expeditionblog · 9 years
Andrew J. Young's invitation is awaiting your response
Andrew J. Young would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=3gOe38Mc3sQe3kNfkh9rCZFt65QqnpKqioTd75RoSp2iPRVpkJApn9xq7cCej5vs7xBnTpKqjRHpipOpmhKqmRBsyRQs6lzoS4JoyRDtCVFnSRJrScJr6RBfmtKqmJzon9Q9ClQqnpKimtBkClOs3Rx9DkQbjxGoSRQdjdFbj0TsjxzrjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= View Andrew J. Young&n.com/blink?simpleRedirect=3ANnT1UplZSrCAZqSkCsClArCBJpn8Jt71BoSdxbm8JpTpKqlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2pSs6UZt2pRd2QUqCdJt3kPqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe here: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=1JrSd5cylOr69JtngMd2lHqDBTtThxsTEUumpGfmNFomRB9z0Sc30OfmhF9zgOe38Mc3sQe3kNfmhFpOoVclZMu6lvtCVFfmJB9C9RsSVRbmoJoS9BrlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2pLrSsZt2pRd2QUqCdJt3kPqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=7kQbjxGoSRQdjdFbj0TsjxzrjRAqmkCtTdGkiRHc6dbrjhygm4JjB55mllfdCxve2RjpQMQjzx5nQlnilxJjBFqhCl6j70Jq5B4rldFcTBfl54Vi79xp6MOhCZlgk51kjpke4kTqkJBqPB7kk4Zp6BLr2oVclZMu6lvtCVFfmJB9B4ScSh5hSxmhD9JhB51fmVBqSZkp6BJ9CVRr3RQ9DkQbjxGoSRQdjdFbj0TsjxzrjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= Learn why we included this at the following link: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=e3wTd3RAimlIoSBQsC4Cej5vs7xBnTpKqjRHpipIsBlBoSBSsCljsClJrThPtmcZoipRd2QUqCdJt3kPqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= © 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
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expeditionblog · 9 years
Andrew J. Young's invitation is awaiting your response
Andrew J. Young would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Accept: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=3gOe38Mc3sQe3kNfkh9rCZFt65QqnpKqioTd75RoSp2iPRVpkJApn9xq7cCej5vs7xBnTpKqjRHpipOpmhKqmRBsyRQs6lzoS4JoyRDtCVFnSRJrScJr6RBfmtKqmJzon9Q9ClQqnpKimtBkClOs3Rx9DsObnwUq34Ru39Fbj0TsjxzrjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= View Andrew J. Young&n.com/blink?simpleRedirect=3ANnT1UplZSrCAZqSkCsClArCBJpn8Jt71BoSdxbm8JpTpKqlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2pSs6UZt2pTcyRUe6wNdnwOqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe here: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=1JrSd5cylOr69JtngMd2lHqDBTtThxsTEUumpGfmNFomRB9z0Sc30OfmhF9zgOe38Mc3sQe3kNfmhFpOoVclZMu6lvtCVFfmJB9C9RsSVRbmoJoS9BrlZJrmZzbmNJpjRDrCBHoS5Ot2pLrSsZt2pTcyRUe6wNdnwOqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=7sObnwUq34Ru39Fbj0TsjxzrjRAqmkCtQNhmD5Bu75gd6ZSq75yqAxHgzd8tBZOoDtvp58Mhnpvm6dEt4JSoldhlkRVtnkPmkdihj1RmDtPgjlFgDkSinBGrmVlgk51pS9foPBEpChIon17kk4Zp6BLr2oVclZMu6lvtCVFfmJB9B4ScSh5hSxmhD9JhB51fmVBqSZkp6BJ9CVRr3RQ9DsObnwUq34Ru39Fbj0TsjxzrjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= Learn why we included this at the following link: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=e3wTd3RAimlIoSBQsC4Cej5vs7xBnTpKqjRHpipIsBlBoSBSsCljsClJrThPtmcZoipTcyRUe6wNdnwOqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= © 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
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expeditionblog · 9 years
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn
Hi, I&ssional network on LinkedIn. - Andrew J. Accept: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=3gOe38Mc3sQe3kNfkh9rCZFt65QqnpKqioTd75RoSp2iPRVpkJApn9xq7cCt7dBtmtvpnhFtCVFfmJB9C5QoORBt6BSrCAJt7dBtmsJr6RBfmtKqmJzon9Q9ClQqnpKimtBkClOs3Rx9z4TbjtNqmFxrj9Fbj0TsjxzrjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= You received an invitation to connect. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. Unsubscribe here: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=0NdOQTsmBGomQOqiQMdT4UoSQZp6BB9DtmlRhke6R3rQNNpQtyk6pRpRphhT4NcAlOukhTemtAh5l5qRpjhCRqt5tApz1cijdAqCtLlCZNu3xkdnxxskVWp5ZJlk51gk5StjoUsTtgnTkJhl51fmhFrSMCt7dBtmtvpnhFtCVFfmJB9B4ScSh5hSxmhD9JhB51fmVBqSZkp6BJ9CVRr3RQ9z4TbjtNqmFxrj9Fbj0TsjxzrjRBfP9SbSkLrmZzbCVFp6lHrCBIbDtTtOYLeDdMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= Learn why we included this at the following link: http://www.linkedin.com/blink?simpleRedirect=3wUdPgZp4BBr6dFt79x9DhPpnlDnSlQqnpKqjRHpipIsBlBoSBSsCljsClJrThPtmcZoioNdOQTsmBGomQOqiQMdT4UoSQZpjYOtyZBbSRLoOVKqmhBqSVFr2VTtTsLbPFMt7hE&msgID=I8372322508_1&markAsRead= © 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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20 Expedition conditions. Students are being assessed on every one.
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expeditionblog · 11 years
DofE Assessments Galore
After a very successful DofE Bronze expedition our Silver Award students are high on the Brecon Beacons. Having camped wild last night they will start a long and challenging day 2 route. All are looking good so far and in great spirits!
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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Beacon Batch Checkpoint. Day 2. Students striding through making excellent progress.
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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DofE Bronze Assessment 2013. A really super performance from the teams of boys and girls from Beechen Cliff and Hayesfield School.
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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Debrief at end of Bronze Assessment. Well done boys!
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expeditionblog · 11 years
DofE Bronze Pre-assessment Expedition June 2013
100 students (58 girls, 42 boys) from Beechen Cliff School for Boys and Hayesfield Girl's School took part in their first experience of DofE expeditions on the 6 and 7 June 2013. This was the preparation for their assessment on the Mendips which will take place later this month.
DofE builds character in so many ways. Students have a lot of fun and yet they learn by doing and many have to cope with some failures along the way to success. Team work becomes essential as teams need to look after one another, and plan their cooking, tents and routes together. 
The students are to be commended for a really positive start to their Duke of Edinburgh qualification. They navigated themselves over a 15 mile route and learnt about camp craft and teamwork. They will need to prepare well for assessment, working on their kit choice, navigation and fitness. 
Activities over the 2 days included the expedition and camping alongside classroom sessions on best practice when in mountainous environments and an orienteering session to keep fine tuning that navigation.
It was as ever a superb team effort from the 12 staff at Beechen Cliff and Hayesfield: a very successful launch of the Bronze DofE programme to add to the vibrant and well established Silver and Gold programmes. Special mention should be given to Dave Brewer (ML, MLW) who masterminded an excellent set of routes, choice of campsite and classroom sessions. Thanks to the core teams at both schools for your hard work and long hours spent supporting the students on this trip.
The weather was clear and sunny on day 1, followed by a humid day with cloud and rain by the afternoon on day 2 - always pack a waterproof when walking in the UK! 
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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On the Duke of Edinburgh, our groups navigate themselves through the countryside and mountainous areas. They are met at checkpoints by staff who check that the group are fulfilling the 20 Expedition Conditions
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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The group stop to navigate from the map on the outskirts of Upton Cheyney. The weather on day 1 was fantastic. Good weather makes navigation easier but means suntan lotion, sunglasses and hats are a must!
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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Big rucksacks can present a problem at some gates, as Olivia discovers here!
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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First Duke of Edinburgh briefing for our Year 9 Bronze students. A chance to hear about reccommended expedition equipment and E-DofE.
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expeditionblog · 11 years
DofE Silver Expedition Training, April 2013
Hayesfield and Beechen Cliff Schools took 99 year 10 students (58 Hayesfield girls, and 41 Beechen Cliff boys) to the Black Mountains in Wales for two days of expedition training, supported by a team of 20 staff led by John Young (IML) and 4 DofE Gold sixth formers. This involved camp craft, navigation training and self-guided walking. Year 10 were a real credit to their schools, showing many of the characteristics we look for in DofE aspirants.
The Black Mountains were the backdrop to a busy and exciting few days. On day 1 students set up camp at The Castle Inn at Pengenffordd. They were then taken on guided navigation training by teams of 2 staff. We looked at map work, route finding over steep ground, teamwork and leadership, compass bearings and micro-navigation (estimating distance with time and pacing). By the end of the day the students were able to work as a team, and had begun to navigate themselves independently across the mountains.
In the evening, the students did a super job of cooking hot meals on camp stoves and bedding down for a cold April night. They rose early on day 2. It was time to test those navigation skills on a long and challenging valley route. The groups worked independently of the staff, who manned checkpoints along the route. The weather closed in (again!) and cold winds, rain and low cloud made for dangerous conditions. This is when your resilience is really tested and it becomes vital to wear the right clothing to protect yourself from the weather.
Through a combination of admirable maturity from our year 10s and relentless work from our team of staff all made it back to base safely with a smile on their faces, muddy boots and plenty of stories to tell friends and family back home.
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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Photos from navigation training on day 1 with views of Mynydd Troed and Llangors lake. 
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expeditionblog · 11 years
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Our sixth form DofE Gold team were a great help this weekend.
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