gyntraregion · 1 year
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105 - Blichomp Dragon Zumbi Pokemon TYPE: ICE / DRAGON Abilit: Fear (Entering the battlefield, it reduces the speed of all pokemons) PT/BR: Na região de Gyntra os Snoms adotam uma estratégia parasita com Gabites. Durante o seu desenvolvimento procuram jovens Gabites para se fixar em seu peito e ambos evoluirem formando Blichomps. Os Snoms assumem uma forma de pulpa e durante o seu desenvolvimento roubam a energia e nutrientes desses pokemons fazendo esses congelar partes dos seu corpo e comandando parte dos seus movimentos. ENG: In the Gyntra region, the Snoms adopt a parasitic strategy with Gabites. During their development they look for young Gabites to attach themselves to their chest and both evolve to form Blichomps. The Snoms assume a form of pulp and during their development they steal energy and nutrients from these pokemons, making them freeze parts of their bodies and commanding part of their movements. Gabite + Snom (Leven up) -> Blichomp HP: 108 ATTACK: 120 DEFENSE: 100 SP. ATK: 100 SP. DEF: 85 SPEED: 102
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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Mythical 104 - Magtaurus Volcano Pokemon TYPE: Fire / Dark Abilit: Magma (Physical attack goes up every time the pokemon uses a fire attack.) - EN/US : Magtaurus are pokemons that live in volcanoes. Its skin withstands extremely high temperatures, making this pokemon have a high tolerance for its habitat. He commonly attacks anyone passing near these regions, driving these people into the magma. - PT/BR : Magtaurus são pokemons habitantes dos vulcões. Sua pele aguenta temperaturas extremamente elevadas, fazendo esse pokemon ter uma grande tolerância ao seu habitat. Ele comumente ataca quem passar perto dessas regiões, levando essas pessoas para dentro do magma. - HP: 90 ATTACK: 80 DEFENSE: 100 SP. ATK: 100 SP. DEF: 90 SPEED: 120
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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Mythical 103 - SWAMANDER Swamp Pokemon TYPE: Ground / Poison - Abillit : Life Spore (When the pokemon suffers damage, each turn, it steals 5 HP from each pokemon on the battlefield, until it has full HP). - EN/US : They are swamp protector pokemons. They live almost all their lives under trees and dead pokemons. During its sleep, this pokemon absorbs all the energy of living beings around it, being responsible for several accidents in swampy regions. - PT/BR : São pokemons protetores dos pântanos. Vivem quase toda a sua vida embaixo de arvores e pokemons mortos. Durante o seu sono, esse pokemon absorve toda a energia dos seres vivos ao seu redor, sendo o responsável por vários acidentes nas regiões pantanosas. - Base Status HP: 120 ATTACK: 90 DEFENSE: 100 SP. ATK: 150 SP. DEF: 100 SPEED: 80
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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Mythical 102 - ANQUIROCK Mountain Pokemon TYPE: Rock/ Ice - Abillit : Avalanche (Ice and Rock type attacks have 20% critical hits) - EN/US : Anchirock inhabits mountainous regions, being commonly confused with some mountain peaks. The clouds present at its back can cause heavy snowfall, freezing the entire environment around it. - PT/BR : Anquirock habita regiões montanhosas, sendo comumente confundido com alguns picos de montanhas. As nuvens presentes nas suas costas podem causar grandes nevascas, congelando todo o ambiente ao seu redor. - Base Status HP: 200 ATTACK: 90 DEFENSE: 110 SP. ATK: 90 SP. DEF: 110 SPEED: 60
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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Mythical 101- KAWYARA River Pokemon TYPE: Water / Fairy - Abillit : Iara ( Toda vez que o pokemon entra em campo de batalha, todos os pokemons dormem). - EN/US : EN/US : Rivmad is the pokemon that takes care of the rivers and abundant forests of the Gyntra region since its formation. Together with 2 other pokemons, who are her helpers, she assists in the purification of water, and the flow of rain that occur throughout the region. - PT/BR : Rivmad é o pokemon que cuida dos rios e das florestas abundantes da região de Unos deis da sua formação. Juntamente com outros 2 pokemons, que são seus ajudantes, ela auxilia na purificação da água, e do fluxo de chuva que ocorrem em toda a região. - Base Status HP: 100 ATTACK: 80 DEFENSE: 90 SP. ATK: 80 SP. DEF: 110 SPEED: 100
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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100 - EXTENHOOK HOOK Pokemon TYPE: Bug / Fighting Abillit : Moxie EN/US : Living in mountainous regions Extenhook are fighting pokemons. Its arms and the hook on its head can extend up to 10 meters in length, making this pokemon have unpredictable attacks. These limbs help the pokemon climb unstable mountains. - PT/BR : Vivendo em regiões montanhosas Extenhook são pokemons lutadores. Seus braços e o gancho da sua cabeça, podem se estender em até 10 metros de comprimento, fazendo esse pokemon ter ataques imprevisíveis. Esses membros auxiliam o pokemon a realizar escaladas nas montanhas instáveis. - Base Status HP: 90 ATTACK: 120 DEFENSE: 80 SP. ATK: 50 SP. DEF: 80 SPEED: 100
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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099 - CHAINSOLF Chainsaw Pokemon TYPE: Steel / Ghost Abillit : Saw ( Increases physical attack and reduces accuracy each turn. ) EN/US : Living the night Chainsolf are fearsome pokemons of the night. They live close to urban centers, emitting loud sounds from the mountains present throughout their body. - PT/BR : Vivendo a noite Chainsolf são pokemons medonhos da noite. Vivem perto de centros urbado emitindo sons altos das serras presentes em todo o seu corpo. - Pochiron < Eclipse Stone < Chainsolf - Base Status HP: 100 ATTACK: 85 DEFENSE: 60 SP. ATK: 75 SP. DEF: 60 SPEED: 100
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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098 Pachiron Dog Pokemon TYPE: Steel / Ghost - EN/US : The origin of this pokemon is uncertain. Locally, they imagined that these pokemons were originated from the possession of a dog's soul in a chainsaw. At night these pokemons turn on the blade that is located on their forehead to scare pokemons and humans. - PT/BR : A origem desse pokemon é incerta. De maneira local, imaginavam que esses pokemons foram originados a partir da possessão de uma alma de cachorro em uma motosserra. A noite esses pokemons ligam a lamina que está localizada na sua testa para assustar pokemons e humanos.
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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097 Sprig Pig pokemon TYPE: Psychic / Fighting - EN/US : Sprig is the evolved form of Grumpig. Its arms feature spring-like structures that extend its arm by up to 4 meters. They utilize elastic potential and their psychic powers to amplify their punches. - PT/BR : Sprig é a forma evoluida do Grumpig. Seus braços apresentam estruturas semelhantes a molas que estendem o seu braço em até 4 metros. Eles utilizam o potencial elástico e seus poderes psíquicos para amplificar seus socos.
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gyntraregion · 1 year
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096 MAROGON TYPE: Ground / Dragon Abillit: Lightning Rod
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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095 - EVIFLORA Carnivorous Plant Pokemon
TYPE: Grass / Dark
Abillit : Disguise
EN/US : Living buried in the soil of the Gyntra region, Eviflora are treacherous pokemons of the night. They are rarely seen unearthed, staying most of the day in small holes. Its tail is shaped like a sunflora to attract insect pokemons, which when they reach this structure are bitten by the pokemon. - PT/BR : Vivendo enterrado no solo da região de Gyntra, Eviflora são pokemons traiçoeiros da noite. Raramente são vistos desenterrados, ficando boa parte do dia em pequenos burados. Sua cauda tem o formato do sunflora para atrair pokemons insetos, que quando atingem essa estrutura são mordidos pelo pokemon. - Sunkern < Eclipse Stone <  Eviflora - Base Status HP: 90 ATTACK: 85 DEFENSE: 70 SP. ATK: 90 SP. DEF: 75 SPEED: 80
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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094 - DUCLERON  Gluttony Pokemon TYPE: Dragon / Rock 
Abillit:  Rock Head
ENG:  Living in the deserts of gyntra, Ducleron are dangerous and strong pokemons. Its carapace is extremely rigid, and there are few pokemons that can seriously injure it in combat. Its appetite is one of the biggest in the worlds, so much so that desert travelers avoid taking too much food with them, to avoid attracting flocks of this Pokémon. The two-headed tend to bite and chew everything that moves in the sand, managing to seriously injure any unsuspecting Pokémon.
PT/BR : Vivendo no desertos de gyntra, Ducleron são pokemons perigosos e fortes. Sua carapaça é extremamente rígida, sendo que há poucos pokemons que conseguem o ferir gravemente em combate. Seu apetite é um dos maiores dos mundos, tanto que os viajantes do deserto evitam levar muita comida consigo, para evitar atrair bandos desse Pokémon. A duas cabeças tendem a morder e mastigar tudo o que se mexe na areia, conseguindo ferir gravemente, qualquer Pokémon desavisado.
Base Status HP: 120 ATTACK: 100 DEFENSE: 100 SP. ATK: 20 SP. DEF: 85 SPEED: 60
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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Fishing Bear Pokemon 
TYPE: Water / Fighting 
Abillit: Gust 
ENG: Living in the rivers of the Gyntra region, the Bearondys are excellent fishermen. Unlike the other Beurondys, those found in the region developed a diet based on fish pokemons. That's why they live near rivers, always trying to capture the biggest and heaviest Magikarps. As the clashes between them and other beroundys are very aggressive, they usually have several scars. - PT/BR: Vivendo nos rios da região de Gyntra, os Bearondys são ótimos pescadores. Diferente dos outros Beurondys, os que são encontradas na região desenvolveram uma alimentação baseada em pokemons peixes. Por isso vivem perto de rios tentando sempre capturar os maiores e mais pesados Magikarps. Como os embates entre eles e outros Beroundys são muito agressivos, esses costumam apresentar várias cicatrizes.  - Base Status HP: 100 ATTACK: 85 DEFENSE: 80 SP. ATK: 42 SP. DEF:80 SPEED: 75
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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092 - VINOLLO Wine Pokemon TYPE: Grass / Fairy 
Abillit: Antidote (Immunity to Poison -Type).
ENG: Living in the Gyntra region, Vinello are snobbish and elegant pokemons. The grapes that grow in this pokemon's mane and tail are extremely sour, and used to make the best wine in the pokemon world. In addition to this drink being extremely invigorating, it is used to combat the poisons of various pokemons in the region.
PT/BR : Vivendo na região de Gyntra, Vinello são pokemons esnobes e elegantes. As uvas que crescem na crina e calda deste pokemon, são extremamente azedas, e utilizadas para fazer o melhor vinho do mundo pokemon. Além dessa bebida ser extremamente revigorante ela é utilizada para combater os venenos de vários pokemons da região. 
Base Status HP: 85 ATTACK: 70 DEFENSE: 75 SP. ATK: 90 SP. DEF: 70 SPEED: 90
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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091 - GREARSE  Grape Pokemon TYPE: Grass
Abillit: Chlorophyll
ENG: Living in the fields of the gyntra region, Grearse are happy and contented pokemons. Its mane is formed by a special type of grape, much appreciated by humans and pokemons. At the beginning of spring, in several citizens of the region, these grapes are used to make a series of drinks, in celebration of the change of seasons. This doesn't hurt the pokemons, as after harvesting the grapes grow back.
PT/BR : Vivendo nas campos da região de gyntra, Grearse são pokemons felizes e contentes. Sua crina é formada por um tipo especial de uva, muito apreciada por humanos e pokemons. No começo da primavera, em várias cidadãs da região, essas uvas são utilizadas para fazer uma série de bebidas, em comemoração da mudança das estações. Isso não machuca o pokemons, já que depois da colheita as uvas crescem de novo.
Base Status HP: 50 ATTACK: 40 DEFENSE: 45 SP. ATK: 50 SP. DEF:65 SPEED: 52
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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090 - SLUK  Toxic Snail  Pokemon  TYPE: Poison / Steel
Abillit: Poison Touch  
ENG: Living in the marine regions of the Gyntra region, Sluks are dangerous and unwanted pokemons. They evolve when a Shellder slays a Grimer who has a Sesmic Stone. The high concentration of heavy metals in the sea causes these substances to accumulate in the shell of the Shellder that projects the Sluk, against the attack of predators. This makes this pokemon resistant and considered a pest in many maritime regions.
PT/BR : Vivendo nas regiões marinhas da região de Gyntra, Sluks são pokemons perigosos e indesejaveis. Eles evoluem quando um Shellder morte as costas um Grimer que possuem uma Sismic Stone. A alta concentração de metais pesados no mar fazem com que essas substâncias fiquem acumulada na carapaça do Shellder que projete o Sluk, contra o ataque dos predadores. Isso o faz esse pokemon ser resistente e considerado uma praga em várias regiões marítimas.
Grimer + Shellder + Sesmic Stone (item) < Sluck 
Base Status HP: 95 ATTACK: 50 DEFENSE: 110 SP. ATK: 80 SP. DEF: 100 SPEED: 75
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gyntraregion · 2 years
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089 - WEROITE  Mischievous Pokemon TYPE: Dark / Psychic  Abillit:  Black Wolf (Increases attack and special attack every time the pokemon uses a Dark-type attack. ) -
ENG: Living in the forests of the Gyntra region, Weroite are nefarious pokemons of the night. It is the evolved form of Lobueno. They usually attack in packs, Hypnotizing entire villages, and looting food and devouring Marreps and Wooloos. To deal with the Weroites, the citizens create strong relationships with the Pastogs and Geischen so that these pokemons protect cities and towns.
PT/BR :  Vivendo nas florestas da região de Gyntra, Weroite são pokemons nefastos da noite. É a forma evoluida do Lobueno.  Atacam normalmente em bando, Hipinotizando vilas inteiras, e saqueando as comidas e devorando Marreps e Wooloos. Para lidar com os Weroites,  os cidadões criar uma forte relações com os Pastogs e Geischen para que esses pokemons protejam as cidades e vilas.
- Lobueno < Lenven 38 + Night < Weroite  -
Base Status HP: 95 Ataque: 55 Defesa: 80 A. Especial: 110 D. Especial: 90 Velocidade: 97
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