foodbutmakeitclean · 2 days
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foodbutmakeitclean · 19 days
ChatGPT being toxic af
I told ChatGPT to give me a meal plan for two days with several small meals and a total of 1000 kcal and a fast of 12 hours a day and that the meals should be inspired by typical model diets. She created a plan for f*cking less than 700 kcal a day. I guess that‘s a sign. Here‘s what she came up with:
Day 1 💌
Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Greek Yogurt with Berries
- 1/2 cup non-fat Greek yogurt (60 kcal)
- 1/4 cup mixed berries (20 kcal)
Total: 80 kcal
Mid-Morning Snack (10:30 AM)
Apple Slices with Almonds
- 1 small apple, sliced (55 kcal)
- 6 almonds (42 kcal)
Total: 97 kcal
Lunch (1:00 PM)
Chicken and Veggie Salad
- 3 oz grilled chicken breast (125 kcal)
- 2 cups mixed greens (10 kcal)
- 1/4 cup cherry tomatoes (8 kcal)
- 1/4 cup cucumber slices (4 kcal)
- 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar (14 kcal)
Total: 161 kcal
Afternoon Snack (3:30 PM)
Cottage Cheese with Pineapple
- 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese (80 kcal)
- 1/4 cup pineapple chunks (20 kcal)
Total: 100 kcal
Dinner (6:00 PM)
Steamed Fish with Vegetables
- 4 oz steamed white fish (100 kcal)
- 1 cup steamed broccoli (55 kcal)
- 1/2 cup steamed carrots (25 kcal)
Total: 180 kcal
Evening Snack (8:00 PM)
Cucumber and Hummus
- 1/2 cucumber, sliced (8 kcal)
- 2 tbsp hummus (50 kcal)
Total: 58 kcal
DAILY TOTAL: 676 kcal
Day 2 💌
Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Oatmeal with Blueberries
- 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal (75 kcal)
- 1/4 cup blueberries (21 kcal)
Total: 96 kcal
Mid-Morning Snack (10:30 AM)
Carrot Sticks with Guacamole
- 1 cup carrot sticks (50 kcal)
- 2 tbsp guacamole (50 kcal)
Total: 100 kcal
Lunch (1:00 PM)
Turkey Wrap
- 1 small whole-wheat tortilla (70 kcal)
- 2 oz sliced turkey breast (60 kcal)
- 1/4 avocado, sliced (50 kcal)
- 1/4 cup lettuce (2 kcal)
- 1 slice tomato (4 kcal)
Total: 186 kcal
Afternoon Snack (3:30 PM)
Celery with Peanut Butter
- 2 stalks celery (10 kcal)
- 1 tbsp peanut butter (90 kcal)
Total: 100 kcal
Dinner (6:00 PM)
Stir-Fried Tofu with Vegetables
- 3 oz firm tofu, stir-fried (70 kcal)
- 1 cup mixed vegetables (50 kcal)
- 1 tsp olive oil (40 kcal)
Total: 160 kcal
Evening Snack (8:00 PM)
- 1 cup strawberries (50 kcal)
Total: 50 kcal
DAILY TOTAL: 692 kcal
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foodbutmakeitclean · 20 days
61.8 kg
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Breakfast: 263 kcal
Lunch: 300 kcal
Dinnere (Dessert): 400 kcal
~ 1000 kcal
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foodbutmakeitclean · 20 days
“It’s so hard to leave - until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”
— John Green // Paper Towns
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foodbutmakeitclean · 20 days
63.4 kg
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foodbutmakeitclean · 21 days
63.6 kg
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foodbutmakeitclean · 7 months
This is just what I eat in a day. 🖤
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foodbutmakeitclean · 7 months
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Breakfast: 245 cals
Tomato, apple, egg, soy latte
Snack: 300 cals (overcalculated)
Chocolate cake bc it‘s my nephew‘s birthday, oat latte
Dinner: 363 cals
Butter bread with cucumber, apple
Total: 908 cals
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