hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Source: Bryan Fuller’s tweet
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Bryan Fuller:…how Will Graham catches Hannibal Lecter in Red Dragon in the back story, we actually utilized that for young Miriam Lass because the nature of Will Graham’s relationship with Hannibal Lecter is different from the books that he had to catch him in a much more different way.
Hugh Dancy: Right, if we got 4 seasons in and then finally I had seen the drawing and went “Hang on!…” [Laughs], it would be an odd story to tell. 
- Apéritif DVD Commentary
BF: We could no longer have Will Graham pick up a drawing of a wounded man, and go “A-ha!” because it felt like that was a dynamic that was about these characters [Hannibal & Will] not knowing each other or having any sort of history with each other.
- A.V. Club, Todd VanDerWerff, 24 July, 2013 
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
TWOTL Critics’ Hannigram Roundup
Digital Spy, Emma Dibdin, The Wrath of the Lamb’ is a triumphant ending
I remember the very first article I ever wrote for DS about Hannibal, back in the pre-production stages before Mads Mikkelsen had ever been cast. The headline was a quote from Bryan Fuller, describing the series as a love story between Hannibal and Will […] Well. Talk about a show that stays true to itself.  If this really is the end of Hannibal, then it’s hard to imagine a more perfectly satisfying conclusion than Will finally embracing Hannibal in every possible sense, finally giving in to his feelings for him […]  ‘The Wrath of the Lamb’ is… bookended by lovers – Francis & Reba at the start, Hannibal & Will at the end. […]  Maybe he really has found religion in Hannibal like Bedelia says, when he gazes at the carnage they’ve made and breathes “It’s beautiful”, and maybe the two of them survive and go on the run like Hannibal and Clarice in canon. 
Slant Magazine, Chuck Bowen, Hannibal Recap: The Wrath of the Lamb
Will and Hannibal aren’t just super-geniuses in love […] "Mizumono" is operatic for the startlingly sudden crystal clarity of the characters’ emotions: When Hannibal beckoned Will to see him as he put a knife into the latter’s gut, the emotional chambers suddenly clicked into flabbergasting place. This is a love story. “Mizumono” hangs over “The Wrath of the Lamb,” as both are about whether Will and Hannibal will commit to one another, shunning the polite world entirely, or continue to play their complementing roles of hunter/hunted for the world’s illusion of proper social organization. 
The Guardian, Brian Moylan, Hannibal Recap: The Wrath of the Lamb
“This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us,” Hannibal says. What exactly is he talking about? Is it the two of them completely understanding each other and working together to mete out death? Is it their embrace, which looks like it is going to turn into a kiss at any moment? Is it their death?  What I think Will was talking about, however, was their love, one that was fully realized in those final moments, and the sexual dynamic to their embrace is important here. I don’t think that the two of them were gay as we understand it in a “Pride parade and Madonna concerts” kind of way. I think they were two men who never found their equals except in each other and the love was forbidden for many reasons: because Hannibal was a killer and Will was a cop, because Hannibal tried to live a life without feeling or need for others, because Will always imagined himself much better, and, yes, because it is the love between two men.
Entertainment Weekly, Keith Staskiewicz, The Wrath of the Lamb
The dialogue between the two felt more like lovers’ words than ever before: “It’s not the same,” Hannibal tells him early in the episode, like a scorned partner. “You’ll see it’s not the same.” Then, at the end, “See, this is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us.” Their “death” is tragic in the traditional way, like Tristan and Isolde or Romeo and Juliet.  
The New York Times, Libby Hill, ‘Hannibal’ Series Finale Recap: Give Us a Hug
The final season leaned hard on the amorous aspect of Will and Hannibal’s relationship, going so far as to call them “murder husbands” and having Bedelia specifically say that Hannibal was in love with Will. It’s no accident that one of the final images we see is Will resting his head against Hannibal’s chest in a scenario that could have been ripped from a fan-fiction Tumblr post. 
The Wall Street Journal, Michael Calia, An Elegy for ‘Hannibal,’ TV’s Most Twisted Love Story
It all leads to the finale’s gruesome climax on an altar-like cliff overlooking the chaotic Atlantic Ocean. In the end, the Dragon, not Will (who had seen himself as the lamb in this scenario), is sacrificed as Hannibal and Will combine their murderous powers and consummate their love.
TV.com, Noel Kirkpatrick, Hannibal Series Finale Review: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
The relationship between Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter may be one of the defining TV romances of our time, a baroque spin on the will-they-won’t-they formula. Will and Hannibal were friends and then potential partners that had a very nasty break-up and then, at the end, a reconciliation […] Hannibal challenged our notions of what sort of love we can accept. Love between two men? Pretty easy. Love between an overly empathetic profiler and a manipulative cannibalistic serial killer? Perhaps a little harder to get on board with since we want Will to be safe and happy instead of happy and potentially eating Bedelia’s leg with Hannibal.
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Source: Coquilles script [x]
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Listen - Source: [x]
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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A deleted bit of dialogue from the script:
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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“Chart shows distribution of Hannibal’s Facebook page fans for the page’s top 45 countries. The limit on the number of countries is set by Facebook. As of February 2, 2016″ [x] Follow the link for an interactive map; you can see the individual number of likes per country if you hover your mouse over them.
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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1: The Dining Room
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Give us the scoop. Did Freddie and Zeller have a thing? I’ve heard rumors about a cut scene! LARA JEAN: We did indeed. Apparently Aarons face was hidden in my crazy head of hair, so the effect was lost. The ever unsexy and awkward actor moments were all for naught. But yes, she did indeed gain information from sexy times with Zeller.
- Tattle-Crime, July 2013
Here’s the scene as scripted:
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And the tweet that started the speculation:
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Let’s hope!!
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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The first draft of the pilot depicts how the incident would have played out:
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Keep reading
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
For those who think Bryan gave up on Hannibal. 
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Never lose hope
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Confirmed by Bryan Fuller:
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(via @tattle-crime​)
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And Janice Poon:
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Also explicitly scripted in an earlier draft of Aperitif:
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
*slams fist on desk* AHA! So the universe does ship Hannigram. Well played universe, well played.
Hannigram Location feedback
Some people were curious about location of the Hannibal Star Hannigram process. It is placed in Sextans, behind the neck of dragon constellation known as Hydra, so Hannigram may slay the Dragon every night…
I received some nice feedbacks - Thank you all, dear Fannibals! <3 For example:
@hannibal-facts: “Either the universe ships Hannigram or the name placement has been really thoroughly and really well researched. :D” @bonearenaofmyskull: “I would like to point out that a sextant is primarily used in navigation, i.e. to keep ships on course. - This ship sails itself.”
So - just for the record - I want to tell you that whole this was simply a coincidence - or maybe better - the fate! I had absolutely no influence on the choice of the star and even didn’t know where the star is localized until I bought it and checked its coordinators on the sky map.
But it really fits very well to Hannigram story :)))
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
Do it for science! And yes its Hannibal related.
Dear people of Tumblr (and not only)
Some time ago i was doing research for a short paper and i warned that there was a bigger questionnaire ahead. And now is the time when i need Your help in writing my BA thesis. 
I’m writing about the language of the fandoms, about the fascinating phenomena from a linguistic point of view, and also how it affects people’s communication. 
The main focus is on the members of the fandoms and how we communicate with one another, within a fandom and between different fandoms. BUT I also want to examine the language of the fandom from the perspective from the outside. So this questionnaire is NOT only for members of different fandoms but for ALL people. (So if You know someone who’s into filling questionnaires but does not belong to any fandom - send them the link).
It is anonymous and i hope the instructions are clear. I hope to share the results in the nearest future and prove a point that i already have in mind.
Thank You for clicking in the link and taking time to help a student :***
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
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Bryan Fuller: She was supposed to die in the first season. It was originally going to be her ear that Will coughed up in the first season. So when I saw Hettienne [Park] on Broadway, I was like, “She’s fantastic. She’d be brilliant on the show,” and we didn't really get to explore a lot with her in the first season, so I was like, we can’t kill her yet because we haven’t done anything with her. It felt like, let’s have her be the ally that Will earns, and she starts to believe, and then we know it’s episode four and she’s starting to believe, so [Laughs.] she’s not long for this world.
- A.V. Club, Todd VanDerWerff, 22 March, 2014
How difficult was it to lose a significant cast member this season, with the murder of Beverly Katz?  Did you all go into this show knowing that some of you wouldn't make it for the entire run? DHAVERNAS:  Well, Beverly Katz was supposed to die in Season 1.  We all knew that.  But then, Bryan loved Hettienne Park so much, he kept her longer and she passed away in Season 2.  I love Hettie.  She’s just so amazing.  When we saw her go, it was really, really sad because she’s really a joy to work with, and she’s a hoot and so funny.  So, it was unfortunate, but we all knew, right off the bat.
- Collider, Christina Radish, 23 May 2014
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
Please Do Not Remove Watermark & Repost
I'm really sad that I have to make a post like this but it has come to my attention that some folks have taken to removing my tumblr URL watermark and reposting my work on other platforms. 
I'm actually totally okay with my posts being shared on other platforms, infact that is the reason why I added the watermark at the bottom of the images so you don’t have to worry about sourcing.  So I don’t understand why somebody would go through the added effort of removing my URL and then reposting but they are essentially stealing and that is NOT okay. -_-’
Seriously, it may not seem much but I put in a lot of time and effort referencing and verifying every bit of information with as many sources before posting and its really upsetting when somebody claims my findings as their own.  TL;DR Feel free to share but please do not remove my watermark (hannibal-facts.tumblr.com) from images found on this blog and claiming them as your own. 
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hannibal-facts · 8 years
Either the universe ships Hannigram or the name placement has been really thoroughly and really well researched. :D
Hannigram - location of the Fannibal Star
Hannigram, our beloved Fannibal star, can be found in constellation known as Sextans.
Stop smiling, I see you! :-D
Sextans is Latin for an old instrument for astronomical observations, used primarily for measuring the positions of stars.
The constellation was introduced in 1687 by Johannes Hevelius. It lies behind neck of a big dragon constellation called Hydra, so Hannigram can slay the dragon every night :-)
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You can see the Hannigram on map with constalations here.
Closer look here.
Page of the star with co-ordinators is here.
(What’s going on?)
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