not only were they holding hands, but one of them was a tall, dark-haired brunette wearing wire-rimmed glasses. The other was skinny and blond, and was wearing a long black button up jacket with a scarf that clearly was only meant for a fashion statement. What I’m trying to say here is guys, I think I met Drarry at the airport, and I think it’s a sign. I don’t know what kind of sign, but… you know what I mean.
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i-me-j · 7 years
At least people are noticing!!!
one of the funniest things about harry potter is how jkr accidentally made harry incredibly bisexual. she forgot that the average straight teenager does not have an inner monologue about how attractive his opponents, friends, and godparents are. and thus we were blessed with bi harry.
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i-me-j · 7 years
Draco Malfoy, a summary
What Harry thinks he’s like:
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What his friends think he’s like:
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What the Gryffindors think he’s like:
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What his parents think he’s like:
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What the fandom think he’s like:
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What he thinks he’s like:
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What he’s really like:
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i-me-j · 7 years
Sounds like a good mood
mood: kissing a boy all over after fucking him senseless to remind him how good he was.
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i-me-j · 7 years
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i-me-j · 7 years
A Simple Question But Not So Simple Answer
My youngest brother asked me a weird question today. “Hey, Jess, who is Ellen DeGeneres’ husband?”
He didn’t ask me whose she is married to but who’s her husband.
So I looked at him trying to figure out if he was kidding or not? He wasn’t. So I looked him dead in the eye and said. “She’s married to an actress named Portia de Rossi.”
He looked at me confused and asked. “Are you messing with me?”
“Why’d I do that?” I asked back.
He looked back at google and searched. Then he turned again to me and said astonished. “She’s a famous people and married to a woman.”
“That’s what I said, why’d you check the fact?”
He shrugged and murmured something along the lines of ‘who knew famous people could be anything but straight?’
I blame Hollywood for that. The media industry forced some people to hide their sexuality, others going as far as hiding behind beards so they can keep their jobs/work. I don’t mean Ellen. Just in general. I do feel happy when a famous person comes out as part of LGBTQ+.
I hope that we’re heading to a new era when your sexuality is irrelevant to your job. When you don’t have to hide it and be with who you are safely. I hope that I don’t have to explain to another younger person that a spouse doesn’t have to be of the opposite sex.
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i-me-j · 7 years
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So a friend of mine is an artist and I was complimenting his new project a tree in a garden kinda model. But then...
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i-me-j · 7 years
"Why there are SO many naked people in this museum?"
My mom in the Louvre
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i-me-j · 7 years
Department of Mysteries Battle - The Veil and The Screams
Great part of the movie don't you think? No, I don't think so. Why? Because the scene when Sirius Black -I'm NOT CRYING THESE AREN'T MY TEARS- fell behind the veil was muted.
According to sources the scene was just too painful and Harry's screams of despair were too tortured to be shared w the world. Excuse me??!! We CRIED our eyes out over that scene since it was written in the book. We wanted to jump behind that evil veil and pull our Sirius back to safety. We wanted to go to the Ministry of Magic and shout and object over the presence of such a thing in a governmental building. We denied what happened. We refused to accept it and we had hope that maybe our Sirius would be back. So why mute a scene when all we wanted was to feel it, to embrace it and to just experience it through the mourning it deserves??!! Why'd you dare disrespect our Sirius? Let us scream as one with Harry James Potter mourning the loss of his godfather. And let beautiful talented amazing Daniel Radcliffe share his talent with the world.
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i-me-j · 7 years
See, people? So let me tell you VERY CLEARLY, I’ll SHIP Mr. Harry James Potter and Mr. Draco Lucius Malfoy together. And not just that. I can ship SNARRY TOO, Yes I don’t care if you DON’T like Prof. Severus Snape but Harry named his son after him, he had the right to forgive or not forgive that man and he did. So yea. And I can even ship Mr. Lucius Malfoy dark wizard and death eater extraordinarie w any other male character that’s LIGHT. WHY? Because I CAN AND I WILL BECAUSE IT IS FICTION AND I CAN KEEP HIM DARK OR TURN HIM LIGHT.
Please stop abusing our ships. We don’t attack others even though some give me a sever heartburn, no offense meant.
I don’t know where this recent idea came from that fiction has to be perfectly healthy anyway. Fiction is not inherently healthy and never has been, its not real, its for exploration and imagination. Fiction is separate from reality and that is why we like it. What you write about is not what you condone, Stephen King is not serial killer for writing about murder. People are not being “abuse apologists” for shipping two characters in a less than healthy way.
I’m sick of this new trend.
You don’t have to like a ship but you want to know what is actually hurting people? What is not promoting healthy behavior? Harassing shippers, telling them they’re disgusting over fiction, that kind of shining behavior antis exhibit.
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