ethonydawn · 6 years
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🌈Awakened Soul Oracle Wisdom 🌈 Fun 🌈 Things may feel a little heavy right now and it can for sure take some effort to make time for fun but if you are seeing this card today fun may be exactly what you need. Even if it is something small, what can you do to bring some fun into your life?
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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The lovely @jessi_huntenburg is back teaching at Tarot Summer School for another year and she has given us quite the gift with her course for 2018. ⭐ Link in Profile⭐ Ancestral Healing | A Tarot Journey. In this course, you'll... ~ create a detailed tarot map of your family tree so you can understand your psycho-spiritual and genetic legacy on a macrocosmic level ~ make connections between the "dark" cards of the tarot and events and cycles that govern your family's shadows ~ identify the challenging traits you've inherited and begin the process of breaking the cycle to create a healthier, happier legacy ~ craft and perform a forgiveness ritual so you can release resentment and live in your personal power ~ connect with your ancestors so you can learn, let go, and heal The course includes eight videos totalling 2.5 hours, five original tarot spreads, 30 journal questions, and five exercises to help you along this journey. I look forward to seeing you at Tarot Summer School! Ancestral Healing Course Outline Module One Video: Introduction + “Drawing” Your Family Tree Exercise: Family Tree Unconscious/Conscious Tarot Spread + Reading Reflection Module Two Video: Skeletons in the Closet—Shedding Light on Your Collective Family Shadow Exercise: Exploring Family Narratives Through the “Dark” Cards of Tarot Module Three Video: Exploring Harmful Dynamics, Patterns, and Behaviors in the Nuclear Family And so much more ⭐️Link in Profile ⭐️
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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1. I am Resting - The Goddess Pasithea - If you are feeling fatigued and have been drawn to this card you are in dire need of some time and space for restoration. A good night sleep, meditation, a long walk in nature to recharge the batteries, however you need this to happen for yourself make it a priority. You can not be of service to yourself or others when you are running on empty. Put your phone on airplane mode, get a babysitter and cozy up with your favorite blanket for a day of restoration. 2. I am Beauty - The Goddess Iris - You are beautiful. I am going to say it again for the people who didn’t quite let that sink in. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. No doubt it can be hard when you don’t even have to step outside you front door before many people are trying to tell you just how imperfect you are. Know that this all just comes from a place of wanting your hard earned cash. It is not a reflection of the beauty that you are. 2. I am Heard - The Harpy Ocypete - Now, this magical creature was often misinterpreted as a horrid creature. I mean how dare a woman have a strong loud voice? You have been drawn to this card today as a sign to say what you want and NEED to say. Give yourself permission to be heard and to take up space and other people's time. Not only are you worth it but your ideas, art, words of magic and expression deserve air time. Oracle Deck Used - The Red Seeds Oracle - https://theredseeds.wordpress.com/the-red-seeds-oracle/
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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It's Oracle Wednesday! Take a deep breath. Centre yourself and pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. The reveal will be posted here at 3PM PST. Tag a friend who would like to choose their card today.
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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🌈Money Magic Manifestation Monday 🌈 Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your ability to manifest what you need and want? When you begin to develop a deep level of trust in your abilities to manifest it is game changing. Start with things that are easier to build your confidence and then take the next step forward each time you reach a goal. Trust is not built in a day but it does take daily practice. Cards - Money Magic Manifestation Cards by Ethony and Cosmic Affirmation Deck by @cosmic_chica
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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🔥Bad Bitches Tarot Wisdom 🔥 The King of Wands 🔥Do not be afraid to go after what you want. The King of Wands challenges you to use your life, your vision, your precious time and energy in a way that sees you reach your goals and take the path than many are afraid to to achieve success. Failure is nothing, it’s merely a learning experience on the way to your success. How can you channel this Cards energy today?
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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1. Compassion - You are being called to bring your energy into your heart space. See your current situation through this space and come to an understanding through love. Look at solutions that are graceful and soft. Know that this is the best way forward. It is not weakness, it is divine strength to know true kindness. Your acts of kindness and openheartness will have powerful impact in ways that you will likely never see. 2. Grounding - You have drawn to this card today as a reminder to get your body in touch with nature. It has been too long since you were barefoot feeling the ground between your toes. Grounding can not only release negative and stale energy from your body it can allow for the vibrant energy of Gaia to return to your being. Go hug a tree, dive in the ocean, take a walk in nature without shoes. Take some time for an energy exchange with Gaia. 3. Gift - Did you know that you are the most valuable gift on the planet? The Gift card has arrived in your reading today to remind you of this message. The biggest gift you can give others and the world is to be who you really are, sharing your gifts, love, passions and creations with the world without filters or dimming your shine. Oracle deck used - Awakened Soul Oracle - https://ethony.com/product/awakened-soul-oracle-deck/
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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It's Oracle Wednesday! Take a deep breath. Centre yourself and pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. The reveal will be posted here at 3PM PST. Tag a friend who would like to choose their card today. . . . . . . . . . #oraclewednesday #highvibetribe #spiritjunkie #oracle #tarotreading #pagan #moongoddessmagic #awakenedsoul #magic #oraclecards #oracledeck #coven #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #wildsister #empath #higherself #sacredspace #raiseyourvibration #witchcommunity #yogisofinstagram #wicca #sacredcircle #greenwitch #hearthwitch #tarotcommunity #earthmedicine #goddessvibes
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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👑Bad Bitches Tarot Wisdom 👑The Empress + The Eight of Cups = Sometimes the greatest way to enact self care is to walk away. You don’t always have to stay and fight or dig in and wait it out. You have permission to walk away if that is what’s is best for you. Never forget that.
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ethonydawn · 6 years
❤️The Red Seed Oracle ❤️ by Linda Hill ❤️ The full video of my unboxing and first impressions is up on my YouTube channel ❤️
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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💜 Awakened Soul Oracle Wisdom 💜 Mirror 💜 We are all mirrors. We can reflect out to the world our pain and our joy. What kind of energy do you want to be sending out into the world? Know too that you do not have to accept someone else’s perception of you. That is their stuff not yours. Simply say ‘I choose not to accept that’ smile and move on.
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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1. The Holy Mountain - It may be time to seek out some perspective and believe me you are not going to find it where you are. To truly find perspective you are going to have to get moving and try something new. You are being called by your higher self to get out of your comfort zone. This can be as simple as going for a hike in nature and seeking a connection there. It could be asking someone for their wisdom and assistance or meditating before making a choice. Either way, shift your energy and find some new perspectives. 2. Completion - Now is not the time to force something. If there is no longer any progress or growth happening in the situation you are in, it is likely that it is done. While this can be bittersweet before you walk away, take time to celebrate all that you have achieved and gained from it. Closing out a part of your life or relationship or even way of thinking before you move ahead is a lovely way to honor your path and those who have shared it with you. 3. Taming the Wind - Have you been thinking before you speak lately or have you been just throwing words out all over the place and leaving a trail of confusion behind you? You have been called to this card today as a reminder to take a deep breath before you speak and really think about what you are about to communicate. You are the one who is in control of what you speak. Make sure it is in alignment with who you want to be. No one is perfect but even a small pause or change in words can make a huge difference to the way we experience our daily lives. Oracle Deck Used - Mystical Shaman Oracle - https://www.bookdepository.com/Mystical-Shaman-Oracle-Cards-Marcela-Lobos/9781401952501/?a_aid=Ethony
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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🌕Full Moon in Capricorn Tarot Spread 🌕 for the 28th June 2018. Use this powerful energy wisely, it’s an intense moon. 1. Bones – What foundations do you need to lay to succeed right now? 2. Patience – Where do you need to apply patience or what is testing your patience? 3. Plans – What long-term plans are calling you? 4. Ambition – Where do you need to think BIGGER? 5. Support – Where do you need support or how can you support others at risk? Taken from my 2018 Tarot by the Moon Guide Link is in Profile 🌕
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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It's Oracle Wednesday! Take a deep breath. Centre yourself and pick the card that you feel the most drawn to. The reveal will be posted here at 3PM PST. Tag a friend who would like to choose their card today. . . . . . . . . . #oraclewednesday #highvibetribe #spiritjunkie #oracle #tarotreading #pagan #moongoddessmagic #awakenedsoul #magic #oraclecards #oracledeck #coven #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #wildsister #empath #higherself #sacredspace #raiseyourvibration #witchcommunity #yogisofinstagram #wicca #sacredcircle #greenwitch #hearthwitch #tarotcommunity #earthmedicine #goddessvibes
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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🔮Bad Bitches Tarot Wisdom 🔮 The Moon + Page of Cups = Your intuition always knows. If something feels off then know this is your inner compass telling you to check in. Don’t ignore your inner wisdom, it will always keep you not only on the right track but in touch with your true self.
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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🌈Money Magic Manifestation Monday 🌈 If anyone has ever told you that you are never going to be wealthy or financially secure todays Money Magic Mantra is for you. Go on and take that power back and give yourself permission to have the abundant future that you desire!
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ethonydawn · 6 years
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The Light Seer’s & The Muse Tarot both by the increasingly talented and kind and amazing @pixiecurio is live on Kickstarter. I have pledged for both decks. I’m so excited. Congratulations @pixiecurio ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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