humangenerator · 4 years
Bad news I used to be chaotic chaotic but now I’m chaotic neutral corona is a btich
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humangenerator · 4 years
I can be a Jedi I don’t feel love anakon what’s what I have the rank of master
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humangenerator · 4 years
so my sister and I may have accidentally trained our 25 pound dog to attack anyone that does the renegade around him
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humangenerator · 4 years
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☽ᴄʟᴀʀɪᴛʏ☽ turned 2 today!
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humangenerator · 4 years
Gandalf’s on weed
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humangenerator · 4 years
I think the fun part of how many American stereotypes there are is that some people think America is the fun part of High School Musical
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humangenerator · 4 years
just watched a khan academy video that was 4:20 I have never been so proud and accomplished in my life
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humangenerator · 4 years
I am in so much pain send my corpse to Satan I’ve got unfinished business with that little bitch 
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humangenerator · 4 years
It’s official ritz crackers are ovals. Disturbed and hurt from them not telling me.
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humangenerator · 4 years
I need to tone down the depression meter because my history teacher is starting to notice
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humangenerator · 4 years
Pizza hut is on crack because they transcended to the gods and knew 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 what I wanted
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humangenerator · 4 years
Gotta love last minute hero origin story, read a stick figure comic starring Steve Hoders and Buckle Boy.
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humangenerator · 4 years
Alrighty tik tokers it’s snowing time for you to create your povs and dances will it’s pretty out
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humangenerator · 4 years
Did I just watch a Sabra Hummas ad that had tik tok sensation Charli in it? That’s a secret I’ll never tell
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humangenerator · 4 years
Corona virus out breaks in America: Freshmen in Biology: hold my beer
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humangenerator · 4 years
How the fuck do I have a ten in orchestra I literally did all the precourse and practice is this my directors sign saying I should just give up because I suck at playing the violin
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humangenerator · 4 years
Wonder Woman Summary:
Zeus got extra horny and decided to make it seem justifiable
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