hero-not-heroine · 9 months
We know how Izuku wrote all those letters to his classmates explaining his quirk, right? But Katsuki already knew all that leaving is to wonder what was in his note. What if Izuku actually left a strand of his hair in the note that he left Katsuki as a contingency plan if he got killed so that Katsuki could fin a new successor for One for All. It would make sense since Izuku trusts Katsuki a lot and Katsuki had been in on the One for All secret for a good amount of time. It would also make Katsuki’s reaction to Izuku’s note even more significant. Like “F*ck you Deku! Im not gonna let you die because of your sh*tty Hero complex!”
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hero-not-heroine · 11 months
Now, Katsuki Bakugo is admittedly my favorite character in My Hero Academia and based on the popularity polls I would say that a lot of people agree with me on that. But there are also a lot of people that hate his character and while everyone is entitled to their own opinions everyone is also allowed to defend and explain their opinions.
I see a lot of people defending Katsuki Bakugo’s character by pointing out his character development and the reason why he acts like he does which is valid and very important to understanding his character but there is one major point that I don’t see a ton of people touch on and that is…
Comedy!! The tone of a scene!! The fact that certain scenes are meant to have a comedic tone!!
Now, My Hero Academia isnt a comedy, It’s a Shonen Anime, HOWEVER there is definitely quite a bit of comedy in it.
I feel like some of the times when people are berating Katsuki Bakugo they aren’t taking into account the tone of certain scenes and the fact that his character is sometimes used as a source of comic relief.
Here are a few examples of scenes of Katsuki Bakugo which were most likely meant to be comedic…
In chapter 253 of the manga, “Shirakumo”, which would be episode 107 of the anime, “More of a Hero than Anyone”, Katsuki throws his headpiece at Izuku knocking him out because Izuku was being praised on his quirk development. I think it’s pretty obvious based on the fact that Izuku wasn’t sent to get medical treatment and instead continued about the day’s hero lesson in some sort of daze with the headpiece still in his head that this scene was supposed to be taken as comedic. This chapter / episode of My Hero Academia was overall quite serious in tone with Shota Aizawa and Present Mic learning about the truth of Oboro Shirakumo and Kurogiri so this comedic moment ( along with a few others like Mina Ashido teasing Ochaco Uraraka about her crush on Izuku ) were likely put in to lighten the mood.
In the movie, “My Hero Academia: Two Heroes”, when Izuku Midoriya and Melissa Shield first come across the villain fight simulation, as soon as Eijiro points out Izuku’s presence Katsuki clings to the railing of the arena like a madman while yelling at Izuku. This scene is quite ridiculous and once again was meant to be comedic.
Most of the My Hero Academia OVA’s are relatively light and humorous in tone although there are obviously exceptions to this, that’s not what we’re talking about right now. In the second OVA, “Training of the Dead”, we see Katsuki injure Izuku bad enough that Izuku’s body has to be wrapped in bandages. Nobody really seems to be panicking all that much although his injuries appear to be worse than a lot of the injuries Izuku has received over the course of the series which WERE taken seriously and then we also have the scene at the end where All Might offers Izuku a cake despite the fact that his face was wrapped in bandages causing him to be unable to eat said cake which results in Izuku crying, both facts indicators that that whole incident was meant to be comedic. A lot of western cartoons such as Tom and Jerry have moments like this where a character gets attacked by another character and ends up wrapped in bandages but where the injuries aren’t treated as one would normally treat such injuries.
So as you can see, there are definitely times when Katsuki is used to lighten the mood. In more comedic scenes Katuski’s angry and aggressive tendencies are often exaggerated further than they are in more serious scenes.
This isn’t just a Katsuki thing either, one way a comedic tone is established in My Hero Academia is the way that different characters traits or quirks are exaggerated in certain scenes.
Izuku Midoriya’s fanboy tendencies are exaggerated in certain scenes such as when he fist meets All Might and gets All Might’s autograph which results in him stating that it would be a family heirloom.
Tenya Iida being earnest and a stickler for the rules as well as scolding people for breaking them is often used to establish some humor, such as when he was yelling at his classmates to sit down on the bus when in reality he was the only one who was actually standing up.
Momo Yaoyorozu and her wealth is often used to set up a comedic scene, such as when she admits that she didn’t expect the dorm rooms to be so small resulting in her shoving a bunch of elegant but oversized furniture into the room.
On the other end of the scale Ochaco Uraraka being poor is often exaggerated as she strait up faints when she sees how big the Class 1-A Heights Alliance is.
Fumikage Tokoyami’s whole dark romantic aesthetic is often played for laughs such as that one moment during the Forest Training Camp Arc when he says “Revelry in the Dark”.
Shoto Todoroki’s social incompetence, serious nature, and literal-mindedness is sometimes used for humor, the best example I can think of being the mock interview with Mt. Lady when Shoto doesn’t understand any of the figurative language she is using.
Nejire Hado’s airhead tendencies are used to create comedic moments, the main example of this I can think of being when she and the rest of the big three first meet Class 1-A and she starts asking a lot of very personal questions without seeming to notice how uncomfortable she was making everyone.
Speaking of that scene Tamaki Amajiki’s social anxiety is used to establish humor there as well when he imagines everyone as potatoes and is also used humorously at a later point when the big 3 are training with Class 1-A and Tamaki, who was supposed to be acting as a villain along with Nejire, says “I want to go home”.
As you can see a lot of characters in the anime receive the same treatment in comedic scenes.
Katsuki’s scenes are often used for physical comedy and comedic violence.
Is Katsuki violent and aggressive in more serious scenes? Yes, he is. Is his violence as severe and exaggerated in serious scenes? Usually not, but sometimes at the beginning of the series before he goes through his character development.
The “swan dive” comment and the fight that Katsuki had with Izuku at Ground Beta during the villain training exercise were both pretty serious scenes that included Katsuki being an aggressive jerk.
But as I mentioned a lot of the scenes where he is being an aggressive jerk, specifically later in the series, are meant to be taken as moments of comedic violence rather than as a serious scene.
It makes sense that such humor would be included in My Hero Academia when you remember that Shonen is a genre of Anime / Manga which is aimed at adolescent boys and that adolescent boys often tend to appreciate such humor.
If you don’t think it’s funny, that’s okay, as different sorts of humor suit different people. I simply made this post because it seems that sometimes when people are being critical of Katsuki it is because they don’t pick up on the fact that some of his scenes aren’t intended to be viewed in a serious light.
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hero-not-heroine · 1 year
Actually Bakugou did reunite with those two in the school briefs. They felt bad about how they treated Deku because he has a quirk now ( and a strong one at that ). They learned that while watching the sports festival. I think one said that they were sorta rooting for Deku but I’m not sure on that part. So yeah… your version is fluffier and has more BKDK. ( Deku wasn’t even there in the school briefs. )
Bkdk-Brainrot that one day while grocery shopping for a Class A-movie night, Katsuki and Izuku meet the two classmates from middle school who had always followed Katsuki around.
When they see Katsuki, they greet him in a cheerful way, being way too loud for Katsuki’s taste. He hates that they could do this to him but he feels uncomfortable with their mischievous grins and their sneering laughter. He can’t believe he had felt so powerful just because they had… obeyed him.
That’s when Izuku comes around the corner, reading the back of an instant ramen soup, asking Katsuki if he wants some too, since they are extra spicy.
At the sight of him, the other two scream in surprise, wondering what he wants from Katsuki.
“Ah!”, Izuku says, recognizing them and greeting them by their names – his dependable memory makes Katsuki roll his eyes, like always.
“Kacchan”, he then looks at Katsuki again, “Do you want some too?”
The other two are mortified.
“You guys are hanging out?!”, one of them asks.
“Like, for real? With that loser?”, the other looks at Katsuki like he had absolutely lost his mind.
That’s why Katsuki had felt instantly uncomfortable. Not only because they smell like trouble, not only because they remind him of how he had acted in the past but especially because he had sensed that they expect him to be the same as back then. As if he hadn’t changed at all.
But he did. And he had worked hard for it.
“Calling others losers – isn’t that getting old for you?”, he responds, turning to leave, “Let’s go, nerd.”
Izuku says his goodbyes, even waving at them, before hustling to Katsuki’s side.
Katsuki feels Izuku’s gaze but he isn’t in the mood to talk about it. Mostly because he isn’t satisfied with how the conversation had played out. A) because Katsuki feels like a hypocrite, calling them out for calling other people loser when this is something he did himself now and then too and b) because he regrets not defending Izuku more. Not that he needed it but still.
“Is it okay?”, Izuku says eventually, “Just leaving your friends like that?”
Katsuki looks at him in shock. “They’re not my friends, what the hell?”
“Hmm...”, Izuku mumbles, making it sound more like a question.
“We were just hanging out in middle school, that’s all.”
Silence takes over while they are waiting for the rest of their classmates who had come to the store with them.
“Are we friends then? You and I?”
Katsuki frowns. He looks at the nerd who doesn't meet his eyes.
“Or are we just hanging out, too?”
Katsuki feels kind of taken aback, considering how close they had gotten again. But he knows that Izuku’s question is totally legitimate after what he had just stated.
Katsuki clears his throat. “You bet your ass we are”, he says, feeling warm at Izuku’s beaming that follows. Katsuki wants to add something like “What else?” but holds it back because he doesn’t want to say something hypocritical for the second time this day.
Because whenever he gets lost in Izuku’s features, swallowed whole by those green eyes and staring at his lips when Izuku pinches them, deep in thoughts and whenever he thinks of the greenhead late at night, in the dark of his room, letting his fantasy loose so much, he can't look at the nerd the next day without blushing – that’s when he damn well knows that he's completely fucked and that he, for sure, wants them to be something else.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
About the Latino Sero HC, from a Latino.
Am I the only one who finds this HC uncomfortable…? There’s a lot of stereotyping and fetish stuff with it…Like can we not fetishize Latinos? Thanks. It’s just really weird and really uncomfortable…Because it’s mostly sus content and i just- ugh,,, As a Latino myself I have literally every right to be upset and uncomfortable so like- please don’t go in the replies like “bUT-” I just think you guys should do your research before making stereotype shit and PLEASE P L E A S E stop fetishizing this im BEGGING. One more “mi amor~” and i’ll fucking cRY. - A very uncomfortable Latino.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
Pointing it out there. To all mha writers and fans that headcanon Sero as being latino, without being latinx.
Me as a latinx myself, whenever y'all get too "obsessed" with that hc, and make him call y/n señorita, or mi amor, it's giving me off very fetishizing vibes, if you're not latinx please don't give headcanons about sero being stereotypes of being latino, saying "he's passionate" , "he knows how to get drugs", "He smokes 🍃" "He knows how to dance" purely as a development of the hc of sero being latino just makes you look very insensitive, and someone who just fetichizes plenty of cultures. Refrain from doing it, maybe it's just me, but it makes me too uncomfortable knowing that my language is being fetichized and stereotypes are reinforced just for a character in an anime.
-Sincerely, a Mexican mha fan that's fed up with y'all being low-key racist and insesitive towards latinx people 🥰
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
Sero stans, MHA Fandom, Let’s have a serious talk for a second.
 Hello, you may address me as Tia in response to this post if you choose to speak on it. In this post I’m going to talk about the massive problem I see arising in the fandom, mostly in the Sero stan group.  Let’s talk about the mass amount of racism that’s been spreading like wildfire lately. The “Sero Hanta is Latino” HC is not as fun as you’d think in concept. As a Latino going through the tags has been nothing but a shock to me. The mocking, the racism, the lack of respect, the fetishization of our language, it’s disgusting. Also, many and almost all are tying it with the st//ner Sero HC. That….has to be the most racist thing I have ever seen in my entire life and everyone is LAUGHING AT IT. I also…shit you not I have seen CARTEL HCS??? WHAT???  Also with that, the normalization of teenagers doing dr//gs. Sero Hanta is 15-16 and so is most of the MHA fandom. But also remember that there’s even YOUNGER fans if that isn’t bad enough. Kids work like this, “Well the character I like can do it and everyone’s cool with it and thinks it’s cool so so can I!“ and you can’t tell me I’m wrong. This is so dangerous as it becomes more normalized because kids can genuinely hurt themselves and possibly pass from internal issues.  Now let’s talk about Japan. In Japan w33d is seen as AWFUL so why in the hell would an aspiring hero like Sero even TOUCH something like that let alone something that could get him locked up. Also, with that, Sero Hanta’s favorite things are and I quote “anything that looks healthy”….He’s quite literally a health-nut and would genuinely sob if he found out his friends were involved in anything harmful to their bodies.  Notice how the st//ner HC became even more prevalent when the Latino HC became a thing? Strange… Let me show you something….A post that upset me beyond belief. Take a look at the comments for me and notice how everyone is laughing and they think its funny. Link Now I don’t mean to invalidate anyone’s experiences but here’s something I noticed that doesn’t sit right with me… If someone were to make that same formatted “joke” and say “chi//g ch//ng” (or something of the sort) everyone would be on that ASAP. But…Taco bell? No it’s funny. How come? Why is it that racism towards Latino people is so funny to you all? Hm?  Also….Y’all know Latino/Hispanic….is more than Mexico, right? Because I see everyone say Mexican instead of those like….Idk just doesn’t sit right with me. Everyone makes this HC his personality and pushes racist stereotypes like being flirty, cunning, and sneaky. Which…is the opposite of his personality- DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOW???  Also, mi amor, mi amor, mi amo- [GUNSHOT] Just say you can’t speak the language and g3t 0ff to it and go. He could say hola and everyone would go NUTS.  Do you know…how uncomfortable that is as a Latino? Like….ew… Don’t even get me started on how Y@gami Y@to made this whole thing blow up even more. That woman is absolutely disgusting. Don’t believe me? Read this entire thing for me if you don’t mind.   I’m so incredibly disappointed in this fandom as a whole and I would highly appreciate this being spread around for others to see. It doesn’t take much. It’s just two clicks. That’s all I have to say for now so thank you for reading and taking the time to click on the links.  - Tia
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
I am now accepting asks about my Unfortunate Villain AU as a way to get my AU out there and rolling. You can ask any appropriate question ( that aren’t 1000% irrelevant ) that you want to!
Characters you can ask questions / ask questions about include…
> Izuku Midoriya
> Katsuki Bakugo
> Shoto Todoroki
> Hitoshi Shinso
> Gentle Criminal + La Brava
> Shigaraki
> Twice + Himiko Toga
I will add more characters to this list soon. If it says name + name that means even if you have an ask for one of the characters they will be answering together for the most part. I probably won’t have art for a lot of the asks because that might keep me from answering them as quickly or effectively.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
What meaning is there to killing with no convictions.
Stains words echoed through Shigaraki’s mind. He had come to blow off some steam but seeing everyone with those oblivious carefree smiles made him even more angry.
Just wait hero killer. These people think they’re safe like nothing can harm them. I don’t know if their naive or just ignorant. People are getting killed somewhere at this very moment but these idiots keep smiling like they don’t have a care in the world.
Shigaraki than caught sight of a scene that made his blood boil. Two boys we’re chatting in front of what looked like a costume shop.
“Look! They actually have hero killer gear!” The first boy pointed out what- sure enough- was hero killer merchandise.
“You’ll get in so much trouble if you buy that.” The other friend responded.
“Sure, but how does it look?” The first friend tried on some of the gear.
“Oh, cool.” The other friend laughed taking a photo of his friend.
But on the other hand. You have sympathizers who couldn’t care less about your ideals. And if they still follow you… what’s up with that. Aren’t we doing the same thing? You and me? In the end you destroy things you hate just like I do. So what gives? What’s the difference?
Everyone around Shigaraki continued to laugh and grin as if villains didn’t even exist though. Everyone except one person. Out of the corner of his eye Shigaraki noticed a green haired boy standing all by himself with a solemn expression plastered on his freckled face.
The kids a U.A. student. Isn’t he. Shigaraki remembered that face from somewhere; but he could place his finger on exactly where from and that seriously pissed him off.
“Oh! It’s someone from U.A., Nice! I want an autograph!” Shigaraki spoke cheerily making his way over to Midoriya slinging his arm around the scrawny teen who tensed at the sudden touch.
“W-well…” Midoriya let out a nervous chuckle as he examined the stranger out of the corner of his eye trying to identify who this was. But it was no use. The hood the stranger was wearing casted a shadow over his features making it impossible to tell who he is.
Whoever the stranger was they seemed sketchy. Midoriya realized he should probably say something.
“You… You must be mistaken.” Izuku finally spoke in a wobbly voice.
“You- you see… I’m not actually in the hero course. I’m just a general education student…” Midoriya explained as he tried to pull away from the stranger but to no avail. Izuku started to grow nervous. “I’m very sorry for wasting your time sir…”
“I recognize you from somewhere…” Shigaraki mused examining Midoriya.
“Your one of the students who ran into the Hero Killer during the Hosu Incident?” Shigaraki realized aloud.
“Although your nowhere close to famous yourself you seem to spend a lot of time watching those who are.” Shigaraki noted as finished looking the U.A. student over.
“You sure do know a lot…” Midoriya trailed off sweating nervously as he realized something was definitely off about this stranger. Maybe he was a villain? But why would he narrow in on me… is it because I’m a student at U.A.?
“Of course I do. I’ve been keeping my eye on you ever since the incident in Hosu City. Although you don’t have a quirk your analytical skills are quite impressive.” Shigaraki commented on the teenager who was now frantically wondering how the stranger new so much about him.
“It makes me feel like this isn’t a coincidence. No, no, this is destiny.” Midoriya could tell that the stranger was grinning even though he still couldn’t make out his features enough to put a name to him. “Oh, right. From your point of view we’ve never even met.” Shigaraki realized.
Izuku let out a low growl. He is definitely a villain or someone else of a similar background… but what does he want with me?
“Why don’t we spend some time getting to know each other… Izuku Midoriya.” The stranger tilted his head upwards and Midoriya could finally get a clear look at his facial features and as he got a clearer image of what the guy under the hood looked like realization struck him like a bullet.
“T-Tomura Shigaraki…” Before Izuku could pull away the villain grabbed hold of his neck. Midoriya could feel all but one of the villains fingers pressing up against his skin. The teenager started to tremble as he realized that he was being held hostage by the leader of the league of villains.
“Act natural. Don’t make a scene.” The villain warned Midoriya “I’m just an old friend that ran into you at the mall. Calm down and wipe that look off your face.”
Midoriya didn’t even realize he was making a face but Shigaraki could see how the boys emerald green eyes shone with fear. ()
“I think we should have a conversation is all,” Shigaraki explained to Midoriya in his usual raspy voice “a friendly chat.”
“And of course if you try to run or fight me in any way your throat will be the first thing that disintegrates. In a matter of seconds you will be nothing but a pile of dust and powdered bone.”
Although terrified Midoriya did what he could to steel himself. A hero would keep their cool no matter how dire the situation. So that’s what I have to do. “But if you do that here… Where so many people are watching…” Izuku looked nervously over at the villain. Although Izuku tried to sound confident his voice was shaking. “A hero is bound to catch you in no time! You couldn’t escape!”
“Oh… I don’t doubt that…” Shigaraki said with a ( ) grin which sent shivers down the spine of the already trembling teenager.
“But just look at these sheep… any one of them could use their quirk and start a massacre whenever they wanted…” Midoriya and Shigaraki scanned the crowds of people who were completely oblivious to Midoriya’s situation and seemed to be enjoying themselves.
“Yet there all here, smiling.“ Shigaraki continued.
“They think that laws and rules will protect them, because they think that everyone has their same morals. There convinced that nothing bad could happen to them.” Shigaraki stated before shifting his attention back over to Midoriya.
“But after you I could kill twenty… thirty… maybe even more before a pro shows up and stops me!” Midoriya felt himself grow cold with he dread as he realized the helplessness of his situation. So many lives in his hands… He can’t… he had no other choice but to hear the villain out.
“I get it.” Midoriya choked out. “Let’s talk.”
“This is nice. A real moment.” Shigaraki spoke casually as if he hadn’t just threatened to start a massacre.
“Let’s grab a seat and get comfortable. Why don’t we?” Shigaraki gestured over to a sweat which stood a few feet away from them.
“When it comes down to it, I hate pretty much everything.” Shigaraki explained looking up at nothing in particular. “But the hero killer is what pisses me off the most right now. Everyone is talking about that stupid hero killer.” He complained looking back over at Izuku as if asking for the teens input.
“Isn’t he one of your guys?” Izuku asked.
“Technically no.” Shigaraki responded in a somewhat calm tone staring at the ground “But that’s what the media made it look like.”
“The attack on U.A. The Nomus I released on Hosu. He upstaged all of it.” Shigaraki complained going back to his usual unsettling demeanor.
“No one’s even giving me a second thought, why is that? Despite what he claimed to believe all he really did was try to get rid of things he didn’t like.”
“What do you think the difference is between us… Midoriya…?” Shigaraki asked glancing at Izuku.
“What’s the difference?” Midoriya repeated the villains question.
“I… dont… I don’t agree with anything you do…”
“I don’t really agree with the Hero Killer either. But I can at least understand him… sort of…”
“Because we both have something in common. We were both inspired…”
“We we’re both inspired by Allmight…” Midoriya said the last word quietly looking away from Shigaraki as he said the name of his former favorite pro hero.
“That night he saved me from a flying nomu.” Izuku reflected remembering the aftermath of his fight with Stain. “He’s a maniac but he doesn’t destroy things just because it sounds fun.”
“And even when things were looking bad for him he didn’t just abandon his mission like you did.” Izuku went on. “Even if the way he acted was wrong he stayed true to his beliefs. That’s the difference.” Midoriya finished his explanation with a statement backed by a boldness that came from who knows where.
“Ah… that’s like a weight off my chest. I see it now! All the dots connected! Why he makes me so angry… why everyone irritates me so much…” Shigaraki stood up very suddenly yanking Midoriya up along with him.
“Everything makes sense.” Shigaraki realized “It’s him… the problem is Allmight!”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s it. That’s the most rational explanation. I didn’t see it even though it was right in front of me the whole time… it’s so simple. He’s why these morons are able to smile so thoughtlessly.” Shigaraki ranted excitedly “They feel safe because this garbage pro is smiling thoughtlessly too! As if there is no one that he couldn’t save!”
“I feel better now. Maybe your not so bad after all. I’m so glad we were able to have this chat; I can’t thank you enough Midoriya.” Shigaraki thanked the boy “I don’t need to change my ways after all!”
“You know. Originally I was just going to leave you here once our little chat was over. But now you’ve gained my interest. before we go our separate ways. What do you say…?” Shigaraki glanced over at the teen who he was currently choking out. The freckled teen looked over at Shigaraki as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t manage to get any words out.
“Oh right.” Shigaraki realized releasing his hold on the teens throat “Sorry about that.”
“So… how about we chat while I head back home.” Shigaraki offered “You could grab a drink at the bar once we get there.”
Izuku looked over at the villain who was looking at him with his hungry blood red eyes. Although phrased like an offer saying no probably wasn’t an option. Midoriya was going to be forced to go along with the villain wether he liked it or not…
“Of course I’m not really giving you a choice. But it would be best if you went along nicely.” Shigaraki confirmed Midoriya’s thoughts.
“Alright.” Midoriya let out a resigned sigh. At least he isn’t suffocating me anymore…
The two left the mall and after what felt like an eternity- but was probably only a few minutes- of silence Izuku decided he to initiate a conversation with the intimidating villain. That’s better than this silence. Right? Izuku wasn’t sure but he was gonna give it a shot anyways. It’s not like he had anything to loose. Well, besides his life anyways…
“So… you… you really h-hate A-Allmight. Don’t you…” Midoriya looked over at the villain nervously trying to start a conversation.
Shigaraki simply nodded in response. Maybe he doesn’t want to talk right now. Izuku thought to himself. It’s fine. This is fine.
“Usually I don’t pay so much attention to a side character like you but you don’t seem to like him that much either. I thought all of you U.A. brats fawned over him; even more so than everyone else. What’s the deal with that?” Shigaraki looked over at the kid his eyes showing genuine interest for once.
“W-well… the truth is… when I was little— I always wanted to become a hero. More than anything else…” Midoriya confessed knowing that he wasn’t a very good liar and that his silence would only irritate the already agitated villain.
“But… when I was about four… all the kids around me started to get their quirks. But I wasn’t showing any signs of mine yet. So my mom took me to a quirk specialist… and there I realized I didn’t have one…” Midoriya explained to Shigaraki.
“I didn’t ask to hear your sob story. I just wanted to hear about wether or not you hate Allmight.” Shigaraki complained coming to a stop.
“Your the one who wanted to get to know me! You might at least listen to what I have to say!” Midoriya snapped at the villain as frustration welled up in his chest. However one deadly glare from the young villain and Midoriya realized he made a mistake. “I-I’m sorry!” Midoriya stammered an apology breaking out into a nervous sweat.
The villain scoffed and looked away without saying anything continuing to walk on in silence.
After a moment Midoriya realized that Shigaraki likely wanted him to continue. Or maybe he didn’t… but… “Well… uh… anyways. After I was diagnosed quirkless just about everyone, including my best friend Kacchan, turned on me. I still wanted to become a hero… but everyone would always taunt me… and call me worthless… and delusional… and when I told all of this to my mother. She just said sorry… which… isn’t what I needed to hear at the moment…” Midoriya recalled.
“Until one day… the day didn’t start out especially extraordinary…. of course when they were talking about what career paths there were to follow… everyone wanted to become a hero… and than UA came up. The teacher mentioned me wanting to go to UA. And than everyone laughed at me. After school Kacchan destroyed my notebook and told me to kill myself. But sadly. This was just a normal day for me… that is… until… while I was walking home from school a low level villain attacked me… I could have died but Allmight swooped in and saved me…” Midoriya continued to tell his story although Shigaraki tensed as Allmights name was mentioned.
“After he saved me. I told him I wanted to talk to him. Ask him a few questions. He explained to me that he was in a rush and needed to leave. But there was something that I needed to hear first. So as he left I grabbed on to him. He barely managed to keep his hold on the bottle that contained the villain. We landed on a roof… and… after finding out about how Allmight was severely injured during a fight and how he was keeping it a secret from the public… I asked him wether he thought I could become a hero… and he said that I couldn’t. Not without a quirk. That… combined with the other revelations which the day brought… made me realize that… maybe… Allmight isn’t… I don’t know…” Midoriya trailed off as he remembered that awful day and the sinking feeling his idols words left in his chest.
“Society seems to look up to some people while they reject others. All because of quirks. Of course that sort of quirk discrimination wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for hero society… some quirks are flashy and make for a good hero… but those born with quirks deemed villainous or weird… are rejected. It’s just. Not fair. I used to look up to All Might but now I’m starting to see that a lot of these issues are because of the image— society— standards that he created.” Midoriya stopped as he realized he was muttering and turned around to see Shigaraki staring at him blankly.
“Agh! I’m so sorry! Shigaraki-San— I have a tendency to do that— sometimes…” Midoriya quickly bowed offering the villain a nervous smile.
But rather than getting mad at him like most people would Shigaraki let out a raspy laugh which in an odd way put Midoriya at ease. Well… as much at ease as you could be when alone in an alleyway with one of Japans most dangerous villains.
“You remind me of myself when I was younger.” Shigaraki confessed.
“You see… as much as I hate to admit it when I was a kid I wanted to be a hero too. But father hated villains… mostly because his mother had abandoned him so she could become one. My father was a jerk but at least I had my mother to stick up for me. That is until one day my quirk manifested. And I killed all of them.” Shigaraki recalled while Midoriya stared at the villain in shock. He… killed his own family… But… in a way… Midoriya felt bad for Shigaraki. It’s not his fault his quirk manifested like that…
“After that I was left alone. Nobody wanted to help a filthy little brat like me. That is nobody besides Sensei who saw my potential and decided to make me his pupil.” Shigaraki finished his story and looked back over at the greenette who seemed to be wrapping his head around the new information he had surrounding the formerly mysterious villain. Well, formerly mysterious to Izuku at least.
So… in a way Shigaraki was rejected because of his quirk too… Just like Gentle and La Brava. This happens a lot… doesn’t it… and pro heroes don’t even care. Don’t even give these people a second thought. If they did a lot of crimes could have been preventable...
Thats definitely not what I was expecting to hear from him. It seems like the kids got some piled up resentment towards All Might and the rest of hero society. If I think of this like a video game— than maybe this is a hidden level and Midoriya is a secret unlockable character. He apparently knows about All Mights secret. Maybe he knows even more information that could be of use to me.
Shigaraki suddenly stopped turning around to look at Midoriya with a sinister grin. “Why don’t you join me and the League of Villains… Midoriya…”
Izuku froze as soon as he heard those words come out of the villains mouth. “Wait. WHAT!?” That is not what Midoriya was expecting to hear. Him!? Izuku Midoriya… quirkless hero fanatic… member of the League of Villains. What kind of twist was this!?
“Of course. Like before. This isn’t really a choice… as I could easily figure out where you live… you say you have a mother. Right? I’m sure you don’t want anything bad to happen to her… but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt… so… what do you say? Will you join me; Midoriya?’
“I.” Izuku choked on his words
“I will.” Midoriya stated with a lot less hesitation than he would expect even though he was unsure about all of this. Villains hurt people… and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone… does he?
“That is I will join you and your League of Villains…” Deku clarified meeting Shigaraki eyes with a determined expression etched on his face.
“You won’t regret this!” Shigaraki offered Midoriya a grin which was starting to seem less and less terrifying as the day drags on.
I hope your right… Midoriya thought as the weight of what he agreed to finally sank in.
“It seems like we’ve reached our destination.” Shigaraki announced gesturing to the building in front of them. “I have someone to introduce you too.”
Shigaraki entered the building and Midoriya trailed behind him. I hope I don’t come to regret this decision…
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
There are lots of fics and YouTube videos about a Class 1-A group chat so I decided to see what I believe would happen in the Class 1-A group chat based off of how the characters act in cannon.
First of all I don’t think Midoriya would be all that active in the group chat. He has other things he’s focusing on like taking notes on different quirks or training to become the number one hero. He would respond if someone decided to @ him but that’s pretty much it. When he does chat he doesn’t do anything weird.
Todoroki is definitely the type who lurks in the chat and checks in on it often but doesn’t actually say anything unless A.) someone is specifically talking to him or B.) has something important to say. The way he texts is a lot like Midoriya. His texting style is pretty plain.
Bakugou probably wouldn’t be in the group chat because he left said group chat as soon as it was made. But if he is in the group chat it’s probably muted. He usually won’t respond even if someone @s him. He got the notification he just doesn’t care. I can totally see him being the type of person who doesn’t like group chats.
Kirishima is more active- well Todoroki often lurks in the chat- but Kirishima participates more frequently than the other characters I listed so far. He isn’t always online and is somewhere near the middle of the road when it comes to how active he is in the group chat.
Iida and Momo would be fairly active in the group chat because they want to keep an eye on everything and make sure everyone is okay. It is their duty as the class reps to do so.
Just like Kirishima Uraraka is somewhere in the middle when it comes to how active she is. She’s online fairly frequently but she also isn’t on all of the time either. Her phone is too old to send emojis. :(
Kaminari is definitely one of the more active members of the group chat. He enjoys sending memes and other links to the group chat and ( often sends random messages when he is bored ).
Jirou is also a more active member of the group chat often adding in a snarky comment about whatever the heck is going on or teasing Kaminari.
Mina is active but not as active as Kaminari or Jirou. She often uses the chat to chat with her classmates occasionally ( often times ) about the latest tea. 👀
Sero is also one of the most active classmates in the group chat and is naturally the second biggest memer in the group chat after Kaminari. He’s always equipped with some witty reply or add on to whatever conversation is currently going on.
Tsu is somewhat active on the group chat. She will respond when someone @s her and is usually more active than Midoriya. She’s not as active as Kirishima or Uraraka but interacts a fair amount.
Hagakure is very active as well and is also a big memer. She loves using the chat as a way to interact with her classmates and for once not be invisible.
Tokoyami is active in the chat although he is often lurking. He will sometimes join in on a conversation depending on wether he feels like it or wether the topic sparks his interest. Which is surprisingly often.
Aoyama mostly pops up at random moments startling everyone who forgot he was even in the group chat. He often lurks but usually doesn’t say anything.
Koda watches a lot and sometimes says something. It depends on wether he feels comfortable doing so. Despite being shy and not so talkative he loves his classmates and uses the group chat as a way to feel closer to them from the comfort of his room.
Sato is as active as Iida and Momo or Uraraka and Kirishima. Somewhere in the middle. He will join in a conversation or ask if anyone wants any of whatever sweet treat he’s currently whipping up.
Mineta is quite active- or would be quite active if he didn’t keep saying things that got him muted. At least he’s toned it down since he realizes that if he gets to pervy he will get banned.
Ojiro is sometimes on but isn’t super active. He probably forgot the chat existed for a period of time. When he is online he will add his input to whatever the group is talking about.
Shouji is about the same as Ojiro when it comes to how active he is. He probably contributes less to whatever the group is talking about but is online just as much.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
Welcome to my blog! I do sometimes take writing requests…. My blog will have lots of writing but will have art and random posts too. This is my BNHA centric blog so if you don’t like My Hero Academia I don’t know why you are here.
I watch the dubbed version of the anime ( the sub version is hard to follow because I don’t speak Japanese and am not used to watching subbed shows since My Hero Academia ( and sorta Demonslayer ) are the first and so far only anime I’ve ever gotten into. I stay caught up on the manga stuff because I’m that one person who actively seeks spoilers rather than avoiding them. But since I don’t read the manga ( I’ve only read the first three volumes ) I usually won’t write on events that haven’t yet happened in the anime.
When it comes to writing I do take requests however I have the right to turn down requests when I’m too busy, don’t feel comfortable writing the request, ect. So please don’t bash me if I end up not doing your request. The guidelines for my writing are listed down bellow…
I will NOT under any circumstance be writing NSFW or smut. Please remember that I am a minor; thank you.
That being said I’m perfectly cool with writing some romantic fluff. Platonic fluff always makes me feel all warm and happy inside too! :)
Im fine writing angst and stuff however I usually don’t go too dark with my writing as I am a highly empathetic person and I would just get sad! :(
My favorite things to write are light-hearted and chaotic stories centered around misunderstandings or the chaos that comes with 20+ teenagers living together.
I will do platonic Reader/BNHA requests and may open romantic ones soon / eventually… I don’t know…
Expect random stories from me! :)
As for art I may eventually open requests but for now I’m just drawing what I feel like.
Now we go on to ships… I am very much a multi shipper so you will see a large variety of ships may they be mainstream or rare pairs. I don’t ship illegal ships though.
Final Warning! My posting may be inconsistent because I run this blog for fun anyways and don’t want it to become a chore! :P
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
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𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢(𝚘𝚛 𝚗𝚘𝚝), 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜 1𝚊 𝚊𝚗𝚍 1𝚋,
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚒𝚐 3, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚐𝚞𝚎
@kadencrafter78, @banana-the-hyena, @shoto-todo-roki, @bookwormavi, and @plusultrayokai this one was written with you in mind 😤
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
Remember to yeet the villains, students!
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
Class 1-A Students as Trees: No. 11 - No. 20
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Shoji Mezo - Sycamore Tree
Sycamores are a big strong tree that is gray and often has many branches / trunk sections.
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Jirou Kyoka - Jacaranda Tree
The jacaranda is a beautiful deep purple / blue tree that I think matches with Jirou pretty nicely.
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Sero Hanta - Rubber Tree
A typically long and tropical / jungle-ish looking tree that I’m pretty sure has a part in making tape.
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Tokoyami Fumikage - Royal Purple Smoke Tree
A dark purple / black tree that looks kinda shadowy / emo which I think suits the shadowy hero in training.
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Todoroki Shoto - Holly Tree
A winter type tree that grows red berries ( and I think has white flowers ) which matches Todoroki’s hair color. The leaves are sharp just like he can be ( sometimes ).
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Hagakure Toru - Cherry Tree
I’m pretty sure she had cherry blossom decorations in her dorm room and the sweet / colorful tree just seemed like it suited her.
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Bakugou Katsuki - Sandbox Tree
A spiky tree that is known to explode as a defense mechanism? It’s also called the dynamite tree. No questions asked. Bakugou.
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Midoriya Izuku - Olive Tree
The olive tree is a green tree which works well for Midoriya. The olive tree is also a symbol of peace… which works for Midoriya… because you know… Allmight’s successor
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Mineta Minoru - Brazilian Grape Tree
Look at the way the grapes are growing out of the tree. Doesn’t it remind you of pop-off? Once I saw this tree I immediately thought. Mineta.
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Yaoyorozu Momo - Magnolia Tree
Magnolias are beautiful and elegant trees which grow lovely flowers on them and can be symbolic for nobility. Perfect for Yaomomo.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
Class 1-A Students as Trees: Student No. 1 - Student No. 10
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Aoyama Yuga - Fringe Tree
Because it’s a showy tree and it’s main colors are white and yellow. IDK.
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Ashido Mina - Rainbow Eucalyptus Tree
It’s neon colored and looks like it was from another planet just like her!
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Asui Tsuyu - Mangrove Tree
Because they’re are rainy season trees. I was gonna choose willows but willows actually do pretty well in the cold. Also mangroves have all these roots and she’s one of the more grounded class members.
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Iida Tenya - Orange Tree
Because his engines run on orange juice.
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Uraraka Ochaco - New Zealand Tea Tree
Part of her name means tea and the New Zealand Tea Tree has bright pink flowers matching Uraraka’s main color which is hot pink.
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Ojiro Mashirao - Baobab Tree
I don’t know why but I think that the baobab tree looks like his tail.
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Kaminari Denki - Golden Trumpet Tree
It’s yellow and it has trumpet in the name which perfectly matches the loud blonde.
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Kirishima Ejiro - Coastal Redwood Tree
It’s a hardwood tree that is the color red and it can be symbolic for endurance / durability which is basically his quirk.
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Koda Koji - Acacia Tree
Acacia trees are found in the Savannah which is what I think of when I think of wild animals ( although specifically zoo animals ).
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Sato Rikido - Sugar Maple Tree
Maple trees are big and strong just like Sato and it is the sugar maple which matches with a hero named Sugarman quite well.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
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Definitely gives off that “there it is!” “well it sounds like a piece of paper, but I guess you’re referring to what’s on the sheet of paper” vibe.
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hero-not-heroine · 2 years
yes please write essay about what fandom gets wrong about bakugo
remember that you asked for this okay.
i think the number one reason that bakugou gets deeply misinterpreted as a character is that a big portion of his character is written in subtext and action rather than told to us outright, the audience.
bakugous words do not always accurately represent his feelings or his state of mind. most of his true emotions come out in his actions, in his decision making.
bakugou also suffers from being a rival to midoriya, but not the main character. while bakugou is both integral to the story but also integral to izuku's character development, we are not experiencing the story from his perspective. so this means that, generally speaking - we as the audience cannot understand anything about bakugou minus the small snippets horikoshi tells us and his actions.
this herein lies the problem. i love bakugou, but canonly - he is insufferable at best. in the beginning esp. he's grown tremendously even in the last few seasons and we see evidence of that especially in the manga. but bakugou speaks and behaves rather harshly, not only to his peers but even to people he respects in high regards.
i think there's probably a plethora of reasons bakugou struggles to show his admiration for others, but i think his mom described it best. where katsuki's complex stem from.
there is an innate link in bakugous mind to his self-worth and his capability and it's probably one of the main axis of his character. bakugou is bakguous worst critic because he frames his ability to be the best to his value in a way that no other character in the series does. unrelated but i also think this why kirishima and bakugou seem to understand each other so well.
like mitsuki said to mr. aizawa when they visited their house, bakugou only used to get praised over shallow stuff. bakugou was praised because of his quirk, but only because of his quirk. not because of his efforts, or really any of his other traits. but he has a cool, powerful quirk.
while izuku is so obviously a representation of quirk discrimination in the bnha society, bakugou is representative of the other side of that. they both are meant to portray the inherent issue with valuing people for their quirk. for their innate abilities or lack their of. we see this theme consistently in bnha - with the league of villains, with hawks. it's one of the most prominent themes in the series
but people don't often apply it to bakugou, because bakugou has an innately powerful quirk. it's absolutely true that people are kinder to him because of it.
but it's also true that because of his quirk - he's been forced to maintain being the best and that his hard work in using his quirk has gone overlooked.
when aizawa recognizes this fact in bakugou, mitsuki is relieved. because bakugou is also working hard to be the greatest hero. when izuku says "kacchan is amazing." he is acknowledging that bakugou is not a guy who is naturally good at something.
but he puts in so much time, effort, and energy into being a hero because he has too. he puts in so much effort, always.
in that, and because bakugou's self-perception is based solely on his ability to perform as a hero - he struggles immensely to show humility and admiration. not because bakugou genuinely sees people as lesser than him, or because he has malice for his classmates
but because bakugou is terrified about acknowledging others and how that will reflect on him. when he comes to U.A. - he's essentially forced to reconstruct his entire self-worth from the ground up. forced to acknowledge others and confront himself in that.
bakugou has a lot of pride because he wasn't ever shown anything else about himself that is worthy. that's why it's so hard for him to open up, because he isn't sure how else to live.
aold habits die hard, so sometimes bakugous words can still come of as destructive, self-absorbed, and often downright sinister. on the outside, from the way he talks and interacts - it can seem like bakugou has it out for people but this couldn't be farther from the truth.
he doesn't know how to be, yet. now that he understands the importance of acknowledging others - he's trying very hard to reform himself and grow. almost everyone in 1A has not only understood bakugou through spending time with him, but has come to accept him for who he is but now that bakugou is healing, he is also trying desperately to make up for his past.
the fandom often potrays bakugou as this cold and angry character, when really - bakugou has suffered from an inferiority complex his entire life that he had based his whole existence around.
the thing that you can get most wrong about bakugou is to do what many others have failed to do - which is to not acknowledge that bakugou is learning and growing.
when ppl refuse to forgive him for that, it off-puts me.
he is, like all the other characters in the series, also a victim of quirk society. his position in the system caused him great internal suffering and made him lashout at others. the crux of his being however, is trying and is effort.
he has progressed so quickly because he is trying desperately to be better. so when people make him out to be this mean, callous, cruel bastard my heart aches. he isn't anything like that. he lacks experience in being soft with his actions.
but with his development - you can see it in his actions how much he is willing to acknowledge and help others. how helping izuku with his training is his way of showing kindness. how he encourages kirishima about his own abilities. how during his provisional license exam, he says to that kid that appreciating others abilities is important. if there is one thing bakugou can and will do consistently - it is showing people praise for real qualities they have and trying to be what he feels like he isn't, kind - because he is starting to truly understand what heroism means.
he makes it a point because he understands what it's like to have no one see you. he does it without intention because he is trying.
he is simply someone who is trying effortlessly to be worthy. that's really all there is to it
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