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bros in the Land of Uz
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Blindspot and Batgirl
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First time drawing gambit…
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batman does not have the right to kill ppl the same way cops should not have the right to kill ppl. the same way federal and state governments should not have the right to kill ppl. believe it or not murder is bad! also yes this DOES include the joker!
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I love LOVE the way duke is written in We Are Robin, the balance between wisecracking and pot boiling over despair and tragedy is so thin and duke is doing a waking handstand on the tightrope
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This is specifically for @ceterisparibus116 who mused about a fanart with Matt’s “radar sense” expanding from a saintly halo.
And of course, who am I to resist that, despite no drawing skills
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"Can you stop being evil? FOR FIVE MINUTES?!"
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Oliver Queen and Mia Dearden in Green Arrow (1988) and Green Arrow (2001)
“Who cares how a jaguar feels?” “Perhaps the jaguar does.”  - The Most Dangerous Game, Richard Connell
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Milla: "Don't-- don't leave me here...this place is awful..." Matt: "It's okay, Milla...I'm going to save you."
Daredevil vol. 2 #101 by Ed Brubaker, Michael Lark, Stefano Gaudiano, Matt Hollingsworth, and Chris Eliopoulos
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Actually I DO think Bruce is justified in being upset if his kids/associates kill people. I think he is justified in wanting to do everything in his power to make sure his children don’t kill anyone at all. There’s many things he’s unreasonable about but I do not think he is being unreasonable at all there.
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Every time I see a story, be it canon or fanfic, where Jason is like "wow my morals are kind of fucked up I should never kill again" I have to put it down, close the tab, ect. Because HE WOULD NOT FUCKING DO THAT. We're talking about Bruce's number one fan turned antagonist.
Do you not think he's maybe already considered such a thing?
The thing about Jason is that he's as devoted to his views and sense of justice as Bruce is, maybe with a little more flexibility (i.e. he's willing to temporarily stop killing if it's necessary for his overall goals where Bruce wouldn't be able to kill even if it would benefit everyone in the long run) and any run or story where he completely disregards his own moral compass and personal experience to follow Bruce's rules is just a disservice to his character.
His whole thing is that Batman's methods are ineffective and his unwillingness to either do what needs to be done or let someone else do so is a clear sign that he's not the hero Gotham needs. Jason genuinely believes everything he says about the system, and Bruce's ineffectiveness.
His crime lord era wasn't just a silly little thing he did to fuck with Bruce with the final confrontation as the REAL point of Under the Red Hood, he became a crime lord because he believed it was the best way he could help. The point of Red Hood is protecting Gotham, fucking with Bruce was just a bonus. Like the confrontation wasn't even initially planned, Jason haphazardly threw that at the end of his to-do list after he realized he couldn't just blow up the Batmobile.
Stop reducing Jason's motivations to "get Bruce's attention/make Bruce kill".
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“well marvel’s coming out with this new com-” DOOOOOOOON’T CAREEEEE FREE PALESTINE
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The Three Hawkeyes of Gender
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I KNOWWWW. it’s because of HIMSELF it’s because he fucked up. his girlfriend leaves him a kid is dead because of him a shit ton of people have been murdered in his name. it’s a story about something you think you have under control spiraling out of your grasp and being left to face the consequences of it. it’s about losing people and it being your fault. FUCK man it’s my fav hawkeye arc after aja’s run
hawkeye freefall is such a good arc you have. you have all these characters you pull in nd you see clint being a fuckin mess and then you have him w bryce and then fhdjgrhgdjgdjhdjdht its so <3
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Of all the bats and birds Jason has the least game, but he is also the one most likely to fall in love exactly once and then be done. That’s him forever. This man has never once let go of anything in his life, he is primed for devastating heart break.
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