flangst · 1 day
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not my meme but you all do know about this right? It feels like it's getting buried right now and I feel like its proponents are trying to take advantage of that.
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flangst · 5 days
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HELP why is this tik tok series consuming me whole— the girls in my style
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flangst · 5 days
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I need to find my people
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flangst · 5 days
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Bistro huddy drawings dump 🙏
If you saw me on tiktok no you didn’t
(Ps: if anyone wants to like 🧍 rp bistro huddy or even just talk about the characters/story shoot me a dm pls pls pls)
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flangst · 10 days
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flangst · 10 days
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flangst · 11 days
I'm really.... I'm really at the point where I can't see being against the concept of a state of Jewish self-determination as a gentile as not stemming from antisemitism. Jewish people were kicked out of their homeland and then spent hundreds and hundreds of years as second-class citizens or worse in other countries, rarely if ever legally full citizens, constantly getting chased out or expelled over and over again as governments and gentile populations changed their mind about letting them in their country.
How can you justify not wanting a population like this to have a country of their own where they don't have to worry about the government or population waking up one day and deciding "it's time to kick the Jews out (again)"? Hundreds and hundreds of years of gentile political debates over "are Jews citizens?" where the answer keeps being "no, not really."
"But in an ideal world, things wouldn't be like that and they'd be able to live safely wherever they want!"
Yeah, well we're sure as fuck not living in that ideal world and a lot of you saying stuff like this are doing jack shit to try and make that ideal "safe for Jews" world either so this rings extremely hollow.
And the crazy thing is I've seen people over the years act like they're so understanding and supportive of concepts like Black Americans creating their own self-determined state and with the treatment of the base concept of Israel I'm saying a bunch of those people are either lying completely or (maybe worse) were genuine but specifically don't believe in Jews having rights.
And that's how it always ends up. Nothing extends to Jews. You all understand and sympathize with horrible oppression leading to extremist elements in oppressed groups but you never believe that about Jews. Extremist Jewish elements aren't a result of hundreds and hundreds of years worth of violent oppression, they're proof of the degeneracy of Jews (yes that wording is super fucking intentional), proof that we can't let them have rights, that we can't let them have one single place where they have any genuine power, proof that they need gentile oversight, that they want to conquer and rule the world, that they were the secret super oppressors the whole time.
Are there problems with Israel? Hell yes, welcome to the whole fucking world. No state's hands are clean. And the Jewish population of Israel has hundreds and hundreds of years of trauma and oppression coloring the various political atmospheres in it. If you refuse to acknowledge that while acknowledging it for every other type of historically oppressed group other than Jews, you're antisemitic. This intense scrutiny of Israel not given to any other country is antisemitic. This intense scrutiny of Jews not given to any other oppressed group is antisemitic. This historical revisionism where Jews were happy, well-treated second-class citizens who suddenly turned ungrateful towards their benevolent gentile rulers is antisemitic.
Shame on every single one of you.
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flangst · 12 days
When Hamas themselves compares the student protests to the October 7th massacre by calling it the “Student Flood” (referencing their name for the massacre, “Al-Qasa Flood”), and sees in them the destruction of Israel and its people, you don’t get to tell Jews we are imagining it when we see that they are violently antisemitic in nature.
We fully understand that the majority of students are not personally assaulting anyone, so you can stop waving that piece of rhetoric around like it means anything. Every single student at every single protest could be perfectly “peaceful” in the sense that they personally never lay a finger on another person, and the rhetoric & narratives being spun out of them would still be steeped in deeply antisemitic rhetoric & tropes that provide & launder justification for violence that make it considerably more likely that someone else will.
We understand this when the right wing does it. Most QAnon posters & members of right wing activist groups like Moms For Liberty or Gays Against Groomers aren’t actively assaulting Jews & queer people, or even directly saying they think all Jews & queer people are inherently evil (it’s just “the Cabal” & “groomers”). Hell, even most January 6th protesters were weren’t actively committing felonies.
That doesn’t change the fact that their conspiratorial thinking is steeped in anti-queer, antisemitic, and anti-democratic narratives which provide motive for violence. When right wing “lone wolf” shooters shoot up schools & synagogues & mosques, we understand how the extreme rhetoric of their political spaces have led them to seeing their violence as completely justified & necessary. That is what stochastic terrorism is.
When calls for Global Intifada, more October 7ths, and Palestine “from the River to the Sea” are so ubiquitous that hardly a single protest can go by without them; when imagery of fighters with AK-47s keeps getting plastered around college campuses; when so many of the groups organizing these protests are spreading Khazar Theory, Blood Libel, and the like (and even those who don’t are linked arm-in-arm with those who do); when the core narratives at the root of the infographics shared in the movement erase Jewish history, monolithize Israelis, & misrepresent Zionism as something from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; when their rhetoric provides justification for discrimination on the basis of religion, ethnicity, or nationality against Jews or Israelis; when Hamas sees these protests as not only advantageous to their regime, but a key part of its strategy, giving it the same branding as their massacre—you do not get to tell us they are not making us unsafe.
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flangst · 16 days
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flangst · 17 days
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flangst · 20 days
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Tonight in Tel Aviv: protest calling for a hostage deal and against invasion of Rafah. source
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flangst · 20 days
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flangst · 21 days
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f!Shez and m!Byleth enjoying a picnic tea party, commissioned by Anonymous Vgen Client🍵
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flangst · 29 days
I'm going to make this very simple for you:
--if, upon encountering a Jewish person online or IRL, your first action is to ask them their feelings regarding Israel, Gaza, or the sort, you are an antisemite.
--if, upon finding a Jew online, your first instinct is to search their blog to find signs that they might be a Zionist, you are an antisemite.
--if, upon encountering a Jewish person, your first instinct is to interrogate them as to whether or not they are a Zionist (in other words, a "good" Jew or a "bad" Jew), you are an antisemite.
--if you claim to care for Palestinians yet don't also condemn the Syrians, Lebanese, or other majority Muslim nations who have also persecuted them and denied them refuge, you are an antisemite.
--if you support blatantly antisemitic groups such as Hamas (who also persecute the Palestinians, btw, not to mention their stated aim is to wipe all Jews out from the Levant, which is what that "river to the sea" chant means), the Houthis (they have a flag that literally states "a curse upon the Jews), the Islamic Regime, and others, you are an antisemite.
--if someone can't tell the difference between you and a literal Nazi, you are an antisemite.
--if you deny what happened on October 7 or even say that the people who were raped and killed "deserved" it, you are an antisemite.
--if you hold all Jews responsible for the actions of Israel's government, you are an antisemite.
--if you hold no other nation to the same standards and accountabilities as you do Israel, you are an antisemite.
Feel free to add, fellow Jews.
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flangst · 1 month
Eight of Cups & FE3H
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Eight of Cups represents disappointment, emotional setbacks, betrayal, and injury. It is also a card of paradoxes. In the sky the sun and the moon stand side-by-side, suggesting that our conscious mind and subconscious mind are both wrestling for control over decisions and narratives. Additionally, there are an extraordinary amount of cups, all stacked together. But all of them stand empty, and their arrangement highlights the lack of cups as opposed to their abundance. 
The Eight of Cups can represent misplaced trust and how unguarded vulnerability can lead to drastic consequences if others are cruel. It can also represent a disappointment of expectations, and the importance of walking away from something that is just not fulfilling you. 
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I choose Shamir Nevrand choosing to remain in Fòdlan as the connection to this card. She had lost her long-time partner and was forced to work in a strange land for nobles who did not care for her. All of these circumstances underline a lack in her life, despite her various skills and accolades as a sniper and warrior. Shamir herself is also guarded against emotional connections after the losses in her life. 
However, on most routes, she finds emotional fulfilment and connections at Garreg Mach, showing that her walking away from her position as a warrior of Dagda paid off. On the other hand, if recruited on Crimson Flower, Shamir becomes the betrayer and empties her own cups, walking away and destroying all that she cared about. 
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Either way, Shamir shows the difficulties and the rewards that can come about from walking away from the known into the unknown.
Previous: Seven of Cups
Next: Nine of Cups
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flangst · 1 month
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the goddess of fodlan
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flangst · 1 month
Seven of Cups & FE3H
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The Seven of Cups represents the work of the imagination, reminding us that many possibilities can be reached if we can dream it. These dreams and nightmares are represented by the items in the cups, all of them promising spiritual or emotional fulfilment, but not all of them will deliver. Each item has a positive and negative promise. For example, the laurel represents becoming an authority figure, but the cup holding it forewarns death. 
All these items show that hopes and expectations can be raised to reach great results, but they can just as easily lead you astray if you choose wrongly. On the other hand, the cups being rested upon clouds suggests that these are merely fantasy, and until you choose one, none of them will truly come to fruition. This is one of the few cards where the figure is a reader self-insert, as we cannot see his face and he has no distinguishable features, asking us to imagine ourselves in his place. 
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I connect this card to a character instead of an event, and that’s basically the entire existence of Haneman von Essar. He had an awakening of purpose when his sister passed away. He wanted to create a world without crests. However, his research is many-faceted, and his direction in life, apart from leaving the Empire, seemed to have led him no closer to his goal. 
The faceless character can be Hanneman himself, and the card seems to be a warning to his character. He was so blinded by his interests and the possibilities within his life that he did not notice the realities of his sister’s life. While crests afforded privilege and opportunity for him, it was a prison for the women of the Empire. 
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Overall, this card exemplifies the indecision in Hanneman’s life, and actually the lack of spiritual and emotional fulfilment. All of the things in the cups are well and good to have in life, but all of them end up taking the place of emotional fulfilment, which Hanneman mostly avoids.
Previous: Six of Cups
Next: Eight of Cups
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