flippy-blankets · 6 months
I loved when AI art could never be anything but AI art. the dreams of a computer. now it's all boobs and photorealistic women doing bad kink. but I remember you. I miss you. I love you, Secret Horses.
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
Homelander is so funny to me, cause I saw so many sigma grindset patrick-bateman style edits of him saying dramatic stuff to phonk music, and I thought, "oh this guy must be a completely fucking terrifying villain, he must have more power than the sun or some shit" And he is and he does,,, but those edits did not at all prepare me for watching the show. He is a fucking loser. he has an oedipus complex, he is obsessed with drinking breast milk, he spent a scene scrolling through a compilation of memes about himself, while clenching his fist and whimpering, he's shorter than the normal guy protagonist, he elects himself head of Vought and then gets scared because he doesn't understand a single thing being said at a board meeting, for the first season his arch-nemesis is a fucking baby. And somehow, this guy has tapped into the manosphere gym-bro community, and become the pretty princess poor little meow meow for the tumblrinas, all while being an absolute fucking loser
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
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I like making these bad tweets a lot
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
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Butcher's hands on Hughie | The Boys S02E06
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
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[geiger counter crackling]
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
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THE BOYS 2.08 | 3.08
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
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willing victim, wet clay.
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flippy-blankets · 6 months
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Hughie Campbell in The Boys + Text Posts
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
If your goal is to normalize gender-nonconformity you’re gonna have to accept that some people will fuck with gender as hard as they can while still being unequivocally, 100% cis and that is okay. There’s no egg to crack or callout to write. This is a good thing actually.
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
one of my girlfriends only tells the truth. my other girlfriend only tells lies.
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
this is my pet freak [camera cuts to a thoroughly average man in business casual clothes. he smiles and waves at the viewer]
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
All sins are forgiven when i am in my bed
All things are blessed when i am my cats bed
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
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fuck it. alpha guardians
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
How I Wrote A Novel.
This, in a nutshell, is what I did to get a book with my name on it.
NOTE: This is just my personal way of making the words go. Other people have different ways to make their words go. In the world of words, there are no right answers. There’s just lots and lots of tea/coffee/tear stains.
1). The Idea
When I get an idea for a story, I open up a document, label it “Brainstorming,” and start making a bullet list of events that consist of the plot.
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It has to be an idea with tangible weight. A stray bit of dialogue or something vague like Halloween, that doesn’t give me much to work off of. Halloween creatures living on the same street where it’s Autumn every day- now that’s something I can build from.
What kinds of creatures are they? What do they do? What do their houses look like? The best ideas are the ones that spark more.
2). First Draft
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This is the easy part- and the most challenging. Easy, because there’s literally no bar. I just sat there and typed. But it’s a huge mental challenge.
When I was in first draft mode, I wanted that story out. I thought that by making it such a rough, far-away version from the concept in my head, I was only delaying the day where I’d hold it in my hands. Turns out, that’s what got it to take on physical form in the first place. So I quieted down, grabbed my laptop and some hot tea, and typed.
3). Dissecting the First Draft
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After I finished draft one, I printed it all off and highlighted the scant amounts that were passable for the next phase. Dialogue, descriptions, setting- anything that didn’t look like it was up to par was scratched out and omitted.
I call the above pictures A Slow Descent Into Madness.
4). The Second Draft
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On a fresh document, I rewrote the story altogether- and it make a difference. I was coming up with things I hadn’t even thought of previously. And it was surprising how much better the plot was than the first time around. But it was still rough.
5). Draft Three
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My method was to start with the bigger, more obvious issues and work my way down. Any plot holes I found were noted, and my outline was constantly under revision. I cut out entire scenes and made mental notes on ways they could be fixed/replaced.
This is where I started cutting chapters in half to make the story flow better- but I didn’t bother writing in usable chapter titles. Instead, I improvised:
6). Drafts Four and Five
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These were dedicated to correcting the smaller, less obvious plot holes. This was the point where the story finally started to look close to what would become the final version.
7). Drafts Seven Onward
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With the story line looking how I wanted, I then moved on to sentence structure. That one song that looked terrible? Rewritten. Over-the-top descriptions and excessive prose? Gone.
8). Editing and Proofing
This is where I had outside help. Besides this useful tool, I had two people check for spelling issues and the overall story. Once it was in decent shape to be made public, I asked for some additional help.
9). Betas
My betas were in the age range that my novel was geared toward, along with a couple of teachers and parents (as it was middle grade). I gave them the full manuscript, along with seven basic questions like “Which characters were your favorite/least favorite and why?” and “Was there a part of the story that didn’t make sense?”
I gave my betas three months to read a 42,590 word story, and by the end they gave me back the review sheets.
10). Final Adjustments
After I read over the reviews, I let the comments sit for three days so that I could proceed with a clear head. I smoothed out any flaws, scanned over the MS twice to make sure everything was right, and that is how I got to the end of writing my first novel.
Next comes publishing- which is a different beast entirely.
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
people new to tumblr angry about being blocked or writing huge paragraphs about why they chose to block someone like i promise you it’s not that deep i once blocked someone because their blog was obnoxiously orange and i hate the color orange
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flippy-blankets · 1 year
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