gtbutterfly · 2 days
Update on the really old GT book I've been reading,
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For some reason, it keeps implying that a tiny being in a giants hands is "silly" and "babyish" and "humiliating" and I don't know if I should be offended or feel called out.
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gtbutterfly · 3 days
I've been reading this old GT book from like 1947, and I've developed severe "borrowers are the descendents of kidnapped lilliputians from Gullivers travels" brain rot
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gtbutterfly · 11 days
Jen and Gabby chapter 6
Finally got this one out. I've been sitting on it for a while, and I finally got it finished. I'm mostly happy with it, but I'm a bit worried its not as good as the previous chapters due to it taking so long. anyways. I hope you enjoy! criticism is appreciated.
CW: cages, dehumanization,
here's the previous part:
and here's the first part:
It was impossible to tell what time it was. Tim and Gabby were surrounded by cold metal walls, there were no windows to the outside other than the door of metal bars, the only way in or out of their cage. The ceiling at a bright white light beaming down on them. It was blinding to look at. The ground was covered in metal bars that were painful to sit or lay on. The cage smelled like pet food, hair, and rat droppings, similar to the smell of the walls of houses Tim had borrowed from which had rat infestations. There weren’t any rats or mice here, though, just the lingering smell of them. They had been here at some point, something must have happened to them. Tim was afraid of what that something was. Maybe they were just moved. Maybe they’re gone. 
“What are we gonna do, Tim?” Gabby asked, looking around worried. “What are they going to do to us?” 
“I…I don’t know, Gabby,” Tim said, “I’m sure it won’t be that bad,” he tried to reassure her.
“What is this place?” Gabby asked,
“A laboratory,” Tim said, “This is where humans do like, tests and stuff,”
“Are they going to do tests on us?” Gabby asked,
“Well, from what I heard, they usually do tests on animals, like mice and stuff,” Tim said. He was recalling most of his information from what he’d seen on TV while with Rebecca. He didn’t know if he was right or not.
“But there aren’t any mice here!” Gabby said,
“It sure smells like there are,” Tim muttered, “Look, everything is going to be fine,” Tim tried to comfort Gabby, “We’re going to get out of here, ok? They aren’t going to hurt us, I won’t let them,”
“Are you sure?” Gabby asked. Tim paused for a moment, before sighing.
“I’m not, but I hope I’m right,” he said, looking down.
“Why were you in that house I was in?” Gabby asked, “Did that human boy kidnap you too?” 
“No. well, he did, but, uh,” Tim stumbled over his words, “Look, me and your sister Jen were trying to save you, and then we were caught by that brat.”
“You and Jen were coming to save me?” Gabby asked,
“Yeah, Jen told me about you getting kidnapped and all, and I decided to help her,” Tim rubbed the back of his neck. Suddenly, Gabby hugged Tim around his waist.
“Thank you,” Gabby said, hugging Tim tightly, “I thought no one was coming to save me,”
“Uh, you're welcome,” Tim said, “I mean, you shouldn’t really be thanking me, y’know, since we failed,”
“Where is Jen?” Gabby asked, “Why didn’t Danny have her?”
“Danny?” Tim asked,
“The human that kidnapped us,” Gabby said,
“Oh, uh…I don’t know where Jen is,” Tim said, looking down,
“Weren’t you caught together?” Gabby asked. Tim was silent for a moment. He didn’t know how to break it to her.
“When we were seen, the human picked me up, and Jen avoided it by using her needle,” Tim said,
“Oh, that's how she avoided being caught when I was taken!” Gabby said, smiling at the thought of her sister. “So she got away?”
“...he kicked her.” Tim said, “The human kicked her into a wall. She looked hurt. She didn’t get up. The human just left her in the room when he took me. That's the last I saw of her,” Gabby was silent for a moment. She was processing what she’d heard, trying to make sense of it.
“So she…Jen is……” tears started to swell in Gabby's eyes as she thought about the possibility of what happened to her sister,
“No, no, she’s not dead! She didn’t die, she was just hurt.” Tim said, seeing Gabby’s face turn to despair, “Jen’s alive, I’m sure of it. I know it,” 
“So, she's still in that room?” Gabby asked,
“Maybe,” Tim looked down, “maybe she’s recovered and escaped already. If she did, she’d probably be trying to find you still,”
“But, how would Jen ever find us?” Gabby asked worriedly, "We don't even know where we are, and even if Jen did, how would she get here?”
“I don’t know, but she'll figure something out,” Tim said. “She's your sister, she's smart like that. In the meantime, we should get out of here before the humans come back,”
“Yeah,” Gabby said. The two borrowers went to the edge of their cage, where the door made of metal bars was. They were high up, at least too high for borrowers like them to survive falling. The metal bars were too close for them to squeeze out of. Gabby looked at Tim. “Do you have any of your borrowing tools? Like a grappling hook, or needle?”
“No, the humans took them from me,” Tim said, looking down, and sighing.
“Then what are we going to do?” Gabby said, looking scared.
“I’m sure we’ll think of something, don’t worry,” Tim said, “we’ll just have to wait for now,”
“Oh,” Gabby said, worriedly. She paced around the cage, gripping her hair, before she sat down in a corner. “We’re never gonna get out of here…”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Tim said, “we’re not gonna be here forever, we’ll get eventually,”
“I’m sorry, it's just,” Gabby looked down, “what if I never see Jen again?”
“You will, don’t worry,” Tim rubbed Gabby's back, trying to comfort her.
“Are you sure? Or do you just hope so?” Gabby asked. Tim was silent for a moment.
“I’m sure enough,” he said, looking down.
Jen was still in Rebecca's car. She was too small to see out the windows properly, looking up all she could see was the sky and streetlights from above. It had stopped raining briefly, but the sky was still covered in clouds. They’ve been driving for a while, mostly in silence. Jen looked up at Rebecca. The human was staring at the road in front of them.
“How much longer?” Jen asked.
“Not long, we’ll be there soon,” Rebecca said, continuing to drive. The two shared a moment of silence before Rebecca spoke up again. “So, about what I said earlier, uh, about you being weak and helpless,” she paused.
“I’m not weak and helpless,” Jen said sternly.
“I know, I didn’t mean it that way,” Rebecca said, “I just, uh, I meant that… you're at a disadvantage…because of your size…and you could use some help,”
“Are you talking about me, or borrowers in general?” Jen asked.
“Uh, I dunno, both?” Rebecca said,
“The borrowers around this place are doing fine without help from humans,” Jen said. “And I only need help from you because of what the other humans did.”
“Yeah, I guess you guys are doing fine, but you're still dying of cats eating you, and hunger and such,” Rebecca said. “Imagine how much better things would be if you had our help, if humans knew about you,”
“They’d kidnap us and take us to a laboratory to do tests on?” Jen asked.
“Ok, I see your point, but not all humans are like that, honestly,” Rebecca said. “Most of us would probably treat you really well if you gave us a chance,”
“How would that even work? How would humans help tinies if they all knew about us?” Jen asked.
“Well, the government would make laws protecting you from being killed,” Rebecca said,
“Like they do for animals?” Jen asked,
“Well, yeah, kinda.” Rebecca looked down, “But you wouldn’t be seen as animals, you’d be seen as people…very small people,” 
“So what, everything else would be the same?” Jen asked.
“No, you wouldn’t have to steal to survive anymore,” Rebecca said. “I don’t know exactly how things would be, but I think it would work like how me and Tim live together. Y’know, every tiny would get their own human to take care of them,”
“Every human would have a tiny pet to own?” Jen asked.
“No, not like that,” Rebecca said,
“That sounds exactly like that,” Jen said, “all that would do is put humans in power over us and make us dependent on them. Not to mention that not all humans are like you,” 
“OK then, how would you do it?” Rebecca asked.
“...do what?” Jen looked up at her.
“How would you make a world where humans and tinies live together?” Rebecca asked.
“I don’t know, I’ve never thought about that, it's a thing that would never happen,” Jen leaned against the back of the car seat.
“Ok, but just hypothetically,” Rebecca said,
“Fine, I guess…hmm,” Jen thought to herself for a second. “We’d all have our own...tiny houses, and tiny cars, and like, little communities of tinies with tiny jobs, and money we could use to buy food for ourselves,” Jen said, chuckling under her breath at the absurd thought. “And tiny schools that our kids can go to, and basically all the stuff you have but our size.”
“That sounds nice,” Rebecca said, smiling.
“It sounds ridiculous.” Jen sighed, “It would never happen, it's impossible.”
“Well, you never know. Maybe someday,” Rebecca said, as the car slowly came to a stop, and she changed the gear to park. “Ok, we’re here.”
Jen got up from the car seat and looked up at Rebecca.
“Lift me to the window,” Jen told her. Rebecca lifted Jen up from under her arms and placed the borrower in front of the windshield. They were facing the biomedical institute, a large concrete building. The front had various glass windows and lights coming from the inside. The rest of the building was brown and windowless. There were a few other cars in the parking lot they were in, all covered in water from the rain.
“So, what's the plan?” Rebecca asked,
“You bring me inside, I find Tim and Gabby, and then we come back to you.” Jen said, “You bring us back to the neighborhood, and let me and my sister go our way.”
“Really? You don’t need any help getting them out of there?” Rebecca asked, before sighing. “Or are you just still afraid of me,” 
“I’m not afraid, human.” Jen said, “All I need you for is getting me here, and bringing us back home and….I’m grateful you decided to help with that…”
“Aww, you're welcome, tiny,” Rebecca said. Jen sighed,
“But I don’t need your help with anything else. Just bring me inside, and wait here for us to get back.” Jen commanded.
“But what if something happens to you?” Rebecca asked, “I can’t just let you go in there alone, i mean, what if you don’t come back?” Jen paused for a moment to think. Finally, she turned towards the human and looked up at her.
“If I don’t come back by midnight, go in there yourself and look for Gabby and Tim,” she said, before looking down. “If you find them, but not me, take them back to the neighborhood…tell Tim to bring Gabby to Liam and Nora at the marketplace.”
“But Jen,” Rebecca said, “I’m not gonna leave you here, I’m not just going to assume that you're dead if I can’t find you. Please, let me come with you to look for them,”
“You're a human, you’d get us caught.” Jen said, “You can’t hide or get around undetected the same way I can,”
“Oh…oh yeah,” Rebecca rubbed the back of her neck.
“If you find Gabby and not me, tell her…” Jen thought for a moment, “Tell Tim to tell her…no, tell Tim to get him, Liam, and Nora to teach her borrowing. And that I’m proud of her.” Jen said, looking down. Rebecca was silent for a moment. She wanted to protest more, and say that Jen was going to find Gabby and come back alive, say that she should be going with her to help, but she knew there was no point in it,
“Ok, I will,” Rebecca said, “should I bring you inside now?” 
“...yes,” Jen said, “get me inside of there,”
“Ok, I’ve got it,” Tim said, turning from the bars of the cage he and Gabby were in.
“You do?” Gabby said as she sat on the metal floor, “What's the plan? How do we get out of here?”
“So the humans are going to take us out of here sometime, right?” Tim said, “We wait for that to happen, and when we see an opening to escape, we take it,”
“That's your plan?” Gabby asked, “We wait for the humans to come to do their evil tests on us, and if we have a way to escape then, we escape? What if there isn’t a way to escape then?”
“I don’t know, that's the best idea I have,” Tim said, “it was this, or pretending to be dead so they throw us out,”
“What was wrong with that plan?” Gabby asked,
“...you don’t want to know what humans do with dead things, Gabby,” Tim said, rubbing the back of his neck, “just listen, If there's a time when you think you can get away, run. Run as fast as you can, and don’t look back until you're out of the human’s sight, ok?”
“O-okay,” Gabby gulped in nervousness.
“It should be any minute now unless they're keeping us in here until morning,” Tim said,
“What time is it?” Gabby asked,
“I don’t know, it should still be night,” Tim said, looking out the bars. He sighed and looked back at Gabby. “You should get some rest. I keep looking out, in case they come in here.”
“But…w-what if they do something to us? What if….” Gabby held herself, worried. Tim put his hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’ll wake you up if anything happens. It's getting late, you should get some sleep.” Tim said, trying to comfort Gabby.
“Oh….okay….” she said, sitting down against the metal wall, and slowly laying down. Tim turned towards the bars again. He sighed, thinking to himself.
What are we going to do?
The vents of the lab were locked. Most vents that borrowers traveled through had to be manually unscrewed with a detached screwdriver bit, which Jen didn’t have. Rebecca had to get Jen inside by going through the front door and placing her on the ground by pretending to drop something while talking to the person at the front desk. Now Jen was traversing through the empty hallways, trying not to be seen. Most of the hallway lights were off, and there weren’t many humans in this building, so it wasn’t too much of a challenge to stay hidden. Every so often, there would be footsteps in the distance, and Jen would have to duck into an empty room with its door open, or under a chair, cleaning cart or behind a plant, or just stay in a dark shadow and hope she wasn’t seen while the human passed by. None of the people she saw looked like the man that was in the photo she’d seen at the house, the human she assumed took Gabby and Tim. There were some janitorial workers, and different scientists and employees leaving for the night, but none of them had the tinies on them. Jen even followed some to make sure, but that only got her more lost. The building was massive for a borrower, a two-story house was enough for a tiny person to spend their entire life in. This building was at least three stories, and there were dozens upon dozens of rooms that Gabby and Tim could’ve been in, most of which were closed. Jen knew her best bet for finding them was to find the human that took them here. So she kept moving through the hallways, running and hiding, and checking the humans that unknowingly walked past her. Eventually, she heard a conversation coming from some room. She stood outside the open door, hiding in the shadows of a potted plant while eavesdropping.
“You realize how rare these things are, yes? We can’t just do tests on them now, they’re not disposable like the rats are.”
“Yes, but we have two of them, a male and a female.”
“Isn’t the female of adolescence?”
“Correct, but that doesn’t mean we can’t wait for it to reach maturity or simply force it now.”
“I don’t think those are viable options, professor. Any other suggestions?”
“Well, lilliputians have been known to be social and gather in groups. We could tag one of them, and let it lead us to others.” 
“Which one would receive the tag?”
“The older one most likely, they would be more likely to lead us to where it and the other lilliputians meet. The younger one would more likely die.”
“So we attach a tracking tag to one of them, send it  back to the area it came from, and wait for it to lead us to the other Lilliputians, what do we do with the other one?”
“Keep it alive in case the older one fails to lead us to others. In the meantime, start examinations on them. Get DNA samples and measurements of their heights and weights.”
“Very well, sir,”
The scientist then left the room. Jen peered from behind the pot she was hiding behind and started following one of them. There was something familiar about one of the words the humans were saying, “lilliputian.” It sounded similar to a story Jen heard when she was younger. She didn’t remember many details about it. It was about where all tinies came from, an island far away from any humans called “lilliput.” She didn’t know anything else about the story, it was just a fairytale as far as she knew. It's not like it mattered, anyway. All that mattered now was following this human to find Gabby and Tim. Eventually, she followed them to a dark blue metal door. The scientist closed the door behind him, leaving Jen stuck outside. 
Gabby flinched awake at the sound of the metal door across the room tightly closing. She got up and peered out the bars of the cage, Tim did the same. A human had entered the room. They were going through some drawers, taking out gloves and supplies. 
“It's happening,” Tim said, “get ready, they’re about to do something,”
“What’s gonna happen?” Gabby asked, 
“I don’t know,” Tim said, 
“I’m scared,” Gabby backed away from the cage bars,
“It's going to be ok, stay calm, Gabby,” Tim tried comforting her again, “it's going to be fine,”
“What are they going to do to us?” Gabby said, panicking, “are they…
“It's going to be fine, Gabby, I’ll be with you,” Tim said, 
The scientist put rubber latex gloves on and walked towards the cage. Gabby fell silent as the human got closer. They opened the latch and grabbed Gabby from the enclosure. She squirmed and screamed as she was pulled outside. Tim tried to keep her from being taken away, but he was knocked over as he lost grip on Gabby’s arm. 
“Gabby!” Tim yelled as the door closed, and Gabby was taken away. The scientist ignored the tiny’s screams and dropped Gabby onto a glass scale. As she tried to stand up, the scientist grabbed her arm and pulled on it. Gabby yelped in pain. The scientist measured her arm, before pinning her to the desk and measuring her height. After they were done, they squeezed Gabby in their hand and threw her back into the cage. She hit the floor on her side, hurting her shoulder. Then, the large gloved hand grabbed Tim, taking him out of the cage this time. Gabby forced herself up and ran to the side of the cage to watch as Tim was taken away. But the scientist didn’t take him to the same desk they took Gabby. Tim was dropped into some kind of plastic container, with clear walls and a metal grid over the top. The scientist opened the door to the room and left. Tim and Gabby shared a final glance as he was taken out of the room.
It had been a couple of minutes, and Jen was still outside the metal door. It didn’t have any cracks under it, so she couldn’t crawl under it. There was a vent nearby that could lead into the room, but Jen had nothing to open it with. So she was stuck waiting until the door opened. When it did, the same scientist from before walked outside. Jen, who was on the side of the door, noticed they were holding something, some kind of plastic box or cage. That must be where they are, Jen thought to herself, as she stalked after the human. She stayed in the shadows of the side of the hallway, trying her best to keep up with the large human with her smaller legs. The scientist went into another room. This time, Jen managed to slip through the or before it closed and hide under a metal chair. The scientist placed the box on a desk at the end of the room, and took some sort of device out of their pocket. It took Jen a moment to recognize what it was, it was used by humans to communicate over long distances, not a phone, just a small speaker and microphone with an antenna. She heard of some borrowers using them before, but she’d never seen one herself. The scientist spoke into the device.
“The male subject is in the operation room…..” They said, “Yes, it's secure. It's still in the portable container, though.” the scientist paused while listening to the voice on the other side of the device, which Jen couldn’t hear. “Alright. So what time are we making the implant?” they asked. “Tomorrow morning, get it.” 
The scientist put the device back on their belt and left the room. Jen stepped out from her hiding place and ran to the desk where the box was placed. She swung her grappling hook and threw it up to the top of the desk. It scraped against the metal surface and fell back down. Frustratedly, Jen picked up the hook and threw it again, aiming for the container. She tugged on the string before climbing it up the massive desk. Her head, arms, and hands were wet with rainwater from earlier and sweat from now. This was it, she thought. This was the end. She would finally save Gabby. She would finally see her sister again. Her hands strained as she climbed, pushing herself to her limits to get to the top. Finally, she did. She pulled herself up to the top of the cold, metal desk, and looked forward to the plastic prison. It was a thin, clear plastic box with a metal top. There were air holes on the top and sides that were barely large enough for a tiny to stick their hand through. One of these holes caught the fishing hook Jen threw. Inside the container was Tim, standing to the wall watching Jen lift herself up.
“Jen? Jen, you..you’re here! You’re alive!” Tim said upon seeing her again.
“Tim!” Jen pulled herself onto the desk and ran up to the wall of the cage. “What did they do to you? Where’s Gabby?”
“Still in the other room,” Tim said,
“The other room?” Jen asked,
“The room that human took me from…” Tim said, 
“Is she ok? What did they do to her?” Jen asked,
“shes …shes ok…well, as ok as she could be in this situation,” Tim said, rubbing the back of his neck. “She missed you, Jen, a lot. You have to go get her,”
“We will,” Jen said, “let me get you out of this thing,” Jen took her fishing hook and threw it on top of the plastic cage before climbing on top of it. Tim watched.
“Jen, hurry! We don’t have a lot of time, maybe you should just come back for me,” Tim said,
“No, I’m not just leaving you here. Who knows what they’ll do to you while I’m gone,” Jen said, “besides, saving Gabby with you will be easier than saving you with Gabby,” she came to the side lock and pulled open a door from the top. She dropped the string down into the cage and held onto it for Tim to climb up. Once Tim got to the top, Jen pulled him out. They looked at each other for a moment.
“Um..thanks Jen,” Tim said. Jen suddenly hugged him. Tim was almost startled by Jen wrapping her arms around him. He hugged her back. 
“I’m sorry, Tim,” Jen said, letting go of the hug. “This entire thing is my fault. I got you wrapped up in this, and I couldn’t protect Gabby in the first place.” she looked down. “I’m a terrible friend. And a terrible sister…”
“No, Jen,” Tim said, “your not either of those things. You’ve been doing nothing but trying to save your sister from these humans for the passed…how long has it been, two, three days! And you could’ve left me here to go save her, but you didn’t.” Tim put his hand on Jen’s shoulder. “You're a great friend. And an amazing sister.”
“...thanks, Tim…” Jen said, before sighing, “but I won't be a great sister until I save Gabby. Let's go.”
“Alright,” Tim said.
The two borrowers climbed down from the cage. Jen wrapped her hook around one of the air holes in the cage so they could climb down. Then, across the room, the massive metal door opened. The tiny’s hearts dropped. It was the same scientist from before, coming back into the room. They all froze as they saw each other. The scientist was holding a thicker plastic cage with a more secure lock. They looked down at Jen and Tim. The borrowers back away. Jens eyes furrowed. She drew her needle from her belt.
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gtbutterfly · 19 days
Quincy and the forest Giant part five
finally came up with a proper title for this series. anyways, here's the comfort part of "hurt/comfort", as promised in the last chapter. I hope you enjoy it. criticism is appreciated.
previous part
tw: mentioning death and squeezing, though none actually happens.
It felt like a couple of hours later. I was still under the pillow, holding myself. I had stopped crying a while ago, now I was just numb. It was still raining outside, thunder roaring every so often. Occasionally, I would hear Ella walking by. She didn’t speak to me for a while, sometimes I would feel her walking behind the couch behind me, or see her looking at me from the other side of the room while I hid from her under the pillow. Finally, she left the room and came back a couple of minutes later with a massive paper towel with some more stale bread on it.
“Hey,” the giant said, sitting on her knees in front of the couch, and placing the plate next to the pillow. She was rubbing her neck. “It’s about lunchtime. You should eat something.”
I stayed silent. I was actually hungry, even if all there was to eat was the large, stale bread, but I didn’t want to come out of my hiding spot. I didn’t want to expose myself to her. I heard the giant sign in response to my silence.
“Come on, come out of there, I want to talk to you,” Ella said, sounding more annoyed. “You're not in trouble or anything, just come out.” I still didn’t budge from my spot.
“I….I am not h-hungry…” I lied, trying to get Ella to go away. She groaned with more annoyance.
“Look, I’m trying to be nice to you after what happened, and you’re going to accept it, ok?” Ella said. “Don’t make me yank you out from under there, kid.”
I hesitantly crawled out from under the throw pillow and looked down in nervousness, avoiding eye contact with the giant. 
“There you are,” Ella said, glaring down at me. “I got you some food,” she pushed the piece of bread towards me. I stared at it for a moment before stepping onto the paper towel and picking the bread up, taking a small bite. It was hard and nearly crunchy. 
“Do you not like it?” Ella asked. I looked up at her.
“Um…its…..uh, its ... .um…a bit stale….” I said sheepishly.
“Do you want me to get you something else? Water? Fruit from outside?” The giant asked.
“Um, no thanks, I’m fine,” I said, taking another bite. The giant sighed and leaned on her elbow on the couch. She seemed like she didn’t know how to say what she wanted to.
“So…about earlier, your… you're fine now, right?” she asked.
“Wh-what?” I said, confused as to what she meant.
“You're not like, traumatized or anything from what I did to you, right? I mean,your not crying anymore,”
“...yeah, I’m not… crying…” I said,
“So you're fine? We’re good?” Ella asked. I struggled with wwhatto say to her. I was silent for a few moments before I heard her sigh. “You’re still afraid, aren’t you?”
“Um….well….um….” I stumbled over my words while answering her, “your…very big…and you…um…you can be….um”
“I can be what?” Ella asked sternly. “Intimidating? Mean?”
“Well...um…..” I nodded and shrugged at the same time. Ella sighed again.
“We should talk about this somewhere else,” she said, reaching her hand towards me.
“Huh? Wait, don’t-” 
The giant suddenly picked me up, wrapping her hand around my torso and giving me a light squeeze as she casually walked into the kitchen and plopped me onto the table. She sat down in a chair while I tried to stand back up. She sighed before talking. 
“Look, I didn’t mean to go that far when I was…threatening you earlier,” she said, looking down as if she was ashamed. “I wouldn’t actually hurt you, let alone ‘make you go missing’ like I said. I was just trying to get you to listen to me and stop asking questions. I didn’t mean to make you cry or anything, ok?”
“Um…ok…” I said, still scared.
“Good, I just wanted you to understand that.” she said. “As long as you're here, I’m in charge of you, and you have to listen to me, but that doesn’t mean I’ll hurt you, understand?”
“...sure…” I said, looking down. Ella sighed slightly and looked closer at me.
“Don’t lie to me, Quincy.” the giant said.
“I…I’m not…” I gulped to calm myself down, “I’m not lying,”
“You still think that I’d hurt you,” Ella said sternly. “You're shaking and mumbling when you try to talk. If you trusted me not to hurt you, you wouldn’t be doing that.”
“I…you…well ... .your…you're not doing a very good job convincing me.” I said,
“Look, I explained myself, I told you I didn’t mean to make you cry like that, I don’t know what else you would want from me to give me your trust.”
“You…you didn’t even…apologize…you…you’re acting like you didn’t do anything wrong, and this is just some kind of misunderstanding…” I said, looking down.
“Is that not what this is?” Ella asked, even more stern. “You misunderstood me, and thought I would hurt you.”
“You….you threatened me…you squeezed me….” I said, closing my eyes to brace myself for Ellas reaction.
“Squeeze you? What are you talking about?” Ella asked. “You mean when I was holding you tight earlier to bring you here? That was so I don’t drop you. You wouldn’t want to fall from that height, kid,”
“No…when you were yelling at me,” I said, “you…you were holding me tight again, and….your grip squeezed me while you were yelling…..and it hurt…like you were going to crush me…” Ella was silent for a moment hearing this. Her expression lightened and her eyes got wider as she looked at me.
“What? You mean I hurt you?” Ella asked, suddenly sounding horrified. “Are you still hurt? Did I break anything?”
“Um, no…I’m fine now…..a little sore, I guess,” I said,
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Ella asked,
“You…you were mad at me…” I said.
“You…you thought I did that on purpose?” Ella said, sounding both horrified and angry at the same time. “I…I wouldn’t…I honestly didn’t mean to…” her expression softened more as she sighed, looking at me with guilt. “are you sure you're not hurt? Are you okay? Do you need anything?” 
“No, I…I’m fine, it's ok,” I said. 
“It's not ok, I hurt you,” Ella said in a serious, yet sympathetic tone, “I could have actually injured you, or crush you, I…” The giant sighed again, closing her eyes and looking down with guilt, before looking back at me. “I’m sorry, Quincy.”
“For….for squeezing me?” I asked.
“For squeezing you, for making you cry, and for yelling at you in the first place.” Ella said. “I really, truly, sorry.”
“Um, it's okay, Ella,” I said looking up at her, “it only hurt for a moment anyway. It's fine.”
“It's not fine, Quincy. Your 13, you’re just a kid.” Ella said, full of guilt and anger at herself. “I yelled at a child. I made a child cry and hide from me. I almost killed a child…” 
It seemed like she was more so talking to herself at this point, trying to come to terms with what she did. What she could have done. There was still sternness in her voice, but none of it was directed towards me anymore. It was all towards herself. She was angry at herself. 
“It's ok, its…its over now. You don’t have to worry anymore,” I said, trying to calm the giant down.
“This is exactly why I’m not supposed to be around normal humans,” she muttered under her breath. I guess if she was normal size, I wouldn’t have heard it. But she's not, and I heard what she said perfectly. 
“...not allowed?” I asked. Ella looked at me for a second embarrassed and still ashamed of herself. She sighed and looked down.
“Quincy…” he sighed again, frustrated. “The reason I didn’t want you asking those questions..” she paused, “is that..the more you know about me, about this, about my job, where we are, what I am, the more you know about those things, the more danger you will be in.”
“Danger from what?” I asked.
“...not me, hopefully.” the giant sighed. “With what you know now, there's a good chance you’ll be fine…for the most part. But if you find anything else out, you won’t be. Bad things will happen to you, and I don’t want those things to happen, but I can’t keep them from happening unless you stay unaware of these things. Do you understand?”
It took me a moment to answer, “ok…I understand…” Ella grew a soft smile as I nodded. 
“Good, I’m glad we could work this out,” The giant said, still looking sympathetic. “If there's anything I could do to…y’know, make things up to you for what I did earlier before those people come to get you tomorrow, just tell me, m’kay kid?”
“Um…ok, Ella,” I said. “Um, could we…do something to pass the time…until then…”
“Sure kid. sure.”
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gtbutterfly · 20 days
Thinking about tinies feeling bad that they can't do more for their giant friend/partner.
Like, the giant can protect the tiny physically from danger with their massive size, but also comfort the tiny, hold them in their arms and hands, hold them to their chest to warm them up, rub and massage their back with a single finger, carry the tiny over long distances so they don't have to walk, etc.
And what can the tiny do for the giant? They're too small to protect them in any way, or to give them a proper good hug or massage. Obviously, carrying them or warming them up with their body heat is out of the question. They could comfort the giant emotionally, but in most cases that's what the giant is doing for the tiny, and the tiny wouldn't know how to do that anyways.
So the tiny feels like they're useless to their giant, and they're a bad friend or partner for them because they can't do anything for them, regardless of if the giant feels the same way. And when they end up talking to the giant about this, the giant holds and comforts them, making them sure that they don't need to be useful or do anything for the giant to be important to them, and that they care for them no matter what.
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gtbutterfly · 20 days
>be me
>regularly attend gt con (@gt-con) and meetups in vrchat
>have butterfly avatar that's literally just my hand
>tries finding different butterfly avatar that's full body so the giants can pick me up and stuff
>find one that's perfect
>go to vr meetup
>the avatar is glitched and corrupts everyone else's vision, making them have to block it
Aw man,
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gtbutterfly · 27 days
Naming time
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gtbutterfly · 29 days
Quincy and the forest giant
(this was written before I came up with the title)
I'm gonna try coming up with a real name for this story later. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it, criticism is appreciated.
Here's the previous part,
CW: angst, threats, mild squeezing,
It was twenty or thirty minutes later. Ella moved me in front of the window to see the rain. It was pouring outside, the water turned the dirt to mud and left splashes in the lake. The wind howled through the branches and blew sticks and what was left of the leaves around with the water. Lightning would flash every so often with the roar of thunder, which didn’t seem too loud given the footsteps of the giant that had taken me. I turned towards her to ask something,
“I’m…really stuck here until tomorrow?”
“I’m not any more happy about it than you are, kid,” the giant said, leaning on the window still. “They can’t control the weather, so you’re just gonna have to wait it out.”
“Um…what will happen until then?” I asked,
“You just, stay here I guess,” Ella said, before sighing. It was awkward being alone with her. She clearly didn’t want anything to do with me, and I was too scared of her to try making conversation. So we just sat around in silence. I guess eventually she got fed up with it because at one point she tried talking to me.
“So…what were you doing when you saw me?” ‘Ella asked,
“Uh, why do you ask?” I said,
“Just wondering. Y’know, kids like you shouldn’t really be up that late,” Ella said,
“um…I was star gazing…I have trouble sleeping sometimes…” I said, looking down,
“Doesn’t your town have a curfew or something?” The giant asked,
“I was doing it from out a window…” I said, before realizing something, “How do you know about the town's curfew?” Ella was silent for a moment. She looked almost embarrassed at what she just said, how she revealed something she wasn’t supposed to. Then she sighed.
“You know what I said about asking those kinds of questions,” Ella said. There was a pit in my stomach as soon as she said that. I backed away from her, remembering the threat from earlier.
“I…I’m sorry, I didn’t….I don’t……please, I…”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, you not in trouble this time,” Ella said, “it's my fault for bringing that up in the first place.” she sighed again. “All I’ll let you know is that they give me news about what happens in that little town of yours. That's all I’m telling you about my job or why I’m here, nothing else. You already know too much, so don’t ask.”
“Um….so…..what can I ask about?” I asked,
“Anything that isn’t about what I am, or who I work for, or what I do, or why I’m here,” Ella said, “and nothing annoying,”
“Um…so….what do you…” I think about how to phrase this sentence for a moment, “what do you do apart from work? Like…to pass the time?”
“Books, radio, playing cards, going on walks…” the giant answered.
“Um….were you…on a walk last night?” I asked,
“No, I was….” Ella sighed, “that's not important,”
“Ok…” I nodded. Whatever she was doing last night must have had something to do with her job, which she doesn’t want me to know anything about. I decided to change the topic,
“So…I'm guessing you don’t have any…technology…here…”
“It would just break here, anyways,” Ella said,
“...break?” I asked. Ella was silent for a moment again. I heard her cursing to herself before looking back at me.
“Do you know what an EMP is?” she asked,
“...no?” I said.
“Good.” Ella turned away from me with her arms crossed. I looked up at her. She looked stern and closed off. The room went back to silence, as more rain hit the windows and thunder roared outside. The lights would dim and brighten occasionally from the weather. I swallowed my spit and spoke again.
“Is this place…usually like this?” I asked,
“What are you talking about?” Ella said,
“Well, it would be, if you weren’t here,” the giant looked down at me.
“Don’t you ever get….bored? Um….lonley?” I asked,
“I’m fine alone,” Ella said. “And my job keeps me from being bored,”
“....um…” I paused for a moment, “...sorry, it’s kinda hard…not to ask about your job…”
“Well maybe just don’t ask about anything,” She said,
“....do you just….live here alone?” I asked,
“Alright, I’m sick of this,” Ella said, grabbing me off of the window sill. I nearly fell as she readjusted her grip around me. She carried me back to where the couch was, but kept me in her hands as she sternly stared down at me with her massive eyes.
“Now I’m going to ask you some questions, how does that sound?” She asked.
“I…uh,” I could hardly get my words out. Her thumb was wrapped around my arms, and her other hand had a tight grip on my legs, preventing me from kicking or squirming.
“So, you're an orphan, right? How’d your parents die?” She asked, clearly just trying to be insensitive towards me on purpose.
“Uh, they went missing in this forest…when I was a baby….” I said, not wanting her anymore angry at me anymore.
“Interesting, do you have a last name, Quincy?”
“Um, I think they said…it was Mora…” I said, “Q-Quincey Mora,”
“Any idea what happened to your parents when they went missing?”
“N-no…no one does…” I said,
“Really? No idea?” She said as if being rhetorical, “Do you think something like that could happen to you? Like, you could just go missing, and never be found, and no one would know what happened to you?
“Um…maybe?” I answered, my heart now racing. She squeezed her hand around me more,
“Would you want that to happen to you?” she asked, bringing me closer to her face,
“N-no ma’am,” I said, my head spiraling in fear. “Did….are you…what made those people go missing?” she squeezed me tighter for my question. I let out a small yelp of pain.
“Stop asking things, Quincy. You know I can make you regret it very easily,” Ella said, still stern, glaring down at me almost with disgust. “Don’t make things worse for yourself. Just stay quiet, and stop asking questions, kid. If you do, things will be worse for you. Much worse. Understand?”
She said that last part with such malice. The sound buzzed through my throat and my lungs as she spoke just feet away from me. I hesitated to speak.
“Do you understand?” she repeated herself, even louder and more harshly than before. Her voice caused my heart to drop. She squeezed me harder, to the point where it actually started to hurt. My eyes widened in fear and pain.
“Alright then,” the giant said, dropping me out of her hands. I landed on my arm, the couch barely cushioning my fall. I immediately ran and hid behind a pillow on the side of the bench. I lost control of myself, I started crying and holding my body, shaking in fear of the giant looming over the large pillow I was hiding under.
“Geez, overreacting much?” Ella said before she heard me weeping. Wait, are you…crying?” She stood up from the couch and got on her knees, looking at me in between the pillow and the side of the couch it was leaning against. I backed away from her, still crying. She started to look guilty,
“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you that upset, I just..” Ella paused for a moment, while I kept crying, “I wasn’t acually going to hurt you or anything like that, I just..I was fibbing, I just didn’t want you to ask me those things. Just, come on out of there, ok?”
The giant reached towards me. I backed against the back of the couch and hugged my legs while covering my face with them. She looked even more sympathetic than before.
“Hey, I..I’m being honest, I don’t want to hurt you, really. You’re just…” she paused for a moment like she just realized something. “You're just a kid.”
I kept crying. She sighed and looked down, before getting up and walking away from the couch, leaving me to cry alone.
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
"butterflies" - gt story (vent)
this is a self indulgent vent/story post partially based off true events. I might delete it later, but I'll post it just to get it out.
I don’t go to many social gatherings. I’m not very good at making conversation with people. Whenever I go to one, I feel like I’m just there, silently sitting in the corner of the group, while everyone else laughs and talks with each other. I could hardly even bring myself to use my own voice. I didn’t really know the people there that much. I wanted to, they all seemed to be friends with each other, but I was new to the group. I didn’t know if they wanted to know me better. They all seemed nice and accepting, but I still didn’t want to bother them any more than I already was with my presence. So I just stood there at the side of the group, not saying anything, a speck on the ground.
The gathering was for people of various sizes, giants, humans, tinies, etc. I mostly identified with the tiny crowd- it was ironic in a way, being small made me less noticeable, less of a bother. Even though I was just there, not contributing to the conversation at all, they still didn’t seem to mind because I hardly took up any space in the room. There were other tinies there as well, some of them were with me, on the floor staring up at the giants. Some of them were being held by them as they talked. Part of me was jealous of that. Part of me wanted to be held to, but I knew I couldn’t be. These people knew each other, maybe for years, and I was practically a stranger to them, what was even the point of being held if I wasn’t going to say anything to them anyway? So I just sat on the floor with some of the other tinies. I was sitting next to one when it happened. 
A giant picked me up. I was facing away from them, and their hand went under my arms and lifted me off the ground into their palm as they brought me to their face. The entire interaction may have lasted a couple of seconds, but it felt longer. There was this feeling in my stomach I didn’t recognize. It felt almost like nervousness, but in a positive way somehow. Like the feeling you get before going on a roller coaster and bracing yourself for the drop, but instead of fear or excitement, it was something else. At first I thought it could've just been the feeling of being off the ground, a feeling of weightlessness almost, or a pit in my stomach. It took me a while to find the proper words to describe what I was feeling as the giant held me in their soft hand; butterflies. I had butterflies in my stomach.
The giant turned me around towards their face. Their hair was long and pink, their eyes were massive and sparkly. They looked at me for a second, almost confused, confusion I had nearly mistaken for enamored, looking at me with their massive eyes, noticing me despite my size, and not being bothered by my silence, just looking at me, not romantically but just seeing me with their massive eyes and warm smile. They opened their mouths to speak.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to pick you up. I thought you were my friend.” The giant said embarrassingly, in a soft voice. “You don’t mind, do you?” It took me a couple of seconds to respond. Finally, I got my letters together.
“No, I don’t mind, it's ok,” I said, trying to hide what I was feeling. This was the first time a giant had ever picked me up. I didn’t really want the moment to end, even if they didn’t mean to pick me up in the first place. But I knew it wouldn’t last. I knew I couldn’t tell them to keep holding me, since we barely knew each other. I knew their real tiny friend was waiting on the floor to be picked up instead. But even though I knew these things, I had just a sliver of hope that I would stay in their hands, and that this feeling wouldn’t end.
“Oh, ok. I was just worried you’d have a problem with it, since not everyone is into this sorta thing, though most people are,” The giant said. They clearly knew the type of feeling tinies had to be picked up, at least for the first time. Was this what all the tinies with giant friends felt when they elevated them off the ground to talk eye to eye? Was this something I would only feel during the first time? What if I was never lifted again? What if this accident was the only time I ever get held up because I’m too much of a coward to ask these giants to just hold me, and I’m too shy to try making friends with any of them? I considered for a moment asking if I could still be held, but it was too late. They gently set me down on the ground and picked their actual friend up. 
I haven’t been the same since then. I’ve started trying to interact with these people more so I could be friends with them, so the giants would hold me and I could feel that way again. I haven’t been doing too well, I’ve been to a few other meetups and gatherings, but I still haven’t gotten myself to speak to them more. I’ve felt like apologizing for not making more of an effort, but I don’t want them to think I want them to feel bad for me. I don’t want to be pitied. Still, I don’t know if they would understand if I just asked them to pick me up, given they don’t know me that way. I don’t know if I really want to be friends with them, if I want to be around and talk to them, or if I just want to feel the way I did in that giant's hand again. Maybe those things are related to each other, but I have no way of knowing. I know they would probably be understanding and accepting of me, but I just don’t want to bother them. I don’t want to seem like I want them to feel bad for me, or be an annoying tiny that wants to be picked up, or a third wheel that just exists in the background. But I feel like I can’t be what they are to each other. I feel like I can’t be a good friend to them, like I’m just there and not contributing anything, or getting in the way. I know they wouldn’t feel that way towards me, I know they would want to be nice and get to know me more, and they wouldn’t think I’m getting in the way just with my presence alone. but I don’t think they would consider me a friend, just someone they know, or know off. So until they do, I’ll try to keep being there, and not getting in the way, just being a speck on the ground, not part of the conversation.  Maybe one day, though, I will be able to talk to them. Maybe one day, they will know me enough to consider me a friend. Maybe one day, they’ll hold me like they do the tinies they’ve known for years, even if I don’t talk or contribute anything. But I don’t know if they would want to do that. I don’t know if I deserve to be held again at all. 
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
Everytime I get a story idea, it's for a multi chapter novel with hundreds of pages instead of a short story that more people would read. I want to be free from this pain.
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
Idea I might make into a story:
So you know fae or fairy's kidnap human children sometimes in mythology? What if the reason they did that was to shrink the children down to their size, and give them wings and magic, turning them into fae.
So one day, a young fairy finds out how fae are made, and runs away to find their human parents.
I'd love to write something like this myself, but feel free to use this concept (and if you end up making anything, tag me in it 👍)
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
The thing about this fandom being on Tumblr is that you can't see follower counts on here, so you spend your time as a lurker thinking all the writers and artists you follow are big creators in the community, but then when you make stuff and get likes and comments from those same people, and realize that they're not as big as you thought. Or the gt community is just really small.
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
Thanks for tagging me @gt-daboss,
Last song: die for you, by the weeknd
Fav color: red
Currently watching: breaking bad, what if season 2, thr Scott Pilgrim movie
Spicy/savory/sweet: going from theses options, sweet, but I also like salty and sour stuff.
Current obsession: I've also been getting into Minecraft lately since I've joined a new smp. I've also been playing the DS era Kirby games recently.
No pressure to anyone in the tags, I don't have nine people anyways,
@cloudy-hoards-lore @so-very-small @chiisanakurisu @that-one-anime-writer
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag, @television-overload~!
Last Song: Walk Outside (theme? for Milo and Otis)
Favorite Color: Red! (Just switched my seasonal palette from True Winter to True Summer-- blew my mind-- and now I'm falling in love with greyer pinks, purples, and taupes.)
Currently Watching: Frasier!
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Sweet. All day, every day. Sometimes I eat it with savory-- depends on the food, depends on the day.
Relationship Status: Single and not looking yet~
Current Obsession: X-Files always-- it's ability to burrow deep into my brain is unparalleled.
Tagging: @baronessblixen, @welsharcher, @agent-troi, @suitablyaggrieved, @amplifyme, @cecilysass, @spidey-is-tired, @two-microscopes~
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gtbutterfly · 2 months
Quincy and the forest giant (formally known as unnamed gt story part three)
I should really come up with a name for this story, huh (I did) Anyways, let me know your thoughts on it, criticism is appreciated, as usual.
CW: threats,
Here's the previous part
Everything except my head, my shoulders, and my arms were held tightly in Ella's grasp. It felt like being squeezed, I could hardly move my legs while they were wrapped in the giant's grip. I looked up at her face. She was staring forward while walking, looking annoyed. My stomach dropped with each footstep she took, her arm bringing me up and down as she walked. I could just barely feel the vibrations of her heartbeat from her veins while in her fist. Soon, she took me to a massive kitchen and roughly plopped me down onto a counter. I had to catch myself with my arms as I landed.
“Ow,” I muttered to myself, standing up and holding my hands after they hit the top of the counter. Ella ignored me and turned to some large cabinets attached to the wall. She opened them and pulled out a large metal tray with a massive loaf of bread on it, the size of a house. She placed it next to me on the counter, nearly crushing me, and pulled off a piece of bread before flicking it at me nonchalantly. The bread hit me in the face and fell on the counter.
“You were supposed to catch that,” Ella said, tapping her fingers against the countertop.
“Uh…..thanks…?” I said, picking up the piece of bread. To not be rude, I took a bite out of it. It was stale, dry, and crummy. The crust was hard to bite into. Ella kept staring down at me with her giant eyes. She looked stern and annoyed, it was hard not to be intimidated by her gaze. I looked down while eating. I started to ask her something, “Um…so…how long until….”
“A couple of hours, they should be here to get you by mid-day.” the giant said. “You have somewhere to be?”
“Uh….yeah….school….” I said, “they um……probrobly aren’t missing me, though,”
“Huh, that's good,” Ella said, emotionless. “How about your orphanage, or foster carers, or whatever you said you have?”
“Uh, they’re probably worried….since I” 'm missing…..” I said,
“Don’t worry about it, I’m sure they will deal with them by the time you get back.” the giant said, ripping off a piece and biting part of the bread herself.
“...um…..whos….” I gulped before continuing my question, “Who's them?”
“The people I work for.” the giant said.
“...who are they?” I ask.
“I’m not supposed to tell you,” Ella said.
“Are they…human?” I asked,
“Yeah, for the most part,” she said.
“Why do you work for them?” I ask,
“It's less like a job and more like paying a debt,” Ella said, before sighing, “look kid, I’m not answering all of your questions. You already know enough to the point where I had to take you here. Don’t make things worse by being nosy.”
“Um…what can I ask about?” I asked.
“The bread.” the giant said, rolling her eyes.
“Um… where you get the bread?”
“They gave it to me to eat,” Ella answered.
“Who they?” I asked. The giant eyes looked down, more annoyed and angry at me than before.
“Do you want me to put you in a jar, or something? I can do that,” Ella threatened, her voice still stern and vibrating. She leaned down towards me. “I can just put you in a cage, or a box, or tape you to a wall and leave you there until it's time for you to go. Or I can knock you back out and make you unconscious for the rest of the day or longer. Do you want that kid?”
I backed away from her in fear, as she leaned over the counter staring daggers down at me.
I couldn’t say anything again. I was just gaping upwards again like I did before. I think they noticed how scared I was.
“Are uh…are you okay, kid?” The giant asked. I blinked twice, before nodding. “Ok. good. Just remember what I said earlier. Listen to me and you’ll be fine.” Ella said, standing up and giving me some space. “Just do me a favor, don’t ask about who I work for, or why you here, or why I’m…y’know, m’kay?”
“um……ok…Ella…” I said.
“Good. just don’t bother me for the next few hours and you’ll be fine.”
After we finished eating, she took me back to the same room as before. It was a sort of living area, with a couch, though it was more like a cusishined bench, and a coffee table, both of course made for her size. She had placed me on the coffee table and was watching me from the couch. We weren’t doing anything, just sitting there. There wasn’t much technology in the giants house, just the lights above us. There wasn’t a tv or any screen I could see in this room. There was a stack of massive books in the corner of the room, and a box of playing cards on the coffee table, the oversized ones you’d find at a gag store, about two feet long, though they still weren’t the right size to be considered normal for Ella. I was too nervios to ask if we could do somethig to pass the time. So we just boredly sat there for a couple minutes. Eventuary, there was low thunder outside. Ella looked behind her at the window. She looked concerned about something. She got up, standing at her full height over me. I nearly fell over looking up at her. She walked towards the window and looked outside. I was too far to see what she was actually looking at. Then she looked at her wrist, before turing back down towards me.
“I have to do something.” Ella said, “stay on the table. Don’t try to escape or hide somewhere, and don’t touch anything,” she said sternly, in the same tone as the threat from before. I nodded as she left the room, leaving me alone. She was gone for a good couple minutes, minutes I spent not doing anything, fearing what she said she’ll do to me back in the kitchen. I just stayed on the coffee table the entire time. The lights on the ceiling dimed and flickered at the sound of thunder outside. I couldn’t see the window very well, being on the lower coffee table across the room. There were gray rainclouds in the sky, and water on the window. Other than that, there waas nothing outside I could see. Soon I felt Ellas footsteps vibrating the ground as she walkd back into the room. She sat down infront of me, sighing. The giant looked disappointed, almost frustrated about something, but I didn’t want to ask. Then they spoke,
“So, Quincey, that was your name, right?” they said, “you don’t have any plans tomorrow in your town, right?”
“...wh….why do you ask?” I said. Ella sighed again.
“They can’t get here due to the weather.” the giant said. “Your spending the night here, kid.”
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gtbutterfly · 2 months
I've really been neglecting Jen and Gabby lately. I just finished chapter 3 of the unnamed story I have. I've started Jen and Gabby chapter 6, but I've been thinking about what direction it should go from here. I have a basic idea, I'm just having trouble following through with it. I'll try to get it out soon, but I'll work on other stuff in the meantime.
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gtbutterfly · 2 months
hide - gt one shot
hey, so I tried writing a one shot in an hour. I want to write more one shots like this in the future, so feel free to let me know whet you think of this one and what I can improve. criticism is appreciated.
It had just begun and I was already out of breath. We were frantically running around looking for places to hide. We were in a forest during early fall on a cool night, all the leaves were on the ground, crunching under our feet. I ended up hiding in a bush, next to a friend of mine. I didn’t know where anyone else hid. It was dark outside, so no matter where, it should have been hard to find them, at least, for most humans. Soon, almost thirty seconds had passed. We couldn’t quite hear the footsteps in the distance, but we could feel them in the ground.  The vibrations were like feeling the face of the drum when it’s hit. They buzzed through our bones as the source of them got closer. Soon, we could hear the creature's footsteps thumping as they hit the ground. My friend was nervous, he had his hands over his mouth to cover the sound of his heavy breathing, which didn’t work very well. His breathing got louder and faster as we heard a scream in the distance. It just claimed its first victim. Then, the vibrations and footsteps got closer and closer. I could barely see the outline of the creature, standing as tall as the trees, their eyes scanning the ground and glimmering in the moonlight. I ran. I started sprinting as fast as I could from the bush, not wanting my partner's breathing to give me away. 
“Hey!” he yelled at me, shocked at my fleeing. I heard them scream as they were caught moments later, but I didn’t dare look back to witness their fate; I kept running and running, trying to distance myself from the large being.
I kept running until I got to a ditch in the ground. I got down on my stomach to hide from the entity that was chasing me. As I looked up from where I was at the naked trees above me. Someone else was hiding in them, sitting on a thick branch and clinging to the trunk. My guess is that they thought since the creature would be looking on the ground, it would be smart to hide up high. Unfortunately for them, it followed the direction I ran in. The white highlights of its eyes were visible from the dozens of yards away where they were standing, and glaring straight at the person in the tree with no emotion at all. The person in the tree panicked as it started to move towards them. They tried to climb down so they could run, going down branch from branch, but they grabbed one that was too weak to hold them. They let out a blood-curdling scream as they fell. I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see them hit the ground, but they never did. I never heard the sound of bones cracking, or they’re body hitting the ground, or their groans of pain. I opened my eyes. The creature caught her. She was in their hand, shaking but unhurt, as it looked down at her. I quietly got up and started running again the the creature was preoccupied. I counted the number of victims that the entity had claimed. The only people left were me, and some other person. I happened to run into them while sprinting through the forest. After we both processed the pain of the impact, they whispered.
“What are you doing here? This is my hiding spot,” They asked,
“I’m trying to avoid them, we’re the only two left,” I whispered back,
“Well go somewhere else,” they said, “I don’t need you attracting them to me,” Just then, the entity was heard stepping towards us. I looked behind me to see it smiling, practically a couple of steps away from us with its size. “Damnit!”
We both started running as fast as we could, the creature basically seconds away from grabbing us off the ground. Unfortunately, the person I was running aside from had always been a faster runner than me, and I had been running this whole time, so I was already tired. It looked like I was a goner, about to be snatched up by the creature at any second. But then, the other person tripped on the root of a tree. I immediately passed them and heard their yelling from behind me as they were picked up by the entity. I was the last survivor. The winner. All I had to do was get home-
THUD! “Owww!”
I rolled my foot on a rock and fell to the ground. I skinned my arms trying to stop myself from falling. Slowly, the entity stood over me. I started breathing heavily as its white eyes glared at me from above. My arms ached in pain as I held them. It got on its knees, staring at me with its large eyes. It opened its mouth…
“Oh my goodness, are you ok? Your arms look like they need to be bandaged,” the giant said, looking worriedly at me. They helped me up with their index finger. 
 “I fine, big guy, just some scraps,” I said, dusting myself off. “That was a pretty good game. You really good at hide and seek,”
“I didn’t go too far again, did I” they asked, embarrassed,
“Of course not, you did great,” I said. Then, there was a muffled voice coming from the giant’s pocket;
“Hey, is the game over? Can we come out?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry, of course,” The giant pulled their “victims” out of their pocket and gently placed them on the ground with his palm. 
“Bro, why did you run away like that at the bush?” The person I was hiding with earlier asked me.
“Your breathing gave us away,” I said,
“Would you have done that if we were really being chased by a giant monster?” he asked,
“Well, probably if I'm being honest.”
“Scew you,” He said, turning away from me. The girl that fell out of the tree looked up at the giant.
“Thanks for catching me back there, I’m not good with climbing trees,” She said,
“No problem, anytime,” the giant said, smiling at her. The last person besides me to get caught scoffed,
“Why do you always have to be it when we play games like this?” They asked the giant. “Uh, because I’d be really easy to find?” the giant shrugged,
“Fine, let's go again, and have you be one of the hiders this time, just to make sure.” they crossed their arms.
“Nah, it's getting late, let's go home.” one of my friends said. 
“Yeah,” said someone else.
“Need me to carry you guys?” the giant asked us. We all nodded. So they picked us all up again, and we went home.
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gtbutterfly · 2 months
Quincy and the forest giant
(Formally known as unnamed gt story part two)
I wrote a part two to that new story I wrote because a lot of people seemed to like it. I still don’t have a title for it, feel free to suggest some. Criticism is appreciated.
heres part one
I was woken up by the feeling of the sun hitting my face. I felt myself lying on something soft, and warm, like a massive blanket. There were no pillows or a mattress of any kind, other than the blanket, it felt like I was lying on a wooden floor. I slowly opened my eyes, before standing up and rubbing them. My vision was still blurry and the sun shining in my face didn’t help. As my vision cleared and I blocked the sun with my hand, I saw I was in front of a window again, except it wasn’t the same window I was in front of the night before. Outside there was a large lake with light glimmering off the blue surface, with some large puffy clouds being reflected in the water. Across the lake were massive trees which something looked off about. Their trunks and leaves seemed bigger than they were supposed to look as if they were the same trees I had always seen but blown up to be larger. I thought it was just my perspective or imagination at first. Then I realized how high up the window was, looking down, I must have been 20 or 30 feet off the ground. I turned around at the rest of the room I was in. Everything was huge, and the ceiling was as high as it was in factories, if not higher. I was on a table that was in front of the window. Looking over the edge, I was nearly 20 or 30 feet off the ground. I nearly fell off when I again felt those vibrations in the ground. I looked up, backing away from the edge and towards the window. The giant was standing in front of me, looming over my body as I looked up at them, my back against the glass. They got on their knees and looked at me eye to eye.
“You’re awake,” they said, in their stern, intimidating, buzzing voice I could feel vibrating in my chest. “I was worried you died for a minute there.”
I was dumbfounded, my mouth gaping open. I stood there shocked and silent, not knowing what to say or do. I tried getting a word out, but it just came out as a large exhale.
“Are you going to say something, or….” the giant asked. They had long brown hair and tanned skin, and their eyes were black and wet like they were puddles. They wore a dark green shirt made of cotton. The seams in their sleeves were long and massive, there were gray and brown patches stitched in with thick, brown string. I finally managed to get a word out.
“...what…?” I said. I didn’t know what I meant by “what”, it was just the only thing I could get out. I probably meant to say “What are you?” or “What is this place?” but I was too shocked.
“I said, are you going to say anything?” the giant said, looking annoyed. I took a deep breath and tried to get my words in order.
“What…what are….” I said before they interrupted me with the answer.
“I’m human. Just a really big one.” the giant said. “And no, I can’t tell you why.”
“....why not…?” I asked, not thinking straight.
“My job.” the giant said. “Now, this is what's going to happen. I already called my boss and told them about you. You stay here until they get you, and you ‘forget’ about any of this and go back to your life in that town. Got it?”
I was still dumbfounded. “Wha- what do you mean ‘forget’?” the giant sighed and put their hand on their face, frustrated.
“They’re gonna bribe you not to tell anyone,” they said, blankly. “At least that's how I think they deal with these things, it's not like they’re gonna kill you or something, especially since you’re like, eight,”
“I ... .I'm thirteen…” I said under my breath,
“What?” the giant asked,
“I’m….thirteen…..” I said louder.
“Oh, well excuse me if it's been a while since I’ve seen what children of different ages look like.” the giant rolled their eyes.
“You…live here alone?” I asked sheepishly.
“Yeah, sometimes the people I work for visit, but I don’t have a lot of neighbors,” the giant said. “Anyways, what's your name, kid?”
“Uh…” I looked down for a moment, “...Quincy…I’m Quincy…”
“I’m Ella,” The giant said. For a moment, they started extending their arms towards me like they wanted to shake my hand, but then stopped themselves, crossing their arms on their chest. “So, just chill here and don’t do anything  until they show up to take you home, and give you and your parents hush money, m'kay?”
“I…..I don’t have….” I started to say, before pausing.
“Oh, you don’t have parents?” Ella asked, “gee, sorry about that. I guess your orphanage will be getting hush money then,”
“I….I’m not part of an orphanage…” I said, confused, “there…there hasn’t been an orphanage in this country for…decades! Its been replace with the foster care system…”
“It has?” the giant tilted its head at me, “huh, that's weird. Well, I guess your…foster carers…will get hush money then. Not like it really matters, anyway.”
I turned towards the window, looking outside before turning back towards the giant.
“What is this place?” I asked,
“A giant cabin in the woods that no one is supposed to know about.” Ella said. 
“Why did you bring me here?” I asked, dozens of questions flowing through my head as I finally calmed down from being shocked.
“So you don’t tell anyone that you saw me,” Ella answered.
“You could have just brought me back home,” I said, “I would’ve just assumed that I had a dream!”
“Would you?” the giant asked, “most people remember things like that as not being dreams. And even if you would have, I’m not supposed to just let you go.”
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked in fear,
“Kid, I already told you, I’m keeping you here until other people your human size come to pick you up and make sure you don’t tell anyone about me.” Ella said, rolling her eyes. “Did you think I was going to eat you or something?”
“I….well…um…” I stuttered,
“Don’t worry kid, you’re gonna be fine, as long as you listen to me, okay?” the giant said, tilting her head at me again,
“O-okay,” I said, stumbling over my words. The giant stood up, looming 20 or 30 feet over me, peering down. My heart started beating fast, I again lost my ability to speak.
“Are you hungry? What time do you usually eat breakfast?” Ella asked me, her voice buzzing in my ears.
“M……morning…” I said the first thing to come to mind upon hearing the question.
“Right,” the giant said, lowering the palm  out in front of me, causing me to flinch. I looked at her hand, and then looked up at her.
“Wha….what do you….want me to….”
“Oh, come on kid, I told you, you have nothing to worry about.” Ella said, “just get in my hand, and I’ll get you some food, m'kay?” 
I was still hesitant to get in her massive hand. She looked at me impatiently as I went back and forth from getting closer to it and backing away. Eventuary, she groaned in annoyance. 
“Fine, have it your way,” she then scooped me up, grabbing me under my arms and lifting me off the table to her face. I yelped and squirmed out of fear and instinct as she carried me off. 
“Knock it off kid, you're fine.” she said. I took a deep breath and calmed down, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach as she carried me to a different room.
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