futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Farwell....for now
Wow...now that I actually sit here and even think about what I am about to type. Time went by fast. I literally feel like I’m ready to take on the world with the stuff I learned from FMM.
Over the past 3 months, I’ve gained knowledge the music industry, I have gained friends that I will have for life. It's crazy how fast we got close in that short of time. In the beginning, it’s going to be very weird. You might think “how am I going to get along with these people that I don’t even know?” “How are we going to last in these next 3 months?” Simple. Be. Your. Self. This program is of open arms. All the staff is friendly, nice, and warming. During, this program don’t be afraid to be wrong. I was wrong a lot of times during my process but I learned from my failures of being wrong. Then when I keep working I began to get things right. Also, you always have help from Marat, Nicole and any of the TAs.
To the TAs mannnnn, you guys are the bomb.com. Muriel, you are my DMV sista, you are soooo great at what you do. I can’t wait to hear some new music from you and see you shine. Devon, you are the most down to earth girl I ever knew. Thank you for all of your mixing help and ears to educate me in everything you have learned over your career. (When I come back to NY I’m coming over for food) Much appreciated :). Federico,  with the most laid back personality of the TAs lololololol. You were very helpful in the beginning of the class teaching us how to work the studio and even gave the education behind it all. Thanks bro. Ethan, my main man (we lowkey made a hit). Thank you so much for making time for me outside of FMM and teaching how to better myself with Maschine. I appreciate and love you all. You guys are the best. Hopefully y’all graduate. Invite me to the grad party pls :))))
Now to my FMM 2018 colleagues/friends, I love you all. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. (I did most of my venting on IG, follow me @jae.greatness to see more lol) I never ever met a group of talented people in my life before. You guys are my best friends now. I had fun these past 3 months jamming, bonding, making music with you. It’s been a blast. You all have great futures ahead of you. We still have much to learn. But throughout these 3 months hopefully, you do not forget me lol. Also, keep grinding with everything you are passionate about forget what everyone else says. No matter how uncomfortable or stupid it may seem.  Do what you think is best for you. I hope we can work more in the future so we all can eat lol. But This is not a goodbye, more of a...see you later.
Before I end this as well, I know Marat knows this already but I really appreciate you and staff picking me for this year's class of FMM. Everything is meant for a reason but I just wanted to remind you of how much you are loved and appreciated. Thank you.  
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
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futuremusicmoguls · 6 years
Writing HW
Michael Jackson was the greatest performer to ever live. A lot of performers have come and gone but not have the stardom and longevity of Michael Jackson. Once he’s on that stage he controls the crowd. I don’t think any artist ever lit a stage like Michael in his time. 
For example, in the 1993 Super Bowl, he performed during the NFL halftime show to gain the attention of the startup of the “Halftime Performace”. It was such an iconic moment he literally stood on stage for 5 mins before even moving a muscle. Michael Jackson was such an attraction he toured for 16 months, sold out London’s Wembley Stadium 7 times, and performed in front of more than 4.5 million people all in his first solo tour. Michael was such a perfectionist during one of the world tours the staging of the set for the concerts took near three days to set up. It took 20 trucks of equipment shuttled on cargo planes to countries around the world. This is why he was so extraordinary as a performer because of how different and how he went the extra mile when he performed anywhere in the world.  
People would never forget a Michael Jackson show. A fan said “There are not enough words in any language to describe the excitement. The show was utterly electrifying. Michael sang, danced and performed like nothing I can comprehend. The band were tight, the effects and pyrotechnics were out of this world, the song selection was everything I wanted it to be - and then some - and I didn't come down from that high for months. I will never forget that day for as long as I live.”  
Michael Jackson has inspired so many people during his career through his music, performances, and dances. He wil always be the greatest performer to ever live. 
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