All the monsters of all the lands
Met up together to kill a lamb
They were fooled by a prophet
Who made quite a profit
The lamb screamed as the wolves howled
The monsters grinned as they prowled
Talons raised and movements quick
The lamb was gone, fast as a prick
Blood spilled as dark as the sky
There the lamb shall always lie
Crept away the monsters went
As a prophet watched, fully content
His pockets were lined and his throne was high
The scent of blood filled the sky
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I crossed my heart and hoped to die
But I had never told a lie
And when they all began to wonder
What I did that lonely summer
There were words spoken loudly
Of a friend how unkindly
I got scared and denied it
Then they all got really quiet
She was evil, she was bad
But all I saw was a girl so sad
They were wrong
I was right
This young woman was so bright
She was kind, she was a swan
Not a black one I argued so
Yet they made me quiet down
So I could only show a frown
Oh so lone
In my home
I was thrown so far away
All I did was cry and pray
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Beetles beetles beetles
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All is good
All is fine
All is mine
In the old town shrine
All is good
All is fine
As I cry in the old town shrine
Time is gone
Time has fled
Time is wrong in the old town shrine
Folks are gone
Folks were wrong
Folks were once in the old town shrine
All is said
All is done
All is wrong in the old town shrine
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Lady Columbia wwii war bonds poster because yeah idk
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I can’t find the post where I ask y’all what your favorite bird is so sadly I can’t tag anyone who’s bird I drew so yeahhhh anyways HERE :D
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the silence breaks
Can I stay?
You’re always welcome with me.
I have begun to love you as well.
Is a god lovable?
I believe everyone can be loved no matter their story.
Yet my story involved so much darkness..
We all have shadows in our past.
I worry I may ruin you.
You care so much, I have faith in your ability to not hurt me.
I promise I will never do what those in your past have done, Quinn. You are so brave.
What is bravery but hiding your fear cleverly?
You don’t let it win, that makes you very strong.
I suppose so.
In all my long life I never considered my biggest dream would be to show a young bird the world.
Would you show her to me? The kingdom and further?
I would show you the stars and beyond. If you let me.
Oh, I see this beautiful place and I wonder if I will live to see many more or if this may be one of the last breathtaking sites.
You believe yourself to die young?
I believe I was always meant to blaze bright and fight for good, no matter the consequences.
Must you always be the hero? Can you not rest after such a hard young life?
Some aren’t meant to rest till they are feeding the roots of flowers.
And you are one of them?
I don’t know. I was told I am.
You were told many lies.
You may be right.
I want to see the world.
Then it is decided. It will be lovely. We should head back home for now, though.
Home.. home it is.
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“You!!! I found you!!! You have to help me. She was too young. She just couldn’t handle the stress and the way out was too easy. Please. If you bring her back it’ll be different. I’ll help her, I’ll take some of her burden. You have to bring her back. Please oh please I need her.” The young boy cried out to the cloaked figure. Tears streamed down his face. “I’ll do anything. Please.”
The cloaked figures head hangs. The kid runs to it, grabbing its sleeves, eyes pleading for the help he so desperately wants. He becomes uneasy on the legs as his sobs become thicker. The cloaked figures arms wrap around him as the boy collapses into it.
“Oh please.” He managed the words out through sobs. The figure stroked his head, lightly shushing him.
“Young one, I wish I could. If it was possible no death would be unfair.” It looked down at the kid, a single tear fell onto the boy’s hair.
“B-but. But you’re the grim reaper. You control death. You can bring her back. I’ll do anything, just please. She can make it this time. I’ll take her burden.” He curled up more, his sobs slowing into hiccups.
“I don’t control death, dear. I see it. I know when it will happen and I know to who. Made to only watch, nothing more.” It swiped the hair from the kids face, revealing the reddened eyes from the boy’s tears.
“…How do you deal with all that death?” The boy pulled himself up into a sitting position.
“That’s not for you to worry about. You don’t need to help everyone, take everyone’s burdens. Live your life young one, you couldn’t help your mother.” The reaper stood up and held out a hand to the boy. The boy took it and stood up beside it. “Let’s get you home.”
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the morning
Wake, young one. For I must show you something before you depart.
‘yawn’ But it is still dark.
I want to take you to the waterfall, where the early sun shines through to create a million colors.
I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to leave after that.
Then you must get up. I will lead you to it.
Ah. I’m up then.
‘A soft laugh’ You don’t seem up. Would you like me to carry you?
No. I’ll be right there.
‘After walking for a while they see a tall cliff. A glistening waterfall tumbles down the side, there appears to be a small cave about halfway down the waterfall.’
We’re here, young one. I can appear at the waterfall through shadows but you must fly. Luckily, you’re a birdfolk so it shouldn’t be a problem.
I can’t.
Why not?
My wings were clipped. They didn’t want me to fly for I was already of too free a spirit.
How could they take away the gift of flight? To clip a child's wings is to rob them of their life..
I can fix that..
How so? I am who I am. My life is not meant to be long.
I can unclip your wings, child.
But, I haven’t felt the wind sweep under my wings for so long. What if  balance is lost and I tumble down to the deep jade lake below?
Be not afraid, brave one. I will catch you if your wings fail you.
Love makes you kind. I’m not used to this.
To say that I am only kind to you from love is to say you can’t be kind to strangers.
Yet strangers have never offered to help me even in my darkest days.
Maybe.. Strangers help in different ways.
Like helping you carry items that are too many on your own?
I suppose so, yes. But, this conversation will have to be set aside as it is close to sunrise, my friend.
I think I can fly up, if I try my best.
I am very sure you can.
‘With one great arc of their wings they’re lifted into the air, faltering for a moment before regaining balance and whipping up to the cliffs cave’
I made it, for the first time in ages I have flown. It was exhilarating..
Hush, Quinn. The sun will come over the mountains in moments.
‘The sun reflects through the water, a million fractals of a rainbow play and dance along the rocks, light striking the water drops almost blindingly fills the mist as they watch transfixed’
Why show me? This is a place far too beautiful for mortal eyes.
No place is too beautiful to be seen by mortals, the beauty in this world is meant to inspire and push others to show their beauty.
You are being so kind. Is this to keep me from leaving?
I want you to see that the world is worth living free in, young one.
What if I'm scared to keep living?
Why be scared? You were so brave under the threat of violence, is living that much worse?
Death is an easy way out. With life you have to deal with day after day, an endless amount of pain till the stress becomes too much for your body to handle.
Life shouldn’t be like this. Is that really living? How has society become this?
I don’t know. It may have been greed that corrupted those in power.
I’m sorry you have to go through this.
It is not your fault.
Is there any way I can help?
Can we sit here for now? In silence? The beauty is mesmerizing.
Of course.
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Young child, I will kill everyone you love. Don’t play with fire or you may end up scarred for life.
Oh please do, for everyone I love has hurt me. no fire can burn me stronger than the flames of false family.
Then why, child, do you love them?
They are family, great one.
Yet this so called family hurt you? How so do they earn your love?
You don’t earn love. There is no choice, love invades whoever it likes.
You’re so brave… do you not fear me?
You have many questions for being a god.
You perplex me.
Do you wish your family to be dead?
Sometimes… I don’t know.
You look frail. Do you eat, child?
Food is scarce in these days.
Have you rested in this long journey?
There has been no time for such things.
Why did they send a child to defeat me?
There was no one else willing.
I’m sorry.
Why would a god forgive for a mortal’s actions?
Why would I child be treated like dirt?
But, great one, haven’t you killed thousands? I am just one child.
I have. Yet I would never think society would abandon their children. They are supposed to care for you. Do they think they too are gods?
.. I don’t know.
I feel I have begun to care for you. I’ve never felt this way.
Maybe love has chosen you.
I can’t kill you, child.
I know. See? Love is stronger than all. It is inescapable.
I can protect you from society… if you would like.
I mustn’t stay with you. I have a family to take care of.
The same family who hurts you?
They need me.
If they needed you they would not treat you so poorly. I can give you the world. You can never go hungry again.
Gods are not meant to care for mortals.
I can try. New things happen every day.
You do not even know my name.
Then tell me, child.
… Quinn.
Quinn. Stay with me. I can be your new family.
I can’t leave my people. As much as they hurt me.
Then rest for the night. Eat some food and gain your energy. You can leave tomorrow, child.
Thank you…
Great one?
What is your name? I only know of you as a god. What are you really?
I am the light and the dark. I create wars and monsters. I have no name except for what you decide to call me. I have been many things, for I am evil embodied.
How about Dawn? Like the first light of morning.
Dawn. I like it very much.
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★- “We need to talk.”
❤︎- “I’m a bit busy right now..”
★- “About the other men.”
❤︎- “…I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
★- “Oh come on! The sketchy work hours, coming home in different clothes, how distant you’ve been, the way you looked at that guy on the news.”
❤︎- “All things to expect from a journalist.”
★- “Not like this. Please, you promised you were better now.”
❤︎- “I am. Don’t worry, babe.”
★- “Let me help you. We can do this together.”
❤︎- “No. We can’t. I am broken. You don’t have to be.”
★- “So there are others. You didn’t have to lie.”
❤︎- “You couldn’t sleep after you found out.”
★- “I can handle it! I love you…”
❤︎- “I can’t be fixed. I’m a monster.”
★- “You’re beautiful.”
She kills people. He… is the supportive husband!
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Iwhwnsiwuhrodjwjrf color! Glowing stuff! <3
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“What are you sketching?” His voice was melodic, he had an accent only the northernmost of nobles have. You could only stare in shock.
However after a few seconds you pulled yourself together enough to flip your sketchbook,  showing him the old oak tree you had been inking into the pages. He smiled down at it, reaching his hand to stroke the leather bound edge and worn pages.
“What’s your name miss?” He flipped the page, scanning over your various sketches with a curious glint in his golden eyes.
“Feri, your majesty.” The whole town gapes as you say the words, your mother looks to be near tears.
“Lovely to meet you, Feri. Would you like to go somewhere more private for a chat, milady?” He outstretches his hand to you, welcoming you to take it. Hesitantly, you stand up and place your hand in his. He guides you to his horse, lifting you up into the majestic and tall creature before he pulls himself up in front of you.
You ride in silence outside of town, when he reaches a few oak trees far from prying eyes he halts near a tree stump. Gracefully he slides off the horse. Pulling the horse's reins so it’s parallel to the stump, he moves to help you down the horse.
When down you smooth your dress and brush back your hair, a feeble attempt to look comparable to the regal man before you. 
“Let us get this straight, I have no intentions of marrying you.” He brushes a speck off his shoulder as he turns his back to you. You see him tying the reins to the stump, patting his horse while doing so.
“What?” Is all you can get out.
“It’s complicated. I was born with a curse blah-blah anyways if i fall in love that person grows ill and dies. There is only one way out of it and apparently i have to find some person who is magic and can help but it has to be a specific person. I was told I would know them when I see them and I certainly know it’s you.” As he says this he turns to you, flipping his hair back and leaning against a tree.
“What the fuck. No seriously, What The Actual Fuck. I don’t even have magic, your majesty.”
“Your sketchbook has my sword in it. The runes are exact. Explain how you did that without magic.” He smirks at his gotcha, obviously proud of himself.
“That’s not your sword, it's the one from my dreams.” With a heavy sigh you pull out your sketchbook from your satchel.
“What dreams?” The king's interest at last piqued.
Hearing the sudden hush that had fallen over the crowd, you finally dragged your attention away from your sketch book, wondering what could have caused such a reaction from the formerly over enthusiastic crowd.
The people were always like this when the king came through the town each year, their voices almost feverish with excitement as they watched him pass through the usually quiet and dull town.
The practice had apparently started centuries ago, in order to appease the kings council, after he had turned down every single suitor they had brought before him. Each year, he would pass through every one of the towns within his borders, his council members hoping that someone would eventually catch his eye, even if they were a simple commoner.
Naturally, the people had done their best to be that special someone, ever since the tradition had started. People would dress in their finest clothes and flood the streets, desperately hoping to catch the kings attention and interest as he passed through. 
Sadly, despite the tradition having been in practice for so long, not a single person had yet to even make the king pause, though that didn’t stop them all from trying.
Personally, you’d never been particularly interested in the tradition, having only reluctantly agreed to attend, due to your families consistent and irritating urging. Something that had only grown more and more intense over the years, when people started to notice that the king had begun to slow slightly whenever he would pass through this particular district.
Rumours had instantly started flowing wildly about who could have possibly caught the kings attention, especially since this town wasn’t exactly the most upscale or glamorous of places. 
Hearing such an abrupt and almost deafening silence, you’d assumed that people had finally gotten their answer to that burning question, and though you’d never been particularly interested in knowing yourself, you still couldn’t help but give into your curiosity, your gaze finally lifting from the ink stained page before you.
Whatever it was you had been expecting, it definitely wasn’t to find the king standing directly in front of you, his lips pulled into a small, somewhat amused, smile, as his warm gaze met your own unflinchingly.
Was it just your mind playing tricks? Or was his face strikingly familiar?
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Mouth I guess
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Hey I think this is something… maybe… yeah sure
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It’s a beautiful morning
Under the sun
It’s a beautiful morning
And the clouds are blowing
Oh the clouds are blowin
It’s a beautiful morning
Under the sun
It’s a beautiful morning
And the birds are singing
Oh the birds are singin oh oh
And the rocks are reflecting the sun
Oh It’s a beautiful morning
The sun is shining
Yeah the sun is shining
Oh the sun is shining on me
On me
Oh it’s a beautiful morning
And the dogs are running
Yeah the dogs are running
And the rocks are reflecting the sun
The sun
Oh it’s a beautiful morning
If only you were shining with me
Oh it’s a beautiful morning
But not without you
Not without you
The sun would be shining brighter with you
And the sky would reflect your eyes
Oh the dogs would love you
And the birds would sing about you
the birds would sing about you
Oh it’s a beautiful morning
But not without you ooh ooh
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I finally resigned myself to the fact I’m never gonna finish refining the body so I added some textury colors and signed it so yeah it’s finished now I guess
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