something that always gets me about this scene is how this simple conversation was everything will wanted. his eyes glisten, he looks so touched by mike's words and by how mike opens up about will's friendship being different, about how important it is to him. will looks so hopeful because this is what comes first, the fact that they are best friends and will was not feeling things alone, they both had felt like they had lost that special bond. and the way will quickly grabs the painting and packs it completely destroys me, like, that was really all it took from mike for will to get all of his confidence back, to regain confidence and willingness to share his art and what he feels for mike GOD are you kidding me all he wants is to have mike by his side in whatever way he'll have him, it'll always be enough for him.
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byler edit // see you again - tyler the creator + kali uchis
can you tell what my favorite season is? :3
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Only Cherik can pull off boyfriends to enemies to friends to husbands.
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
Guys guys who else thinks it’s time for a resurrection of the Sherlock fandom I feel like we need a fourth wave who’s down
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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had to make this. also we need more Victor von Doom and Reed Richards as meme formats.
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
Thinking about… Julie just casually wearing her Sunset Curve bedazzled shirt and the boys just seeing it like “…huh?¿? Hey… where’d you get that…”
Julie saying that she found it in her mom’s stuff but didn’t think too much about it since her mom probably got it second hand from somewhere and then bedazzled it. “She probably got it from eBay and then customized it. It’s just kind of funny that it’s your guy’s.”
And they’re all looking at each other bc they know that the white with the black lettering shirts were the ones that they handed out whereas maybe the black with white lettering were more “mass produced” so the three know “we handed out that shirt to someone 👁️👁️”
There’s a moment where Julie has to throughly explain to the three that eBay is not a location but just a website. And that is it just one site and there’s no ‘a Bay’ or like a ‘b Bay’ or ‘c Bay’ (it took an embarrassing amount of time to explain the concept to the three)
They explain that yeah it could be possible that it’s second hand but is also possible that the boys personally gave the shirt to her mom so now they’re trying rack their brain and think. They are just thinking out loud like Luke saying,
“The night we died there was that girl who was cleaning tables that Reggie gave a shirt to. And then those girls in line….”
Julie shrugs and says that her mom was in a couple bands so probably acquired it during one of those incidents.
As Alex thinks about it he asks,
“…didn’t that girl who was cleaning tables say she was in a couple bands?”
Julie has never seen them think so much about one thing and focus this much on something and it’s just a little weird since the chances of them actually interacting with her mom is real low. Nonetheless she shrugs as she says, “My mom’s name is Rose if that helps you guys any.”
And the three just instantly realize at the same time. Luke and Alex just look at Reggie,
“I was being nice 😭”
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
been seeing a bunch of posts about people going back to their steddie roots bc of s5 but i’ve never fucking left. those fuckers invaded my mind two years ago and now they’re the freezer burn in the back of my mind. yeah all those half finished steddie fics that everyone forgot about? sitting in my bookmarks like the cobwebs on my ceiling. every so often i’ll scroll through them looking like a forlorn wife in the 1940s after my husband went away to war.
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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How can I like you so much and not remember anything about what happened? I feel so shameful and embarassed. 
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
Peter : HI
Mj : hey
Mj: good, but why are you texting in capital?
Peter: MJ?
Mj: Peter, this is mj's mom, mj is currently crying, i think you broke her
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
Thinking about restless spirit Tony Stark who just can't move on to the after life.
The first thing he does once he realizes he's an apparition is check on Pepper and Morgan. True to their word, they're okay. He watches them for a bit but feels this deep unrest pulling him away from the quaint home he yearns for.
There's a deep wrongness within him, some unfinished business that draws him back to New York.
He fears for a moment that it's Peter- but no, it can't be him. He'll be in Massachusetts right now, attending MIT as a freshman. There isn't a doubt in Tony's mind that his little genius is already making his mark.
Still, he follows the pull of his spirit to some dingy Queens' apartment he's never been to before.
It's deep in the night yet the apartment is empty. He looks around a bit, his body phasing through anything he attempts to touch.
It's small and dirty. There's old coffee cups on the desk, alongside a couple GED manuals. Great, the universe thinks he has unfinished business with some broke high school dropout.
He's pondering how he must have screwed up this kid's life; was it the Avengers, Stark Industries? Maybe his old playboy lifestyle is finally coming to bite him in the ass.
His contemplation is cut short by the sound of the window cracking open.
It strikes Tony for a moment that maybe he's stuck on Earth to be a guardian angel, Iron Man living on as some invisible protector against whatever creep is sneaking into people's windows. It doesn't make much sense considering the whole non-corporeal thing, but he still stiffens like he's ready for a fight.
He sees a man- no, a thing? A creature maybe, or an alien. Even in death Tony can't escape being one of Earth's mightiest heroes.
The creature is shrouded in darkness, something slick and bald crawling inside the room with terrifying grace and silence. It shuts the window with a soft kssssh as the seal is formed.
And then it pulls off its mask.
There, with the click of a table lamp, glows the face of Peter Parker.
He's definitely older now; sturdier shoulders, a rugged set of his jaw, hair tamed to something semi-professional. Still present, though, are those gentle brown eyes.
Nothing makes sense right now. Why is his kid here, in this apartment? Surely May wouldn't allow this. How many tenant laws does this place break? Where are his little sidekick friends? And on what planet would Peter Parker ever need a GED?
Tony's getting angry now, watching Peter move around the tiny space. He changes out of his costume and into pajamas. That spider suit isn't Tony's suit, it looks like cheap craft store fabric.
The kid opens a small freezer and pulls out the singular bag of peas that reside in there, pressing it against his ribs while he goes to pop some bread into a toaster.
Tony takes note of every glimpse he gains into Peter's life. Empty cabinets when he reaches for a jar of peanut butter. A fridge housing nothing but condiments and energy drinks when he goes to grab jam. A drawer with two spoons, no forks, and a paring knife which he pulls out and sticks into the strawberry jam jar just as the toast pops.
This is all so wrong.
Tony's outrage is coming to a rolling boil. Peter deserves the world- he was gonna give him the world. He couldn't wait to send Peter to MIT and show him off as his protégé. Tony was gonna fund his projects, tease him about pretty girls, maybe even see him step back from Spider-Man and act like a normal college kid. He wanted to see him flourish and grow up. It was all he could think about when Peter turned to dust between his fingers; he should be goofing off with his friends at a mathletes meeting, or building Legos, not fighting an intergalactic war.
Tony couldn't even conceive how much went wrong to end up here.
Alone. Broke. No school. He didn't even have his Stark suit to protect him. Everything that made him him has been stripped, leaving him in this shallow box with scuffed paint and hollow cabinets.
Tony can feel the violent rage burn deep in his spirit as he thinks about it.
This is why he's here. He can't let his boy live like this, wasting his potential to be some villain's punching bag. Where is everyone? Does no one care enough to stop this? The fury that builds in Tony is dangerous, wondering why a dead man is the only one who cares about the teen's life right now.
Without thinking Tony's hand reaches for the GED textbook, a mocking piece of work that laughs in his face, and throws it at the stupid little kitchenette that's mere feet from the bed.
It sails across the room with surprising speed before it's met with a thunk against Peter's palm, hand reaching out to catch it from the air before it collided with the toaster.
Peter sets the book down and immediately picks up his web shooters, eyes darting furiously to every corner of the tiny apartment.
"Who's there?"
Tony steps a little closer but Peter's eyes just look right past him.
"C'mon Pete, c'mon. I'm here, I'm right here."
Tony looks for something else to grab. He swats at a hopefully empty coffee cup on the wooden desk, but his hand just passes right through it.
"Shit," the hope Tony felt waivers slightly and he tries again.
Peter is searching his apartment now, making sure the window is secure and feeling around every crevice, bookshelves, under the bed, in the top corners of the room. Searching for something nefarious, tech maybe.
Tony hits the cup, again and again, frustration building up and up and up till-
The cup flies across the room, Tony and Peter's eyes track its movements as it bounces against the ground and rolls to a stop.
"Shit," Peter breathes out.
Tony walks up to Peter now, standing before him.
"Figure it out. Think kid, you've met aliens, gods, magicians, surely ghosts aren't too far fetched."
Peter closes his eyes. His posture straightens, Tony watches him take a deep breath in as the hairs on his bare arms stand on end.
Peter's eyes blink open, and they're looking directly at Tony.
Tony smirks, "that's it."
Peter turns around and picks the cup off the ground, running to his desk with it and ripping a piece of lined paper out of a notebook and scribbling furiously on it.
Tony walks over as Peter places the cup in the center of the paper.
On the left is the word YES in bold print, NO on the right.
"Okay, okay okay. So, move the cup if, if you wanna talk. Um, is there someone in the room right now?"
Tony reaches for the cup, an intense glare as his fingertips graze it gently. It shifts minutely towards the YES.
"Shit! Shit. Sorry, whew. Okay. Are you friendly?"
Tony moves it to YES again.
"Are you a, um. Person? Like not an alien?"
"Are you wearing tech, invisibility suit or your molecules are uncalibrated or maybe it's a portal thing like, multiverse shit is happening again, a mirror universe! Oh, maybe a..."
Tony let's a frustrated sign. The kid is too practical, logical. He needs to think like a non-genius.
"... could be. Or, or maybe you're just a ghost-"
Tony perks up and immediately swats the cup, causing it to fly off the desk towards the YES.
"Oh. Oh that's... kinda normal. Or maybe really weird? I mean... I certainly have some ghosts in my past."
Peter picks the cup up and puts it back on the desk.
"Do I know you?"
"You said you were friendly, and I'm not getting any danger tingles from you. I'm gonna start with people I know are dead, cuz I just really hope you're not a... new ghost. Um. M-May?"
The boy's voice cracks on the word and Tony freezes. May is dead? Tony starts to fear that things are a lot more wrong than he previously thought.
Peter's breath catches and Tony realizes he's waiting, dying for an answer, and quickly pokes the cup towards NO.
Peter's shoulders sag.
"Uncle Ben?"
"T- Mr. Stark?"
Tony grins, "now we're getting somewhere!"
Tony is going to have his work cut out for him, but being here with Peter just feels right.
Peter breaks out into a matching smile.
"Wow, okay. I think I'm gonna need more paper," he says as the boy gets to work making a more complex system than YES and NO.
Tony watches on proudly, reminiscing about all the great Peter was and all the great he still is, despite his situation. Whatever this is, they'll figure it out.
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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happy birthday to my little nerd (he's grown so much over the seasons 🥺)
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
I totally didn't almost cry while making this 👍
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fanficaddictionisreal · 2 months
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fanficaddictionisreal · 3 months
Mike in s5: (according to leaks and interviews) : he's wearing Will's shoes, El is gonna break up with him (or maybe he's gonna break up with her first), he's gonna be the leader of the party again and he's gonna listen to what Will told him in the van, he's gonna be himself and he's gonna do what he wants and he won't have to do things just because people expect them from him, Will is gonna kiss his forehead, he's gonna be really protective of Will and he's gonna bond with Robin about his fear of Will being in danger, he's gonna kiss Will (obviously)
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