hs-parsons · 5 years
What is the absolute worst thing about being a scythe? Also, do you have other scythes as friends or regular people as friends? Or no friends at all?
“See, on the surface, it might seem like with the power and freedom granted to us by the Scythedom, our lives are easy. We’re privileged, as Scythes. We want for nothing, we have fame-- though some may say infamy-- among the people, and we are beholden to no laws beyond the precepts of our order.”
“But, as my Patron Historic famously said, and as I’ve echoed on many occasions, freedom is a two-edged sword. You can’t separate privilege from duty within the Scythedom. And besides that, the privilege we have, perhaps by design, sets us apart from others just as much as our duty does. We are among the last in the world who face true consequences for our actions, and I’m not sure if I’m resentful of that fact, or if I’m grateful for it.” 
[He looks down and sighs forlornly, a sad sort of smile on his face.]
“And as for friends, I think that’s part of why I started this blog. I crave a connection with others that I am, by virtue of my position, unable to have. I’m hoping that I can have some semblance of it through my interactions here.”
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hs-parsons · 5 years
do you have a favorite and least favorite scythe? :)
[HS Parsons runs his hand through his hair nervously, and offers a sheepish smile.]
"Ah, see, this is a hard question for me to answer, but I suppose I should give it an honest go, since it may be a good benchmark for how my values over the years have evolved."
[Despite his very obvious hesitation, he clears his throat and begins. Humiliation can be seen plainly on his face.]
"Ever since I was a kid, and a ways into my apprenticeship as well, I always admired Goddard. I pointed to him as an example of a fully realized Scythe, one who utilized his talents and power to its fullest extent. No one else took life with such finesse. I feel bad about it, but I bought into his 'new order' rhetoric for so long. I chose my name for another pioneer of rocketry, Jack Parsons, to reflect him."
"Then the monastery burned, and I was forced to rethink... everything. I looked to the Scythes of the distant past, and tried to find wisdom in their words and the traditions they codified. I kind of felt like an apprentice all over again, learning what my purpose in all this really was."
"I especially find wisdom in the poetry of Scythe Socrates, these days. Have not a hand in the blade with abandon/Cull from the fold all the brazen and bold. I think we too often forget this wisdom."
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hs-parsons · 5 years
"The second 'hello' message today! I guess asks are a little like publicars-- you spend all day waiting for one, then they all show up at once."
"It's lovely to meet you. I'm hoping that this blog can be a way of... well, firstly, improving public relations with the Scythedom, that's why I was given approval to create it in the first place. But to me, personally, I'm hoping that it will be a way to interact with people without them being afraid of me. So many assume I'd just as soon glean them as look at them. So, um, thank you, for not being afraid."
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hs-parsons · 5 years
[At the notification ping, Scythe Parsons looks up from recounting the day's events in his journal and runs his hand through his hair, slightly confused. Small talk has never been his bag.]
"Oh, um, hello. I wasn't expecting a message here so soon-- most people seem to be scared to approach. Understandable, I suppose."
"How are you doing, by the way? I'm doing well, under the circumstances."
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hs-parsons · 5 years
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This photo was taken a few months before I began my apprenticeship. I was so young and idealistic then...
Anyway, my asks are open, and you may ask me what you will. There's no guarantee I'll give away any Scythedom secrets, but I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about me as an individual.
HS Jack Parsons
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