gram-she · 3 hours
Can we talk about how transmascs go on about trans women who used to be Neo-Nazis when many transmascs still are TERFs?
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gram-she · 17 hours
i mean the only reason egg jokes used to make me uncomfortable is that as a very feminine trans guy the idea that a guy being feminine means he must secretly be a girl made me feel not great but then i realized its like. not about me lmao
and for what its worth, there is almost always more to it than just "being feminine", as people seem to assume; things like dissatisfaction and a poor connection to one's body, which might be signs of dysphoria, and seeking out transfeminine people, are what I look for first. It's not running around assuming everyone who's feminine is a woman.
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gram-she · 1 day
“but it wasn’t that bad”
did it hurt? did you feel scared? unsafe? were you embarrassed? humiliated? terrified? did you feel confused on why? does it keep you up at night? do you avoid being in a similar situation? did you cry? did you want to cry? who told you it wasn’t that bad?
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gram-she · 1 day
a professional looking well regarded extremely popular scicom youtube channel making a video on hrt, including hrt for amab people, and NOT HIRING ANY AMAB TRANS PEOPLE TO CONSULT, just a transmasc... and as a result, shitty misinformation about feminizing hrt is spread to nearly eight million subscribers.
do you see the exclusion of trans women from our own narrative. do you see the lib being comfortable with a transmasculine person and not bothering to hire a transfem. do you see people talking about the transgender community as a whole and simply leaving out transfeminine voices. do you remember the fucking trans fiction zine with like twenty authors, none of them transfeminine?
if you care about "trans unity" or "the community" then SPEAK THE FUCK UP when trans women are excluded. NOTICE when "trans" means "afab". we are told we need to shut up for the greater good of the trans community but we're not even allowed in it. and we're not allowed to make our own community too of course! that's baeddelism and that might hurt some boy's feelings! we should just sit silently and take our t blockers and let the men talk about what being transgender means.
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gram-she · 1 day
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gram-she · 1 day
Sometimes I feel like I should detransition, and become a wignat
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gram-she · 3 days
Do any manga exist about closeted trans women and spiky eggs/rotten eggs? I just want to read about women with brainrot.
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gram-she · 3 days
i think that trans lesbians generally dont enter the queer community until they start transition; if you think youre a Straight Man, the undefined malaise of queerness that follows you as an egg is often (not always!) not enough to go "oh im ace" or "oh im nonbinary" and join your high school gsa. Instead you drift around Male Nerd groups until youre exposed to the idea that trans women are Normal People You Can Be and not disgusting sex objects
this explains a few things;
why trans lesbians have some distance from the queer community and dont have as much connection with cis queers as say, many transmascs or many straight transfems- she probably never spent time in drag communities because theyre mostly a space for people who like men.
and also why trans women are so protective of the idea of "egg cracking"; a "straight boy" who quietly wishes "he" was a woman isnt going to seek out tme-dominated queer spaces and start exploring labels, (which i understand is often the case for people who settle on a gay transmasc identity) "he" might need another trans woman to extend her hand.
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gram-she · 3 days
The difference between my family and other people is that my family thinks I'm manipulative and fake to everyone else in the world because they've never seen me act like a huge cunt like family has. The thing is, when I'm thrown off the loop and need like 30 minutes of silence to sit down on the floor an let the gunk in my brain settle back down to the bottom sediment layer without stirring them back up again, other people just let me do that.
Most people have never seen me become a huge cunt because they don't consider "please just let me sit down in silence for like 30 minutes so I don't turn into a huge cunt" to be an unreasonable request.
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gram-she · 3 days
The GenderBent Girl that for some reason already had girls' clothes.
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Original by @ChabataVae on Twitter.
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gram-she · 3 days
Is Stephen King's The Dark Tower an isekai?
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gram-she · 4 days
I kind of have a fantasy of being torn apart by maenads
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gram-she · 4 days
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happy stimming
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gram-she · 4 days
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I’m struggling so hard to not draw more of these. And if I keep going, I better make a proper short origin comic or something.
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gram-she · 4 days
its of utmost importance you have sound on while watching this
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gram-she · 5 days
That’s a red flag to YOU! To Marcille she’s just charming.
Had this idea ever since I finished reading Dungeon Meshi and finally got around to finishing it.
(on youtube for better quality)
Music - “Red Flags” by Tom Cardy
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gram-she · 5 days
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