everettemontgomery · 24 days
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this old doodle i had of daniel working at a kfc KJALKJFSM
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everettemontgomery · 24 days
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Theres a lot to go over here so bear with the word vomit and. image vomit.
The Vanderblum family is ling standing wizarding family. Theyve been around for centuries, much like many pureblood families. The difference is, they stopped being regarded as a pureblood lineage. From the founder(term being used loosely) of the Vanderblum family; Wiley Vanderblum, the family was totally pureblooded. However, like the Malfoy family they were strictly against inbreeding. However unlike the Malfoy family they never became regarded as a Sacred 28 family, nor do they have any relation to the Sacred 28 families.
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Ira Vanderblum was the defecter of the family who married a Part Veela and subsequently has two Part Veela sons. His father Eugene, the tradtional man that he was, was openly disaproving of their marriage. Ira's mother sided with Eugene and eventually Ira moved him and Maizey to the British Isles, where he family was originally from further inland. Idris, the other of Iras sons looked more like his mother, as hed inherited her red hair and green eyes, whereas Hayward was almost a carbon copy of his father. The only difference being the stark white parts of his hair.
The other side of the family, the Eilanders were a family of mostly Irish wizards. From what is known about them, their line always had traces of Veela blood, as Oisìn Eilander had had two Half Veela sons with an unknown, or multiple, unknown Veela. Both Married halfblooded witches. Penka Eilanders mother, however is half Veela as well, making her 1/4 veela whereas her cousins are all 1/8 veela.
Ira, was not a good father. Despite the mandate by the Ministry against Underage magic use, Ira pushed his sons to learn magic faster to be better than their peers. If they ever made a mistake, he would spell them. Most of the spells they boys sport are from their father. Ira pit his sons against eachothwr for a long time, having then use eachother as test dummies for spells. That was until he died. The offical story was that his age had clouded his mind, and he happened to walk into a dementor on the grounds of their estate. The real story was that Hayward had finally snapped and an unfortunatetly timed spell put his father in the path of a dementor.
Of them, Idris is the oldest followed by Deckard by about two years, and then Hayward and Penka by another five. (When Idris was in his seventh year, Deckard was in his fifth and Hayward and Penka werent even in school). Idris was in fact present for the battle of Hogwarts, he suffered a disabling injury that happened to sever a nerve in Idris's leg as well as shatter the bones, rendering it unusable for years. Now in his 30's he has partial mobility with and without a cane, however that was only after years of physical therapy. Hayward and Penka started school seven years after. (In canon terms they would be third years when MC starts school)
Just before his sixth year of hogwarts, Hayward killed her father. He finally snapped during an argument and pushed his father into the path of a dementor that got into the grounds of their manor. Idris was present for this, but was unable to stop what happened. Hayward, understsble went a bit mad. Hed just killed his father, by proxy, but still. He was seventeen and he was a murderer. Surely he'd be thrown in Azkaban for the rest of the life, hed never finish school, hed never work in the ministry, Hed never amount to anything. But of course, not wanting to lose any more of his family, Idris helped Hayward cover up the accident. To this day they are the only two that know the truth.
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Deckard Vanderblum was Dorothy's way if competing with her brother. While they didnt attend the same schools, Deckard and Idris were actually quite close. Despite the rivalry between their parents. Deckard was very quick to become the scapegoat of the family, he absolutely refused to be a tool for his mother and openly despises the way she raised him. He moved out as soon as he graduated from Beuxbatons. Where Idris went on to become an Auror, Deckard practiced less wizarding aligned careers. For a time though, he was in quite a dark place, alone with a mind that was just a little too loud for him. With help, he got himself together and hes doing much better, but its quite evident that Deckard isnt, and frankly never was, all the way there.
Penka Eilander attended Durmstrang. It wouldnt be wrong to say that she seems too soft to handle it, but she holds her own much better than most expect her to. Thats mostly because she, unlike many, knows how to pick her battles. She knows what she can afford to say and do, and when to simply shut up. Shes the oldest in her side of the family, and outside of school often gets saddled with looking after her baby cousins. She doesnt mind too terribly, she understands her aunt needs a break sometimes, but she wishes her cousins werent such nightmares.
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everettemontgomery · 29 days
let’s pour one out for all the janitors who clean and never get enough appreciation
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everettemontgomery · 1 month
Capcut gave me an audio I couldn't resist
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everettemontgomery · 2 months
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Between sixth and seventh year, Everette was attacked by a werewolf while out camping with his uncle. This resulted in a broken wand, and a near death experience on Everettes behalf. Everettes uncle so happened to be a wizard who believed death was a better fate than lycanthropy, but Everette, terified of death, refused to let him watch them die. Everette didnt speak to Linus for a while after that. He keeps his broken wand, at least the bits of it je could collect, in a little jar. As something of a good luck charm. His new wand is made from Fir wood, River monster spine and is 10 inches. Shorter than the last one but equally as swell. Everette himself is quite adept at wandless magic and while some would brand him insane, has quite the bond with his wand. Which is what allows him to be able to transfigure his wand into a staff. When hes not using it that is.
After graduating Hogwarts, Ev goes on to become a Magizoolologist. He specializes in Occamies and Werewolves. He gets to live in his own special little cabin in coastal finland and have a happy little life rehabilitation Fantastic Beasts. And also defaming the Ministry. And also defaming MACUSA. Everette is the D1 "Vote the fuckers out" advocate. Occasionally he returns to Hogwarts as well, as something as a guest speaker for the Care of Magical creatures class. He likes to bring in one of the beasts hes currently rehabilitating to help teach students more about them.
And, just to spit in the Ministries face even more; Everette writes books about his time at Hogwarts. And publishes it for muggles. Its branded as fantasy, and obviously theres details changed for peoples safety. But it's not TECHNICALLY in violation of any rule or statute and Everette has quite a time of it.
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everettemontgomery · 2 months
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everettemontgomery · 2 months
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I thought they looked/acted similar and it genuinely cracks me up
So i drew Crow(@toastmarshmellow) and Ev being silly :3
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everettemontgomery · 2 months
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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Some doodles! Crow and their lovely boyfriends!
(Since I couldn’t chose who crow should be with. I said “both. Both is is good!”)
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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god i love them all
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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i told yall i had a problem
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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Guys i think i have a problem
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
Carpenter in ep four talking about choosing what kills her, Vaughan talking about choosing what eats them in ep 6 and Vaughan in ep 7 trying to escape their work sacrifice but ultimately getting caught and sacrificed anyway I'm SAD
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everettemontgomery · 3 months
hi welcome to hpmablr! your mc is so cute :^)
OH EM GEE THANK YOUUU !!! I love it over here !! /ref
All seriousness tho, everyones ocs are so interesting and cool and I like them very much
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