Are you no longer taking asks, is there a tumblr blog where you are taking asks and such?
I'm not active on this blog anymore, so I guess no, I'm not taking asks anymore. I'm so sorry about that! There is a blog where I do take asks (or, uh, try to lol), but it's far more critical in nature than this one ever has been and focuses extremely heavily on 3H (tho I'm not against answering asks about non-3H stuff, if I know the material) - the purpose of that blog was originally to vent about aspects of the fandom that annoyed me, to give a sense as to how it is lol. Hope that answers your question!
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No, she makes a full frontal attack at Tailtean. It’s actually Dimitri and Rhea that use the Kingdom knights and the Knights of Seiros to form a pincer attack against Edelgard’s army. 
Honest to god Edelgard lies or is flat out wrong about so much in CF. Claude had plans to join the war so they had to “get them out of the way” she says - except he went out of his way to remain neutral for the express purpose of staying out the war, knowing the fractured Alliance stood no chance. Gloucester always sides with the Empire unless it’s VW (that’s why you have to fight Lorenz on AM and SS, and don’t encounter him in CF if he’s not recruited) and always stands against Riegan anyway regardless (even in VW it’s said he is the cause of much of the infighting due to leading the pro-Imperialist faction of the Alliance), Ordelia is so weak it’s barely a house, Goneril is always too busy defending the border to give substantial help, and Edmund is an opportunist who sides with whoever he thinks is winning. Claude knows overall it just can’t handle being in the war outright while being so divided. Apparently Edelgard doesn’t figure that out tho
So I saw someone point out that you kill Judith even when she’s retreating in CF during Chapter 13. Someone else called them a liar, coming to Edelgard’s defense; Judith quote “refused to surrender or retreat.”
Well, first off, that’s wrong. If you kill Leonie and Acheron before Judith, she says this
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Edelgard responds with this
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Why do they need Daphnel territory? She explains herself with this
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Oh, so they need it in order to cross the Alliance with as little resistance as possible? It would get in the way of Claude, whom if they take down they take the Alliance in one swoop? Well, crack a few eggs to make an omelette, right?
Except, take a look at the map of Fodlan
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You see where Daphnel is? To the west of Riegan, all the way across Leicester? Control of its territory 1) is debatable Edelgard even has, considering the distance between her and it - it could very easily just merge with Riegan after the lost of its head, considering they’re both against the Empire, its already a dying house even with Judith’s sterling reputation, and the two houses have already been shown to be close, and/or 2) would only let them “safely march through the Alliance” if they plan on going through Ailiel to get to the Kingdom.
Look at these
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The game itself shows and tells you that Edelgard doesn’t use this to get to Claude safer. It makes no mention of going through Daphnel territory at all, and in fact does this shit
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It even makes you think you are until you literally stop and turn away from Daphnel. 
But does she utilize Daphnel’s proximity to Fhirdiad relative to Garreg Mach to launch a direct attack with her newly acquired Alliance force? Does she go around the Kingdom with one part of the army and use this idea with another part and launch a two sided attack, separating their already divided forces?
Nope. She instead goes through Arianrhod (Chapter 16), then the Tailtean Plains (Chapter 17), then Fhirdiad (Chapter 18). She literally never uses Daphnel. Her “reason” for killing a retreating Judith is either a poorly made tactical decision on her part, or a flat out lie.
So yeah. That’s cool.
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Y'all imma actually cry
Not choosing Golden Deer is physically painful and i hate it
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No spoilers for Fire Emblem Three Houses in this post
Hey, can any of yall tell me what new game+ for Fire Emblem Three Houses entails? Without spoilers if it's about new story details please!
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Tags I've seen for Fire Emblem: Three houses for thise who want to avoid spoilers!
Oddly enough, I've seen a wide variety of tags for the game, and have nearly been spiler because i didn't filter one tag or another. Here are the ibes I've seen do far
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fire Emblem Three Houses spoilers (be sure to add this one, some only have this as their tag!)
FE16 spoilers
Three Houses
Three Houses spoiler
3H spoilers
FE3H spoilers
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For the ship thing: Chrom x Sumia
When I started shipping it, if I did
I dunno if I ship it per se, but I certainly don’t mind it! Some perspectives on tumblr have made me like it more tho
My thoughts
It’s a sweet support chain, if simple (nothing wrong with that tho).  do wish the localization handled it a little better (can’t think of the specific changes made off the top my head but the original text was less about the pies and more about Sumia’s feelings). 
What makes me happy about them
One thing I always liked was how Chrom noticed and commented on how well Sumia does with horses/ pegasi. I dunno that scene was just nice to me. That and how much they try to make each other feel better through small gestures- a baked pie will make about anyone feel better! It has a nice homely feel to it, I guess you could say, which i will almost always appreciate.
What makes me sad about them
Like with Chrobin, I really don’t like how pushed onto the player this ship is in-game. Special cutscenes, Sumia getting more screentime than others (before immediately getting dropped the instant Chrom marries her, honestly what’s even the point of pushing Sumia as the ideal option if you’re just going to make her just like all the other options afterwards?)- that always has and always will irk me about those ships. Not putting Chrom with Sumia doesn’t have Cynthia hate your guts for no reason tho, so it’s infinitely preferable over not putting Robin with him.
As for the ship itself, out of the context of the game? Not much really!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me
While I don’t read fanfic about them (tbh the only fandom i regularly read fanfic of is Bleach (and only one character mostly) lolol so the fanfic questions aren’t gonna get much from me), I have the sneaking suspicion that Jealous Cordelia is something that pops up a lot. I’d hate that, probably (depends on how it goes about it but as a rule I don’t like jealousy fics unless written a specific way).
Things I look for in fanfic
Don’t look for fanfic of them lol sorry
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
I like Chrom with Olivia the most, like I’ve said in a previous one of these lol. As for Sumia, I like her with Gaius the most
My happily ever after for them
For Sumia to have a big ole’ plot of land just for horse and pegasi to roam free for her and her family (:
Who is the big spoon/ little spoon
Chrom’d be big spoon this time I think ^v^
What’s the favorite non-sexual activity
Flying through the air lol, hard to beat that. Reading would come after that tho
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okay so when did you start shipping aversa and priam?
I started when I read a fan-made support chain of the two written by @azurethenerd !! You can read it here: https://missing-fea-supports.tumblr.com/post/127216202456/priamaversa-supports-c-s
To this day I still love the idea!
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alright this counts as a crackship somewhere but chrom/priam.
lolol alright
When I started hipping them, if I did
Like Camilla and Frederick, I didn’t and I still don’t!
My thoughts
Kinda weird, tbh! Dunno what my thoughts are lol sorry this isn’t gonna be serious since i can’t really think of much
What makes me happy about them
The idea of them entering eating contests lol
What makes me sad about them
Well getting serious for a hot minute, one of the things I like about Priam is his nomadic nature, so him getting with a king wouldn’t mesh well with that. Good source for angst tho!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me/ Things I look for in fanfic
Nothing! since i don’t read any for them lmao
Who Id be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
Priam I really like with Aversa actually lol, dunno if any of y’all remember that. As for Chrom, I like him best with Olivia
Who is the big spoon/ little spoon
Priam def the big spoon lolol
What is their favorite non-sexual activity
Training lolol
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this may be strange but frederick/camilla? its not very popular from what i've seen but i personally really like it.
interesting! I hope this is in regards to the ship ask i reblogged earlier haha
When i started shipping it, if I didI didn’t, and still don’t haha. But it’s neat to think about, they share quite a few characteristics (even if Camilla is more violent lol)
My thoughts
It’s certainly something! They both care deeply for someone (or some people, in Frederick’s case) but they show it quite differently due to their positions and stations. While both keep and look after the people they care for, Frederick is far more strict about training schedules, meetings, things like that, etc. while Camilla cares much more about making sure the person she cares for is relaxed: going on about spa treatments, making sure they rest, etc. In that regard they compliment each other quite nicely; if they toned down how intense they are about these things, they’d make amazing parents!
What makes me happy about them
Well, thinking on it, I like how they both are able to understand the want to protect someone (or some people) with everything they got, and how since both of them are repeatedly complimented on their strength they have someone who can keep up with them! On the other hand...
What makes me sad about them
If they ever were to have supports (which they won’t cuz they’re in different games but i digress lol) I fear it would be like Frederick’s supports with Cordelia where they kinda just devolve into constantly gushing over someone. At best they could have a contest to see who’s more devoted to Chrom/Corrin, but that wouldn’t be the best thing to read through as someone who would want to seriously consider them a couple, imo
Things done in fanfic that annoy me/ Things i look for in fanfic
Combined these because i don’t read fanfic for them haha
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
I think I’ve stated before that my absolute OTP for Camilla has been is now and always will be with Odin. Still to this day my fave Camilla support! Frederick tho, I never put him with anyone in my files for the most part (sorry!) so i don’t really have a ship for him? I like his Sumia supports tho.
My happily ever after for them
For them to get away from all the royalty stuff and just chill out somewhere
Who is the big spoon/ little spoon
I adamantly refuse to believe Camilla would let anyone but her be the big spoon lol 
What is their favorite non-sexual activity
Caring for their mounts (:
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001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
my thoughts:
What makes me happy about them:
What makes me sad about them:
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
things I look for in fanfic:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
My happily ever after for them:
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
003 | send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
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My babies
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Im not mad. Its just that practical outfits have existed in the franchise. Although fates and awakening are full of impractical outfits
Glad you aren't (:And yeah i know there's practical armor, i was just being over the top :p
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Honestly I don’t mind most of the “sexy” armor in FE, however I do have limits in my suspension of disbelief that is being obiously fan-servicey, and then theres f!Byleth, I mean couldn’t they have at least make it look good?
See it not lookin good i can get not likin lolol
F!Byleth’s belly window looks a lil ugly but lookin at her stockings fully they look neat (imo). I don’t like her face tho
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Saw you said that nobody has ever worn appropriate outfits in FE. May i introduce you to the majority of outfits in the Tellius games? Where many like Titania's are designed for defense and flexibility?
Lol sorry, it was mostly a joke (i was hoping the all the plz's would show that but obviously not lol). It was mostly me getting upset about how SO many people always complain about an outfit's "inpracticality" when in reality they just don't like sexy outfits (which is whatever, you do you) (hence why nobody complains about how Ryoma's outfit is very bad for a fast mobile person, for example; that neck thing isn't made correctly for proper breathing). I've been in other fandoms with gargantuan casts, and this feels like when someone says they don't like a character because that character is "useless". 90% of the time either 1) that character has actually done impressive things that person isn't mentioning, 2) they like (a) character(s) that are also "useless" but they love that character, or both (obviously not all the time but yeah). It's like... are you sure THAT'S why you don't like it? Because that seems to be fine when another character has that trait, know what i mean?I guess I should have said that FE has always had ridiculous outfits that would get them killed immediately if any realism was injected into the world, so it confuses me to no end that people say it's a bad thing. Like. Tell me that Basilio could live in Regna Ferox without a shirt on ever without any health problems lol. Sorry if I upset you anon!
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Reblog if you truly enjoy following me.
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Fire Emblem would be so much more enjoyable if they just stuck to the dating sim aspect. I know I speak for the whole fandom when I say no one really cares for the tactical RPG elements anymore. There can still be war and whatnot but it will be solved from the power of love not violence. When everything is at its darkest the love you have made will release the Fire Emblem that was in your heart all along and save the day! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚♡
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Fire Emblem Awakening Theory: The Truth about A Future Past
Hey guys, it been a awhile since I’ve done a post discussing Fire Emblem, so I figured it would be fun to directly talk about my favorite Fire Emblem Awakening theory. While I am sure this is old news to a lot of you, I still think it is valuable to talk about it in detail here given how often I allude to it.
This theory, is as the title suggests, explores how the Future Past timeline featured in the DLC of the same name fits into the overall narrative of the game. While the timeline at first glance simply seems to be the doomed future Lucina and all the other 2ed gens come from, there are some very large differences between that timeline and the one seen in the DLC. But more importantly, there are some details that hint at the deeper connection between this DLC and the main game, in particular how it may shed some light on the origins of the most mysterious of the time traveling children.
As alluded to above, while a Future Past seems to simply be a retelling of the doomed future, there are a lot of details that don’t match the account of events the 2ed gens give in the main game. In fact, during the DLC our versions of those very characters make note of how this timeline isn’t right, how events seem to be playing out quite different from how they remembered it.
Of note, the following things are different in A Future Past
The mission to recover the gemstones was met with far more resistance, where in the original future timeline the groups managed to recover the gemstones and return to Ylisstol without too much difficulty. It almost seems as though Grima knew exactly where the future kids would be and when, sending large forces to intercept and trap them
One of the gemstones was not lost forever.
Tiki is still alive. We know in the original future timeline Lucina never met Tiki in the future, as she only meets in her after traveling to the past. Yet here she seems to know Tiki quite well, indicating that Tiki survived for far longer into this timeline.
Grima appears to be stronger in this timeline, being able to have killed Naga, something that was said to be impossible
Future Past Robin is able to resist and fight against Grima’s control, something we never see happen with the Future Robin encountered as an enemy in the main game. Something about this Robin is different.
Morgan, regardless of who their parent is, appears in this timeline.
On top of those details, there is one other big piece of evidence to bring up. But before I do that, for reasons that will soon become very apparent, I would like to discuss a moment in one of the other DLCs. That being the conversation F!Morgan and Cynthia have during the Hotspring Scramble DLC map.
For those who don’t know, the conversation in question basically follows Morgan and Cynthia trying to come up with a plan to prank everyone following being scolded for having a splash fight in one of the hotsprings. While amusing, most of this conversation is unimportant for our discussion. What is important, however, is the specific detail where Morgan has two identical copies of Robin’s favorite annotated book on tactics, with her possessing no memory of having acquired the second copy. Now, the obvious explanation would be that the game’s Robin simply gave her his copy after she came to the past, and she didn’t remember having already been given a copy from the Robin of her own timeline. This would work, except for one issue. Robin couldn’t have given her that copy, as he already gave it away… in A Future Past.
See, during A Future Past, Robin can talk to Future Past Morgan. During this conversation Robin, feeling something familiar about her, will give Morgan his copy of that very same book. After he leaves, Morgan notes how she already has that same book, the Robin of her timeline having already given it to her lone ago.
So we have two Morgans, both with two identical copies of Robin’s favorite book on tactics, down to the dog ears and annotations. We have a Morgan in our game who regardless of who her parents are, always comes from a third timeline. A Morgan who, if they have a sibling, has their sibling mention that it is likely they come from a different future. A Morgan who non of the other future characters seem to know, with most treating them with outright suspicion. On the other hand we have a Morgan who, regardless of who their parents are, shows up in A Future Past. even if their parents are a time travel themselves.
All of this leads to a startling conclusion: these aren’t two separate Morgans. They are in fact the same Morgan. A Future Past is the timeline the Morgan we meet in the game comes from. She has two copies of that book because our Robin gave her his during the Future Past DLC, an event she doesn’t recall because of her amnesia. The other 2ed gens don’t recognize her because she wasn’t part of their timeline, let alone their group.
This however, raises another question. If the Morgan we meet in the main game comes from this timeline, then what if Morgan’s mother/father is a 2ed gen? Well, as it turns out, the answer to this question is where we come to the crux of this theory. I believe that A Future Past isn’t simply a version of the doomed future: it is essentially the bad ending for the timeline we play during Awakening itself.
Basically put, A Future Past is what happens when Lucina and the other future kids travel to the past… and Grima ends up winning regardless. In this timeline Grima ends up taking control of Robin one again, with all of the time travelers being killed along with the 1st gens, leaving only their younger selves alive. This not only allows for all of Morgan’s possible parents to work for this timeline, but it also explains all of the differences in this timeline.
The reason the groups trying to recover the gemstones have so much more trouble? Grima has already been through these events once before, so he knows exactly where they will be and when, sending his forces to kill them this time around. The gemstone not being destroyed? The meddling of the time travelers shifted events enough so that all five gemstones where still around. Tiki being still alive? Same with the previous detail: the time travelers still changed events enough to prevent Tiki from dying earlier like she did in their own timeline. Grima being stronger? A combination of having some of his power from his original timeline merge with the Grima of this timeline. Robin resisting? This Robin is like the game’s Robin, where he had amnesia and thus forged stronger bonds with his friends. As a result this Robin hasn’t been completely broken like the Future Robin has, and is thus still resisting Grima.
So in summery, this results in there being four interconnected timelines making up the narrative of Fire Emblem Awakening, which go as follows.
Timeline 1: Bad future timeline. Lucina and other 2ed gens travel to the past, ending up in Timeline 2.
Timeline 2: A Future Past. 2ed gens arrive from Timeline 1. Events are changed, but Grima ends up winning in the end. Morgan is born in this timeline, and eventually encounters the Robin from Timeline 4 before traveling to Timeline 4 herself.
Timeline 3: Bad future timeline. Identical to Timeline 1, only here the 2ed gens end up in Timeline 4. These are the 2ed gens we encounter in the main game
Timeline 4: The game’s timeline. We meet the 2ed gens from Timeline 3 and the Morgan from Timeline 2.
So that’s about it. I hope you enjoyed this exploration of my favorite theory for Fire Emblem Awakening. I’d love to hear your guys’ thoughts on this and would be thrilled to discuss this theory more with anyone.
Oh, before I go, one last thing. If you liked this theory and want to know more, then I would like to take the opportunity to shamelessly promote my fanfiction, A Future Disowned, which is a retelling of the A Future Past DLC that explores this theory in more detail.  There, shameless plug done. Take care everyone!
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