hobi-sprite · 2 years
Rays of Sunshine
Felix x MALE Reader
Warnings: None
Description: It’s a rainy miserable day and you’re bored, having nothing to do. However Felix, your boyfriend, never fails to make you happy.
It had been raining nonstop for the entire day. The sky was gray and dark, the multiple rain clouds were causing your street to semi-flood. You stood looking through the living room window, the rain normally made you feel calm and relaxed. However, the rhythmic sound of the rain was making you feel miserable.
Maybe it was because normally on rainy days, you and Felix would have a movie day. However, Felix was with his other members recording for their upcoming album.
You had met Felix when you were still only a trainee and he was an idol. Now, 2 years later you had debuted with your 4 member boy group and were quickly rising to global fame. Your group had gotten the week off-after coming back from a world tour- however, Stray Kids hadn’t, resulting in you and Felix not being able to see each other for long periods of time.
The last time you’d seen him was two days ago, you’d both shared a quick breakfast before Felix had to go. You’d send each other texts and called, but it wasn’t the same. You missed him a lot. You’d just got back from touring, and hadn’t seen him for months, it was unfortunate he still had to work while you were on break.
Deep in your thoughts, you didn’t hear the front door opening and closing. Or the footsteps that made their way towards you.
Startled from the unexpected touch on your shoulder, you spun around towards the unknown person. However, it was Felix looking at you with a gorgeous smile.
“Lixie! You’re home!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around him.
Felix laughed at your reaction, his smile never faltering. He gladly embraced you, pulling you closer to him.
“I talked to Chan hyung and he said I could come home. I made a stop at the store and bought you your favorite snack, before I came here,” Felix said with a soft smile.
“Can we watch a movie now? I’ll get all the snacks out! Maybe you could grab the blankets and turn on a movie?” You questioned, already moving towards the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks.
“Definitely! I’ll get the biggest and fluffiest blanket that we have!” Felix giggled, matching your energy.
As an idol, it was hard to find time to yourself, but especially with Felix. You’d always appreciated seeing your boyfriend because you’d never know when you’d see him next.
Now that Felix was home, the rain didn’t seem so dreary and miserable. He was your sunshine doing the rainy days.
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hobi-sprite · 2 years
And That Makes Eight
-The K-pop group, BTS, have debuted years ago and they were highly successful.
-At first Bangtan was not on board with having a new member. They had worked so hard and had to deal with many hardships to get where they were now, it didn’t make sense for a new member to just come rolling in.
-Namjoon was hesitant at first, but he soon came to realize that it wasn’t really your fault. You didn’t choose to debut with them, it was the company’s decision. He still didn’t like the idea of getting a new member, but he’d give you a chance.
-Seokjin didn’t appreciate you at all. He didn’t like that you were younger and more good looking than him. Like how was that possible? Who could be better looking than him?
-Yoongi didn’t trust you. He thought you only wanted the fame and that you pulled some strings to get into BTS. He didn’t think that you were talented as a trainee and he knew that you weren’t going to be any good as an idol.
-Hoseok simply didn’t want to teach you every choreography or anything. He saw videos of your dancing when you were a trainee, he knew you were good. He didn’t want to compete with you, but if it meant that his position was threatened than he’d do whatever he could to keep it. Even if it meant sabotaging your career.
-Jimin was jealous. He liked getting all the attention from his members, he didn’t want to share attention with some new person. He didn’t like you, he hated that you were just waltzing in and not starting like a normal rookie. He wanted you to fail and get kicked out of the group.
-Taehyung always liked new people, but not you. Or at least the thought of you added to the group. He decided to ignore you, whenever you were officially introduced to them.
-Jungkook full on hated you. He was the Golden Maknae, not you. Now you were going to replace him as the maknae? Of course he’s going to hate you!
-You on the other hand, were excited about debuting in BTS. You’d always thought highly of their group. They were the reason why you became a trainee. They inspired you so much.
-The first day you met them, the Maknae line ignored you. You tried to talk to them, but eventually gave up. Seokjin and Hoseok gave you fake smiles and Yoongi just stared at you. Namjoon was the only one who seemed genuine.
-Over time, the group warmed up to you. They saw you were hard working, and goal oriented. Plus, Army loved and supported you from the start.
-Namjoon got closer to you and found out that you were also fluent in English. He liked that you both could communicate in English in front of the other members and they’d sometimes have no idea what you were talking about.
-Seokjin had bonded with you through your love of food. He’d cook for you sometimes but mostly you’d both get takeaway.
-Yoongi was the last member that warmed up to you. One day you came up to him, he started to walk away from you, but you grabbed his arm. You asked him to help improve your rap skills. Reluctantly, he agreed but over time you got closer.
-Yoongi was the member you were closest with, in fact. He was protective of you and helped you deal with the hate that a small amount of Army gave you.
-Hoseok had to help you with choreography one time and you’d been easy to teach. Hoseok liked your happy and positive attitude, and the two of you became friends easily.
-Jimin got over his jealously quite quickly. He found that you were quite fun to hang with. He formed a close bond to you, not as quite of a bond as he had with Taehyung, but still very close.
-Taehyung stopped ignoring you after seeing how Jimin trusted you. Just like Jimin, Taehyung also formed a close bond with you. The three of you together always hung out and got in some sort of trouble.
-Jungkook got over not being the Maknae anymore. He liked being a Hyung, it gave him a sense of power. The two of you would play Overwatch constantly, it’s how you both grew close. Not to mention that you both had an obsession with banana milk.
-Where BTS once had seven members, there were now eight. On stage performing together, only grew you guys closer. You achieved more together, more records were broken, and overall became more successful.
-The boys loved you and would do anything to protect their newest addition.
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hobi-sprite · 2 years
Not Ready To Let Go
Taehyung x MALE Reader
Warnings: None
Description: Taehyung’s boyfriend rarely sees him because of his profession as an idol. His boyfriend confronts him about this and says that he wants to break up, but Taehyung isn't ready to let him go.
It was about 1:00 in the morning when Taehyung walked in the front door of your shared home. He was as silent as possible, but Yeontan barked and yipped about in happiness at the arrival of his dad. Tae had been gone all day, he'd left before you'd woken up.
Taehyung quickly changed his clothes, picked up Yeontan, and slipped into bed beside you. He pulled you against his chest and pulled the covers over the both of you. The small Pomeranian snuggled into the small spot between the two of you.
“Missed you,” Taehyung mumbled into your shoulder. His fingers found themselves in your hair and it was a relaxing feeling as he played with your hair.
“I'd hope you would miss me, considering that you've been gone all day,” you said as you snuggled closer into Taehyung’s chest.
“You know that I'm an idol, baby. It takes up a lot of time, besides, I'm home now, aren't I?” he asked pressing kisses on your face.
You rolled around to face him, astonished. “Yeah, you're home at 1 AM. That's not normal, Tae. Even for idols.”
“But-” he started to say.
“Whatever it doesn't matter. Let's just go to sleep,” you interrupted. Once again you pulled the covers upon you both. You tried not to think about all the times you've had this conversation before. They've never gone anywhere except for both of you ignoring each other for days.
He was rarely home anymore. Tae wanted to start a family with you and get married, but he was never home. You didn't want to be left alone taking care of your children, without him.
Sighing, you closed your eyes, ready for sleep to fall upon you.
Waking up, you immediately noticed that your boyfriend’s side of the bed was empty. The house was silent, minus the sound of Yeontan rustling around in the bedsheets.
You gently picked Yeontan up, burying your face into the Pomeranian’s soft fur. You cuddled him for a bit before placing him on the ground by your feet. You could hear his nails clicking against the floor as you walked downstairs to the kitchen.
As soon as you sat down at the table, you picked up your phone and called Taehyung. He could've at least left a note or something saying what time he'd be back home.
“Hello? What's up, baby?”
“Tae, I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch today? We could meet at that one restaurant we love so much?” you asked your boyfriend. This restaurant was known for its milkshakes, they were the best around.
“I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm kind of busy today. I don't even think I'm going to be home tonight. I don't want to keep you up all night.”
“Seriously, Taehyung? We haven't gone on a date in three weeks, you're always busy. I don't think I can do this anymore, Tae.” you shouted into the phone.
“Baby, listen-”
“No, Tae. I'm going to HYBE right now. We need to talk about this. I'll see you soon, goodbye,” you finished and hung up the phone.
The members were practicing when you entered the room. You quickly spotted Taehyung, he looked stressed, but still the gorgeous man that you fell in love with.
You met his eyes and he gave you a small smile. His other members ran towards you in excitement and began to crowd around you, shouting their recent achievements.
“Hi, guys! It's great seeing you, too! Listen, I need to talk to Taehyung about something important.” you greeted.
“Yeah, yeah sure. Go abandon us for your beloved boyfriend, even though you met him because of Jungkook and I,” Jimin teased. Jungkook nodded his head in agreement, faking offense.
Taehyung rolled his eyes at the two before grabbing your wrist and taking you into another room.
“I thought you weren’t serious about coming. Baby, look, I’m busy. Can we have this conversation later?” Taehyung asks, pulling you in a hug.
You, however pulled away, and just stared at him. Tae raised his eyebrow at you in question.
“I can’t do this anymore, Taehyung. I love you a lot, but I can’t take this anymore. I’m tired of waking up to an empty bed and having you come back late in the night. I’m your boyfriend, I deserve to be able to spend time with you. I really can’t do this anymore,” you said quietly. Your arms were crossed and you barely made eye contact with your idol boyfriend.
Taehyung scoffed and glared at you. “I don’t think you understand this, but I’m an idol. I can’t come running to you whenever you want me, okay? Don’t be so clingy and needy, it’s annoying. I’m busy, why don’t you understand?”
Now, you were mad. It wasn’t fair to you at all. All you were asking for was some time to spend with him.
“I’m not clingy! And I’m not asking you to stop your responsibilities as an idol, I just wanted to spend time with you. I can’t do this anymore, Taehyung. I’m breaking up with you. I’m sorry, but I need someone who prioritizes their time with me and their job. And you couldn’t do that.”
“Baby, listen to me. Don’t-“
“Goodbye, Taehyung. I’m moving out,” you whispered, as tears started stinging your eyes. Tae tried to reach out towards you, but you walked towards the exit.
Away from HYBE, and away from your boyfriend of two years. Towards your shared home, that was always empty and lonely.
It was around 6pm. You had just finished packing boxes and now you were going to order a pizza. However, just as you were about to place the order, the front door opened.
It was Taehyung. He was home early, but he was dressed up in a fancy suit and tie. He wordlessly handed you a small box of your favorite candy and a bouquet of flowers. He gave you a shy smile, before speaking.
“How soon can you get ready? I’m going to make it up to you by taking you on a date tonight. I promise that I’ll spend more time with you. I love you so much and I can’t lose you, baby boy. Please, just give me one more chance?” Taehyung asks, while embracing you.
You smiled, you couldn’t lose him either. You loved him too much. Taehyung gave you a boxy smile before gently caressing your face and pressing his lips against yours. It was passionate and all you could think about was how much you loved this man.
“I love you, too, Tae.”
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