goethes · 5 years
Relationships are scary and complicated ONLY when you start thinking of your partner as some kind of adversary. 
You know how to stop being scared of relationships? Remember that it’s got a goddamn buddy system *built in*. That’s all a relationship IS: “Let’s approach life with the buddy system.”
Check on your buddy. Make sure your buddy doesn’t forget their lunch box on the schoolbus. Hold hands with your buddy so you don’t get lost. If your buddy wants to look at the monkey cage, look at the goddamn monkey cage with them. If you are the one looking at the monkey cage, ask your buddy what they want to do next, and when they want to feed the giraffe, help them find a quarter for the little food dispenser. Be a good buddy, and if your buddy isn’t a good one too, tell the teacher and ask for a new one.
This isn’t fucking rocket science, people. 
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goethes · 5 years
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From the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Handbook [pdf]
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goethes · 5 years
Burn a black candle on the night of a new moon to burn away negative energies and burn a white candle on the night of a full moon to attract positive energies.
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goethes · 5 years
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He's correct and he should say it.
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goethes · 5 years
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goethes · 5 years
So the other night during D&D, I had the sudden thoughts that:
1) Binary files are 1s and 0s
2) Knitting has knit stitches and purl stitches
You could represent binary data in knitting, as a pattern of knits and purls…
You can knit Doom.
However, after crunching some more numbers:
The compressed Doom installer binary is 2.93 MB. Assuming you are using sock weight yarn, with 7 stitches per inch, results in knitted doom being…
3322 square feet
Factoring it out…302 people, each knitting a relatively reasonable 11 square feet, could knit Doom.
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goethes · 5 years
yall look at this shit ad*be is tryna pull now on ppl who have outdated software:
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(note for context: i’m all for piracy, but in this case my copy of CS6 was downloaded years ago when they were giving it away to students. i got it totally legally.)
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goethes · 5 years
things i never expected to learn through a tedtalk but now am glad to know:
the founder of Sirius XM radio is a sapphic trans woman and is currently trying to preserve her wife’s consciousness in a digital file so her wife can be immortal in the body of a robot.
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goethes · 5 years
Medicine should never have been privatized in the first place. The concept of profiting off of human desperation and the need for life-saving medicine is, philosophically, intrinsically, and morally wrong both as a fundamental concept and in practice. The fact that Martin Shkreli was ever able to buy an AIDS drug and increase its price 5000% is indicative of a problem even bigger than a truly evil, despicable, and selfish human being; it is indicative of the problem of the current system of for-profit pharmaceuticals with obviously inadequate price regulation.
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goethes · 5 years
Those links for all asking Deadly history of women using perfume as poison -Girlhood, medusa and female rage -The allure of gothic horror -Essays and thoughts on girls in horror -Why girls get hungry in horror -Mothers and witches -Women in horror -The female poisoner -female werewolves -Monstrous women - Catherine Lundoff -Female cannibals and consumptive horror -Horror films directed by women -Women, killer plants and annihilation -Female identity within the gothic genre -Women in horror - the vvitch -the vvitch, female sexuality in horror -Angela Carter - The beast is female sexuality -Body horror/monster reading list -Consumptive horror
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goethes · 5 years
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The story behind The Laundress.
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goethes · 5 years
What to Write in your Journal to Move on
1. A description of what happened.
2. How it left you feeling.
3. Who was there and what they said and did.
4. What you wish had happened instead.
5. The reasons why you find it hard to let go.
6. Steps you could take to start to move on.
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goethes · 5 years
ive made this so clear but ill restate it
if youre going to start pirating shit theres two places your beginner self NEEDS to look at
this is a thread for pirating basically everything, but most importantly, it has SECURITY for you, you can get in big trouble if youre not careful!
second, and MOST IMPORTANT:
OVERHAUL YOUR SECURITY BEFORE YOU PIRATE ANYTHING, even from trusted sites! the fucking government does skeevy shit like track your info and can even put software and bugs into things you pirate to inject info into your computer and into your router, really.
please be fucking careful and at the very least
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goethes · 5 years
you should never date someone for the sake of dating someone. you should be good friends, if not best friends with your partner. if you cant go to your partner for personal advice, if youre afraid to call your partner out on something, if you cant laugh and have fun with your partner, or if your conversations are only ever performative affection, you don’t have a good relationship
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goethes · 5 years
You only put the name of an individual in the title of a news article if they’re a household name that the average reader will already be familiar with. I know internet culture has normalized reading screencaps of headlines and sharing them but never actually opening the article—that’s not how it’s supposed to work and it doesn’t count as news consumption.
Unless the individual being written about is already a celebrity, using their name in the title of the article actually discourages people from reading it. There’s all sorts of psychology to that, but when people see a name they don’t recognize, they tend to assume it’s a media figure they don’t care about, the article is targeted to a niche audience they’re not a part of, or they may even get a jolt of shame from not being “with it” enough to recognize what must be a household name.
I see a lot of screencaps of headlines like “Michigan Girl Scout discovers new way to track butterfly migrations” circulated around with criticism that Maggie McFictional’s contributions are being erased simply because her name isn’t in the headline. The vast majority of the time, her name is listed in the first paragraph, sometimes along with quotes and even a photograph. If she is properly credited (and maintaining privacy/avoiding the spotlight isn’t a concern), this isn’t a problem. Circulating headlines and never reading the articles is the problem.
This also isn’t what the hashtag #SayHerName was created for. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and Eric Garner are household names as victims of police violence—they have been talked about often enough that even people who do not purposefully keep up with institutionalized antiblack violence are familiar with their names and stories. But police brutality without accountability against black women rarely if ever enters mainstream consciousness, and their stories do not become “elevated as exemplars of the systematic police brutality that is currently the focal point of mass protest and police reform efforts”. The linked document is where #SayHerName originated, and highlights the purpose of the moment to raise awareness about these killings and violence that mainstream media has passed over and which have failed to garner national attention and spark outrage or demands for justice.
Anyway. #SayHerName isn’t about making sure that people who only read headlines know the full names of innovative Girl Scouts from Michigan. It’s specifically about raising awareness about black women and girls killed by police while their murders walk free with (at most) a slap on the wrist and no media pressure to hold them accountable.
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goethes · 5 years
every time I see that post about the 4chan incel dude turning his life around bc he started raising shrimp or whatever im like yeah okay man but do you still hate women? you still hate women bro?
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goethes · 5 years
Reading List: Favorite Essays by Women on Women (or Other)
Managing Hearts with Kim and Flo, Bea Malsky
We R Cute Shoplifters*, Tasbeeh Herwees
Morbidity and The Minature*, Elizabeth Metzeger
Meet Justin Bieber!*, Zadie Smith
Do No Harm, Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
Sick Woman Theory, Johanna Hedva
The Death of The Moth & On Being Ill*, Virginia Woolf
The Promise of Misery*, Becca Rothfeld
Time After Capitalism, Miya Tokumitsu
Ode To The Library Museum, Erica X Eisen
And This Is How I Will Remember You, Mehreen Kasana
Self-Care as Warfare*, Sara Ahmed (See Also: Audre Lorde’s A Burst of Light & Other Essays)
The Fairytale Language of The Brothers Grimm, Chi Luu
White Magic, Lou Cornum
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