fkval · 9 years
“If the guy’s girl had such eclectic taste, maybe he was better off not ending up with her--- well, that’s if he wasn’t heavily pierced or tattooed too.” She grimaced at the mental image of fifteen piercings who knows where, too scarred by ever seeing the world record holder for most piercings to ever be able to see them the same ever again. “But seriously, I’m going to have to be careful drinking ‘round you if you’re going to be retelling my stories,” she teased, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the other girl. "Who knows? -- Maybe I've already slipped up around you and am doomed to a life at your beck and call as a result of your intense blackmailing capabilities now." 
“don’t you just love the stories drunk people tell?” the brunette remarks, the slightest bit of sarcasm evident in her voice. the corners of her lips curl in amusement before she continues. “like, a guy the other day told me all about how his girlfriend eloped with a heavy metal bassist who had fifteen piercings and a hundred tattoos. quite the gripping tale.”
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fkval · 9 years
It was true; he didn’t live far. She could personally contest to it after he had so generously brought her home that one time she had locked herself out, and her building’s superintendent was out of town, though another friend of hers had lent her the couch to crash on soon after the arrangement had been made. Still, it seemed Kieren’s generosity was always something she could count on, and unlike the other people she knew, he always refused a similar gesture in return. She laughed at his characteristic remark about slipping the money back to her. “Seriously, Kieren, you should think about the people you help out. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to accept a few favors in return. Like, me and you, for instance. I owe you many a favor. So, anytime you need cover for work, a place to stay, a wingwoman, Advil-- you know who to call,” she told him, waving her index finger to make sure he heard her. 
“Roma’s booty-- what?” She leaned forward a bit to catch his words which seemed more difficult to hear the more hungover she was. Her fingers continued massaging into her temples as she watched him in amusement as he spoke of her offered lap-dance. “Really, no one’s rejected a lap-dance from me so far. So, know that you’re a first, and it’s a huge offense to my ego.” She pouted at him to show the extent of this offense, though a smile pulled at her lips. “Silence is really fine,” she agreed. “But you’re not a loud and pitchy talker, so you get to stay-- unless you have some place to go, of course." Actually, his voice was pretty soothing, low and soft. "Right, right... I dragged you over here for a few pills, but you can go, y’know, anytime. I’ll survive, with some soup noodles and... saltines,” she assured him, mentally ticking off the few edible goods she had in her pantry that could suffice as some sort of lunch; it had been a while since she had went food shopping, and it was very painfully evident in her kitchen. She hoped she made it clear he was free to leave, as he was always the polite one and probably rarely the one to instigate any means for his leave. 
❧ christmas matters - valerie + kieren
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fkval · 9 years
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fkval · 9 years
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kaia papaya
kaia: that sounds pretty godly i mean
kaia: bringer of gifts fuck ya
kaia: ya ill be ur santa
valerie: i not confirming nor denying anything ...! !!
valerie: yes ma
valerie: u can b my santa
valerie: whos ur mrs claus
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fkval · 9 years
She hadn’t even noticed his arrival until she heard his footsteps in the hall and saw the passing shadow over the doorway, then a pair of shoes come into view. “Oh my god, hey.” She gasped in appreciation, lightly throwing a blanket over her exposed torso as she slowly sat up, wincing as she did so. “I don’t even know how to thank you,” she gushed, leaning over to take the bottle from her bedside table and cracking it open. Quickly swallowing the two tablets she dropped into her palm, she groaned at the familiar feeling, knowing it would work its magic soon. “Can’t believe you volunteered to drive all this way just to deliver me these.” She shook the bottle weakly, smiling again at him before collapsing against her headboard, his face barely visible through her lashes as she squinted at him. “So, whatever tips I manage to get tonight, I owe to you because I really didn’t think I was gonna make it to work,” she admitted and pulled her blanket to expose the mattress when she noticed he was still standing. “Here, sit. Do you, um, want a drink or anything? I have OJ and milk in the fridge, cups in the top cupboard on the left.” She instructed him, pointing vaguely in an attempt to paint the picture for him, though it simply looked like she was gesturing to her bedroom wall. “I rearranged this weekend,” she explained proudly. “Still a work in progress though.” She tilted her chin toward the messy pile of clothes decorating the side of her room that had yet to be folded and organized in explanation. 
Rolling over to face him, she slid the bottle of painkillers back onto the table before expressing her gratitude again. Somehow, it always seemed like he was the one who answered without hesitation any time she needed help, and frankly, he didn’t ask much from her at all. “Seriously, thanks again, for driving all this way. You are my savior.” She sent him a smile, though her expression contorted in pain soon after as her headache made itself known once more, and she rolled over on her back while massaging a finger into her temples. "Sorry, I'm in no condition for great conversation or your promised lap dance right now. Ugh, I deserve this for drinking so much last night."  
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❧ christmas matters - valerie + kieren
Slipping his phone into his pocket, Kieren went to his bathroom in search of Advil. Working at a club, he was used to waking up with hangovers, or having drunk friends come over for the night because they were too out of it. Painkillers always seemed like a must have, and although it seemed lame that that was his only use to Val at the moment, he would take it. Always being known as the nice guy, he learned in high school that girls just wanted to be his friend, and instead of being the guy that constantly complained about being friendzoned, he embraced it. So he made sure he had his wallet and keys before leaving his apartment and heading to her place.
The drive was short and familiar, since he was usually the first person to volunteer if Val needed anything. This was the first time he’d ever been there for a hangover, though. She would get drunk at the club sometimes, late at night when it was almost deserted and they would talk, but he was never there for the morning after. He opened the door with the spare key, a small cut on his finger from the cactus because grace was never one of his redeeming qualities. He almost yelled to announce his presence, but then he realized that that would be a horrible idea, so he made his way back to her room. When he saw that she wasn’t wearing much, he pushed it to the back of his mind because she was obviously not feeling well, but he knew his face had to be horribly red. “Hey, there,” he said, placing the bottle of Advil on her nightstand.
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fkval · 9 years
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fkval · 9 years
She was still frozen and quite oblivious to anything but him as he conversed briefly with a man, presumably security. She walked numbly as he guided her, his hand feeling heavy and her shoulder where it rested on tingled with warmth. His voice, growing louder in time with the decrescendo of the hooting crowd, snagged her attention. It was deeper than she remembered, somehow, but oh-so familiar. A million memories flashed through her head, sneaking out of her chaotic house to stay at his, that same voice reluctantly admitting to her he no longer wanted to pursue art, the boy whose last words she ever said to were with tears in her eyes and a rasp in her throat from their last fight. She never thought she’d see him again, but yet, here he was, vocalizing the same sentiments that were running through her head. She had believed her escape plan was the end for everything back home, and that included him too. 
“O-Omar...” She interrupted as he finished, unable to hear his voice shake with emotion for a second longer. She was always able to read his mood like that, knowing how his expression was, how he felt just by hearing him speak over the phone, and it was still no difference now. People were pushing past, though shadowed behind his tall stature, she was safe from the frenetic movement of bodies, and she rushed past to shove at the hidden exit door as soon as she caught sight of it, frantic for some fresh air and and reprieve from the suffocating club atmosphere. She stumbled out onto the sidewalk, catching her breath as panic bubbled from within her. She knew he was right behind her and didn’t turn to address him, unable to see him in the evening night, no longer shrouded by the darkness. It would make him too real, the change too apparent, the time lost too damaging. “I would’ve never chosen this place if you were here. I-I swear, I didn’t know. I left b-because I couldn’t have anything to do with that place anymore. Not with my parents, not with the fucking sleepless nights-- not with you.” She uttered the last three words softly, the last nail now sealed in her coffin. She had become a wonderful liar since she had left, but there was something unnerving about lying to someone who had known her long before she had become this new and improved version of herself, a version that swiftly knocked away anything that could deter her before it could even come close. It was her defense mechanism, and she was glad that as she said the very thing she had to make sure he believed she had not wanted him in her life, and still didn't, she was turned away, and he could not see the tears glistening on her lashes, practice and her own nails digging into her fist keeping them from rolling down her cheeks. 
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❧ among strangers - valerie + omar
With the responsibility of a bouncer comes a thrilling perk of never knowing what exactly you’re going to come across during your shift. And while Omar never complained about the pool of bizarre incidents, he’d even admit to finding them exhilarating, there were certain nights, certain guests that seemed as though they were on a mission to test his patience. Tonight qualified, as he found himself struggling to escort a particularly tricky customer. A man of regular built, nothing Omar couldn’t tackle, but their strongly invective vocabulary and a tongue that only seemed to be capable of spitting venom despite the lack of alcohol in their system, was what made Omar’s fist quiver. Instincts telling him to break loose, end the fight with a broken jaw on his hands, but the ethics won the battle. He’d rather wave goodbye to an unsatisfied customer than to his very own position. Holding firmly onto the side of the club’s glass entrance, Omar signalled for the customer to bury the hatchet and respectfully withdraw from trying to sneak back in. His foot standing wide enough to stop the pool of incoming guests, all while warning the nuisance of being permanently refused entry if he did not comply with his orders. ❝ Look– I admire your perseverance, man… I do, but there’s people trying to enjoy themselves and you’re not exactly everybody’s cup of tea. ❞ He shrugged off, biting his tongue and almost instantaneously after, he felt a wet shot of spit on his cheek followed by a line of derogatory terms that he’d rather not recall, for his sanity’s sake. 
Omar took a second to recollect, allowing his limbs to rest. He exhaled, the anger building up with each thumping of the bass coming from the inside of  the venue. But, it wasn’t long before his eyes were forced to dart back to the scene, catching a crowd of underaged kids taking advantage of the situation. He clenched his fists before vigorously pushing the group away from the gate, and just as he had done so, Omar felt a petite figure slump against back. He ordered for the mass to step back and have their I.D’s ready for inspection before turning to whomever fell victim of the overcrowd. ❝ Nah, it’s ‘aight. It’s my fault. You shoulda’ given me a pat on the shoulder or something, I would’ve walked you out without all the hassle. Never safe to take the front exit. ❞ The chaos forbid him from examining the face that stood opposite in detail, but when his gaze finally fell on the figure, not even the darkness could shroud him from recognising that the presumed stranger, was not a stranger at all. His eyes suddenly fixed to the floor and an intensifying static noise in his head as everything else fell quiet. For a glimpse, Omar could swear he’d heard his own heartbeat just as notably as he could feel it banging against his chest. Taking a leap to the side, Omar whistled at his colleague who stood fixed within the venue, asking for a couple minutes to cover, about enough to walk his yearned for companion to wherever she was headed. Hooding the girl’s built from further injury, he hesitated, before setting his hand on her shoulder, gently pulling his long lost affiliation in a safe route. ❝ I, uh-… I didn’t know you worked here. I thought you left. Thought you were long gone, Val. Thought you were gone. ❞ Omar’s voice shook at the taste of her name on his lips, a taste bittersweet.
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fkval · 9 years
❧ christmas matters - valerie + kieren
Valerie pressed a clammy hand to her forehead, groaning at the sharp throbbing pain there and also at the rays of sunlight currently piercing the room that were not helping matters. She tossed her phone onto the bed beside her over last night’s dress she had finally wrestled out of, now wrinkled and holding witness to more memories of the wild evening than she could ever remember. It was all a blur, a feeling that she rather enjoyed, apart from the hangover. There was a certain thrill about the unknown, to have experienced it and not recollected. Usually, it was a sign she had lots of fun. All she could remember were flashes of shots and dancing-- lots of dancing. However, the identity of the person who had tampered with her phone and consequently prompted a morning of confusion was to remain a mystery. 
The one positive outcome was her conversation with Kieren-- if clumsily typing while squinting from the sun counted as a conversation-- that earned her some Advil, currently en route with the dark-haired bartender. She had come to know him quite well during her time at the Weeknd, but he had the kind of puppy dog look and kind heart that told her to stay well away from pulling him into bed. Gladly, he wasn’t exactly her type, but he had a sort of way with how he was that coaxed her to open up to him more than she ever did with anyone at the club, and frankly, that wasn’t anything she wanted to do. Their banter over the phone where two screens separated them was exactly what she preferred, though when the priorities were painkillers, she was glad to make an exception. 
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kieren knightley
kieren: ok u caught me im santa
kieren: :(
valerie: r u coming snata
valerie: im dying
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kieren knightley
kieren: robbers will just break a window not look for a spare key
kieren: why with the quotes
valerie: u rlly know an awful lot about breaking in to not be santa
valerie: " " nothing "" :))
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kieren knightley
kieren: well who puts a spare key in a cactus
kieren: u dont have to give me a lap dance val
valerie: dont judge just bc ur saving me rn ok
valerie: its a tactic to keep the robbers away alrighT
valerie: "" ok fine whatever u say ""
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kaia papaya
kaia: pls dont tell me that ur passcode is 0000
kaia: i cant believe they changed my name to santa tho
kaia: i didnt get something cooler than that??
valerie: NO. .. what do u mean. . ..
valerie: oh it was a compliment kaia
valerie: bringer of hifts
valerie: hifts
valerie: gifts
valerie: :))
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kieren knightley
kieren: u'll be fine later
kieren: u rly dont owe me anything
valerie: there's a spare key in the cactus, dont hurt urself
valerie: u say that now
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kieren knightley
kieren: ur hungover not dying
kieren: ...
kieren: do u want me to bring u advil or nah
valerie: this feels a lot like death
valerie: ...
valerie: fine, pls
valerie: i owe u a lap dance
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fkval · 9 years
In the end all you’ll ever have is yourself.
Don’t forget that. (via officiallanaa)
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fkval · 9 years
( &&.* text » kieren knightley
kieren: -.- u have a funny laugh u butt
kieren: do u want me to bring u advil
valerie: i do not have a funny butt
valerie: i dont need u making fun of me or my butt when im in this condition
valerie: why didnt i buy advil
valerie: fuck me
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