garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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Happy ace week, everyone! Here's the illustration I made for #AceWeek2021. #AceArt
(I was originally going for a guild sign, like an "Order of the Black Ring" heraldry or something, but I forgot I don't know how to draw those, so have 3 more dragons instead.)
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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(Image description: a yellow square with a purple round hollow circle in the center, black text in the center of the image says "Honoring Intersex Awareness Day" with smaller text above that says "October 26th" and below that says "Intersex Rights Are Human Rights".)
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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This one is for all aces in the closet: You are just as cool and valid as those who are out.
To ALL lovely a-spec folks out there, I wish you a wonderful Ace Week 💜
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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[ Image Description: Two quote images. Both images have the same purple-hued marbled background with pale lavender text on a dark square. At the bottom is a dark purple band and the attribution: "Angela Chen, Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex." The first quote reads: “Normal is often treated as a moral judgment, when it is often simply a statistical matter. The question of what everyone else is doing is less important than the question of what works for the . . . people in the actual relationship. It matters that everyone’s needs are carefully considered and respected, not that everyone is doing the same thing.” (The last sentence is bolded.) The second quote reads: “Difference can be a gift. Being ace can mean less interpersonal drama and more freedom from social norms around relationships. It is an opportunity to focus more on other passions, to be less distracted by sexuality, to break the scripts, to choose your own adventure and your own values.” End Image Description ]
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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Ace week has started
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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[ID: A graphic in various shades of purple that says "Ace Week" in large letters with "October 24th-30th, 2021" in small text below. At the bottom, there is an ace flag speech bubble in the style of the Ace Week logo.]
Ace Week is approaching! Are you ready?
Ace Week 2021 will be taking place from October 24th - 30th. Check out aceweek.org and stay tuned to our social media to learn more about how you can get involved!
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
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[ID: A graphic in various shades of purple. At the top, there is the Ace Week logo consisting of an ace flag shaped as a speech bubble and a purple square with the text "Ace Week" inside of it. In the middle, there are the words "Beyond Awareness" in large font. In smaller font at the bottom, "October 24th - 30th, 2021"]
The theme for Ace Week 2021 is "Beyond Awareness"
While educating people about asexuality is always going to be a part of the work we do every Ace Week, we've come a long way since Ace Week was founded as Asexual Awareness Week in 2010. There are so many other goals for us to pursue during Ace Week in addition to awareness!
Reblog this post with ace activism goals (other than awareness) that are important to you! Alternatively, send us an ask :)
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
A very cute keke gif of aro and ace identities. Not a perfect explanation, but a good intro.
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Aro and Ace illustrated! 🧡 
 (long gif!) 
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
“asexuality is just the lack of a sex drive, or a really low one” uuhhh no. really, no. that is incorrect, you have been lied to, i’m sorry.
asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to anyone. sex drive is your horny meter. you can still be horny and not be sexually attracted to people! similarly you can be sexually attracted to people and not be horny!! amaze
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
Aro culture is wanting comprehensive aro- and ace-inclusive sex ed in schools
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
agender culture is not understanding what your female coworker means when she complains about how there's too much "masculine energy" in your male-dominated office
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
Sex-repulsed ace culture is clarifying that no, you not having sex is not due to religious reasons or “waiting for the right time”, it’s simply because you have no interest in doing it. A disinterest, if you will.
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
Aro culture is loving your friends so much it makes you question whether you are actually aro or not because society has taught you that feelings that strong MUST be romantic
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
It's almost party time!
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* For anyone that doesn't know, at the end of every October people celebrate asexual awareness week. This is to celebrate everyone under the ace umbrella/spectrum (ace, aro, grey, demi, etc. If you wanna know all of them you can google them cause there's a lot;;;)
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
Ace culture is absolutely getting the euphemism the friend-group just used, but deciding to pretend you didn't anyway because its just easier.
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garlicsolitaire · 3 years
Unrealised aro culture is saying you don't want to get married simply because you want to break the norm, but being low-key afraid you'll fall in love and want to marry in the future. And when you realise you're aro, you're like—
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[ID: Praise the lord cat meme. A white cat is hallelujah-ing on two paws, head thrown back and two paws joyously in the air. The words 'im free' are written at the bottom of the image in bold white caps.]
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