hikarifanfictions · 4 years
The Case of Yogar Lyste
Lyste has been on Lothal for years, having moved there at the age of 7 from Arkanis. He watched as the Empire turned the once beautiful planet into a factory planet. He saw what the Imperials and the Stormtroopers were treating the alien civilians. The world that he knew it came crashing down around him once he turned eleven. His parents were arrested and killed after they publicly spoke out against the Empire. His grandparents took him in, to avoid poor Lyste from being an orphan. 
His school life was bleak, and grey. Everyone referred to him as the “traitors son”, and often treated him as such. He ran away from home, to escape from the Empire’s influence, and was soon found by a small group consisting of much older kids and adults. It was here that he first met Aresko and Grint, who both escaped the Imperial Academy a few years ago. 
Lyste learned that the group of people who took him in, were in fact a small band of rebels. They took him back to their base that was well hidden in the outskirts of Capital City, and he soon found a place amongst them as their informant. The only problem was that he had to go back to being a cadet. 
His job was a bit more difficult than he thought. The instructors begun to get suspicious from his actions. Lyste tried hard to blend in, but because how he often separated himself from his teammates after classes, it has caused a lot of people to assume that he was probably a rebel. 
Unfortunately, he got caught sneaking out at night by a couple of stormtroopers who were on patrol. Before they managed to capture him and send him to be interrogated, he was rescued by a few other rebels. Lyste did manage to help them due to how much information he gathered. 
He was made an official member of the rebellion, and was moved from being an informant to being an actual “foot soldier”. 
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hikarifanfictions · 4 years
(Imperials reactions to seeing an alternate/rebel version of themselves.)
Grand Admiral Thrawn:
It was weird, to be staring into a tall standing mirror, and to see nothing but darkness in the reflection. Suddenly, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared from the darkness and a figure walked forwards. Now standing in front of him, was another chiss. A tall male, who had long hair, and...
Thrawn had to do a double take, for he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The figure standing before him, was him. Or rather, a different version of him, who looked more or less like how he used to back in the Ascendency(did I spell that right?) if he had stayed. The other Thrawn stared right back at him, with a look that was a mixture of disappointment and betrayal, before he had spoken.
"Why would you join the Empire?"
Lieutenant Lyste
"What....no. How...How is this even possible?" Lyste had whispered as he stared at what he had first thought was his own reflection. In a way, it was. Except the Lyste that stared back at him didn't wear the Imperial uniform. Instead, he wore a simple white shirt with a dark blue jacket, with ankle high boots. This Lyste was a rebel. The rebel Lyste smiled almost sadly at him, and gently placed his hand against the glass, the only barrier that separated his world with the real one. Hesitantly, Lyste copied his movements, placing his hand directly on top of his.
"Hopefully, you can see the world from how I see it."
Captain Slavin
Slavin was both shocked, and rather disgusted at what he was looking at through the mirror. His alternate version, was more of the roguish side. A bounty hunter. Hell, he wouldn't even consider what he was staring at to be him. The other Slavin seemed unimpressed with him as well, because he made a disgusted groan and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Look who decided to sell out to the one's burning the galaxy to the ground."
Commandant Aresko
The person who stared back at him, looked rather worn out. Much more so than he did himself. The male didn't wear a uniform, rather he wore a simple dark grey tunic, with black pants and matching shoes. His hair hung in his tired blue eyes that stared at him, defeated, and broken. His alternate self was kneeling on the ground, and Aresko noticed that he had dark bruises around his neck, and around his face. As if he had gotten attacked.
"Why would you allow for the Empire to take over Lothal? Why do you hold such disregard for your own people, for your own home?"
Governor Pryce
Pryce's alternate self, was a bit different. She looked a lot like how she used to before becoming the governor of Lothal. She actually looked a bit happier, really. However, there's no mistaking the style of her clothing. The mix-and match attire, how she seemed to hold an air of resistance. A rebel. "You could become a rebel, Arihnda." She had said, until Pryce raised her pistol at her reflection.
"My loyalty, is and always will be with the Empire." She responded, before shattering the mirror after firing at her reflection. The shattered glass sprinkling down at her feet.
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hikarifanfictions · 4 years
Pfft. That's so cute, sounds like my little cousin.
Cody is a RIDICULOUSLY picky eater like his food can't touch there can't be conflicting textures he won't eat diced carrots, peas, and most beans and he doesn't like eggs. He likes most nuts but peanuts are on thin ice. He'll only drink specific brands of apple juice. He prefers flat soda over bubbly. He can't even look at raw meat. If he doesn't know where every ingredient is sourced and who the chef was then he won't touch it. Except if rex made it in which case he'll eat literally anything.
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