ezekieljoness · 6 years
Hey! Is EJAW 2018 happening?
Probably, I'm waiting to see how the season ends before I decide for sure.
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ezekieljoness · 6 years
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#when he isn’t looking
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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2nd Round. Vote for The Librarians and The Fatal Separation.
@thelibrarianstv  @pyresrpgear @thelibrarianstnt @summer-smells @kingdomkeeperofthelibrary @sanzochan @excaliburfeels @jazekiel @ezekieljoness @cassandracilian @jassandratrash @flynnscarnation
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
ezekiel's line "better to be lucky than lucky to be smart" is also a line in the musical pippin, which is kind of an obscure show, so like he's 100% a secret theater geek.
That’s an interesting fact, anon. Our Ezekiel a secret theatre fan?! I can see it.
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
Thank you everyone who participated in EJAW 2017! I have loved seeing your works and your thoughts on the many different aspects of Ezekiel's story, as did everyone else. The prompts are still available and anyone who wants to join in late should feel free to do so as I will keep an eye on the tag for the following month. It was a great week of sharing and celebrating, thank you all.
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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➸ Ezekiel Jones Appreciation Week
Day 7: Free Day - I’m still screaming about that tiny bit of Ezekiel’s backstory plus John’s acting this whole scene like holy shit I always cry
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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Honestly, Ezekiel’s had a lot of good looks, but this t-shirt from Image of Image was what came to mind immediately for the prompt ‘favourite outfit’ (and I haven’t seen anyone else post it I don’t think?). I also really dig when he does the collared-shirt-and-a-hoodie thing? I guess my favourite looks on any character are always the comfy-casual ones (bc that’s my style) and Ezekiel has a lot of those, which is probably why his is my favourite wardrobe on the show in general… But honestly I would steal this shirt if I could, I totally love it. Also, the helmet’s cute and I love his stickers.
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
EJAW extravaganza post
I missed a bunch of days so I’m just going to add them In this post it’s gonna be a long one so please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle and enjoy the ride☺️😊😀
This one is the most difficult thing in the world I mean I love his and eve’s relationship but he’s so cute with Cassandra but jazekiel is my otp and him and Jenkins makes me so happy and Flynn and Ezekiels interactions are great
You know what it’s my post so I’m just going to talk about his relationships with all the characters
CASSANDRA Ezekiel and Cassandra have had such a good dynamic since the start of the show by episode three they are holding hands and looking out for each other. I think their relationship is a very sibling esque one I don’t ship them romantically because they are just so great as friends they support each other and care for each other and just ugh I love them.
JAKE Ezekiel and jake are the cutest people on the fucking planet I love all of their interactions they love and care for each other a lot I’m going to die from feels If I use any examples EVE They have a mother son relationship and it’s so healthy and pure she’s so loving towards him and in return he listens to her and trusts her so much she believes in him and he believes in her JENKINS Jenkins and Ezekiels relationship is mutual respect it’s obvious that they both care deeply For one another but they show it in different ways I think my favourite relationship that he has is with eve FAVOURITE RELATIONSHIP WITH A MINOR CHARACTER this one is easy for me I love his relationship with Jamie from the fables of doom he immediately protects her and tries to cheer her up and he listens to her unlike most of the adults and she puts her trust in him SONG LYRICS OR POEM THAT REMINDS ME OF EZEKIEL I have a few “Who will fix me now dive in when I’m down save me from myself don’t let me drown” -Drown ,bring me the horizons “You’ve been on this road to long, hearing music but it’s not your song, try to scream but your voice is gone , letting pockets hold your hands ” -Hold on , xtreme music “Who am I , who am I , when I don’t know myself” - invisible , 5sos “Run run lost boy , they say to me , away from all of reality ” -lost boy , Ruth b “So take me back , when I believed, back when I was un-afraid just like a thief ” -Thief , imagine dragons These song lyrics all just remind me of ezekiel after the point of salvation it’s canon that he remembers but he didn’t tell anybody so he probably feels alone sometimes he also runs away from his feelings a lot thief by imagine dragons makes me think of how he isn’t fearless anymore and he finally cares about something other than stealing Also I recommend you listen to all those songs if you haven’t already FAVOURITE OUTFIT / COLOUR These are some of my favourites
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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EJAW 2017 DAY SIX: FAVORITE EZEKIEL OUTFIT don’t even get me STARTED on the pirate look guys
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
Day 6: Fav Outfit/color on Ezekiel
So I think Season 3 was very kind to this subject, especially in “And the Fatal Separation” (3x09). Not only is there the land pirate/mercenary outfit, there’s that puple shirt too when they’re on the train. And we can’t forget his snake charmer outfit in “And the Tears of a Clown” (3x05), I mean those abs…
In terms of snazzy outfits, Ezekiel’s clubbing outfit in “And the Image of an Image” (2x07) was pretty neat (though honestly everyone was lookin great in that).  And there’s also his secret agent suit in “And the Happily Ever Afters” (2x09), and his museum outfit (blazer and khakis I think) in “And the Drowned Book” (2x01) looked good on him too.
Honestly I don’t think there’s anything he’s worn that I hadn’t liked on him. Blues and maroons suit him really well in my opinion, and black looks good on most anyone. And Ezekiel in sweaters, man, he looks so cozy and, well, librarian-like. So since I can’t choose, gonna just put a few gifs of my favs (that i can find through the tumblr gif thing anyway).
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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EJAW 2017 || Day 6: Fave Outfit/Color || Blue
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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➸ Ezekiel Jones Appreciation Week
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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EJAW 2017 || Day 5: A Song You Link to Ezekiel|| Just Give Me A Reason
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
It is damn near impossible to pick a single favourite Ezekiel line, but here are some good Ezekiel quotes from my ever-growing ‘notes and quotes’ collection (which, for the record, is still incomplete/patchy for various reasons). hopefully I have transcribed these correctly but no guarantees, you know how it is
“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or… what’s heaven for?” (1x01)
To Jake: “You are one strange cowboy.” (1x01)
“I won’t risk my life! But, I assume I can outrun anything, so… I’m in.” (1x03)
“Everybody lies! Except me.” (2x03)
“Werewolves, mate. And not the dorky Taylor Lautner kind.” (3x02)
“Never tie up a thief!” (3x08) [a classic tbh]
I’m surprised I don’t have more than that but my latest rewatch (in which I was making more detailed notes and writing down more direct quotes) got interrupted early on and I haven’t picked it back up so I guess that’s why
Anyway Ezekiel is very very good
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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EJAW 2017 || Day 4: Fave Line || Tell Your Real Story
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
Day 5: Fav Reference Ezekiel Said
So this one was super easy for me, cuz my inner Whovian went crazy when Ezekiel compared the house in “And the Heart of Darkness” (1x08) to the Tardis since it could teleport around.
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And that reference got even better in the next season in “And the Final Curtain” (2x10) where they go to the time machine room in the Library…which had a tardis in it.
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And in the first ep of Season 3 “And in the Rise of Chaos” there were the mannequins that suddenly came alive…which was some super strong auton vibes from Doctor Who, which John Kim confirmed on twitter.
Honestly as the Librarians started, I was already waning pretty quickly in my obsession with Doctor Who with the whole Doctor change, meh writing, and the Clara thing (not a fan of her really). So the Librarians took me back to the good times, reminding me of the fun and funny Doctor Who, with smart but also goofy characters who were all really well written and allowed to grow.
I’m also a nerd for lore and mythology so of course the Librarians fulfills that need loads. I was really into Indiana Jones as a kid, then Merlin happened, and Supernatural happened, then Atlantis happened for a season on BBC. I mean don’t get me wrong, I also love sci-fi, Star Trek especially, but there’s just something about exploring stuff from the distant past that gets me going.
Wow I diverged there, but yeah, the Doctor Who references in the Librarians made me smile
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ezekieljoness · 7 years
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➸ Ezekiel Jones Appreciation Week
Day 5: Favorite Pop Culture Mention - Poltergeist Reference
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