gatissluka · 2 years
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Pēc dažādām aplēsēm pasaulē Ziemassvētku laikā atkritumu apjoms pieaug pat par 20% – atkritumu konteinerā nonāk dāvanu iesaiņojumi, rotājumi, pārtika u. c.  Tāpēc vides sargi arī šajā svētku laikā izplata padomus, kā sekmēt videi draudzīgu svētku svinēšanu, taupot resursus. . Christmas is a time for celebrations and merriment, but based on statistics around the world, this excessiveness comes at a cost. People generate more waste during the holiday season than any other time of the year . . . #christmaspresents #christmastrees #environmentallyresponsible #christmascartoons https://www.instagram.com/p/CX5gcGVMnMO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 2 years
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🇱🇻 Health Minister Daniels Pavluts said that, in view of the expected rapid infection with the Omicron, up to 3,000 infections daily may be detected in Latvia in early January next year. "The Omicron, more contagious than the Delta, is spreading at a huge speed, doubling the number of sick people every 2 to 3 days rather than weeks. The countries of Western Europe are “closing” one by one," said Pavļuts, stressing that it is clear that a wave will also reach Latvia in the coming days, but it cannot be said how severe it will be. 🦠😷 . . . #omicron #omicronvariant #year2021 #covidvariant https://www.instagram.com/p/CXvCM3-MBAr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 2 years
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👩‍❤️‍👨👠 . . . #happycouplehappylife #happycouples #karikatūra #relationshipproblems https://www.instagram.com/p/CWSXR7agoOF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 2 years
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Baltkrievijas autoritārā līdera Aleksandra Lukašenko režīma izvērstā hibrīduzbrukuma ietvaros aizvadīto mēnešu gaitā notikuši centieni Latvijā 🇱🇻, Lietuvā 🇱🇹 un Polijā 🇵🇱 no Baltkrievijas iesūtīt tūkstošiem nelegālo imigrantu, kuru lielākā daļa kā tūristi ­ieradušies Baltkrievijā no Irākas un citām valstīm. Kopš šīsnedēļas pirmdienas notiek masveida migrantu mēģinājumi no Baltkrievijas puses vardarbīgi ielauzties Polijas teritorijā. 🛫🛬🇧🇾🇪🇺 . Several thousand migrants have become stranded at the border, at the centre of an escalating international row. For months, the EU, and now Nato and the US, have accused Belarus's authoritarian leader of provoking a renewed migrant crisis in Europe. Ever-increasing numbers have headed to Belarus's borders with the EU. Alexander Lukashenko, who won a largely discredited election last year, denies luring would-be migrants - mostly from the Middle East - to the EU's borders in retaliation for sanctions imposed since he brutally cracked down on protesters and opponents. The situation has come to a head this week with repeated attempts to tear down the razor-wire fence erected on Poland's eastern frontier. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Wednesday that the EU would not be blackmailed. He said the block would work to extend sanctions on Belarus: "We will sanction all those who participate in the targeted smuggling of migrants." The capital, Minsk, has regular flights from destinations across the Middle East, including Istanbul, Dubai, Damascus and Baghdad. Belarus state carrier Belavia has daily flights from Istanbul and also serves Beirut and Dubai. 🛫🛬🇧🇾🇪🇺 . . . #belarustravel #belarusnow #belarusborder #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons https://www.instagram.com/p/CWKmy2PgeE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 2 years
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Valdība nolēma, ka no 15. novembra Latvijā tiks atcelti Covid-19 dēļ noteiktie īpaši stingrie ierobežojumi. Pirmdien atjaunos kultūrvietu darbību klātienē. Kultūras pasākumi notiks zaļajā režīmā – skatītājiem jābūt Covid-19 vakcinācijas vai pārslimošanas sertifikātam, tāpat ir nosacījumi par apmeklētāju skaitu, zālē sēdvietas rindās jāizkārto pamīšus – šaha (vai dambretes) laukuma veidā. Arī sporta pasākumiem jānotiek epidemioloģiski drošā vidē. Piemēram, noteikts arī, ka šaha un dambretes treniņu laikā vienai personai jānodrošina ne mazāk kā trīs kvadrātmetri platības. 🥸 . . . #boardgameaddict #boardgamesofinstagram #gatissluka #dambrete https://www.instagram.com/p/CWJQuTIg_Da/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 2 years
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Pasaules valstu līderi šonedēļ pulcējušies Skotijas pilsētā Glāzgovā ANO klimata konferencē (COP26), lai atkal runātu par cīņu ar klimata pārmaiņām. ANO ģenerālsekretārs Antoniu Gutērrešs sacīja, ka samita prioritāšu sarakstā ir saglabāt 2015. gadā ANO klimata konferencē Parīzē izvirzīto mērķi ierobežot globālo sasilšanu līdz 1,5 grādiem pēc Celsija. Tomēr klimata aizsardzības aktīvisti aizrāda, ka tikai ar solījumiem bez straujas rīcības šos mērķus nevar sasniegt, un aicina, lai valstis beidzot no vārdiem pāriet pie darbiem. 🌍🔥 . . . #cop26 #cop26glasgow #climatechangeawareness #climateemergency https://www.instagram.com/p/CVzcXT6gE6W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 2 years
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Gatis Šļ��ka https://karikatura.lv
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gatissluka · 2 years
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European banks and asset managers play a major role in deforestation, a new report by Global Witness shows. Lenders based in the EU have earned a reported €401m from deforestation, out of more than €30bn worth of deals with companies linked to logging. Researchers analysed over 70,000 financial deals struck between financial institutions and agribusiness companies between 2016 and 2020. Deal-making was dominated by big banks from the Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, and Italy. The report shows that Rabobank, HSBC, BNP Paribas and Deutsche Bank have invested billions in companies with proven links to deforestation. 🌳
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Gatis Sluka https://karikatura.lv
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Gatis Sluka https://karikatura.lv
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Mediķi un daudzi sabiedrības pārstāvji šonedēļ pārmeta valdībai par kavēšanos pieņemt lēmumus krīzes situācijā, kad Covid-19 inficēto skaits aug, slimnīcās arvien vairāk nonāk Covid-19 slimnieku, tiek atcelta plānveida medicīniskā palīdzība un ārsti brīdina, ka viņu spēki izsīks. Daļa sabiedrības arī nogurusi no dzīves jau pusotru gadu pandēmijas ēnā un izvēlas izvairīties no sliktajām ziņām. 🦠😷🏖 . . . #ārkārtassituācija #covidtime #covidtimes #aizmuktprom #karikatūra #karikatūras #moonlighting https://www.instagram.com/p/CUwZyt1jXso/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Facebook and its family of apps, including Instagram and WhatsApp, were inaccessible for hours on Monday, taking out a vital communications platform used by billions and showcasing just how dependent the world has become on a company that is under intense scrutiny. 📱💻 🖥 . . . #socialmediaproblems #socialmedialife https://www.instagram.com/p/CUrQRvYsaRv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Leaf blowers push 300 to 700 cubic feet of air per minute at 150 to 280 MPH. The resulting dust can contain PM2.5 and PM10 particles including pollen and mold, animal feces, heavy metals, and chemicals from herbicides and pesticides. Plus, leaf blowers are noisy. When you engage in conversation, you are exposed to a noise level of about 60 decibels, according to the Center for Hearing and Communication. 🍁🍂
Gatis Sluka https://karikatura.lv
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gatissluka · 3 years
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Gatis Šļūka https://karikatura.lv
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gatissluka · 3 years
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Gatis Šļūka https://karikatura.lv 
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gatissluka · 3 years
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A court in Belarus on Monday sentenced two leading opposition activists to lengthy prison terms, the latest move in the relentless crackdown that Belarusian authorities have unleashed on dissent in the wake of last year’s anti-government protests. Maria Kolesnikova, a top member of the opposition Coordination Council, has been in custody since her arrest last September. A court in Minsk found her guilty of conspiring to seize power, creating an extremist organization and calling for actions damaging state security and sentenced her to 11 years in prison. Lawyer Maxim Znak, another leading member of the Coordination Council who faced the same charges, was sentenced to 10 years in prison. 🇧🇾⛓ . . . #belarusfreedom #baltkrievija #highlightbelarus #lukashenko #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons (at Minsk, Belarus) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTjHxa-Dzzn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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