handofthegods · 5 years
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Just a quick #5k at an upgraded pace to keep some semblance of #consistency. Hindsight, I could’ve pushed a little more, but I’ll get back out for a long run this weekend. (at Paradise Heights, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2VQz79By5C/?igshid=cxsmeicccmfn
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Special #ThankYou to@my good friend @suekey630 for my spectacular #ShabuShabu #birthday #dinner. It’s been years since I had my #favorite #food. 😁 (at Best Shabu Shabu World Noodle + Pho) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2LnwpSBt8x/?igshid=192ivjx1ty90w
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Okay look #Orlando people. It is absolutely awesome to be prepared, I’ve spent the last 48 hours doing the same. But this obsession I keep seeing about “maybe it will turn inland!” Or “the storm has gotten so much bigger!!” Or any other number of people who sound like the either wish for or want to be afraid of some kind of disaster here in Orlando, needs to stop. We will get some wind, we will get a mess, some of us will probably lose power for a bit, and the hurricane wind predictions will continue to look like an erection. We’re not getting a real hurricane or anything close to it, and that’s actually awesome. Trying to capitalize or magnify the extremely minor affects we will feel here is frankly insulting to people on the coast who legitimately had to be evacuated or the people in the Bahamas who legitimately felt with and are dealing with a natural disaster. Irma, who plowed right up the middle of a lot of us knocked out power and made a mess, that’s going to be as bad as it gets for us midlanders. Those of you on the coast is a completely different ball game. Storm surge can change the game well before the wind gets there. So make sure your stuff is secure, eat your week-old bread you rushed out to the store to get, and for the love of god, relax. We do this every year, and 80% of the time those of us in the middle of the state have very little to worry about and the media REALLY loves to try to keep you worried so you’ll tune in. But as of this report, Orlando is chilling in the 20-40% probability zone for tropical storm force winds. Which, basically makes it an average Tuesday in September. 🤣 (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B19oqglHfJZ/?igshid=1b1brq23vsfux
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handofthegods · 5 years
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“Your personal devil tried three classical approaches: a threat, a promise, and an attack on your weak side...” 1. If you’ve read the Alchemist and liked it, you should read this. 2. I need to go and see mountains soon. (at Paradise Heights, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B11JATBhdD2/?igshid=xcq1ymu2m4hl
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handofthegods · 5 years
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First #HalfMarathon since before January. Definitely not my best, but a good training milestone. First 10 miles felt great, then the difficulty set in and the last mile was a struggle. I was so ready for hydration that for some reason, specifically, Grape #Gatoraid looked like the best thing in the world... (at Paradise Heights, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1u7Sfohlo8/?igshid=1kl8la1havtus
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Another slow #run, COMPLETELY different attitude. No music, focus on silence, and peace. This was not running, this was #meditation. It was the fight to NOT push, not worry about time, or pace. Only breathing, and silence. As a result, I remembered my Marathon state, and by mile 9 I could easily have completed a half marathon with little struggle. After 9 miles this run, my average heart rate clocked in a full 20 bpm slower than the last 6 mile run. As of now, I believe I could run the same marathon I did in January. Of course, that’s not going to fly for New York, but it feels good to be back on the right track. (at Paradise Heights, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1c3eC0BN_u/?igshid=kwidegzmh38a
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handofthegods · 5 years
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What can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment. But I’m definitely going to do better this year than last! #Run #WDWMarathon @rundisney (at Epcot - Walt Disney World) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1OrdYWBHDt/?igshid=1jcyd18c77g4x
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Some days you feel from the beginning that something is off and you’re going to have a tough time. Everyone has those days. In terms of my run, today was that day. It was a struggle by the end of the first mile despite a slower pace and arguably easier course. It could’ve been anything. I thought I hydrated enough, but by mile five I could barely swallow. I thought I rested enough but my energy level started out as if I had already just run a #10k. More importantly, even my head wasn’t in the game. I was distracted, focused on what wasn’t working right, and giving all the feelings of weakness far too much power. My attitude failed me, and as a result I posted a 10k time over an hour. I can’t remember the last time that was such a #struggle. But you know what? I was out there. I still did it. And I’m going to do it again soon. #Better. (Also, that #fountain was a nice beacon of light on my cooldown walk back... so there’s that.) (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1NMeGPhkKq/?igshid=289hpg780acc
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Here we have the #Anole eloquently telling me to back off. Which of course I did. I only approached so he would inflate that #dewlap anyway. 💁🏼‍♂️. #Nature is #gorgeous. (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1MB2fkhkZi/?igshid=ny3fbm1uizmh
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handofthegods · 5 years
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I’m torn on this. On one hand, they are basically decimating my #parsley. On the other, those are #Swallowtail #Butterfly #Caterpillars, sooooo I’m just going to let them eat and replace the plants in a few days. 🤷🏼‍♂️ #Gardening 🐛🦋🦋🦋 (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjfYTkh03K/?igshid=18xfd2kmun9iq
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handofthegods · 5 years
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I rarely #foodporn any more, but when I do it might be the #4thOfJuly and it’s definitely #sexy as hell. Happy #IndependenceDay! #BBQ #MacAndCheese (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzg91N9Bfmd/?igshid=1b4mv8974c0yw
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handofthegods · 5 years
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When the #clouds act as a filter, you don’t need to add one. Took this one from the roof yesterday. #sky #sunbeams #nofilter (at Lake Butler Estates, Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQpLLxhw1R/?igshid=rci5jjria2mo
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Had an unusual passerby today at work, the #FloridaSoftshellTurtle. I was going to help her get to water (after properly identifying what she was...) but she didn’t need my help. As soon as I moved away she sprinted to the lake with impressive speed. Turns out this is one of the only species of #turtle that actively crosses land for better living conditions. I think she found it. 😅 (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-okfHhfTU/?igshid=tx9e6gctd46h
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handofthegods · 5 years
#Sexy. #Nitro. #Coldbrew. #Life. (at Starbucks) https://www.instagram.com/p/By3B0N7hOjI/?igshid=1jnvy1yh2york
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Well I missed the main event by just a few minutes, but the preview was still pretty impressive. #Florida #Sky #Sunset (at Paradise Heights, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byq6_hjhw45/?igshid=1trmplwry3x3e
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handofthegods · 5 years
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Not to be outdone by my #photography instagram, @theassistantsphotos, I caught this cool little #dragon earlier with my iPhone. 🐉🦋 (at Windermere, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVVAWkh1Pf/?igshid=102fhtuuxlkl0
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handofthegods · 5 years
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One of my favorite (phone) #photos of @suekey630 strolling in the #FrenchQuarter before we depart #NewOrleans. (at FrenchQuarter NewOrleans) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxF5F4DAy2H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1did8xlyq6r7p
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