filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Uniting Against Cancer: A Call to Action on World Cancer Day
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“Cancer is just a chapter in our lives and not the whole story.”
— Allie Moreno
World Cancer Day, celebrated every year on February 4th, serves as a worldwide initiative to heighten awareness about cancer, promote preventive measures, early detection, and effective treatment. Observed for the first time on February 4th, 2000 at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris, the day advocates for policies aimed at minimizing the impact of this devastating disease.
Significance of World Cancer Day
Cancer remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, affecting millions of lives each year. The disease knows no boundaries, affecting people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. From lung and breast cancer to leukaemia and melanoma, the spectrum of cancer types is vast and diverse, making it crucial to address the various facets of this global health challenge.
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Creating Awareness on World Cancer day
World Cancer Day encourages individuals and communities to come together, share experiences, and support one another to foster a sense of solidarity and break down the stigma associated with the disease. Here are some of the effective ways to create cancer awareness:
1. Wear Unity Bands: One of the signature symbols of World Cancer Day is the Unity Band, a simple and powerful way to show support. These bands are often available for purchase, with proceeds going towards cancer research and support organizations.
2. Organize Awareness Events: Consider organizing or participating in events that promote cancer awareness in your community. This could include educational seminars or workshops on cancer prevention and early detection.
3. Share Personal Stories: Share your own experiences or those of friends and family members affected by cancer through social media, blogs, or community events. These stories humanise the struggle against cancer, helping to break down stigma and encourage open conversations.
4. Social Media Campaigns: Leverage the power of social media to spread awareness on World Cancer Day. Use dedicated hashtags, like #WorldCancerDay #CancerAwareness to share informative content, and encourage friends and followers to do the same.
5. Host Fundraising Initiatives: Fundraising events can be an impactful way to contribute to the fight against cancer. Organize charity runs, walks, or online fundraisers to raise funds for cancer research, treatment canters, or support organizations.
6. Educational Workshops: Host educational workshops at local schools, community centres, or workplaces to provide information on healthy lifestyles, cancer risk factors, and the importance of early detection. Empowering individuals with knowledge can contribute to long-term prevention efforts.
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Early Detection and Screening:
Early detection is key to improving cancer outcomes. Regular screenings and health check-ups can identify cancer at an early, more treatable stage. World Cancer Day emphasizes the importance of proactive health measures, encouraging individuals to schedule regular screenings and seek medical advice if they notice any unusual symptoms. Early detection not only improves the chances of successful treatment but also reduces the emotional and financial burden on individuals and their families.
One of the main missions of Child Help Foundation and its crowd funding partner Filaantro is to support cancer encapsulated underprivileged children through fundraisings. Under the Sustainable Development Goal of Emergency Medical Support, 3023 financially constrained children have received successful treatments and are now living normal lives.
On World Cancer Day, let us unite in the fight against cancer, standing together as a global community committed to reducing the burden of this disease and providing hope for a healthier future.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
World Wetlands Day: Five Amazing Facts About the Ecosystem
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According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency: “Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season.”
Wetlands are highly productive and biologically diverse systems that enhance water quality, control erosion, maintain stream flows, sequester carbon, and provide a home to at least one-third of all threatened and endangered species.
To raise awareness about wetlands, 2nd February is annually celebrated as World Wetlands Day. The theme of the year 2024 is ‘Wetlands and Human Wellbeing’. Its goal is to highlight how all aspects of human well-being — physical, mental, and environmental — are tied to the health of the world’s wetlands.
Today, we are going to observe World Wetlands Day by stating five important facts about wetlands.
Due to the wetlands’ combination of soil and plants, they act as the natural water filter. They help to filter the water of pollutants giving us access to clean water in our lakes and rivers.
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Wetlands are home to many species of plants and animals. Animals like Capybara, Jaguar, Domestic Water Buffalo, and Flamingos call wetlands their home. So by conserving wetlands, you are also saving these species from extinction.
An acre of wetlands can store up to 1–1.5 million gallons of floodwater. These wetlands act as a natural barrier during floods and keep us safe and are an important frontline defense against hurricanes. That is why it is important to preserve them while we can.
By reducing pressure on soil, wetlands can control soil erosion during storms and rains. This in turn reduces the chances of landslides, saving many lives in the process.
Spanning across Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay, Patanal has the distinction of being the largest wetland in the world. It spreads over 42 million acres and supports millions of people there, as well as communities downstream.
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) India works to preserve wetlands in India. By donating to them, you can contribute to conserving the wetlands of India and saving numerous animal species in the process.
Filaantro is also committed to the cause of protecting the environment. We regularly conduct beach cleanups, animal feeding, and tree plantation drives. Through beach clean-ups, we have saved 20,886,120 marine lives with the help of volunteers. With our Life on the Land initiative, we have saved up to 59,445 animals and trees.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Your shares have the power to bring about an awareness in our society.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Martyrs Day: Honoring the Sacrifices that Define Nations
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Martyrs Day is a solemn day commemorated by nations around the world to honour those who have given their life for the better welfare of their country. It is a sobering reminder of the price paid for liberty, justice, and the principles that create a nation’s identity.
On January 30, 1948, the famed leader of the independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi, was killed in New Delhi. This awful occurrence rocked the nation and prompted a plea to remember this great man. In 1949, the Indian government declared January 30th a national holiday to commemorate Gandhi’s martyrdom and tremendous contributions to the country’s liberation movement. While Martyrs’ Day was primarily focused on Gandhi’s legacy, it has since expanded to include the sacrifices of all martyrs who fought for India’s freedom and growth. In 1969, the Indian Parliament added March 23rd to the Martyr’s Day calendar, honouring the martyrdoms of Bhagat Singh, Shivaram Rajguru, and Sukhdev Thapar. These young revolutionaries were hanged by the British colonial government in 1931 for their involvement in the independence struggle.
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On Martyrs’ Day the President, the Vice President, the Prime Minister, the Defence Minister, the Chief of Defence Staff and the three Service Chiefs gather at the samadhi at Raj Ghat memorial and lay wreaths decorated with multi-colour flowers. The armed forces personnel blow bugles, sounding the Last Post. The inter-services contingent reverse arms as a mark of respect. A two-minute silence in memory of Indian martyrs is observed throughout the country at 11 am. Participants hold all-religion prayers and sing tributes.
Martyrs’ Day serves as a sobering reminder of the sacrifices that have moulded and defined nations’ identities. It is a day to remember the bravery, tenacity, and sacrifice of those who lost their life for a better and more equitable future. As we commemorate this sombre day, let us not only remember the sacrifices of the past but also renew our commitment to the principles that our martyrs held dear, ensuring that their legacy continues to inspire and guide us into the future.
Filaantro, along with Child Help Foundation hopes this article reflects the sacrifices made by these freedom fighters for our country.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Creating Safe Spaces: A Guide to Child Safety
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Ensuring the safety of children is a shared responsibility that involves parents, educators, caregivers, and the community at large. Children thrive when they feel secure and protected in their environment. Creating safe spaces for children is not only about physical safety but also encompasses emotional well-being. In this post, we will explore various aspects of child safety and provide practical tips on how to create safe spaces for our young ones.
Physical Safety:
To foster a meaningful connection with your child and equip them for the future, it’s crucial to create a consistently safe environment. The top priority is ensuring your child’s physical safety. Beyond maintaining a home free from neglect and abuse, it’s imperative to safeguard them from potential household hazards such as open windows, electrical cords and outlets, hot surfaces, toxic substances, as well as weapons and sharp objects.
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a. Open Communication:
Create an environment where children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions. Encourage open communication, listen actively, and validate their feelings.
b. Bullying Prevention:
Address bullying and teach children the importance of kindness and empathy. Foster a culture of inclusion and teach children to stand up against bullying, whether they are the victim or a bystander.
c. Establish Boundaries:
Set clear boundaries for behaviour and consequences. Children thrive when they have a clear understanding of expectations, which provides them with a sense of security.
d. Positive Reinforcement:
Instead of yelling, scolding or belittling them, use positive reinforcement to build their confidence and self-esteem. Celebrate their small achievements and encourage a growth mindset.
e. Conflict Resolution:
Teach the children constructive ways to resolve conflicts because it will go a long way. Model effective communication and problem-solving techniques to show them the importance of finding common ground and fostering positive relationships. By instilling these values early on, you empower children to develop strong interpersonal skills that will not only benefit them personally but also contribute to a harmonious and cooperative society.
Healthy Relationships:
Family Dynamics: Foster a positive family environment by promoting healthy relationships among family members. Encourage empathy, cooperation, and mutual respect as these skills are crucial for navigating disagreements peacefully.
Peer Relationships: Support positive peer interactions. Help children develop social skills, empathy, and the ability to navigate friendships.
Online Safety:
a. Monitor Online Activities:
Keep a close eye on children’s online activities. Implement parental controls, use age-appropriate filters, and educate children about the potential dangers of sharing personal information online.
b. Digital Literacy:
Teach children about responsible internet use. Educate them on the importance of verifying information, recognizing online threats, and maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities.
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a. Teach Personal Safety:
Empower children with knowledge about personal safety. Teach them basic self-defence techniques and what to do in emergencies.
b. Body Autonomy:
Instil the importance of body autonomy in children. Teach them that their bodies belong to them, and they have the right to say no to any form of unwanted touch.
Creating safe spaces for children requires a holistic approach that addresses physical, emotional, and online safety. By fostering open communication, setting boundaries, and educating children about personal safety, we can contribute to a world where children feel secure and protected. Remember, child safety is a shared responsibility that involves the entire community working together to nurture and protect our most precious resource, our children.
Child Help Foundation, in collaboration with its crowdfunding partner Filaantro, recognizes the paramount importance of child safety. Through ongoing initiatives, they have conducted comprehensive training programs covering self-defence, gender awareness, POSH training, and awareness sessions. Till March 2023, these efforts have positively impacted the lives of 30,68,20 individuals as part of the gender equality program.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Virginia Woolf: The Famed Feminist Writer of the 20th Century
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On 25th January, 1882, Virginia Woolf was born at Hyde Park Gate in South Kensington, London, England. Daughter of Julia (nĂ©e Jackson) and Sir Leslie Stephen, Virginia’s mother was a philanthropist and her father was a writer and a historian. Virginia’s family came from a well-educated and affluent background. Julia Margaret Cameron (a famous photographer) and Lady Henry Somerset (a woman’s rights activist) were related to her by blood.
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Today, Virginia’s books are celebrated for their feministic and lesbian themes. Her legacy lives on in countless plays, novels, films, monuments and memorials, which are dedicated to her. Virginia Woolf passed away on 28 March, 1941. She drowned herself by filling her overcoat pockets with stones and walking into the River Ouse near her home. Virginia had a history of depression, which worsened at the onset of the Second World War. Her last book, Between the Acts, was published posthumously in 1941.
Today, on her birth anniversary, we would like to celebrate the legacy of Virginia Woolf by celebrating the ever-relevant themes in her works.
In her book, Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia explores the lack of equality present in the world through the character Clarissa Dalloway. The book illustrates how women’s potential is constrained by society because of gender and societal norms. In her non-fiction work, A Room of One’s Own, she examines how women have faced historical disenfranchisement in every sphere of life, including social, financial and educational. Showing awareness of her own class, Virginia states in the book, “A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”.
During her lifetime, Virginia Woolf had sexual relationships with a lot of women, most notably Vita Sackville-West, who was a writer herself. It was during their relationship that both Wooldf and Sackvile-West saw the peak of their careers. Woolf’s book Orlando contains numerous queer themes. The novel centres around the titular protagonist who goes from becoming a man to a woman. The novel satirizes Victorian society’s literature and explores the boundaries of gender and sexuality.
Numerous authors have claimed to have been influenced by Virginia Woolf, some of whom include, Margaret Atwood, Michael Cunningham, Gabriel García Mårquez, and Toni Morrison. There are numerous literary societies dedicated to her like the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain and The Virginia Woolf Society of Japan.
We, at Child Help Foundation, also greatly admire the work of Virginia Woolf and dedicate our resources to uplifting women. Through our Gender Equality Programme, Child Help Foundation has helped 3,25,526 people. Our efforts even cater to the transgender community, conducting ration kits distribution to them regularly.
Thank you for reading this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Celebrating the Power of Knowledge: International Day of Education
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Education is a powerful force that transcends borders and empowers individuals to shape their futures. Recognizing the pivotal role that education plays in fostering sustainable development, the United Nations declared January 24th as the International Day of Education. This global observance aims to celebrate the importance of education and highlight its transformative impact on individuals and societies.
The Significance of International Day of Education:
As per the UNESCO report, around 258 million children and youth still do not attend school and about 617 million children and adolescents still do not attend schools. More than 387 million children of primary school age (56%) and 230 million adolescents of lower secondary school age (61%), do not achieve minimum proficiency levels in reading and maths.
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Equal Access to Education: The day emphasizes the need for equal access to quality education. Millions of children around the world still face barriers to education, including poverty, discrimination, and conflict. By promoting inclusive and equitable education, the International Day of Education seeks to break down these barriers and create opportunities for every child to learn and thrive.
Education for Sustainable Development: Education is a key component of sustainable development. It equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to address global challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. By fostering a sense of responsibility and global citizenship, education empowers people to actively contribute to building a more sustainable and just world.
Technology and Innovation in Education: The digital age has transformed the education landscape, offering new possibilities for learning. The International Day of Education encourages the integration of technology and innovation into educational practices, making education more accessible and engaging. Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and other technological advancements have the potential to reach learners in even the most remote areas.
Empowering Women and Girls: Gender equality is a crucial aspect of education. The day highlights the importance of equal educational opportunities for girls and women. Education empowers women to break the cycle of poverty, participate in decision-making processes, and contribute to the overall development of their communities.
The International Day of Education serves as a call to action for governments, educators, and communities to prioritize and invest in education. It is a day to celebrate the achievements in the field of education, recognize the challenges that still exist, and reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to learn and grow. By investing in education, we invest in the future, creating a world where knowledge is a powerful force for positive change.
Child Help Foundation with its crowdfunding partner Filaantro strives for quality education. It has been helping many rural village families’ children have proper education with advanced technologies like practical labs, demo products and Smart Board facilities. In total, Child Help Foundation and Filaantro have reached out to 4,82,051 children with its Quality Education programme.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
The Impact of Screen Time on Children’s Health
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In today’s technology-driven society, screen time has become an essential component of children’s everyday life. Screens can be found on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and televisions. While technology provides countless educational and entertainment options, concerns have been raised about the possible influence of excessive screen time on children’s health.
According to the Hindu paper, a pan-India survey of 6,229 parents of schoolchildren, aged 6–16, in rural communities across 21 States revealed that more kids used smartphones for entertainment than studying. Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan launched the State of Elementary Education in Rural India report in New Delhi on August 8. The report was based on a survey conducted by the Development Intelligence Unit (DIU), a collaboration between Transform Rural India and Sambodhi Research and Communications.
The survey revealed that 49.3% of students in rural India have access to smartphones. However, among the parents whose children have access to gadgets, 76.7% stated that their children primarily use mobile phones to play video games. Of the students with access to gadgets, 56.6% used the devices for downloading and watching movies, while 47.3% used them to download and listen to music, the survey said. Only 34% use gadgets for study downloads, and 18% accessed online learning via tutorials.
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Furthermore, too much screen time might harm a child’s social life. Spending too much time on devices may result in less time conversing and playing with friends and family. Establishing solid relationships with others is critical for a child’s emotional and social growth. Additionally, excessive screen time might strain a child’s eyes. Long periods of staring at screens can lead to eye strain, headaches, and weariness. It is critical to take breaks and look away from the screen to allow their eyes to rest.
Parents should set screen time for children like children under age 2 should not be given mobile, children above 2 or over screen limit could be limited to one hour. It is also necessary for parents to keep an eye on what children are watching, and make them engaged in other activities. Other measures that can be taken are to not let the child eat while watching TV or on mobile devices and suggest other activities such as board games, puzzles, or going for a walk, this can help their physical and cognitive development.
While screens can be amusing and educational, it’s important to limit the amount of time youngsters spend on them. Maintaining a healthy balance between screen time and other activities is critical for children’s decent sleep, physical activity, social relationships, and general well-being.
Filaantro along with Child Help Foundation considers the importance of technological advancement for today’s children and also takes the requirements for digital availability in rural schools for underprivileged children hence they can have a brighter future.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Kokborok Day — Celebrating the Language of Tripura
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On 19th January, 1979, the state of Tripura declared Kokborok as it is official language. Every year, 19th January is observed as ‘Kokborok Day’ to commemorate the recognition. A range of activities are held on this day including cultural programmes and literary activities.
Kokborok is one of the ancient languages in the Northeastern region of India. The language can be traced back to the 1st Century AD in a book called Rajratnakar, a chronicle of Tripuri kings. Since then the language has seen a revival.
Since the 1980s, the language has been taught in schools of Tripura from the primary level to the higher secondary stage. A certificate course in Kokborok was also introduced at Tripura University in 1994, and subsequently, a post-graduate diploma followed in 2001. Kokborok was introduced in the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in the colleges affiliated with Tripura University from the year 2012, and a Masters of Arts (MA) degree in Kokborok was started by Tripura University from the year 2015.
Attempts have been made to include the language as one of the recognized official languages of India as per the 8th schedule of the Constitution.
In this article, we would like to celebrate Tripura, by looking at some of the amazing facts of the state.
It is the 5th Largest Tea Producer of India
There are 21 tea processing factories and 2500 small tea growers producing about 8.66 million kg of tea every year in Tripura, making it the fifth largest tea-producing state in India.
2. It has one of the highest literacy rates in India
Tripura has the fourth highest literacy rate in India, with 87.75% of the population being literate according to the 2011 census report. However, a state government survey puts the number at 94.65%. This enormous success has been credited to the works of state government, local NGOs and gram panchayats.
3. Home to Bamboos
Tripura has 21 species of Bamboo out of 130 species of Bamboo available in India, representing 28% of the country’s bamboo stock. It is used for building houses, handicrafts and as raw material for the Panchgram paper mill.
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Unakoti, aka Angkor Wat of the North-East, is a series of rock carvings, presenting the figures of various gods and goddesses. Unakoti literally means “one less one crore” or “koti” in Hindi. It was categorized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site tentative list in 2022.
5. Architectural Brilliance of Tripura
Unakoti is not the only marvel of architecture in Tripura. The state also has some brilliant structures like Neer Mahal (The Largest Water Palace in India), Matabari or Tripura Sundari (Shaktipeeth) Temple (500 Years Old Temple), and Ujjayanta Palace (built by Maharaja Radha Kishore Manikya in 1901).
Thank you for reading this article. Make sure to share this with all your friends and family members to give them a taste of the brilliance that resides in Tripura.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Unity in Diversity — The Festivals of India
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India, a nation renowned for its colourful cultural mosaic, has numerous holidays that highlight the nation’s variety and togetherness. The first month of the year, January, sets the tone for a joyful trip through a variety of celebrations that highlight the harmonious fusion of customs, faiths, and communities. In every corner of the country, these festivals are celebrated with harmony and togetherness. January has the most vibrant celebrations.
Pongal — The Harvest Festival:
Pongal, a four-day harvest celebration mostly observed in South India, particularly Tamil Nadu, marks the beginning of January. Pongal represents an appreciation for the natural world, and every day has its special meaning. Pongal celebrations hold great significance for Tamilians. The locals truly believe that this month, which is recognised as Thai Month, helps them overcome their problems and ushers in positive changes in their lives. Turmeric, sugarcane, and rice are harvested during this time of year. The four-day celebration culminates with a pleasant fair to enjoy with loved ones. It starts with a tribute to Lord Indra. The perfume of freshly harvested crops wafts through houses as families join together to cook the traditional Pongal feast, indicating abundance and prosperity. Communities get together to celebrate a plentiful harvest and feel united.
Makar Sankranti — A Pan-Indian Celebration:
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The joyful harvest festival of Lohri, which is mostly observed in North India, falls on January 13th. The celebration, which heralds the end of winter and the beginning of longer days, is significant culturally. According to some legends, the word “loh” refers to a large iron griddle, or tava, that is used to cook chapattis for communal feasts. Gathering around bonfires to mark the end of the winter solstice, families and communities pray for a plentiful crop. Sesame seeds, popcorn, and sugarcane are thrown into the fire as symbolic offerings and traditional folk music and dances add to the joyous atmosphere. Lohri, which celebrates the coming of prosperity and good fortune, is a perfect example of the communal spirit as people come together to eat traditional dishes like sesame seeds and jaggery sweets (rewri and gajak) and the warmth of the campfire.
Filaantro along with Child Help Foundation celebrates each of these festivals with harmony and joy. It gives the organisation the pleasure of sharing these heartwarming festivals with underprivileged children. The smiling face of the children and their families encourages the organization to strive hard for the children.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Celebrating Benjamin Franklin Day: A Tribute to the American Polymath
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Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was not just a statesman, but a polymath who excelled in various fields. His contributions to science, literature, politics, and philosophy have left an indelible mark on American history. To honour his legacy, Benjamin Franklin Day is celebrated each year on January 17th, the day of his birth in 1706. This day serves as a reminder of Franklin’s multifaceted brilliance and enduring impact on the nation.
One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin was a multifaceted genuine who excelled in various fields. On his birthday, let’s take a look at the life and achievements of Benjamin Franklin.
Childhood and Early Years: Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, into a large family. His early years were marked by his insatiable curiosity and a love for reading. Despite facing financial challenges, Franklin’s determination and intellect led him to a successful apprenticeship as a printer, setting the stage for his future endeavours.
Scientific Achievements: Franklin’s contributions to science are perhaps best exemplified by his experiments with electricity. His famous kite experiment in 1752, where he flew a kite in a thunderstorm to prove the electrical nature of lightning, remains a pivotal moment in scientific history. Franklin’s work laid the foundation for the understanding of electricity and earned him international acclaim. As a successful inventor, he is also credited with several practical inventions such as bifocal glasses and the lightning rod.
Literary Legacy: In addition to his scientific pursuits, Franklin was an accomplished writer and publisher. His Poor Richard’s Almanack, a yearly publication containing weather forecasts, practical advice, and witty aphorisms, gained widespread popularity. His autobiography, written in the form of a letter to his son, also remains a classic in American literature, offering insights into his life and philosophy.
Political Contributions: Franklin was a key figure in the American Revolution, playing a crucial role in drafting the United States Constitution. His diplomatic skills were evident during his time in France, where he secured crucial support for the American cause. Franklin’s wit and wisdom also permeate the pages of the famous Join or Die political cartoon, urging unity among the American colonies.
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Benjamin Franklin’s philosophical outlook, grounded in practicality and civic duty, has left a lasting impact on American thought. His emphasis on virtues such as industry, frugality, and humility continues to inspire individuals seeking personal and societal improvement. Here are some of his famous quotes:
1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
2. Honesty is the best policy.
3. God helps those who help themselves.
4. Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.
5. Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.
6. Do good to your friends to keep them, to your enemies to win them.
7. Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.
8. If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.
9. Don’t throw stones at your neighbours if your own windows are glass.
10. He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals.
As we celebrate Benjamin Franklin Day, we pay homage to a man whose intellect, innovation, and civic contributions have shaped the foundation of the United States. Franklin’s legacy continues to influence generations, serving as a reminder of the power of curiosity, hard work, and a commitment to the betterment of society.
Filaantro understands and shares the vision of Benjamin Franklin and strives to embody the principles that he championed. In the spirit of Franklin’s emphasis on civic duty and the pursuit of knowledge, the organization remains committed to supporting educational initiatives, scientific advancements, and philanthropic endeavours.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
Igniting Dreams: Celebrating National Youth Day
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National Youth Day is a strong reminder of the vibrancy and potential exhibited by our society’s young minds. As we celebrate the youth’s zeal, enthusiasm, and ingenuity, we must consider the impact they have on moulding the future.
National Youth Day, also known as Swami Vivekananda Jayanti in India, is a celebration that connects with the country’s young population’s vitality, potential, and aspirations. This day, observed on January 12th each year, is significant because it commemorates the birth of Swami Vivekananda, one of India’s most important and beloved spiritual leaders. The event not only remembers the birth of this visionary man but also acts as a platform to acknowledge the role and importance of youth in determining the nation’s future.
The significance of National Youth Day (Swami Vivekananda Jayanti) rests in its potential to motivate the younger generation to reflect on and apply Swami Vivekananda’s teachings. His emphasis on physical, mental, and spiritual strength resonates with the objectives of today’s youngsters as they navigate a constantly changing world. The day serves as a reminder of each young mind’s capacity to constructively contribute to society, encourage harmony, and defend the values that Swami Vivekananda espoused.
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Education, technology, business, and social involvement are just a few of the areas in which young people are making considerable progress. Young minds are at the vanguard of crafting a more inclusive and fair world, from pushing for sustainable practices to harnessing technology for positive change. National Youth Day is an excellent opportunity to highlight these initiatives and encourage others to join the cause.
Inspiring dreams and empowering youngsters go hand in hand. Recognising their potential and giving them the necessary tools and chances are critical for creating an environment in which aspirations can thrive. It is a call to action for society, pushing stakeholders to engage in education, mentorship programmes, and initiatives that encourage young people to pursue their passions without fear.
Filaantro’s and Child Help Foundation’s vision has always been to empower youth for a better society tomorrow, and the organisation thinks that this begins in the classroom, the social milieu in which the children live, and by raising awareness among their parents. Because they are the ones with unrealized potential and no opportunity to show it off, the organisation trains underprivileged children to accomplish this. The team ensures that these children are educated by providing them with the required amenities, including the construction of the school. Their dedication and hard work led to passing with flying colours.
Let us recognise the transforming potential of youth as we mark National Youth Day. Igniting dreams is more than a catchphrase; it is a collective responsibility. We pave the road for a brighter and more promising future for everybody by creating an environment that recognises, supports, and empowers the dreams of youth. Let us celebrate the irrepressible spirit of youth and pledge to build a world in which their dreams can fly.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 3 months
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Uniting Against Exploitation
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Every year, on January 11th, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day serves as a stark reminder of one of the most appalling crimes against humanity. It’s a day dedicated to raising awareness, igniting conversation, and rallying support to combat the widespread issue of human trafficking. This global menace knows no boundaries, affecting millions of men, women, and children worldwide.
According to the 2022 Migrating Data Portal report, about 50 million people were victims of modern slavery on any given day in 2021. Out of these, an estimated 27.6 million people were in situations of forced labour. National Human Trafficking Awareness Day prompts us to pause, reflect, and take action against this grave violation of human rights.
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National Human Trafficking Awareness Day originated from the 2007 presidential proclamation by the Obama administration, designating January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The initiative aimed to raise public awareness about the prevalence of human trafficking and the importance of combating the crime. Over time, this one-day observance expanded into a month-long campaign, empowering communities, NGOs, governmental agencies, and individuals to shed light on the plight of trafficking victims, educate others about this issue, and advocate for policies to prevent and prosecute trafficking crimes.
Significance of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
Human trafficking operates in the shadows, manipulating vulnerabilities and preying on the marginalised. It encompasses various forms, from forced labour and sexual exploitation to organ trafficking. Its victims often endure unimaginable physical and psychological trauma, stripped of their autonomy and dignity. National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is dedicated to raising awareness, security and measures to ensure that people are not trafficked. The day is also dedicated to understanding the plights of the human trafficking victims and empathise with them.
Uniting for a Positive Change
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Educate Yourself: Understand the signs of trafficking and how to report suspicious activities.
Support Organizations: Back NGOs and advocacy groups working tirelessly to rescue victims and prevent future trafficking.
Here are some of the organizations that work towards ending human trafficking and advocate for victim’s rights:
International Justice Mission (IJM): Works to rescue victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of violent oppression.
A21: Operates globally to abolish slavery and human trafficking through awareness campaigns, legal advocacy, and aftercare programs.
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST): Provides services to survivors, advocates for trafficking victims’ rights, and engages in policy advocacy.
Free the Slaves: Works to eradicate modern slavery through community-based interventions, advocacy, and research.
Not For Sale: Focuses on preventing human trafficking through community-based initiatives, social enterprises, and advocacy campaigns.
Love146: Aims to end child trafficking and exploitation, providing survivor care and prevention education.
ECPAT International: Focuses on ending the sexual exploitation of children globally and campaigns for policy changes to protect them.
Prajwala: Based in India, it rescues and rehabilitates victims of trafficking while also advocating for policy changes.
Stop the Traffic: Utilizes intelligence-led campaigns and community actions to prevent human trafficking worldwide.
Hope for Justice: Works to prevent exploitation and provide restorative care to survivors of trafficking.
Global Modern Slavery Directory: An online directory listing various organizations working on anti-trafficking efforts around the world.
Advocate for Policy Change: Support legislation that strengthens victim protection and ensures stricter penalties for traffickers.
Raise Awareness: Use your platform to spread awareness, educate others, and engage in conversations about human trafficking.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day isn’t just about a single day of observance; it’s a catalyst for sustained action and vigilance throughout the year. By joining forces, we can create a future where every person is free from the shackles of exploitation, and where their inherent dignity and rights are upheld and protected.
Filaantro understands the dangerous consequences of human trafficking and actively supports organizations and initiatives dedicated to eradicating this abhorrent practice. We’re committed to raising awareness, providing resources, and advocating for policies that protect vulnerable individuals and ensure their freedom and safety.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 4 months
Self-Love Month: Commit to Preserving Yourself
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Between 1661 and 1675, Baruch Spinoza, a Portuguese-Jewish philosopher, in his book Ethics said “[t]he striving to preserve oneself is the first and only foundation of virtue’”. With this Spinoza doesn’t argue for indulgence in hedonistic pursuits, but is rationalizing the want for self-improvement.
He adds “the more each one seeks his own advantage, and strives to preserve himself, the more he is endowed with virtue, or what is the same, the greater is his power of acting according to the laws of his own nature, that is, of living from the guidance of reason.” Meaning that humans can only be virtuous if they are fully self-preserved.
This was further emphasized by Black political movements in the 20th century, where Black movements called for self-reliance and self-determination more than integration. In 1966, Stokely Carmichael demanded the cultural, political, and economic power to strengthen black communities so they could determine their own futures rather than settle for legal rights and integration into white society.
All these laid the foundation for the modern trend of self-love and self-reliance. January is celebrated as Self-Love month. It is a month to invest in your growth whether it be personal, professional, psychological or spiritual.
In this article, we will be looking at some ways you can practice self-love.
Know Yourself
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Aristotle said ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’. You can only be the best version of yourself if you know what drives you from deep within. Trying a new hobby is one of the best ways to know who you are. You will find out something that you never knew about yourself. Travelling solo, without the burden of pleasing others, is also another way of learning about how you fulfil yourself deep within.
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There are three types of hobbies that you should have:
Hobbies that keep you creative
Hobbies that keep you in shape
Hobbies that build your knowledge
Preparing a plan to indulge in these kinds of hobbies is one of the best ways to practice self-love. It is building habits that support your well-being. These practices cultivate your physical, emotional, and mental health. These habits can range from daily lifestyle changes to lifelong commitments. Remember to pick and choose what suits you the best.
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We all believe in practising kindness and treating others well. But when it comes to our own self, we are quick to bully and demean. Keep reminding yourself to treat yourself with the same amount of compassion and empathy that you would exercise towards others. Start by accepting that everyone makes mistakes and hurdles are a natural part of human experience. Also remember that you deserve dignity and respect, just like every other human being.
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The revolution starts with your own self. Dismantling norms and societal expectations is only possible when people start embracing their uniqueness. Express yourselves through your style, writing and artistic endeavours. Get involved in causes you are passionate about and create art which fulfils you creatively.
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We have been taught that looking for attention is a bad thing. But is it a bad thing or just a norm that we have all accepted? There are times when you want to hear good things about yourself, and there is nothing morally bad or wrong about that. Hearing compliments is good for your self-esteem or self-affirmation. When you learn to intake compliments, you will naturally be endowed with a positive outlook on life.
Filaantro, along with its crowdfunding partner Child Help Foundation, regularly conducts mental health sessions to educate people about taking care of their mental health.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share this blog with all your friends and family members.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 4 months
National Birds Day: How Can We Save The Avians
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Birds are the most beautiful and peaceful creatures on the planet of the earth. The chirping of birds has been the inspiration for many romantic poets. In the poem “Hope” Is the Thing with Feathers, Emily Dickinson writes:
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops — at all -
But with rapid globalisation and urbanisation, birds find it hard to survive. Where once stood trees, now stands a jungle of concrete ugliness, unwelcoming to the sound of birds. According to a report by the State of India’s Birds 2023, 49% of birds have declined.
Some of the reasons for the decline in birds’ population are:
Habitat Loss
Invasive Species
Environmental Contaminants
Climate Change
National Birds’ Day is celebrated every year on 5th January to raise awareness about the birds that are captured, brutally treated or produced in captivity for financial gain and pleasure. To mark National Birds’ Day, we would like to look at methods you can use to save birds.
Prevent Bird Collisions with Your Windows
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Birds frequently crash into windows because they see reflections of vegetation. This is a big problem as it can cause death for the birds. You can prevent this by applying stickers on the windows or just closing the windows with curtains.
2. Avoid Buying Illegaly Caged Birds
Birds are illegally caged because it cater to the aesthetic needs of people and for some, it is useful to practice black magic. Birds that are illegally caged are trapped using traps or nets that can harm, injure or even kill them as they attempt to break free. Dr Kim Danoff says, “Depriving birds of flight is mentally and physically stressful. Some birds respond by plucking their feathers out; some become aggressive. It also contributes to poor health including weak and atrophied muscles, cardiac problems and respiratory problems.”
3. Use Cloth Bags and Recyclable Bottles
Birds frequently eat plastic trash which poses a serious risk to their health. You must eliminate the use of plastic bags and bottles, and opt to use more eco-friendly products like cloth bags and recyclable bottles.
4. Support Conservation Efforts
Many organizations are doing a commendable job of protecting birds. You can join their forces, and help rescue more birds by volunteering with them or donating to them. One such organisation is Birds of India, you can visit their website and donate it to them.
5. Educate Others
Never underestimate the value of your own voice. Use social media to spread awareness about the plight of birds. One single share can do a lot for the movement to conserve birds.
Filaantro, along with its crowdfunding partner Child Help Foundation, routinely help birds with their Life on Land initiative. Throughout the program, 59,445 animals have been helped.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and X.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 4 months
Understanding Childhood Anxiety: Signs, Causes, and Coping Strategies
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Anxiety in children is more prevalent than many might realize. It’s a natural response to stress or a new experience, but when it starts interfering with their daily life, it becomes a cause for concern. The common signs of childhood anxiety include excessive worry, headaches or stomachaches, avoidance of certain activities or situations, and irritability. Recognizing and understanding childhood anxiety is crucial in offering support and guidance to young ones navigating these complex emotions.
Causes of Childhood Anxiety
Childhood anxiety can stem from various factors. Sensitive children have a hard time navigating through big changes or experiencing strong emotions. Biological and genetic factors also contribute to their tendency to be anxious. Sometimes the children absorb anxiety from their parents or caregivers. Other than that, experiencing stressful events at a young age can also lead to anxiety. Some of the common causes are:
Shifting home or moving to a new school
Death or separation of someone close to the child
Bullying or abuse
Arguing parents or separation and divorce.
Coping Strategies for Children and Parents
Apart from medications, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an effective treatment, which helps children with coping skills that help with calming body reactions. They are also taught to think differently and face their challenges or fears in small steps. It is important to encourage open communication without judgment to let the children express their feelings.
There are also simple breathing and relaxation techniques that calm down the mind. Establishing routines and structures can also alleviate anxiety in some children, as predictability provides comfort. Engaging them in mindfulness practices or distracting activities can divert their attention from worries.
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Validating children’s emotions is crucial for parents. Teaching them healthy coping mechanisms to handle stress whenever possible is beneficial. Seeking professional support from therapists or counsellors helps in creating a safe and supportive environment for children.
Understanding childhood anxiety involves recognizing its signs and acknowledging its complex causes. By being attentive and providing appropriate support, parents and caregivers can effectively assist children in navigating these feelings. Seeking professional guidance equips parents and children with valuable tools and strategies to manage anxiety, fostering emotional well-being and resilience as they grow.
Empathy, patience, and open dialogue play pivotal roles in supporting children facing anxiety, empowering them to cope and thrive despite challenges. Every child is unique, and fostering a supportive and understanding environment is pivotal in helping them navigate anxiety, enabling their growth into emotionally resilient individuals.
Through a collaborative effort, Filaantro and Child Help Foundation dedicate themselves to supporting children and families grappling with severe anxiety. Our mission is to extend vital aid to these children, offering essential counselling and comprehensive health treatments.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 4 months
Riding the Waves of Change: A New Year, A Fresh Perspective
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As we say goodbye to another year and celebrate the arrival of 2024, the custom of making New Year’s resolutions returns. While some may laugh at the notion of adopting self-imposed resolutions frequently forgotten by February, others view it as a chance for development and constructive change. There’s a whisper of possibilities waiting to develop as we stand on the coastline of the unknown, and the anticipation is tangible.
Life is always changing, much like the ocean. The waves that break on the coast are not challenges to be overcome; rather, they are life itself. The new year is an opportunity to dance to the rhythm of change with a renewed perspective. Change is the melody that composes the symphony of our life.
Picture yourself surfing the wave’s crest on a surfboard. The ocean below you is a huge window of possibility, and every wave offers a fresh opportunity to develop, learn, and gain perspective on the world. The waves of change are your surfboard this year and will lead you to unexplored waters.
Reflecting on the Past: Before making any resolutions for the next year, it is important to take some time to think back on the year that is coming to an end. What were the highs and lows? What lessons were learned? How can those experiences influence the resolutions for the future? Thinking back on the previous year enables a more deliberate and educated approach to making goals for the upcoming one.
Prioritising Ourself: It’s simple to overlook self-care in the daily chaos. Make your health a priority this year by making resolutions that will improve your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Whether it’s taking up a regular fitness regimen, engaging in mindfulness exercises, or setting aside time for enjoyable hobbies, making an investment in your well-being may have a significant positive influence on your general happiness.
Making more connections: The value of true human interactions increases as we navigate an increasingly digital environment. Decide to dedicate time and energy to establishing and preserving important connections in 2024. Building healthy relationships is important for your mental health and sense of belonging, whether it’s by extending your social network or fortifying ties with family and friends.
Financial Goals: One essential component of total well-being is financial wellness. Think about making resolutions about your financial well-being, including making a budget, putting aside money for particular objectives, or improving your financial literacy. Taking charge of your financial future may reduce stress and provide you with the flexibility to follow your long-term goals and hobbies.
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A new year is not just the same as the previous one; rather, it’s a blank canvas just waiting for your special paintbrush strokes. Getting a new perspective entails looking at the world through fresh eyes, free from the constraints of the past. It’s about seeing that every change, no matter how little, has the power to impact your life, and it’s about taking on challenges with curiosity and seeing failures as learning opportunities.
This year, make resilience and flexibility your guiding principles. Learn to balance between the fluctuating tides like a pro surfer surfing the waves. Accept change as a travel ally rather than a hindrance to becoming the best version of yourself.
Filaantro along with Child Help Foundation wishes to Let the tides of change take you towards a future full of promise as the sun sets on the old and rises on the new. The new year has a big canvas just waiting for your brushstrokes. Thus, embrace the rhythm of change, dance with the waves with bravery, and let the new outlook that comes with a new year serve as your road map for a life well lived. The focus lies in weaving together a story of positive transformation, personal development, and connection. Making significant and long-lasting resolutions to end the pattern of unfulfilled objectives is the call.
Happy New Year from our family to yours!!! We hope everyone has a successful and beautiful 2024.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 4 months
Highlights of 2023: Strides That Humanity Achieved in the Year
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As we slowly ride to the culmination of 2023, it is time to look back at the year. The year of 2023 brought a lot of headlines. India being on the verge of winning the ICC Men’s World Cup shattered the hearts of millions. Meanwhile, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer clashed at the box office, creating a phenomenon that would shatter most box office records. Social Media sites were re-branded and concert films were all the rage with Eras Tour becoming a huge success.
With our diary of 2023 almost finished, we would like to look at some of the positive news that rekindles our hope for humanity. These happenings of 2023 prove that even during the most dire of circumstances, humans would strive to achieve newer heights.
Launch and Landing of Chandrayaan-3
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On 23rd August, 2023, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) made everyone proud by landing Chandrayaan-3 near the lunar south pole of the moon. The objective of the mission is to help discover the physical characteristics of the surface of the Moon, the atmosphere close to the surface and the tectonic activity to study what goes on below the surface.
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While people cheer and hoot for men’s sports, women’s sports have been looked down upon throughout history. However, things seem to be changing as 2023 provided a new hope for female athletes all over the world. Women’s sports saw record viewership. The trend was observed in the Women’s FIFA World Cup and 2023 US Open — Women’s singles. The FIFA World Cup saw 2 million people attending stadiums and an estimated 2 billion people watched the World Cup from their homes, cheering on their teams. Meanwhile, the US Open women’s final featuring Coco Gauff and Aryna Sabalenka drew more viewership than the men’s finals which included Novak Djokovic and Daniil Medvedev. Coco Gauff vs Aryna Sabalenka was watched by 3.4 million viewers, while Novak Djokovic vs Daniil Medvedev was watched by 2.3 million viewers. We hope that similar trends get observed in all women’s sporting events.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) approved a malaria vaccine that will make it accessible to poorer countries. The vaccine has been developed by Oxford University. The vaccine was said to reduce symptomatic cases by 75%, according to WHO. The vaccine only costs $2–4 per dose, making it possible to finally eliminate the disease.
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In the United Nations (UN) meeting in New York, the Treaty of the High Seas, aka Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction, was signed on 20th September, 2023 by 84 countries. The treaty will establish large-scale marine protected areas on the high seas to effectively conserve and manage 30% of land and sea. It also includes rules for conducting environmental impact assessments.
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According to the data released by Brazil’s National Space Research Institute (INPE), deforestation in Brazil fell by 33.6% in the Amazon Rainforest. The President of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has vowed to end deforestation by 2030. With its current upward momentum, we wish Brazil achieves its target and proves to the world that environmental stability is possible in today’s globalizing world.
Filaantro also had a monumental year. With its crowdfunding partner, Child Help Foundation, Filaantro helped 23,62,704 people. Thank you for reading this article. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members.
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