fhimechan · 1 month
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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fhimechan · 10 months
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To anyone who is having a bad day, I give you this hamster wearing a flower hat.
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fhimechan · 2 years
got really emotional with Turning Red because...I've never seen a mother-daughter relationship portrayed like that in animation in years. like it's usually either: 1) the mom is actually evil and terrible and has been for years, or 2) the daughter has some big grand destiny and she must rebel to fulfill it. there's no grand destiny. she just wants to go to a concert with her friends and holy crap hasn't every 13 year old been there before!
and there's no moment in which the mom and grandmother aren't completely real and believable in what they want for their daughter. they love her a lot. and their daughter loves them back! there are no low blows, there's no "I hate you, you're an awful mom" or "you're a stupid ungrateful child" moments, it's a, shockingly, reasonable argument about "I'm growing in this way and I like these things" and the mother just, comically and relatably can't handle her daughter growing up so fast.
and yes they all turned into red pandas but the core of the story was so low stakes on a worldly scale, but so deeply meaningful and emotionally resonant on a personal one, I liked that a lot
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fhimechan · 2 years
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The arc builds this up deliberately too, with constant mentions from Fai of how he can’t do magic the entire time, only for him to be forced to expose himself right at the very end. 
But I LOVE that Fai’s magic is a thing of beauty. He would never see it that way, it’s tainted his entire life, and he’s been avoiding it since the start of the manga, but to us it’s just as beautiful as he is on the inside (which he also would never see). 
And despite it all, this is him choosing to use his magic to save his family, which flies in the face of his original goal and works against him, since it proves him a liar in the process. 
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It’s not a small amount of magic either. They establish earlier in the arc that you need a much stronger power than a spell in order to break it. And here is Fai, in the magic vault, of the magic library, in magic country, with the strongest defensive spells they have - and Fai breaks it with a whistle. 
The shock of just how strong Fai must be might be a shock to Kurogane in the moment, just as Fai is battling with the idea that he essentially just sent Ashura a personalised email with his current address. 
Which doesn’t lead to anything in this instance, but STILL, the amount of distress Fai puts himself under to save these people is so intrinsically Fai through and through. 
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fhimechan · 2 years
“veni vidi eurovici” is the WORST thing I’ve ever heard. I love it. well done italy
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fhimechan · 2 years
I got 60 out of 1000 😂
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fhimechan · 2 years
I've been thinking and okay, Hannibal could have totally seduced Will by saving an orphan puppy from a burning building all shirtless and heroic like. But no, he had to be extra, he had to frame Will for murder and eat people. You tried too hard Hannibal, should have just got the dude a dog.
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fhimechan · 2 years
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhb Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer anime this fucking summer????????
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fhimechan · 2 years
I did this on twitter and I really enjoyed seeing people’s answers so I’ll do it here too:
new year’s resolutions are OUT. tell me your new year’s fantasy. reblog and in the tags tell me something specific you’ve been fantasizing about for your life lately. preferably the super-improbable-but-not-strictly-impossible kind.
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fhimechan · 2 years
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fhimechan · 2 years
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First calligraphy commission to become a personalized tattoo in collaboration with a local artist, this design has been chosen among several options and sketches to finalize a unique version of the latin quote “Carpe Diem.” If you're interested in commissioning me for your exclusive CinnTattoo, send me an email at [email protected] 💌
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fhimechan · 3 years
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2021, 27 October. Feng Xin: "..." Mu Qing: "..." Quan Yizhen: "?" Pei Ming: HOHO Carrd | Ko-fi | Ao3 | Facebook | Instagram | Pillowfort | Twitter
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fhimechan · 3 years
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2021, 10 October. After a brief discussion among themselves, one came over and handed him a worn-down umbrella. Carrd | Ko-fi | Ao3 | Facebook | Instagram | Pillowfort | Twitter
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fhimechan · 3 years
“Waters are no longer waters” by @cinnamaldeide​ for @fhimechan​ ❀
Teen and Up Audiences
Pirates AU
Before meeting the cursed pirate Xie Lian, the bird had only ever been heard verbalizing insults and curses. Afterwards, everyone learned that Hua Cheng was capable of reciting exquisite poetry as well. Basically, dishonorably discharged Captain Xie Lian and his devoted, foul-mouthed parrot. Kindly betaed by @another-lost-one​ ♡
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fhimechan · 3 years
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These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little boy. But Professor Lan Qiren accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction: chemical X. Thus, the Powerpuff Boys were born! Using their altered superpowers, Wei Wuxian, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng have dedicated their lives to fighting crime and the forces of evil!
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fhimechan · 3 years
Many, many years ago (it was Hallowe'en 1989, for the curious, the year before Good Omens was published) Terry Pratchett and I were sharing a room at the World Fantasy Convention in Seattle, to keep the costs down, because we were both young authors, and taking ourselves to America and conventions were expensive. It was a wonderful convention. I remember a huge Seattle second-hand bookstore in which I found a dozen or so green-bound Storisende Edition James Branch Cabell books, each signed so neatly by the author that the bookshop people assured me that the signatures were printed, and really ten dollars a book was the correct price.
I could afford books. Good Omens had just been sold to UK publishers and then to US publishers for more money than Terry or I had ever received for anything. (Terry had been incredibly worried about this, certain that receiving a healthy advance would mean the end of his career. When his career didn’t end, Terry suggested to his agent that perhaps he ought to be getting that kind of advance for every book from now on, and his life changed, and he stopped having to share a hotel room to save money. But I digress.) Advance reading copies of Good Omens had not yet gone out, but a few editors had read it (ones who had bid for it but failed to buy it) and they all seemed very excited about it, and thrilled for us.
On the Saturday evening Terry left the bar quite early and headed off to bed. I stayed up talking to people and having a marvelous time, hung in there until the small hours of the morning when they closed the hotel bar and all the people went away, and then headed up to the hotel room room.
I opened the door as quietly as I could and tiptoed in the dark across the room to where my bed was located.
I’d just reached the bed when, from the far side of the room, a voice said, “What time of the night do you call this then? Your mother and I have been worried sick about you.”
Terry was wide awake. Jet lag had taken its toll.
And I was wide awake too. So we lay in our respective beds and having nothing else to do, we plotted the sequel to Good Omens. It was a good one, too. We fully intended to write it, whenever we next had three or four months free. Only I went to live in America and Terry stayed in the UK, and after Good Omens was published Sandman became SANDMAN and Discworld became DISCWORLD™ and there wasn’t ever a good time.
But we never forgot it.
It’s been thirty-one years since Good Omens was published, which means it’s thirty-two years since Terry Pratchett and I lay in our respective beds in a Seattle hotel room at a World Fantasy Convention, and plotted the sequel. (I got to use bits of the sequel in the TV series version of Good Omens – that’s where our angels came from.)
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[Terry and I, in Cardiff in 2010, on the night we decided that Good Omens should become a television series.]
Terry was clear on what he wanted from Good Omens on the telly. He wanted the story told, and if that worked, he wanted the rest of the story told.
So in September 2017 I sat down in St James’ Park, beside the director, Douglas Mackinnon, on a chair with my name on it, as Showrunner of Good Omens. The chair slowly and elegantly lowered itself to the ground underneath me and fell apart, and I thought, that’s not really a good omen. Fortunately, under Douglas’s leadership, that chair was the only thing that collapsed.
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So, once Good Omens the TV series had been released by Amazon and the BBC, to global acclaim, many awards and joy,  Rob Wilkins (Terry’s representative on Earth) and I had the conversation with the BBC and Amazon about doing some more. And they got very excited. We talked to Michael Sheen and David Tennant about doing some more. They also got very excited. We told them a little about the plot. They got even more excited.
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[Rob Wilkins and David Tennant on the second day of shooting.]
I’d been a fan of John Finnemore’s for years, and had had the joy of working with him on a radio show called With Great Pleasure, where I picked passages I loved, had amazing readers read them aloud and talked about them.
(Here’s a clip from that show of me talking about working with Terry Pratchett, and reading a poem by Terry: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p06x3syv. Here’s the whole show from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7OsS_JWbzQ with John Finnemore’s bits too.)
I asked John if he’d be willing to work with me on writing the next round of Good Omens, and was overjoyed when he said yes. We have some surprise guest collaborators too. And Douglas Mackinnon is returning to oversee the whole thing with me.
So that’s the plan. We’ve been keeping it secret for a long time (mostly because otherwise my mail and Twitter feeds would have turned into gushing torrents of What Can You Tell Us About It? long ago) but we are now at the point where sets are being built in Scotland (which is where we’re shooting, and more about filming things in Scotland soon), and we can’t really keep it secret any longer.
There are so many questions people have asked about what happened next (and also, what happened before) to our favourite Angel and Demon. Here are, perhaps, some of the answers you’ve been hoping for.
As Good Omens continues, we will be back in Soho, and all through time and space, solving a mystery which starts with one of the angels wandering through a Soho street market with no memory of who they might be, on their way to Aziraphale’s bookshop.
(Although our story actually begins about five minutes before anyone had got around to saying “Let there be Light”.)
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fhimechan · 3 years
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