houndsofbalthazar · 3 days
They're now spelt butche and femm. The former was awarded the second E in the divorce.
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houndsofbalthazar · 4 days
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hater of socks
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houndsofbalthazar · 4 days
Just doing my duty!
tell me how in the fuck did a movie just release today that's written by the potion seller guy and I did not see a WORD of this on my tumblr dash
mutuals explain to me all of the ways that you have failed me
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houndsofbalthazar · 7 days
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houndsofbalthazar · 7 days
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No see results option, I'm forcing you to perceive yourself. rb for more results plus
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houndsofbalthazar · 10 days
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houndsofbalthazar · 10 days
Some of my extremely haterly opinions in the tags.
now its time to bring the haterism
if you think multiple are bad vote for the one you hate the most <3
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houndsofbalthazar · 11 days
Found my missing glove btw. It had fallen into my laundry bag type thing. Also found like £2.50 in change which I assume is apology money for going missing.
One of my (very cool) fingerless gloves has gone missing and I have no idea how because I had both when I got home the other day and I put them both in the same place and did not move them and now one is gone! I want the guarantee of warm hands ;_;
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houndsofbalthazar · 12 days
Animals per se are cool as fuck and animal motifs in art/fiction can stand in for many other cool-as-fuck things. When something has a cool animal that symbolizes something, that's good, on two levels.
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houndsofbalthazar · 12 days
just found out about bird. dude.... why isnt anyone talking about this this is huge
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houndsofbalthazar · 12 days
toasthaste said: it's like when one twin absorbs the other in utero 😔
It's exactly like that smh. At least I know that the one I have immediate access to is the stronger twin.
One of my (very cool) fingerless gloves has gone missing and I have no idea how because I had both when I got home the other day and I put them both in the same place and did not move them and now one is gone! I want the guarantee of warm hands ;_;
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houndsofbalthazar · 12 days
One of my (very cool) fingerless gloves has gone missing and I have no idea how because I had both when I got home the other day and I put them both in the same place and did not move them and now one is gone! I want the guarantee of warm hands ;_;
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houndsofbalthazar · 15 days
Conlang concept (I'm not a linguist so I appreciate input if I've used the wrong terms):
In the past, the culture that speaks this language had a small number of names and a large nobility with an extremely convoluted web of intrigue, plots, backstabbing, alliances and enemies so it became customary among the upper classes to mark the words for people with a word ending depending on whether they were an ally or an enemy of the speaker, mostly as a matter of politeness so the people they were talking to could keep track of who had it out for their friend this week. This filtered down to the common classes who were keen to sound more rich and powerful and eventually it spread to all nouns, so everything was marked according to whether the speaker considered it an ally or an enemy. People were easiest, but the concept extended fairly well metaphorically, things belonging to a friend could be marked as friends themselves, and likewise for foes. Over time this practice slowly faded back out of existence as the endings were clunky and they got simplified away, but some traces remain in the modern day: the most common word for "romantic partner", for instance, is an archaic word for "person" with the ally ending, and the foe ending is mostly used now as an expletive where the speaker says the name of the item that has most recently pissed them off and gives it the old enemy ending.
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houndsofbalthazar · 15 days
I just can't suspend my disbelief about anteaters. It doesn't make any sense that a mammal that huge can keep its body sustained eating just ants and termites. "Oh but they raid hundreds of nests per day and eat thousands and thousands of them!" Dude, I feel like even you must know you're reaching here. Come on.
It's a shame, because the idea is genuinely really cool, a big fluffy guy whose main deal is slurping up insects with its crazy tongue, what's not to love. But they went too far and felt the need to make that gimmick its ENTIRE food supply, and then it just... doesn't work! Nobody would be complaining if it ALSO ate some berries or something every once in a while! Your worldbuilding is allowed to have some nuance!
And I guess they tried to address this when they made the aardvark by introducing the aardvark cucumber, which is a special melon-looking fruit that only aardvarks care about and which supplements their mostly insect-based diet. Which... okay to be honest I think that's a really ham-fisted and dumb solution, but at least it's something.
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houndsofbalthazar · 16 days
There's this show, Hunted, that I really enjoy. Probably posted about it before, but it's a reality gameshow where people "go on the run" from a group of hunters with the powers of the state, and if they can evade capture for a few weeks and then get to an extraction point on time, they win a share of prize money*. Each series usually begins with a summary of the premise including a line emphasising the amount of CCTV and surveillance etc in the UK, calling it "one of the most watched nations in the world". It sort of sets the tone and I think it is intended to be mild social commentary, but that's not really the point of the show, it's more about the game than it is about making you aware of just how easy it can be to track you. But there was one moment in the latest series that I thought was really effective at making that point; they were able to match up a public instagram post of a pub garden by someone a player had got a ride with to a specific church tower in the background and cross reference it with google maps to pinpoint the exact place that the player was staying that night. It was cool to see open source intelligence used like that in the show, showing you something that anyone could replicate with a basic internet connection where a lot of the time it's things that rely on getting access to CCTV or private messaging and so on which require a bit more privilege or specialised knowledge, it drives home how easy this can be.
* They don't ever explicitly say the full rules of the game but from what I have inferred, the players are not allowed to just hunker down and stay in one place for the whole time, I think they are required to stay on the move which is fair, the game only lasts a few weeks so they have to keep it interesting. I am still trying to work out exactly how they handle camera operators in the rules - like if spotting a camera operator but not a player is valid and whether/how they're allowed to act on that information.
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houndsofbalthazar · 18 days
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Happy Neil Banging out the Tunes day to all who celebrate!
I’ve gotten into resin printing and mini painting recently so I had to print out the little Neil model I made last year in honor of my favorite holiday
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houndsofbalthazar · 23 days
Gahhh I really want a remarkable 2 but I absolutely do not £500 want a remarkable 2
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