Trying to cook up a mutant tealblood, thinking they live a very gutterpunk/oogle lifestyle, and I'm trying to come up with fitting mutation symptoms that would be on-theme. Any advice?
Apologies for missing this for so long. i don't know a lot about gutterpunk or the like, but it sounds a lot like living in the super-slums or something. So i could perhaps see something that allows better survival in that environment, air-filtration or something that can detoxify or otherwise resist pollution or toxins. those mutations ultimately wouldn't be super visible though. Perhaps some kind of production of grease, slime, or goop? My first thought is going to that kid from that one superhero-school anime, the one that produces sticky orbs out of his hair? Maybe your Troll has something similar somewhere? Ultimately i don't think i can help too much with this one, sorry. -D.
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Hello! Assuming these are your trolls that you commissioned artwork of, would you possibly be willing to share who the artists are that drew these lovely sprites? If these aren't your characters and I accidentally thought you'd posted them, I apologize, as tumblr is a bit wonky and I'm not as adept at navigating or using it as I once used to be. If somebody else posted them or sent them in and you know who, would you be okay with sharing their tumblr so I could contact them about the artists? c:
We didn't make any of the trolls that are posted here, other then the one Shiven uses as an avatar. usually they just get submitted to show them off. you should be able to see "submitted by [name] somewhere on the post if it has a picture.
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i'd like to make a mutant blooded troll but im not sure how i could justify them living through their early life (like the grub phase) or getting a lusus.. any ideas?
I think your main options ultimately boil down to one of three possibilities. 1. "Rescued" by another Troll. (Jadeblood in caverns, exploring intruder, rich highblood looking for exotic pet, etc) 2. Just plain lucky (Crawled out side passage during birthing chaos, somehow went by completely overlooked, grabbed by an empty-nester lusus looking for another charge, etc) 3. Unnatural origin (Artificial creation, alien, alternate reality, etc) For lusii, best bet is probably either: 1. Never had one, grew up on their own 2. Raised by another Troll 3. Raised by a lusus who does not match blood colour.
Could probably come up with some decent stories there. -D.
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I have have just a vert simple question; Does not having horns count as a mutation? Or is mutant trolls ONLY based on their blood?
I would probably count no horns as a mutation. Think anything outside the norm would, not just blood mutations.
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hi! so, i made a mutantblooded fantroll called Boreas Neixos. they're a mutation off of the purple caste, a dual-dreamer, and a void player. (sky blue blood, uses the Caprittanius and Caprittarius signs interchangably)
i was wondering where to go from there? i gave them a lusus, and was planning on giving them an ancestor, but i don't know how they'd be put into action,, i was thinking something like a mutant years after the signless that also made a revolution, but it was hidden? i dunno honestly haha.
As general advice, I'd recommend picking just one symbol and sticking with it. Keep in mind that the expanded zodiac symbols are not the only ones that exist, you are absolutely allowed to create your own if you are so inclined.
That said, I'm not here to make you change anything you don't want too. So lets see here...
Your ancestor could certainly fit in with the revolution lead by The Summoner (Tavros' ancestor) if you're looking for a place to put them. Or perhaps their revolution was just so small that it wasn't worth making a major note in the history books, something like a revolution that never extended outside the bounds of a single city or small country for example.
Having them in the background of a revolution could also be viable if you're struggling with how to explain their lack of a note in the history books. You could say they provided weapons to the revolution, or were a vital link in a chain of hidden messages between resistance cells. They don't need to be anything big, they just lived in a turbulent time, a time when almost everyone was playing some role in what was happening.
As a final thought, sky blue for a mutation of purple blood? Wouldn't that fit better as a mutation of Teal, Blue, or Indego?
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Hello! I've been looking through this blog and honestly love it. It just proves mutant fantrolls can be beautiful and not all are Mary sues. I was wondering if you could help me here, I want to make a cerulean fantroll who has four arms, and was wondering how I could pull that off without it being Mary Sueish. Thanks! Furthermore, I can't wait to see more posts from this blog!
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well, i saw this in the inbox while i was at work, so i gave it a little think while waiting to get home to my husk top.
the the mary sue issue mostly comes down to the individual writer, how you present you character, and their abilitys. if they dont make sense in the context of the world or they seem to accomplished or skilled for their age or what they should theoretically have access too.
also, it might help if you establish if your character is a villain/antagonist or not.
but on to the 4 armed blue blood, i can think of two possible explanations, the first being an absorbed twin, the only traces left being the additional arms, and maybe a extra horn? you could even delve in to split personality with the twin surfacing every now and again.
the other idea it is a spider mutation, extra arms, maybe some climbing ability and of course spider themed outfits and motifs :p. might like ropes and is very clingy to anyone that pays them attention, or will sit in the corner of a cafe and just patently watch everyone else in the room.
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hi! i’ve been thinking of an idea for a two headed troll, yellow blood named GATACA, DNA themed kinda! i was thinking maybe the second head started as a birthmark and then started growing as they matured so that they wouldn’t be culled Immediately at the sight of two heads! when it first started growing maybe it was easy to hide with a giant scarf or a hoodie maybe but once it grows into a full head i’m trying to think of how they could hide it. I thought maybe it could have something to do with telekinetic powers since they’re a yellow blood? Or maybe by the time it’s grown into a full head they’re able to stay in their hive all the time and they have a trusted friend go out and do stuff for them if they need? Any thoughts? Thanks!
A second head is definitely a tricky one due to the sheer size and visibility of it. Your "birthmark that grew into a head" thing is probably the best bet, one could argue "that's not scientifically feasible", but these are fictitious aliens from another universe. I'm sure some hand-waving is okay here.
I think a lot of your ideas here are pretty good and well thought out, though naturally things get harder if this second head is as big as the primary one. I don't know the location or orientation of this second head, but if your Troll can take a hit to their ego, then they could grow their hair long and wear an extra large shirt to cover the second head, make it seem like they're a hunchback or something of the sort, perhaps some sob-story about being injured as a child or being a recluse for so long that their posture tanked, or something of the sort. They'd still probably be targeted by the more bloodthirsty trolls out there, but others might leave them alone.
I think an important thing to note here is that nothing "official" will likely come your way at this point in time. this Troll probably isn't going to be tracked down by government-funded mutant cullers or the like, at least according to my own personal headcanons. Personally I believe the Trolls get one look for deformities or horrendous mutations at birth, and then are kind of just left alone until adulthood, at which point they're (probably) taken in regardless of what they have, as they've shown a capability to survive and thrive with it. They might still get some trouble from other adults in a non-official sense though.
For the most part, I think the "they stay in their hive all the time" method will likely work the best. any other method largely depends on the size of the second head combined with it's location and orientation, I'd expect they'd be regulated to a similar position in adulthood if they make it that far, something that can be locked away into a side-room and never looked at, someone who can man the security cameras with twice the processing power to observe and report on the wall of TV's while alerting ship security or the like.
hope this helps! -D.
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Whiteblooded Page of Time ---------------------------------------- Very cool! -D.
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Woo! Tysm :3
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"your welcome~"
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Hiya! Not sure if ur still online on this acc but I was wondering somethin.. So I created a HS OC who's a purple blood, but they have 4 horns and are most of the time mistaken to be a gold blood. Does having 4 horns as a purple blood count as being a mutant? I've only ever seen 4 horns on a troll as a gold blood and not much on other blood castes
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"2 pairs of horns arn't much to worry about in terms of mutation, so no need to fret dear"
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i made some babies-
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hello fymft, so im confused on how troll birth works. you seem to knkw a lot. what caste would my jade/fuchsia child be? thanks!
The thing about Troll reproduction is that... it involves multiple large vats of fluid. Fluid that then goes through the overly complicated reproductive system of a large wasp thing.
Basically, blood colour of children can be anything. chances are there are at least five other Trolls in some way contributing to your couple’s offspring in some variety of ways, so i’d say just go nuts and have whatever caste you want, or feel best suits the character you have in mind for them.
If you’re goring for a more headcanon two-troll-only or ectobiology-type thing though, obviously that’s not quite an option. Easiest options would of course be to either pick one of the two, or pick a caste somewhere between the two. 
From what i’m aware at least, Canon troll birthing is chaos incarnate. any recurring patterns are coincidences at best, and might even spawn situations where real “Ancestors” are extremely rare, and some may not even be related to their “Descendants” at all. The Descendants just having been associated with the same sign as some unrelated Troll from long ago.
I don’t know if this exactly helps, but hopefully it gives you something.
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So I did what you suggested and made a rainbow blood somewhat like a mood ring.
Her lusus is a 8’ tall sea lion and her typing quirk is capitalising the first and last letter of every word. When she gets scared her spelling worsens and when she gets excited her normally grey text changes to rainbow colours. Which is quite inconvenient considering something like that can get her culled.
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I want to make a rainbow blood but I'm worried I'll get really bad backlash for doing so :(, Do you have any tips to make my potential rainbow blooded troll more tolerable?
Unfortunately that’s tricky, as such a thing just screams mary sue to some degree no matter how you look at it.
... Perhaps the blood is somewhat similar to a mood ring, in that it changes colour depending on it’s environment? So it’s not really a “Rainbow” blood colour, but just a shifting one. In really hot and dry climates or body heat, the blood looks similar to that of Aradia’s. in colder, damper climates, it looks more like Eridans. All the castes in-between could be the various environments in between.
this way it’s not so much “Rainbow” as it is “Malleable”.
i’d recommend not giving the Troll different abilities, strengths, or weaknesses depending on blood colour though. For something as big as this, i think you want to be as concrete as possible for the rest of your Troll. Set some rules and limits, and stick to them.
Reguardless, this is definitely the kind of thing the Empire would see as cull-worthy, so keep that in mind. No telling how much damage someone can do if they can just cool themselves down, pass as a highblood, and waltz right on into high-caste only areas.
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had a weird dream turned it into a meh backstory, a mutated bronze blood with brighter orange bllod. found by a jade blood, she was then taken to a cave. the jadeblood refused the location of the grub and was therefore killed. still a bronze blood, but with bright af blood. anything to note here?
they’d probably have the same problems as Karkat if their blood is a bright colour. not too much beyond that i’d say.
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Hey it's me again, i didn't expect for the answer to come so fast XD. What i meant was that he looks like a purple blood, not that he was a purple blood per say, sorry for the confusion. But since i'm here i have another question, this character has another mutation where he has no pupils, and i was wondering if that's to much for one character.
having no pupils should be fine, it’s a very small amount of total bodymass change, so other then people giving weird looks, i don’t think it’d be an issue for any reason so long as he can still see or navigate properly.
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Hey i don't know if you're still active, but this has been bugging me for a while and i wanted to see what you think of this. So, i have a character that is a purple blood mutant, and my idea was for his blood to be like sopor slime, not literally, just the color, but i don't know if that's a good idea, what do you think?
so he’s a purple-blood, but his blood colour is the same greenish as Sopor slime? sorry to say but i’m a little confused.
i could see his blood having properties of Sopor, perhaps calming people down and numbing thoughts, either he’s immune to it or has just adjusted to it, who knows. i’m not sure how you could do two blood colours though.
in general, i personally advise shying away from blood colour mutations. if you’d like, you could send another ask i could see about Shivin getting a response, they’re a bit more on board with that kind of thing.
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