A question to my followers
if any of you click on the tabs of my blog do you get a weird error saying it doesn't exist now? I swear I never had this problem before and I wanna make sure if it's just me.
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Currently working on icons for Kiwano Dragon cookie
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“But you just said that you didn’t rule it, so which is it?” he squints, rather annoyed and confused, “Are you a runaway ruler or are you just calling yourself that because of how your kingdom looks?”
Hello? *a calm sweet voice to the south said in confusion*
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The little prince peers over quickly, muttering a small ‘hm?’ as he makes eye contact with the complete stranger. 
“Who goes there?! Who are you?!” He shouts and points over at the figure. He could only make the shadow of the figure, squinting in an attempt to make out a clear form. 
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So she’s...not a princess? Dangit that won’t help him, fairytales describe princesses! Not people who just call themselves princesses! 
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He sighs and crosses his arm, “Why call yourself a princess if you don’t even rule it? That’s a total misguide for everyone! Why not something like civilian of the flower kingdom or something?” 
Hello? *a calm sweet voice to the south said in confusion*
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The little prince peers over quickly, muttering a small ‘hm?’ as he makes eye contact with the complete stranger. 
“Who goes there?! Who are you?!” He shouts and points over at the figure. He could only make the shadow of the figure, squinting in an attempt to make out a clear form. 
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Oh! Did she say a...princess? A princess is an interesting title...perhaps a title of someone who’d fix his little curse! Alright just gotta act like a pro then!
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 “Why hello there Rosemary cookie then! I’m Prince Cookie, prince of the...”, he trails off for a second as he taps his hand against his chin to think, “a kingdom! yes. Anyway, what’s it like ruling over flowers?” The short talk is the key to starting a conversation- he’s pretty sure of that.  
Hello? *a calm sweet voice to the south said in confusion*
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The little prince peers over quickly, muttering a small ‘hm?’ as he makes eye contact with the complete stranger. 
“Who goes there?! Who are you?!” He shouts and points over at the figure. He could only make the shadow of the figure, squinting in an attempt to make out a clear form. 
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I’m wondering
If yes i’ll change the blg to frongprincecookieandco and add bios for each of my cookie ocs https://toyhou.se/Caitlynthedoodler/characters/folder:513225 heres some of my cookie run ocs
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Hello? *a calm sweet voice to the south said in confusion*
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The little prince peers over quickly, muttering a small ‘hm?’ as he makes eye contact with the complete stranger. 
“Who goes there?! Who are you?!” He shouts and points over at the figure. He could only make the shadow of the figure, squinting in an attempt to make out a clear form. 
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Well, least she didn’t actually eat his hair, though he wonders why she even though about that. I guess to be fair she looks all tired, but so does that tree guy and HE never asked to eat his hair. She’s definitely not allowed to eat his secret stash for princesses now! 
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“Well, depends on your standards of food-...” He asked, still suspicious of her. It’s funny coming out of the guy who took a while to finally eat berries because they were too ‘low-class’. 
"Oh..hello?" A voice called out from the air. A small figure wanders into the swamp tiredly. Their voice weak and drowsy.
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“Hm?” He turns his attention away from his pile of the raspberry-red flavored gummy fly pile he made himself. Said pile made so he didn’t have to spend hours looking for more. And there was another cookie! She had a crown on so she HAD to be a princess, right? Perfect for his princess quest! Though…she certainly didn’t look like she belonged here. OH! oh- maybe this is a chance to save her by bringing her home. That sounds like a nice thing to do…
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He relaxes his throat before speaking calmly, “Why! Hello there fair maiden!” He spoke in a dramatic way, thinking that’ll make him sound more attractive. “What would bring you in this part of the swamp? Are you lost?”
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yes but you also looked pissed, kinda like you were gonna snap someone's neck
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“...You really think I have the ability to do that?”
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uh dude your yelling, ya look pissed that is like the opposite of being nice
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“What does that have to do with being nice? There’s nice people on tv back when I had it that yelled.” He pouts lightly.
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oh that should be easy dude, all ya gotta do is be nice!
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“Yeah well tell that to the person who cursed me!”
“Because i’m BEING nice and I don’t see myself changing back!-”
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The 19th icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to someone threatening them with a knife!
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“Well,”,  He laughs at first- not processing what she said, “Luckily for you I know where some gummies are-”
He then realized what she juuust said...
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“W-wait! D-did you mean m-my hair?” A-absolutely not!” He seemed flabbergasted and frankly disturbed at even the idea! He backed a distance away from her, what was she thinking?!
"Oh..hello?" A voice called out from the air. A small figure wanders into the swamp tiredly. Their voice weak and drowsy.
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“Hm?” He turns his attention away from his pile of the raspberry-red flavored gummy fly pile he made himself. Said pile made so he didn’t have to spend hours looking for more. And there was another cookie! She had a crown on so she HAD to be a princess, right? Perfect for his princess quest! Though…she certainly didn’t look like she belonged here. OH! oh- maybe this is a chance to save her by bringing her home. That sounds like a nice thing to do…
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He relaxes his throat before speaking calmly, “Why! Hello there fair maiden!” He spoke in a dramatic way, thinking that’ll make him sound more attractive. “What would bring you in this part of the swamp? Are you lost?”
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what's your family life like, ribbit?
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He huffs, “Don’t mock my speech impediment!”. 
“To answer your question though...”
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“Well, from what I heard my mother used to be a knight for the town. Then she married my father and gave her role to become the queen. I’ve always heard amazing things about her- though I was never able to actually see her in combat before I was cursed. Though, I believed training was widely considered. My father says she’s a reckless woman that usually means well. I don’t always see the reckless part though unless she’s upset about something.”
“As for my dad, he’s sorta at the same ‘recklessness’ as my mother i’d say. I remember whenever we went shopping he’d have to chronologically set everything in a specific order or else he’d feel cluttered. Besides those issues he’s generally a voice of reason with our family.” 
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"Oh..hello?" A voice called out from the air. A small figure wanders into the swamp tiredly. Their voice weak and drowsy.
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“Hm?” He turns his attention away from his pile of the raspberry-red flavored gummy fly pile he made himself. Said pile made so he didn’t have to spend hours looking for more. And there was another cookie! She had a crown on so she HAD to be a princess, right? Perfect for his princess quest! Though...she certainly didn’t look like she belonged here. OH! oh- maybe this is a chance to save her by bringing her home. That sounds like a nice thing to do...
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He relaxes his throat before speaking calmly, “Why! Hello there fair maiden!” He spoke in a dramatic way, thinking that’ll make him sound more attractive. “What would bring you in this part of the swamp? Are you lost?”
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What if the curse doesn't break?
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“I’m not answering that because it WILL break! ...Someday!” He crosses his arms.
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Sounds like someone needs truuuue love
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“Of course! I knew that already- i’m looking for a fair maiden to rescue, or a fair maiden to rescue me!” He placed his palm onto his chest and jerks his head a bit to the left as a grin grew upon his face. Though, he noticed the anon looking at him weirdly...
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“What? What do you mean princesses aren’t just going to be hanging around swamps?” He asked legitimately confused.
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