fayewillow · 9 years
Anger unlike she had ever felt before being filling her body and before she knew what she was doing, Faye pushed Mora by the shoulders. "I'm tired of your riddles, Mora!" 
She tilted her head. “Merry Christmas?” She suggested, her brow furrowing. How could she not see things the way Mora did? It was all very frustrating. She could hear so many things rushing by her mind, but what did they not hear? That was the one answer she needed. “What don’t you know?”
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fayewillow · 9 years
"Yes, but.. but you hate vampires," she stated, confused by how Rye wasn't freaking out. "I'm a monster Rye.." she cried out as she focused on the pulse in her own sisters neck. 
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Rye stepped closer once more, studying her sister. “Are you still Faye? Are you still my sister?” She asked her almost angry that she’d expected anything differently. “You are my family and I love you, Faye.”
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fayewillow · 9 years
"You don't know what its like!" she shouted, her hands shaking at her side. "I can hear there hearts beating and all I can think about is what their blood taste like. That isn't normal! I'm not normal! And you.. you can't help me, nobody can help me." 
"Willow, you don’t need to hurt them. It will be hard at first and you’ll feel the desire of doing such thing all the time but you can fight that urge." The head priestess met her eyes. "If you shut down your emotions it would only cause more harm not only for yourself. Let me help you. You can go through all of this."
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fayewillow · 9 years
Jane Levy and Jack O’Connell crackships
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fayewillow · 9 years
"What?" Faye took a step back as if the words had physcially hit her. She had expected Rye to freak out, but this-- this was something Faye hadn't even imagined. "You don't hate him-- hate me?" she asked in a small, shaky voice. 
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"He…" A tear began to roll down her cheek only to be quickly disposed of. Suddenly, she stepped forward, but not too close. "I owe him a thank you…"’
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fayewillow · 9 years
A gasp fell from Faye's lips when she felt her body being lifted in the air. The feel of wood met her bare back as Reed lied her down, his body pressing into her's. The hunger for blood she had felt moments before was replaced by the rare want she had for Reed as his lips moved against her's. Once his shirt was removed, Faye placed a hand against his cold chest, needing to touch him. Needing to feel every inch of him as her body vibrated with pure lust. 
Trailing her hand down his chest, the newborn quickly undid the button on his jeans, indicating that she wanted them off. Her hips moved against his roughly, the feel of his growing member against her leg causing a moan to escape her body. 
Don't Let Go || Reed & Willow
He could hear Faye trying to speak  to him, but his collected manner was fading fast. Her words were lost on him. Reed had tried to be helpful. He wanted to help the girl he loved deal with the mess that was being a vampire but he had no control  to stop her or himself. The anger he felt chasing her down the hall and watching as she drained his neighbor was being replaced by the other part of his brain. The one he often tried to silence and hid the best he could from Faye. It was a part of himself that always threatened to take hold. The part that told him to kill that Reed was trying to gain control of, but it was clear her would always lose. Now it didn’t seem to matter. His lips were pressed against her own as he tried to taste the blood that coated them. 
It was like the perfect mix of sensations for Reed. It was feeding his hunger many different ways. He wanted to remove every spot of blood covering her lips, but that wasn’t enough in his mind. That part he hid away, pretending it didn’t exist as part of himself was now out in full force and human logic had no place between them. 
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fayewillow · 9 years
As she felt herself being ripped away from the body, she also felt the live of the girl leave her body. She had drank every ounce of the girl's blood as it filled her own, small body. Blood smeared over her chin and dripped down her neck as she looked at Reed in a drunken state. She was to lost in the satisfied feeling that had taken over her body to let her mind focus on the fact that she had killed a human-- an innocent. 
"You told me I had to feed," she frowned, not understanding why he was yelling at her. "Did I do--" Before she could finish her question, Reed's lips slammed against her's, nearly knocking her off her feet. She was confused as to why he was kissing her so soon after yelling at her, but then she understood. His tongue traced over her bottom lip and she could feel him tasting the blood that coated them. With how she felt when she first tasted the human's blood, she understood how crazed he must have felt. 
Grabbing hold of the back of his neck, Faye pulled him closer to her, allowing him to get a better taste of her mouth. Her lips fused with his as she pressed her body tightly against his, her body on fire with want. It was unlike anything she had ever felt and she could help the smile that spread upon her lips. Kissing him back with as much passion, Faye didn't realize her fangs were still out until she felt them cut into his lips. Drops of his blood fell into her mouth and she pushed away from him, finding his eyes with her's. 
"Reed.." she whispered, about to apologize when she saw the same want in his eyes. Closing her mouth, Willow reached for the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head in once quick move, leaving her torso bare for him. She didn't say another word as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against his again. 
Don't Let Go || Reed & Willow
Reed had been expecting a lot of thing’s to happen when Faye woke up, but the image of seeing her dart out of the room completely blindsided him. He should have known better. He heard what she had heard and knew why she ran, but for some reason he Reed wanted to block out that he had turned the girl he loved into the same sort of mess he was. “Faye?” He questioned looking out of the room, not wanting to believe what was happening. His life was already upside down as it was. This was just another thing that didn’t make sense. He jumped up from his position and tracked after her out into the hall. “Faye!” He yelled running after her only to be met with her form exiting further down the hall. 
Something inside of Reed made him furious about that act. He was upset that this was his fault. He continued to feel the guilt of his actions and was also angry that she wasn’t listening to him. It was some sort of subconscious feeling of being her maker that had taken hold as well and he was unhappy how thing’s were going. He had no control most of the time how was he expected to wrangle someone he cared about so much. It was affecting him so much that Reed had somehow drowned out his own hunger that often gave him control issue’s. At that moment Reed was focused on one objective and it was to get Faye to stop. 
He made his way down the hall and the sight he was met with was surreal. He had been in positions were his own feeding had been caught, but this was different. It was odd seeing it all from the outside. He stood for a second unsure what to do. He had wanted to help her, but this wasn’t what he had intended. The girl would be missed if she died. It was cause people to search for who killed her and eventually that trail would only lead to them. The act was stupid. 
Reed slammed the door behind him, blocking anyone else from seeing the sight that he was still witnessing. Her teeth were pressed into the girls neck draining her dry and for the first time it felt like he was looking at a stranger. He pushed the thought away as anger filled him. There had to have been a better way to have done this. ” Are fucking insane? I said I would help you.Were you not listening? You didn’t have to go after someone who lives in the same fucking building as me, cause guess whose going to have to deal with this if someone asks questions or if she’s dead? ” Reed was ranting but as his words started to become muddled he finally truly noticed the sight in front of him. 
Reed started to register exactly what he saw and the hunger came back. It was pounding in his head and the sight of human blood always sent him in a tailspin of control issue’s. He fell silent. His anger was still present, but it was mixing with something else and he needed to get his anger out in some way. Reed noticed the blood, he noticed Faye, and he noticed how the combination only ignited something else. Reed moved forward breaking the contact between the two. He jerked Faye away in a forceful but still not violent manner and pressed his lips against her own hoping to get a taste of the meal she had. It was then he remembered exactly why he turned her with his lips pressed against hers. He loved her even if he damned her. 
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fayewillow · 9 years
"I didn't say.. you don't have to.." Faye slammed her lips shut as she continued to frown at that man. The was he smelled was causing her stomach to roll. "It's coming from you," she finally said, a hand moving up to cover her nose. 
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Jason quirked his left brow, trying his very best to mask the wildly over joyful smile he had begging to be shown. His arms wrapped around one another and he hugged them against his chest. “I wasn’t aware I had to declare myself one way or the other.” The smile had broken through and the left corner of his mouth pulled up in a sly smirk. “Not all of us can have such a knack for displaying how we feel as well as you can. But now I’m convinced it’s just you that’s smelling it.”
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fayewillow · 9 years
"Vampire," she finally said, taking it that Emilia didn't know what to say either.
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She pulled her eyebrows together, unsure if she would be out of place if she asked what was wrong.
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fayewillow · 9 years
Faye didn't say anything as she waited for her sister to realize that she was no a vampire. It wasn't a secret between the two that Rye didn't really like vampires and Faye felt as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff wondering how her sister was going to react. "Reed brought me back.."
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"I saw you… You were…" Dead, Faye… Why did you leave me? I don’t understand. Her eyes filled with confusion. Say something. “Why aren’t you…” Suddenly it clicked. “You’re… not… oh.”
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fayewillow · 9 years
"Rye.." she whispered, the smell of blood long forgotten as she stared at her sister, afraid of what was about to happen. 
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fayewillow · 9 years
"How do you know about the vervain?" she cried, her hands shaking at her side. Before she knew what she was doing, the redhead was in front of Mora her face mere inches from her own. "I need you to tell me what you know, Mora." It was like she wasn't even the same person anymore. 
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"More than I should and more than should be… Only takes the smallest of feathers to tip the scale."
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fayewillow · 9 years
"Just tell me!" she shouted, "I can smell it. Tell me I'm not crazy!" Her eyes went wide as she took a step back., a shaky hand moving up to cover her mouth at how she had just acted. "I-I'm sorry.. I shouldn't-- I don't.." Before he could say a word, she turned around a fled from the scene. 
Charles sighed, bringing his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. He didn’t have time to be dealing with people right now. “Miss, I cannot discuss anything with civilians. If you don’t step back, I’m going to stop being Officer Nice and you don’t want that.”
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fayewillow · 9 years
"N-no.. I'm not meant to be a vampire. I can't hurt people... at least be able to live with it afterwards." The redhead's eyes found Castalia's, pleading for her help. "I just want it to go away.. I don't want these thoughts and feelings anymore.." 
"Take a deep breath." Castalia looked at the girl who seemed to be struggling. "You can do it."
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fayewillow · 9 years
"No.. we should see if everything is alright. but I can't-- I don't think..: 
"So, we just ignore the smell?" This girl was crazy, but it wasn’t Maya’s problem.
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fayewillow · 9 years
"You mean a monster?" she asked, peeking up at the girl. "Because y-you're right.. I used to believe that being a vampire didn't mean you were a monster.. but I was wrong. All I can think about is killing people and I don't know how to stop it. I just want it to stop!" she shouted, putting her hands flat against the sides of her head. 
Lucy frowned slightly as she watched the other girl turn away. It was obvious she was rather distraught, and all over a little— blood. “You’re one of them..” She replied, confusion crossing her features.
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fayewillow · 9 years
"I.. I have to go," she stumbled out, taking a few steps back before turning around and running off. 
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"Yeah… that would be the stuff." The very scent threw her completely off her train of thought. With a shake of the head, Jaime looked back at Willow. "Oh…"
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