hylian-champion · 3 years
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        Alright so I gave myself time and while I pushed the date back over and over and over again I just gotta come clean: my Zelda-related blogs will be on an indefinite hiatus. And if I do come back, I will be remaking Link for a clean dashboard and a clean slate.
        It’s been fun, and I do appreciate everyone I’ve had the chance to write with. I’ll still be poking around in other fandoms but I haven’t said much here because I just wanted a break from the icky anxiety feeling that’s been creeping up on me. Y’know lil Goob from Meet the Robinsons? That’s been me for months here.
        Anyway, talk to me on discord if you want. I’ll be pretty slow as other life things decided to crash the party and not make it easy but y’know. So it goes.
        Smell ya later nerds.
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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//I don’t have the energy to make a graphic at the moment so–hi!!! This is an independent, selective RP blog for Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzalez III from Disney’s The Three Caballeros! Loved dearly by Henri.
Maybe leave a ❤ or a ↺ so I can get around and I can check you out? :o ¡Muchas gracias, amigos!
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hylian-champion · 3 years
Link should grow collar-length mustacheless sideburns.
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        you mean like mutton-chops??
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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I will never forget today’s miracles.
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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I’m very into the Linked Universe au created by @jojo56830 so this is my contribution.
With that said, this is Wild. The other day I was wondering if him could see the minish, yes I know, it’s canon that only children can do it, but with all the memories he has lost, I can’t help but see Wild more like a child. A Wild child who lacks the most trivial experiences and has a rather poor common sense!
That is him!!
You also can follow the official page here
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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First encounter with The Lord of the Mountain
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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      “ EVERYTHING! Or, y’know, mostly anything. C’mon – you’ve probably got some wild stories with all those scars! ” Kubo is naive and enthusiastic as ever. As such, he failed to understand the gravity of his question – granted, Kubo didn’t know any better. He didn’t know what LINK had been through, and his sheltered childhood lead him to glorify stories of epic battles and legendary duels.       Luckily it seemed the older wasn’t against humoring him a bit. Kubo’s curiosity was drawn to a newer scar on Link’s arm. His eye glittered with intrigue. “ REALLY? You saw a dragon? What happened?! ”
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        “Oh, yeah. Farosh,” he named the entity with disdain. “It’s the guardian of the Spring of Courage, or something like that. More like the guardian of electrocuting you for minding your own business and trying to cross a bridge.”
        From his tone it could be gathered that the scar wasn’t a one-time deal. While his compendium noted it harbored no ill will towards people, Link’s own experiences would beg to differ. Out of all the dragons he’s met, this one had a vendetta. The only good the dragon’s ever done for him was offer a small out of discussing his past once more.
        “I’ve seen three dragons, actually,” driving the topic further away and taking advantage of the boy’s eager interest. “The other two are pretty harmless. When... not covered in Malice, anyway.”
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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       Morbid curiosity was what carried the boy closer, footfalls sounding as he carefully padded to the heinous concoction the one known as ‘ Link ‘ was brewing. Eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the contents held by the ladle. An elixir sounded less than appetizing – what did it do? What purpose did it serve? Yet —-      “ Sure. ”
     A glove clad hand wrapped around the wooden handle, snaking the utensil from Link’s grasp. With reckless abandon, Razor then brought it to his lips, taking a hearty sip before carelessly dropping the instrument back into the pot. Expression was quick to adopt a look of disgust, features scrunching.      “ Ew. Taste bad. ”
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        “Yep,” he nodded to the raving review. The lizards themselves tasted like burnt charcoal, the octorok added an unsettling texture, and the flavor of Molduga, though acclaimed in its medicinal qualities, was just that: medicinal, like an off brand of disgusting cough syrup. All blended together, the flavors haven’t improved much.
        Link retrieved the ladle and scooped out two bottles full of the dark liquid. Sloshing the second around with one last examination of its contents.
        “Well, it’s worth it, if it’ll last a couple hours on Death Mountain. I’ll take my chances with a stomach ache over third degree burns.” He turned back to Razor, curiosity and concern abound for the stranger, he offered out the bottle. “You heading out that way too? You should take an elixir with you.”
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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        Normally, the hero’s privilege placed him above dealing with the affairs of Castle Town. Though the recent string of destruction and targeted robberies had all the knights of Hyrule pulled thin. At their wits’ end, they called in their best to hopefully put an end to the culprit’s exploits.
        Never trained as an investigator, Link simply mastered the art of looking busy without knowing what he was doing. He knelt close to the charred piece of wood blown off from the nearby shop and nudged it mindlessly. Even he could surmise explosives were used—if it wasn’t already clear enough from the gaping hole in the shop’s wall where the wood originated.
        Just under chosen chunk of wood was yet another branch that wouldn’t draw the eye of anyone with experience. Though, to Link, he recognized it instantly. It was half of a thin, smooth shaft with a single burnt fletch at the end. It was an arrow—more appropriately, what remained of a bomb arrow after it went off. He quietly approached his fellow captain nearby and quietly waved the clue in front of him to see what he thought of it.        // @liishang​
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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She would have to talk with him later about being more careful.  Right now, they had to stay quiet and ensure their plan didn’t backfire spectacularly. The shifter kept her breathing even, watching from behind the boulder.
“Yep.” Her sword was unsheathed, blade glimmering in the sunlight. Should the explosion not kill every Bokoblin, then she would go in to pick off the remaining stragglers.
“Bring it on.”
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        He let the arrow fly. The subtle sizzling wick of the bomb arrow grew distant and silent long before the inevitable blast that shook the monster camp and sent a few of their footmen some distance in the air with a trail of smoke behind them. Those unaffected had their attention drawn to the disaster, and quickly drew horns to alert of an attack. A little late, and more than obvious, it was still the only action they could think of before scouting the area for the attacker.
         Link shifted his position and crouched down with another arrow nocked ready to cover as needed. Fire followed with ice which bought time in the hoard though his eyes widened as one of the monsters seemingly brushed off the explosion with little to no harm done. The silver sheen of its skin and purple markings must have designated it the leader of the group. Link aimed the arrow toward it before it could retrieve its flaming club.
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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This was a really fun commission for @pocketseizure. They did the script, I just drew it out for them! I think it encompasses the BotW Link attitude pretty well.
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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Lio allows Link to grow accustomed to the flame, though he can also sense the hero’s nerves, encountering an unfamiliar power. He takes the time to ponder the question- perhaps it is similar, though he isn’t entirely sure of his own origins. Sheikah technology is far more developed, but the Guidance Stones, like Lio’s Dinpyre Cycle, are powered by an unquenchable flame. Perhaps the two energy sources have more in common than Lio initially imagined.
“Hmm… I suppose so,” Lio finally answers, though now stuck with more questions about the Sheikah. “The Dinpyre flames are but a fraction of the goddess’s power. Only malice can extinguish this flame.” It’s something Lio’s proud of, having survived this long, though he doesn’t often display it, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself so he can continue to avoid capture.
“But, with the Sheikah technology, the energy just… seems to change form, doesn’t it? When it gets corrupted…” Like a Guardian, Lio wants to finish, but he’s not about to jinx this relatively safe encounter.
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        “Change... form?” he repeated. Unfortunately the description would be lost on him, though he was capable of following the unfinished thought with the only thing he’d known to be corrupted. “So... like Guardians?”
        His hand retracted. Some subconscious association had already slipped through his mind. With very few memories to recall, one always stuck out: that day. A small subtle frown worked its way out as the same hand reached for the device at his hip. It, too, ran on the same sort of energy as their technology supposedly.
        The screen flickered on projecting an image of what was before it. Though, unfortunately, the compendium that helped explain the world around him had nothing to offer on the flame. He turned it to Lio, with the same result. Just a regular traveler like himself though it seemed to settle his nerves again bringing about a faint smile.
        “I don’t, uh, sense energy like you do, I guess,” he shrugged. How useful that would be, though. A talent he wished to possess. “I can’t even tell the difference between a regular flame, or blue flame, or that flame besides looking at them. There’s something else to it I can’t see, right?”
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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“A volcano!? Sounds like a moun-TON of fun! Nya ha!” All jokes aside, Henry’s interest was certainly piqued now. What kind of wondrous ingredients awaited the humble dark mage’s expertise and exploitation atop one of the most dangerous locations in Hyrule this time?
They don’t call it “Death Mountain” for nothing, of course–and proper equipment was a must for scaling such a beast. If not, well… you could say goodbye to your eyebrows. And hair. And clothing. And life.
“Extra guts give any elixir a special tang, even if the standard recipe never calls for ‘em. Especially Chilly Elixirs!” Might as well address the odd ingredient choice as well… ah, but wait! Does that mean…?
“Oh! I can come!? Really!?”
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        A short, sharp laugh escaped through the cracked smile Link wore. Finally someone with a similar sense of humor. Out of all of Hyrule, who knew how rare and valuable that simple quality was. They’re a keeper.
        “Of course,” he answered. No strings attached. No expectations. The mage would have a free, hardy bodyguard all the way to Goron City with the low price of traveling companionship. What a bargain.
        To spice up the deal he added, “There’s mostly just moblins and lizalfos up there, but maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll run into an Igneo Talus. What do you think?”
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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Link likes breakfast cereals. Nothing can change my mind
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hylian-champion · 3 years
What's scarier than a demon trying to take over the kingdom? Seeing a sabercat felling a bear. I think some seasoned bear burgers are on the menu for Link tonight.
        Honestly, he doesn’t find it compares to Ganon at all. But what is scarier than an ancient demonic pig hellbent on destroying the kingdom or a buck-toothed wild cat? A wild man without any inhibitions who spotted a new steed. Yeehaw.
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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             —       SAID  I  GOT  A  WAY  WITH  MY  LIPS.
genshin impact multimuse ( ft. kaeya ). written by gladiolus.
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hylian-champion · 3 years
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        Back when Link was on my multi muse i mentioned how the Sheikah Slate holds his whole inventory. Extra weapons appear out of those blue strands of light when he pulls them from the slate like any old sheikah bombs. Though anything he needs right away (like quest items & snacks) he actually keeps in his lil side pouch.
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