g0ttest0d · 3 months
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William Orpen (British/Irish, 1878-1931) • Window in London • 1901 • National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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Loons for @akayv
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
why can't there be capital numbers? i wanna be able to virtually shout '7' in all caps. i don't want capital letters, i want capital numbers
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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Handsome boy. I am really proud of this portrait, yet people seem to prefer the older version for some odd reason.
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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The ✨​ eyes ✨​
Boys edition!
Wanted to put them together in one post, but including all of the pieces together looks like a mess so it's just eyes for now owo
~ ~ ~
Wyll | Asatrion | Gale | Halsin
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
am I into academia? If academia is working like 150% of what I get paid for, losing my mind over statistics, and not finding that one paper I need (I swear it exists, I read it a couple of years ago) then yeah, I'd say I'm into academia ;_; love it though
am I into academia? if academia is the smell of old books, the calm falling of rain, creating an cozy atmosphere where I can read a book in a little reading nook in the corner of my room then yeah, I'd say I'm into academia.
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
I made a side blog for writeblr
Writeblr Intro
Hi, I feel like it's finally time for me to do one of these. I've decided to create a side blog entirely dedicated to writing and writeblr so as to keep things orderly.
About me: I'm Eloma and have been dabbling with writing ever since I was a teen. Nothing ever came of it until 2 1/2 years ago when I joined the writing group of two friends. I have now completed the second draft of my first novel-length thing. Besides writing and reading, I love drawing, bg3, and pen and paper role playing games.
So far, I've been a little post-shy when it comes to writeblr (hopefully, this side blog will change that), but I love lurking and seeing other writers ramble about their projects, post writing snippets, gush about their OC's, or share their art. Excitement is contagious!
I'm open to chat, though I may not respond straight away (time zones and work) and would love to find other writers to interact with and follow, so please interact if you want me to see you <3 I don't know how tag games work but would love to participate one day lol I like and follow from my main account @g0ttest0d
My Writing
I don't currently have any of my writing shared online (yet!), but I do have two WIPs that I work on and may post about in the future. I enjoy writing fantasy, although not the sword and sorcery type but rather the smaller and more personal stories. Things don't always end well for the characters involved. I'm obsessed with world building, especially anything food or religion.
WIP 1) War In Heaven
Lucifer is just an ordinary office worker, directly employed by the Father himself and seeking happiness through consumerism and an implicitly promised raise. Through meeting a fellow angel, trading with the local squatting population and encountering the first humans, he is thrust into questioning his own position in a deeply classist society. The story is non-religious.
Current stage: 2nd draft complete (it's a mess hihi) Word count: 84k
WIP 2) Memento Morisn't (temporary title)
A young woman in the fictional world of Amberplain is torn between family life in her rural hometown and getting her university education in the big city. A family tragedy and a job offer by one of her teachers put her on a path of no return. Meanwhile a spirit intrigued by such crazy concepts as "physical sensations" and "fun" attempts to sneak their way into the human world for good.
(Content is subject to change)
Current stage: planning and plotting Word count: 0
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
Turns out my instincts were right: why slay 'em if you can lay 'em
You allowed your child to join the vampire hunters against your better instincts. A decade later, they return home for dinner with a vampire spouse.
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
Thanks for the ask! In relation to this one by me :D
🍓 What is something you swore you would never, ever do/watch/read/write, but have now done it?
Probably romance lol, I used to be very eww romance and nowadays it's basically all I write HAHAHAH
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g0ttest0d · 3 months
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g0ttest0d · 4 months
Unclench your jaw. Fix your posture. Relax your shoulders. Stop frowning. Drink some water. Take a deep breath.
You got this.
I'm proud of you.
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g0ttest0d · 4 months
"Money doesn't buy happiness"
But it does buy relief from economic anxiety
It buys opportunity
It buys life satisfaction
And even if none of that is "happiness" or whatever, it certainly is a worthwhile second best
Just got out of a work meeting
Vent below the cut.
My face hurts
I'm not used to smiling so long
No it wasn't a genuine smile
It's the mask we call Business Caxy that smiles because a smile is friendly and friendly is good and good is business-appropriate.
It faltered once.
Just once this time.
When a Partner (one who works at the HIGHEST LEVEL OF EMPLOYMENT) in the company, who is so financially wealthy that she could quit today and never work again in her life, her husband could quit today and never work again in his life, and her son could NEVER GET A JOB and still be set for life (she admits these facts HERSELF)
said to all 40 of us in the meeting
"Money's just paper, it doesn't mean anything."
And now, as I sit here after the meeting, eating a beefy 5-layer burrito from TACO BELL that my roommate BOUGHT FOR ME because I don't have the money to spare for fast food if I want to make it through the month
I am reminded
The rich fucking suck.
"Money's just paper"- that paper buys medical treatment because healthcare is a scam. That paper buys food because we starve if we don't have it. That paper buys safety and shelter for us and our loved ones.
It's just paper, sure.
But it's pretty fucking important, and the fact it means so little to you means you don't deserve a goddamn cent of what you have, because I can list TEN PEOPLE I KNOW who, if I gave them $5 today, they would BEG me not to because "That's five dollars!! You don't need to spend so much on me, I'll be okay!" as they sit there with growling stomachs and aching bodies.
Meanwhile that woman sits in a $1,000 office chair at a $5,000 desk in a million dollar home and tells US that money is just paper.
I fucking hate the corporate elite. I swear to fuck when I get to the point I'm making as much as she is, not a goddamn cent beyond what I need is going to myself.
I'm taking care of my needs, my life goal of travelling, and if I know of someone in need I'm making damn sure they're sorted for as long as they need because I'll be fucking DAMNED if I ever turn into the kind of person that can sit comfortably on a multi-million dollar fortune while people around me suffer and I go into fucking ZOOM MEETINGS to tell those very people "Money's meaningless".
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g0ttest0d · 4 months
The Relanian Zodiac
Info under the cut!
Gaia - strong-willed, mentally and physically resilient, often associated with work ethic and stoicism. Gaia is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Gaius (first 60 days of the Relanian year, irl equivalent is January 1st to March 1st, or to Feb 29th on a leap year, though those don't exist on Relan)
Finon - empathetic, compassionate, and loving, often associated with emotional support and companionship. Finon is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Fina (second 60 days of the Relanian year, irl equivalent is March 2nd [or 1st on a leap year] to April 28th [or 29th on leap year])
Malus - creative, insightful, and entertaining, often associated with craftsmanship and tranquility. Malus is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Malor (third 60 days of the Relanian year, irl equivalent is April 29th [or 30th if leap] to June 29th [or 30th if leap])
Escin - Eccentric, sincere, and self-assured, often associated with self-help and individualism. Escin is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Escor (fourth 60 days of the year, irl equivalent is June 30th [or July 1st if leap] to August 29th [or 30th if leap])
Janim - Adaptable, relaxed, and private, often associated with acting and social chameleonism. Janim is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Jan (fifth 60 days of the year, irl equivalent is August 30th [or 31st if leap] to October 30th [or 31st if leap]
Dinat - Observant, quick-witted, and adventurous, often associated with exploring and study. Dinat is the zodiac sign of those born during the phase of Dinora (sixth 60 days of the year, irl equivalent is October 31st [or November 1st if leap] to December 31st)
Due to the Gods' influence on the world, the Relanian zodiac is no mere pseudoscience. It is a reliable way of understanding someone. The nature of the magic in the world at the time of one's birth has a subtle but noticeable influence on them as a person, and results on the adoption of certain traits that God bears.
@that-one-enby-onyx (cause ik how much you love when I tag you :) ) and @mikathewriter (cause you inspired this in the first place)
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