futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
“I let the music guide me…” - Macklemore + Kesha during a surprise Q&A right before their show! We still can’t believe this happened! Check out: http://bit.ly/keshamacklemore to see the full video. 🤩
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
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We're so proud of our alumni for producing an incredible showcase at the legendary Bitter End + raising over $1,000 w/ proceeds going to From One Hand To AnOTHER to support education resources! 💜🧡💚❤️💖
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
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Come out on July 14th to support brilliant emerging talent + a fantastic cause! Proceeds go to From One Hand To AnOTHER to support education resources. Tickets available at door + here: https://www.nxtwavemusic.com/events-1/nxtwave-fohta 💚💙💜❤️🧡
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
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We are so proud of our class of 2014 alum Nija Charles for co-writing HEARD ABOUT US on the Bey and Jay album. 💙🙏🏼
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
This journey that I started in February has led me to creating bonds that will never be broken as well as giving me a clear career path in the future. When I first walked into the program i had the intentions that I would know most of the material covered already, I was shocked that I was introduced to another form of music, the music industry and music business. Everyone in this program has very unique and distinctive personalities that all give them great traits. I am glad to say that after this FMM we are all great friends who will continue to experience art together. In the future, I plan on working with other members continuously and am excited to see what all of us create and how all of us change when we reunite. I want to thank everybody for being such an inspiration to me during FMM and you allowed me to realize what is truly my dream; music.
Also Every Saturday was the best time I had all week. It twas truly lit.
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
This farewell marks the end of a chapter and the start of a new one. It has been such an amazing journey in what felt like a short amount of time , yet I feel like I’ve known all of you for forever. Each and every one of you are jewels and watching you all shine has moved me in inexplicable ways. Thank you for allowing me to open myself up to you all and exploring and discovering new things about myself. Thank you for showing yourselves to me. In a way, we all fit together collectively, like a puzzle. Quirks and all, a group of strangers shifted into friends that I hope to keep lifelong. All of you are beyond amazing and it has been such an amazing 14 weeks with you all. Beyond music, I have learned invaluable lessons through everyone’s character and presence. I’m excited for the next class to create memories of their own and to continue the cycle. This is where I pass the torch on, but the flame still remains.
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Farewell My Mogul Mates
I know I’m mad late but still. I want to thank all of you guys for being such amazing individuals, and such amazing artists. I came into FMM so anxious, feeling as if it would be competition the likes of which I had never seen before. But I soon realized that our FMM class was and is a supportive, loving and caring group of people. I’ve learned so much about the business aspect of music, information that has given me a boost that most people entering the industry don’t have. Thank you Marat, Nichole and all the TA’s for making my experience so memorable. You guys were phenomenal instructors. Your ability to keep lessons interesting while also giving us important information is extremely impressive. I really hope that WE ALL keep in touch. There is so much raw talent amongst all of us and it’d be a shame to lose contact with each other. Once again PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE text me or call me for any reason. I’m going to be free the majority of the summer so hit me up whenever (Federico you better take me to concerts). I love yall so very much and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for each and every one of you.
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Hey guys. I’m still having trouble processing it all, as I’m sure you all are as well.
But here it goes.
Since day one I knew this group was super special. You all were so friendly and I can’t believe how well and easily we all talked the first day. There were barley even any icebreakers and we all just started going ham talking about Kanye and the current state of music. I will cherish every moment of sitting in the desks, listening to Marat talk about how Travis Scott can have his own record label under a division of a larger music group, or sitting behind a Mac in the lab, with Nicole teaching us all what tambre is. You all inspire me so much to work so much harder each and each and every one of you have affected me in such a huge way. You all have such big things a head of you it’s unreal. And that’s where I think the beauty of this program really is. The ability for 18 kids from all over the place, with completely different backgrounds and lives, to come together and make something bigger than themselves. I can’t wait to get each and everyone of you on a track. You’re all coming on tour with me one day, and I’ll happily be a roadie when you guys play sold out arenas.
To my C0smic crew, I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Our song is so amazing and I’m so happy that each of our individual voices and styles got to shine through on this track. It’s so awesome and all of my friends love the video. I mean like LOVE the video. You’re all so talented and if you ever need ANYTHING (beats, a verse, someone to grab lunch with) PLEASE HIT ME UP!
And to Marat and Nicole, I cannot find the words. You both have taught me so much, not just about music, but how to navigate this crazy world and industry. You both inspire me to work so much harder and to go out and get what I want. I am your biggest fan, and know that I could not keep growing and evolving as an artist without your incredible instruction and advice.
So guys!!! HIT ME UP PLEASE! I love you all and I have a ton of tracks that need some verses!!
And if your around this summer, LMK!
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Farwell....for now
Wow...now that I actually sit here and even think about what I am about to type. Time went by fast. I literally feel like I’m ready to take on the world with the stuff I learned from FMM.
Over the past 3 months, I’ve gained knowledge the music industry, I have gained friends that I will have for life. It's crazy how fast we got close in that short of time. In the beginning, it’s going to be very weird. You might think “how am I going to get along with these people that I don’t even know?” “How are we going to last in these next 3 months?” Simple. Be. Your. Self. This program is of open arms. All the staff is friendly, nice, and warming. During, this program don’t be afraid to be wrong. I was wrong a lot of times during my process but I learned from my failures of being wrong. Then when I keep working I began to get things right. Also, you always have help from Marat, Nicole and any of the TAs.
To the TAs mannnnn, you guys are the bomb.com. Muriel, you are my DMV sista, you are soooo great at what you do. I can’t wait to hear some new music from you and see you shine. Devon, you are the most down to earth girl I ever knew. Thank you for all of your mixing help and ears to educate me in everything you have learned over your career. (When I come back to NY I’m coming over for food) Much appreciated :). Federico,  with the most laid back personality of the TAs lololololol. You were very helpful in the beginning of the class teaching us how to work the studio and even gave the education behind it all. Thanks bro. Ethan, my main man (we lowkey made a hit). Thank you so much for making time for me outside of FMM and teaching how to better myself with Maschine. I appreciate and love you all. You guys are the best. Hopefully y’all graduate. Invite me to the grad party pls :))))
Now to my FMM 2018 colleagues/friends, I love you all. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. (I did most of my venting on IG, follow me @jae.greatness to see more lol) I never ever met a group of talented people in my life before. You guys are my best friends now. I had fun these past 3 months jamming, bonding, making music with you. It’s been a blast. You all have great futures ahead of you. We still have much to learn. But throughout these 3 months hopefully, you do not forget me lol. Also, keep grinding with everything you are passionate about forget what everyone else says. No matter how uncomfortable or stupid it may seem.  Do what you think is best for you. I hope we can work more in the future so we all can eat lol. But This is not a goodbye, more of a...see you later.
Before I end this as well, I know Marat knows this already but I really appreciate you and staff picking me for this year's class of FMM. Everything is meant for a reason but I just wanted to remind you of how much you are loved and appreciated. Thank you.  
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Much like my application to FMM, I have been putting this post off for a while because there is just so much to say and I don’t know where to start.
Over these past couple of months, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many incredibly talented and kind people. I’ve learned so much from you all and am forever grateful to have shared this time with you.
FMM has allowed me to learn so much about the music industry and about myself. This program has given me the ability and motivation to keep doing what I love and to keep creating.
To all of my fellow Future Music Moguls, you are all really inspiring and I know you’ll do great things. To the TA’s, thank you for offering your help and support. As exciting as the studios were, they were also slightly intimidating and your patience and guidance made them easier to navigate. To Marat and Nicole, thank you for being amazing mentors. I have learned so much from you. And finally, to everyone, thank you so much for making this an incredible experience.💜
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Farewell 💜
These past 14 weeks have been a life altering experience. After completing this program, this experience has solidified my desire to go into the music business; whether behind the camera or in front of it. I want to thank all of the people who made my experience worth while.
First, shoutout to the amazing TA’s this year. Murielle, Ethan, Devon, and Frederico have been amazing mentors as we all are on this journey to success in the music industry.
To my amazing friends at FMM, I couldn’t be any more glad to have spent my experience at FMM with all of you. You all contain something so special about you that captivate me all the time. The talent is unreal. I really appreciate you all and may god bless you on your way to living your dreams.
Finally, I want to say thank you to Nicole and Marat AKA “The Godfather.” Both of you have been so supportive and encouraged me that “you don’t need a record label, you can do it by yourself. “ That line is constantly repeating in my head as I continue my music journey. Keep inspiring future music Moguls as you give them guidance into this cut throat business. I cherish every minute and second of the jewels you have dropped. I will never forget any single one of you. See you soon guys!! 💜💜💜
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
I refuse to call it a farewell
I’ve been debating on whether I should write a farewell post or not because I am a very emotional person. However, I want to express my love and gratitude to everyone at FMM so here we go... 
A month before NYU’s deadlines I was in theater class and my teacher told me she wanted me to apply for a spring program for drama at NYU. I actually started writing my essay a day after she told me and I thought I had everything planned out until i saw an ad about Clive Davis Institute. I was super intrigued cause who wouldn’t be? I saw the FMM 2017 video and at the moment I said to myself “If I don’t take this opportunity, I will regret it for the rest of my life”. So, I deleted everything I wrote for the theater program and started a new prompt for FMM 2018.
Thank you to all the TA’s because y’all came in every Saturday prepared to help us learn. Muriel, you are so talented & such a wonderful soul I hope you have a great Summer and a great Senior year! Devon, you are super talented & such an inspo. Have a great summer & great senior year! Federico, you’re honestly one of the best people to hang out with, I really enjoyed our talks specially when Alex & I made fun of you (jk it’s all love). Ethan, even though we didn’t talk constantly, when we did you always had a chill vibe which is super cool & you’re also super talented like I listen to all of your stuff on SoundCloud and it’s dope! Nicole & Marat y’all are the best mentors anyone could ask for. Thank you for teaching us the necessary tools to keep developing our projects/goals.
I love each and everyone of you with all my corazón and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for us!
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Over the past 14 weeks I made so many friendships that I know will last a lifetime. It was here at this program that I knew my future would be in the music industry. Before this program it was just an idea, a dream in which I thought was not possible. But every week that Nicole and Marat taught us more and more about the music industry, and Marat brought in inspiring guests, was when I realized that I could and would be in this industry. So thank you so much to the both of you, for having an immense amount of passion for music and being there for us every week!
To the TA’s you are all some of the most amazing people I’ve met! Thank you for helping us and guiding us every step of the way. I hope to be like you guys someday, inspiring the next generation to follow their dreams💜
Lastly to all my moguls, you have inspired me with your talent and passion for music. I will continue to support all of you in your endeavors, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for all of you💜💜
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
I got home tonight and had a mini panic attack that i had missed my bus up to nyc... and then it really hit me that it was really over and i should probably write this:( 
First off I want to say, thank you to every single one of you, you all inspire me every day to keep working on music. I launched NXTWAVE tonight, and it’s because of the talent all of you have, and the realization that, one, you all deserve and NEED to be heard, and two, there are so many people out there who don’t see music as a viable option, but from everything I have learned, experienced, and observed in these last fourteen weeks, if you put your mind to it anything is achievable. I cannot wait to continue to work with everyone here and continue to see everything you guys do. I can’t wait to work with all of you on the summer showcase! (btw more info coming out about that in the next week!) I love all of you so much!!
To the TAs: thank you for everything, I truly learned so much about production, being in a studio, and just overall leadership, you all are so talented and I was able to learn so much from all of you and I will be forever grateful
To Nicole: thank you so much for the support you have given me all the way through. Every little project I had begun you gave me the encouragement and support to expand upon it and throughout all of this you have helped me build a confidence (and workflow!!) and now I am many more steps in the right direction in creating anything in any DAW! Thank you for being an incredible mentor and teaching me so much about, not only the production side of things, but overall music bc that's what this is all about. I hope I get the opportunity DJ with you in the future:))
To Marat: Thank you so much for listening and helping me organize my ideas. The amount I learned about the industry is insane, i didn’t even know there was this much to know! and i’m still doing additional research based off topics we learned every day:)) I appreciate all the support you have given me through all of fmm and especially towards the end, with being willing to listen to all of my crazy business ideas! You have been an amazing mentor throughout this whole experience and I am so thankful for your support!
again thank you to each and every one of you for making this the best experience of my life and making me really feel like I belong with all of you and in music. I love you all so much, and though it’s the end of fmm, it’s just the beginning of our journey together
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
The experience I had at FMM cannot be captured in a single post. This task is simply unfair. Over the past 14 weeks, I forged irreplaceable friendships and relationships with everyone immediately involved in the program. It was at FMM that I finally decided I was going to find someway to fit music into my future career in any way possible. From the morning lessons to the afternoon lab sessions, I soaked up so much information that it will take years to unpack all the nuggets of wisdom I received. To my group, thecollective., I love you guys with all my heart and I had the time of life creating music with you all. You all are incredibly talented and deserve only the best the world has to offer. I’m confident this is not a farewell. You’re all going to be profiled on my blog and I’ll be attending your sold out tours and raving about them in my reviews in the near future. Good luck, good vibes, and Godspeed to you all, I love you guys.
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Farewell for now❤️
Ok. Hold it together Alex. I first want to start off by saying that these 14 weeks were the best weeks of my life. Each and every person has made such a significant impact on my life and I will never forget you. From dance parties in the studio to turning up at the LAUNDRY DAY concert, we have had so many INCREDIBLE experiences and so many to come! I want to express how grateful I am for having this extraordinary opportunity to learn about music business and gain significant insight into the industry; it has helped me grow as an artist and has put me into a productive mindset. FMM has truly proved to me that all I want to do for the rest of my life is do music because it is everything that I embody and love as an individual. So thank you. Next, I want to thank the absolutely wonderful TA’s: Devon, Muriel, Federico (kinda *just kidding*), and Ethan. You all made this experience so much more enjoyable and you helped us so much with everything especially production and setting up a studio session.
Finally, thank you to Marat and Nicole for being brilliant mentors, kind and genuine souls, and for facilitating this one-of-a-kind program. I have learned so much about the music business and production through this program and I am eternally grateful to you both.
I know that each and every one of you incredible souls will go on to achieve great success and it is only the beginning for us all. i love you FMM and i love you all❤️
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Farewell 👋🏾
Let me just start by saying this has been the greatest experience of my life. From the special guests who dropped countless jewels, the helpful TA’s in the studio to our passionate debates at lunch. I’m so glad I got to meet all of you. You guys are so talented and going very far. To Marat & Nicole, thanks so much for honestly and wholeheartedly teaching me about the music biz. I wish tremendous amounts of success on all of us. Stay in touch ! ❤️
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