howlcraft · 2 years
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howlcraft · 2 years
MORE end city thoughts: They are built out of blocks that you can't get with ONLY the resources available in the end (actually, with only the resources available in the end without the end cities, you have access to no blocks at all). They've got chests, smelted things, glass. They have seeds stashed in their chests but there's no dirt in the whole dimension. So. I don't think the End has always been this barren. I think it used to have a bit more life, more kinds of rock, maybe even some water
OOOO GOOD POINT!! also if i'm not mistaken i believe the endermen used to be able to pass in and out of the end at will before being trapped there by the ender dragon, separating them from the endermen who similarly got stuck in the overworld & nether...
i wonder if the lack of communication with their home dimension simply leaves them feeling disoriented and lost, as opposed to some kind of de-evolution that a lot of ppl theorize. i think them moving and holding blocks is the only way they know how to ground themselves, remind them who they once were (builders, architects.) my personal theory is that they could communicate telepathically, but after the ender dragon took reign all they can hear is static, preventing unity, community, collaboration, ideas. sad :(
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howlcraft · 2 years
wrt ranboo and end cities, end cities have ceilings too low for endermen so they have to have been built at least FOR and probably BY some species we don't see (origins mod's shulks, maybe? )
WOAH I NEVER REALIZED THIS i kind of just assumed endermen built them but thats really interesting to think about!!!
i also wonder a lot about where the elytra comes from in vanilla lore- are they remnants of a people who used to inhabit the end cities? or are elytras technology created by them? if it's the latter, that implies the existence of creatures that couldn't teleport like endermen or shulkers, or at least a need for them that exceeded their existing abilities.
very interesting indeed!
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howlcraft · 2 years
sorry to bring up random dsmp lore out of the blue but who else remembers when ranboo started inexplicably building end cities out of cobblestone despite never having been to the end, or even knowing of its existence
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howlcraft · 2 years
tango is usually portrayed as some kind of blaze hybrid but WHAT IF: elytrian / avian (whichever term you're using) tango! another bird guy. (also bonus create series thought: create series tango is missing most of the wing on his left side as well as almost all the arm. it was the same accident. )
HANG ON WHAT IF PHOENIX TANGO.. would fit the firey theme and just seems quite fitting for him in general i think!!! :3
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howlcraft · 2 years
i have found out why your blog is doing a weird! it's because you now need to enable the Custom Theme toggle. you don't need to set a custom theme or anything.
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howlcraft · 2 years
Hi! Your tumblr theme has gone weird - is it a slightly modified default theme? The default theme has also gone weird in the same way.
oh that's extremely weird it keeps redirecting my url to like a dashboard version of my blog?? idk whats up with that :/
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howlcraft · 2 years
have you seen the tango, zedaph, scar, keralis and bdubs Create series? it is new and good
YESS im really really enjoying it :D i love more technical side of minecraft but a lot of it (redstone) just goes over my head so the create mod is very attractive to me in that it is so visual and dynamic and it all connects and makes sense i love watching it so much .
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howlcraft · 2 years
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minecraft advancement for when you start testosterone
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howlcraft · 2 years
this is a fever dream
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howlcraft · 2 years
idk why but i found it SO FUNNY when mexican dream dropped ranboo back off at his grass block after showing him his home. like nonono you don’t get to stay here on dry land, what? this is my house. and he just accepts this. and now we know for sure that everybody in limbo can interact with one another. they have parties, they hang out. and then they go back to their own personal hell?? i’ve run out of the energy to be sad about it, now it’s just all funny to me.
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howlcraft · 2 years
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tommy is a cquackity apologist i see
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howlcraft · 2 years
the sixth stage of grief is genetic engineering
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howlcraft · 2 years
c!slime 🤝 c!purpled
going to kill that duck
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howlcraft · 2 years
THE PURPLED DECK?!?!??!?!???!
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howlcraft · 2 years
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howlcraft · 2 years
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every time i go on twitter theres soemthing new
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