hazelldhy · 21 days
So the 'Cheat code' that I promised! Part 1
I don't know if 'cheat code' is the best word for this...it's more like a loophole within the game system that I frequently use when playing event routes and collection events. Some of you might think I'm a genius but I feel like most of you are gonna be like 'that's it?' lol
Anyway...let me first list out the drawbacks of using these loopholes. Don't worry, you won't get banned...except you will be spending little resources compared to what you're spending now. Just pray that Cybird doesn't patch this. Also, this 'cheat' is specifically for Ikemen genjiden. IDK if this works for Ikemen prince. Try it out for yourself and tell me.
I want you guys to go through the drawbacks before following my steps because, in the end, it's entirely your decision if you want to do this.
If you're specifically playing event stories to get avatar items at the end of each route, then don't do this, because you won't be getting them.
If you want to achieve the highest ranking and obtain ranking bonuses in story events, then also don't do this because you'll have to spend a lot to secure a place in the top 200s.
If you're playing especially for the epilogue...I'm sorry you'll only be able to buy one epilogue for the whole story event. (You will know that once I've explained everything)
Okay, so now that all drawbacks are clear, let me explain the loophole.
Let's take an example, imagine a story event is going on right now and it has three routes----Yoritomo, Yoshitsune, and Akihito.
To finish 1st story event route normally you need at least 7900 love points. This is more than enough to complete one route+premium ending only. These love points don't reset and will be carried over when you're playing the next route and you will have to get more of these love points, nearly 10k - 12k, to finish the 2nd route and even more for the third route. You at least need 32k love points to complete all three routes + only their premium endings. If you want to complete all three routes + both the premium and sweet endings of each route, then you'll need much more than that and by the time you achieve that many points, the event will be over.
What if I tell you that you can play all three routes + all 3 premium endings, and all 3 sweet endings with only 7900 love points? Sounds like I'm making it up...but it's not. Hear me out!
This is something I found out when I was playing an event one time and I had to turn off the whole app in the midst of playing to do something else. The only requirement here is to get 7900 points. If you're able to achieve at least 7900 points, then nothing is going to stop you.
See, when you play story events you get to choose which male lead's route you wanna play first. After selecting say, for example, you chose Yoritomo as your first route. But then you started having second thoughts and decided that you don't want to play Yoritomo first and changed to Yoshitsune route. This ability of 'freely changing the routes as you wish' in the midst of playing another route is basically what we're going to do.
Follow my steps:
First, select the route you wanna play first. Don't immediately start playing.
Collect at least 7900 love points by doing the 'Salon game' or whatever you wanna call it.
Once you have achieved 7900 love points, start playing the route. The reason why I'm telling you to start playing after getting 7900 points is that you won't get interrupted with these annoying intimacy missions when reading the story.
Select whichever ending you want, sweet or premium, it won't matter.
NOW LISTEN CAREFULLY!! Here's where you can mess up. So be careful. Once you have finished reading one of the endings, the game will show an 'ending screen' something like this:
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DON'T CLICK PAST THIS ENDING SCREEN! Instead immediately close the app completely. You don't have to shut down your phone or anything. Just close the app. After that re-open it and go to the event page. You will see that the route you just completed is still left incomplete.
Now, go and change to the next male lead's route.
You'll see that you can start playing the next male lead's route from the beginning till the end without having to grind more love points.
Follow the same steps above for the second male lead's route and change to the third male lead's route and do the same for him as well. That way you have actually completed all the three event routes even though the game thinks that you still are in the first route.
The reason why this is possible is that, for example, you chose Yoritomo first, you followed my steps and closed the app and when you re-open it, the game will think that you've still not completed Yoritomo's route even though you already read and fully know Yoritomo's story. When you change the route immediately to another male lead's route, say, you changed to Yoshitsune's route, the game will inadvertently think that now Yoshitsune is your 'first event route' and like I said, to complete the 'first event route' you only need 7900 points. Do you get it now?
Now if you're wondering 'Oh! But I wanna play the sweet endings as well!" No problem, because see:
1st route + only premuim ending = 7900 love points, but,
1st route + only sweet ending requires somewhere around 5k - 6k points.
So when you change to the routes for which you have already played the premium end, you get to start from the very beginning and this time you can choose the sweet ending. Again, do not go past the 'ending screen' if you also want to read the other sweet endings.
This trick is actually very efficient for people:
Like me who wants to translate the story events as quickly as possible.
For F2P players.
And for those who don't care about the avatar or ranking bonuses and only care about the story.
That's the drawback. You won't be getting any avatar or ranking bonuses because those are based on the number of love points you achieve.
You guys: "So gayuu, what happens if we get past the ending screen? Is it a problem?"
There's no problem. If you get past the ending screen after finishing your first route, the game will automatically think that you have completed your first route and if you change the route now, you won't be able to complete the 2nd route using 7900 love points. Instead, you have to grind up more.
This cheat also leads to you not being able to claim the epilogue. For your information, the epilogues can only be accessed once the game thinks that you have officially completed a route. Here, we are tricking the game into thinking that we have not completed the route when in reality we already have. So if you want to buy the epilogue, you would have to go past the 'ending screen'.
Now for the collection event...I'll upload it later because..that requires some explaining to do
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hazelldhy · 2 months
Some of Chevalier Michel’s best quotes
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“You have plenty of time. Therefore, it’s not necessary to overload yourself to the point of harming your health just for the sake of learning. I’m not in a hurry. I’ll wait patiently for you to reach your full potential.”
“I don’t mind making you my woman.”
“If you value your life, trust no one.”
“Allowing their deaths to be in vain would be an affront to those who utterly devoted themselves to the kingdom.” (—Chevalier talking about the dead soldiers to MC)
“That’s how values work. Just because two ways of thinking are incompatible doesn’t mean one is right and the other is wrong.”
“If you ever feel like crying, tell me. I’ll torment you so thoroughly that you’ll forget how to cry.”
“Until I’d met her, I’d never have considered letting another person touch me.” (—Chevalier’s thoughts about MC)
“Can a man read in peace without you staring at his face?”
“Don’t… say another man’s name… so much. It grates on my ears.”
“You’re quite graceless, you know? Your legs seem to be shaking.”
“You are my queen. It does not matter how many years go by, I have no intention of loving any other woman.”
“If the rabbit has time to spend with you, she’ll spend it with me instead.” (—Chevalier talking about MC to Clavis)
“I had no intention of letting anyone complain about a commoner being in a relationship with royalty, and it didn’t bother me, either.” (—Chevalier’s thoughts)
“What might your hand be doing in your pocket? I dare you to throw one of those concoctions of yours at me. Just know I will kick you into the next century.” (—Chevalier to Clavis)
“Maids are servants. They follow their master or mistress’ orders, thus creating a clear discrepancy in power. But I do not wish you to be below me. What I desire is for us to be equals, serving each other in a cooperative and mutual manner.”
“…Now that I think about it, I was rather fond of you from the very beginning. (…) To begin with… is there any man who would barge into the room of a woman he doesn’t like? The palace is huge. There are many places… where I could go to spend leisure time, instead of expressly going to your room.”
“You look terrible. (…) There’s no need to feel ashamed. Not everything that has value is beautiful.”
“You’re the one at fault for leaving the covenant YOU created so open to interpretation. A shame.” (—Chevalier to Sariel)
“Currently, a servant manages the palace library, but he’s no expert, so his work is sloppy. I’ve been dissatisfied with it for a while now, but… you’re proficient at handling books, yes?”
“It’s not that you ‘can’ stay by my side, it’s that you 'will’ stay by my side.”
“(…) Do you think I would allow you to die so easily after you laid a hand on my lover? (…) I’ve said as much before, but dying is not what you should be doing. What you should be doing is returning home to your loved ones, no matter how shameful you look.” (—Chevalier to Flandre)
“Ever since I was a child, love had been the one thing I was most indifferent to. (…) My one and only reason is that I wanted to know what love was. Ridiculous, I know.”
“I’m not so famished that I’d eat something I don’t need. …I want you so much that I could just eat you all up right now.”
“(…) Any guest of MC’s is a guest of mine as well.” (—Chevalier talking about an enemy to Clavis)
Keep reading
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hazelldhy · 2 months
Book of Memories ~ Chevalier and Licht ~ Part 2
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. The translation for the flashback in the beginning is taken directly from the English version of Licht’s route.
tw: depression, suicidal thoughts
~~ Flashback ~~
Twin’s Mother: If you won’t kill each other, then I’ll kill one of you myself!
Nokto: Ahh—
Licht: No! NO!! Mama, stop! Please…please don’t kill Nokto!!
~~ End flashback ~~
Ever since that incident, one of the twins, who smiled and cried a lot, had lost his emotions.
He was emotionless regardless of what he did, never laughing or crying, or getting mad or sad.
However— “Something” he had witnessed caused the emotionless prince to change.
~~ Flashback ~~
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Licht: Ah…
Clavis: What is it, Licht? Do you want to join me in bringing Chevalier down? I’m doing some sword training with Chevalier…
Licht: Ah…
Clavis: Hm? You look pale.
Licht: Ahhhhh!
Clavis: Licht?! Hey, calm down! Are you…hyperventilating? Chevalier, take a look at him—
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Hey, where are you going?
Chevalier: I’m not interested.
Clavis: What?
Chevalier: Leave him. He won’t die.
Clavis: Oh yeah… You’re that kind of person.
Chevalier: …
The silver-haired prince, who started screaming and hyperventilating at the sight of a sword, was diagnosed with PTSD—
The result of an incident that few knew about.
There was no cure, nor coping mechanisms.
Not only that, it was almost impossible to live without a sword in Rhodolite, a country of knights.
Knights and princes walking down the halls always carried swords, and even if one managed to avoid them, decorative swords were displayed everywhere.
Eventually, he began to shut himself away in his dark room with the curtains drawn shut so that he wouldn’t see anything representing the incident.
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Sariel: Prince Licht…you need to leave your room once in a while. This isn’t good for your health.
Licht: …Leave me alone.
Sariel: But…
Licht: Don’t come in, Sariel. …Just let me die like this.
Why wasn’t I…at that time.
Why wasn’t I stabbed with a sword?
Sariel: …
Clavis: Now, what to do? At this rate, Licht will die.
Sariel: Isn’t it time for your traps that you’re so skilled with?
Clavis: Haha…You must be feeling tired?
Sariel: It would appear so, as you’ve calmly pointed out…
Clavis: *sigh* We have a genius who can do anything, but he’s utterly useless.
Sariel: It seems like Prince Chevalier, who has read every book in existence, from new to old, would know of some good treatments.
Clavis: Even so, does he look like a kind man who would be willing to lend a brother a hand?
Sariel: …
Clavis: That guy’s heartless. A beast that won’t care about what happens to Licht. I’ll do something about it…
Days, weeks, a month—It was a coincidence that the turning point in his life came during the days he spent in bed hugging his knees. Licht: What…is that sound?
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hazelldhy · 2 months
Book of Memories ~ Chevalier and Licht ~ Part 1
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Among the servants in Rhodolite castle, there’s a debate that has been going on for years.
“Who among the 8 princes is the best swordsman?”
The three princes most often mentioned were the three with the most distinguished. 
The popular Leon, whose natural talent blossomed after overcoming his childhood illness and is now always at the frontlines, 
The seasoned brutal beast Chevalier, a renowned genius whose capable of anything,
And recently, Licht, who uses his extraordinary reflexes to hone his swordsmanship.
Maid (1): But did you know? There was a time when Prince Licht hated swords so much that even the mere sight of one drove him mad.
Maid (2): Really? I can’t imagine that at all. How come? 
Maid (1): Who knows? I don’t know why either, but… One time Prince Chevalier came home carrying a bloody Prince Licht. I heard from the head maid at the time that after that, he got over his hatred toward swords…
The maids who were wiping the windows paused.
In their line of sight was the bloody brutal beast dragging a silver-haired prince by the collar—
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Licht: Couldn’t you have been a little more considerate… My leg hurts.
In a doctor-less infirmary, Licht bandaged the wound on his leg with a blank look.
Chevalier, who had been leaning against the wall and watching in silence, opens his mouth.
Chevalier: I don’t care. Just give me the information. Why else do you think I brought you back from the enemy base where you had collapsed?
Licht: You were on the move too… That company…was a threat to Nokto.
Chevalier: I was the one who instructed the company to make a move.
Licht: …
Chevalier: I’ve had my eyes on them for a while. Publicly, they're a newly established company, but behind the scenes, they're a large criminal organization that smuggles on globally… They’re an eyesore. Before they could use our country as their headquarters, I used Clown to interfere with the company’s public business. I did not think they would take the bait so quickly…
Licht: Don’t use Nokto as a decoy…
Chevalier: And if that’s what he wanted?
Licht: …
Chevalier: It was convenient for me too. If Clown made a move, you would also make a move in secret. It’s a way to get information without much work, isn't it?
Licht: …I’m getting angry.
Chevalier: Of course, what we’re dealing with is just the appetizer—
Chevalier got off the wall, stood before Licht, and kicked his bandaged leg without hesitation.
Licht: Ow…
Chevalier: I can’t believe you were beaten like this.
A scoff fell over Licht’s head as he crouched.
Licht: There was a child at the base… It was before you arrived…I think he got lost while playing. I let him run off because I didn't want him to see blood…
Chevalier: You got shot while distracted.
Licht: It's just a scratch.
Chevalier: And if it was poisoned? If your leg goes numb and is no longer of use, it’s the same as getting shot.
Licht: I can move…
Chevalier: It would appear so.
Licht: …
Chevalier: …Foolish.
Licht: I know. But I didn’t want him to see blood. Because the trauma never goes away.
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Chevalier: Yes…It’s a feeling that only you can understand. I have never experienced trauma.
Licht: Yeah.
Garnet eyes glanced at the sword on the bed.
Licht: It was like living hell… Until you saved me.
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hazelldhy · 2 months
Hi, it's been a while!
Good news for Ikemen series addict.
Cybird's new Ikemen series are out, the title is Ikemen Villains.
Feel free to add me~
Lemme know your IGN so I can fol you back!
Let's follow each other 😉
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hazelldhy · 3 months
Just done some cleaning inactive friends, and need some active ones. Feel free to follow me, I'll follow you back. Thx.
ID P7Q7DH386 Lilia
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hazelldhy · 1 year
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See that's why Jingyuan is mah hubby 😌
Their kinda similar vibes 😏
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hazelldhy · 1 year
This is why I like him 😆❤️
He brightens my world in this dark castle despite himself being dark too 💖
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hazelldhy · 1 year
Trying out today released Cybird's new Ikemen Series game, Ikemen Villains ✨
I was so excited waiting to play this newly ikemen series. And like the other ikemen series, the art is so beautiful 💖 I can't wait for this to be localised into english version. Well let's hope it won't be long till then.
At first I didn't know who would be my fav, but as I play I found my fav ikemen here, which is Victor!❤️ The only guy with long hair. The same name as my fav guy in another otome game. He's a wonderful guy, by the way 🥰
Unfortunately Victor is the last character on the list so it's undoubtedly his story will also be released lastly :(
The game interface and the gameplay mostly the same as Ikemen Prince. You'll find no difficulty playing this even in jp version.
Lastly, I will likely playing this on a daily basis, so if anyone wants to be friends in game I'll put my ID here
See u on another chance 😊
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hazelldhy · 1 year
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hazelldhy · 1 year
Battle Event - Teatime in Wonderland Pairings ✨
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These are the pairings I got to have the most.
Since the pairing rules require us to pair the loyalty mini with the ranking mini, if we want to have more pairings we need to serve more loyalty minis too.
It such a shame for many favors that couldn't be used to redeem the pair.
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hazelldhy · 1 year
Yay Yosuke's affection level is max already ❤️
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Letter from Yosuke 🥰
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hazelldhy · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Toma 🎉💖🎂
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hazelldhy · 2 years
Happy Birthday to mah best boi Taki 💖🎂
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hazelldhy · 2 years
Onsen Holiday Battle Event - Loyalty and Ranking Pairings ✨❄️
I wasn't able to get in Top 100 because not enough stamina hearts, so I didn't get the 10 favor tickets. Thus, these are the only pairings I managed to get 😊
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hazelldhy · 2 years
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Holy fu-🥵
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hazelldhy · 2 years
Teared up on the way to work this morning 🥹
Dalim... 🥺🥺
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